mid term study guide answers 2013

Post on 16-May-2015






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Mid-Term Study Guide Answers

Chapters 1-8~ 2013 Exam

Chapter 1

1. What does Stoic mean?

• Believed that a divine intelligence ruled all of nature.

• Brave, courageous, smart, good character

2. Three Economic Reasons why Roman Empire Collapsed.

• 1. Unemployment

• 2. Taxes

• 3. Decline in Trade

Chapter 2

3. Three Facts about Charlemagne

• 1. Crowned Holy Roman Emperor

• 2. Ruled the Franks from 768 to 814 c.e.

• 3. United the Christian lands of Europe.

4. What is the main job of a vassal?

• Protection to a lord and promises to be loyal to that lord. Gave the lord money and food as well as knights in times of need.

5. Know the dates of the following:

• Fall of Rome: 476 c.e.

• Clovis rules the Franks: 481 c.e.• Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor: 800 c.e.• Feudalism established in England: 1066 c.e.

6. Why did the Roman Empire Fall?

• Political instability (no central government), economic problems (money issues) and weak frontiers (barbarians attacked).

Chapter 3

7. Three Facts about Catholic Church

• 1. Largest land holder in Europe. Owned valuable property & land.

• 2. Everything evolved (centered) around the church.

• 3. Church Officials were leaders in the government.

• 4. 1/10 (tithe) of someone’s earnings went to the church.


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9. Why was the Catholic Church so powerful?

• Has the power to excommunicate (kick out someone from church), to abolish (get rid of) selling of official positions and prohibiting (not allowing) bishops electing kings to powerful positions within the church.

10. Why would a church official need to be educated?

• To read from the Bible. To teach others about religion and to help with governmental duties.

Chapter 4

11. Why were many medieval towns built by rivers & trade routes?

• By River: for protection and trade

• By Trade Routes: to help their towns prosper through traveling merchants.

12. What group of people continued to thrive not only in politics, but also

economics?• Merchants

13. What does “Specialization” mean in the world of trade?

• It allows a craftsperson of a certain area to concentrate in one thing so they are known for that craft.

Chapter 5

14. What was the key event for commoners to have a voice in


• King Edward’s I model parliament.

15. What document gave power to the nobles that a king could not take


• Habeas corpus

• Magna Carta

16. Why did commoners have a voice in many areas after the black plague?

• The plague caused many workers to demand for more money and power since too many people had died. These people were also able to acquire land that was left abandoned after its owner died.

17. During the Hundred Years’ War, which group lost the most power and which group gained the most power?

• Lost: Lords

• Gained: Commoners & Monarchs

Chapter 6

18. What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

• Constantinople

19. What is Justinian’s Code?

• He took many laws from the Romans and changed them to fit his Empire in the Western world.

• Systematic Body of Law

20. What is the significance of the dome in many of the churches in the

Byzantine Empire?

• The dome represents heaven.

21. Give three examples of the Constantinople’s geography.

• 1. It is surrounded on three sides of water.

• 2. It was located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

• 3. It had a harbor that could easily be blocked against enemy ships.

22. Who was responsible for rebuilding Constantinople after a riot

that was meant for its emperor?

• Justinian

Chapter 7


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25. List three ways that the geography of the Arabian peninsula influenced the

lives of the Arabs.

• 1. Nomadic lifestyle

• 2. Camels

• 3. Clothing

26. What is adaptation?

• A change in a way of life that allows people to survive in a particular environment.

Chapter 8

27. Although Arabs living on the Arabian peninsula were not united as a nation, they were in what two ways?

• 1. Cultural

• 2. Language

28. Who are the “people of the book” according to Muslims and why?

• Jews and Christians because they also believed in one God.

29. Muhammad taught that the rich should share their wealth with the poor, why did this upset leaders in


• Leaders in Mecca were controlling the wealth and didn’t want to give any to the poor.

30. What does the word “Muslim” mean?

• Muslim means one who surrenders to God.

31. Explain who the Sunni & the Shi’a Muslims felt should be the next “leader” of the Islamic religion.

• Sunnis believe that the best “man” for the job should be the next leader. A Council should pick the leader.

• Shi’a believe that only descendants (relatives) of Muhammad should be the next leader.

Vocabulary Review

32. Natural Law

• The concept that there is a universal order built into nature that can guide moral thinking.

33. serf

• A peasant bound to the land and subject to the will of its owner

34. Vassal

• A person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he has vowed homage and fealty

35. crusader

• A person who fought during the crusades to win back the Holy Land from the Muslims.

• A crusader would wear a tunic (covering) which a red cross on it.

36. pilgrim

• A person that goes on a sacred journey for penance (forgiveness), to cure the sick or to worship at different holy sites.

37. monk

• A man who has taken a solemn vow to devote his life to prayer and service in a monastery.

38. feudalism

• The economic and political system that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.

39. Magna Carta

• A written agreement from 1215 that limited the English king’s power and strengthened the rights of nobles.

40. guild

• An organization of people who work in the same craft or trade.

41. charter

• A written grant of rights and privileges by a ruler or government to a community, class of people, or organization.

42. hierarchy

• A system of organizing people into ranks, with those of higher rank having more power and privileges.

43. pilgrimage

• A journey to a holy site.

44. heretic

• A person who holds beliefs that are contrary to the teachings of a church or other group.

45. philosophy

• A scholar or thinker

46. persecute

• To cause a person to suffer because of his or her beliefs

47. excommunicate

• To formally deprive a person of membership in a church

48. habeas corpus

• The principle that accused persons cannot be held in jail without the consent of a court

49. Mecca

• Birthplace of Muhammad

• Location of the Ka’ba

50. chivalry

• The medieval knight’s code of ideal behavior, including bravery, loyalty, and respect for women

51. polytheist

• A person who believes in more than one god

52. caliph

• A title taken by Muslim rulers who claimed religious authority to rule

53. monarch

• A ruler, such as a king or a queen

54. barter

• To buy and sell by trading goods or services rather than money

55. trade

• The business of buying and selling or exchanging items

56. monotheist

• A person who believes in a single god

57. prophet

• A person who speaks or interprets for God to other people

58. Ka’ba

• A cube shaped shrine located in Mecca.

• Built by Abraham to honor one god.

59. scribe

• A person trained to write or copy documents by hand

60. economic

• Relating to, or based on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

61. military

• Of or relating to soldiers, arms, or war

62. political

• Of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government

63. social

• Of or relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society

64. peninsula

• A portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body by an isthmus; also : a piece of land jutting out into the water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus

65. nomad

• A person who moves from place to place, often in search of water and vegetation.

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