military outreach best practices

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Best Practice Military Outreach Program

Objective: To assist Reserve Component units in the development and implementation of an effective Employer Support Program.

Reference: ESGR 1250.31 Outreach Program, 8 July 2013

Military Outreach Director’s Role: Serves as primary Director for Military Outreach Coordination and Liaison between the State ESGR Committee and National Guard and Reserve Units.

Military Outreach Director’s Responsibilities Coordinate with Field Committee Chair and Area Chairs to ensure a

Military Outreach Coordinator (MOC) is appointed for each RC command/unit.

Provide unit location, contact info, and admin data for all assigned units. Train and supervise Military Outreach Coordinators - minimum 4 hours

USERRA training. Ensure MOCs have necessary materials and resources to effectively

accomplish mission. Maintain a Field Committee listing of actively serving MOC volunteers. Monitor MOC activities using the current Military Outreach Activity Report.

Recruiting Military Outreach Coordinators Conduct a personal meeting with members to:

o Explain the ESGR program and the role of the Military Outreach Coordinators.

o Ask for commitment by completing the paperwork for new volunteers (if they’re new). Gain a Commitment to a Unit Assignment:

o Review listing of units in area (list maintained by the MO Director).o Assign units in Field Committee to a MOC.o Accommodate volunteer, if possible.o Update MO Director files.

Military Outreach Coordinator's Responsibilities Gain an understanding about the RCs and their role in America’s Armed

Forces. Identify assigned units and contact them. Build and maintain files on assigned units including basic unit information. Meet with assigned units to explain their role as Military Outreach


Train and equip the command/unit appointed Employer Relations Representative to provide Employer Relations/USERRA Training.

Promote unit Employer Outreach Activities and the collection of employer data at the unit level and provide assistance as requested.

Provide Employer Relations/USERRA training assistance during mobilization and demobilization activities as requested.

Report results of each contact or activity through the established reporting system to the Field Committee & ESGR HQ.

How to Identify Reserve Component UnitsSources for Retrieving Unit Data:

Guard and Reserve Unit Facilities Stationing (GRUFS) Complete listing of Guard and Reserve Units on state service web sites Contact the appropriate Reserve Component ESGR Coordinator for


Reserve Component Unit Files Each Military Outreach Coordinator must maintain a file on assigned units. Unit Activity Contact Sheet – provides general and detailed info about the


Note - the Unit Activity Contact Sheet is a comprehensive document and may require numerous unit visits/contacts to complete and maintain.

Military Outreach Coordinator Initial Contact with the Unit:

o Make an appointment with Unit Commander: Use an introductory letter or email. Follow-up with a phone call or face-to-face appointment.

o Meet the Commander and the Unit Employer Support Representative (appointed by the commander).

o Determine any employer relations programs they have conducted.o Make sure both understand the purpose for visit – to help them

improve retention with a strong employer relations program.

Military Civilian Protocol: Meeting with Military Leadership: Introduce junior to senior. Be respectful of time and clearly convey purpose of visit. Be prepared and ready to answer questions. Explain your value to the Unit. Leave your contact information Introduction - who you are, why you’re there Determine Unit’s Employer Relations status – ask direct questions, be

inquisitive not accusatory Provide Overview – Explain requirement to provide ESGR/USERRA

information, your role and the components of a unit employer support program.

Provide Assistance to the Unit:

Equip the Unit Employer Support Representative (UESR) Explain Responsibilities Provide ESGR/USERRA training and information (initial, recurring, upon


Internal Controls: What to Monitor:

o USERRA/ESGR Training: When was it conducted? Have all unit members been trained?

o Employer Outreach Events: What events have they conducted? What events are planned?

o Awards Submitted: How many awards were submitted? What percentage of members?

o Complaints Received:o How many Ombudsman cases have been received/resolved?

Unit Employer Relations Program

PURPOSE: Commanders and senior enlisted advisors can help to increase employer support and improve their retention rate by developing and implementing a unit employer relations program.

COMPONENTS: Appoint a Unit Employer Relations Representative Conduct Employer Relations/USERRA Training Implement Unit Employer Outreach Activities.

ESGR ROLE: ESGR can assist in development of program and provide training resources.


Enclosure 1: Unit Data SheetEnclosure 2: Letter of IntroductionEnclosure 3: Thank You Letter


Unit Name:______________________________ UIC:_________ Component:________




Unit Phone:____________________________ Unit Web Site:______________________

Troop Strength: Authorized:______________ Assigned:_________________

Primary Points of Contact: (i.e. Commander, senior enlisted advisor, employer relations representative, full time support personnel; retention counselor; family support coordinator, etc.)

Name:______________________ Rank:__________ Position:_____________________

Phone:_____________________________________ Email:_______________________

Name:______________________ Rank:__________ Position:_____________________

Phone:_____________________________________ Email:_______________________

Name:______________________ Rank:__________ Position:_____________________

Phone:_____________________________________ Email:_______________________

Name:______________________ Rank:__________ Position:_____________________

Phone:_____________________________________ Email:_______________________

Name:______________________ Rank:__________ Position:_____________________

Phone:_____________________________________ Email:_______________________

Employer Information: (Key employers, employers who have received awards, employers who have signed a Statement of Support, etc…) ________________________________________________________________________________









Miscellaneous Information: (Unit mission, history, community involvement, ESGR involvement,











Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve

CPT John Smith CO A, 101st Engineer Battalion Any town, USA 00000

Dear CPT Smith:

I serve as an ESGR Military Liaison volunteer on the (State/territory) ESGR Committee and would like to set up an appointment with you to discuss how I can help you in your retention efforts.

As you may know, ESGR is a Department of Defense agency established to gain and maintain employer support for the Guard and Reserve. We offer numerous programs and services aimed at strengthening employer support and ensuring Guardsman and Reservists are aware of their employment and reemployment rights as required by Department of Defense Directive 1250.1. Never before has support from our employers been so critical to the strength and readiness of the Reserve components. I will contact you soon to schedule a time for us to meet and discuss how the development and implementation of an effective employer relations program can be an essential element to improving retention in your unit.

For further information on ESGR programs and services feel free to visit If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx or via email at I look forward to meeting you in the near future!

Mr. John Jones ESGR Military Outreach Volunteer XX ESGR Committee



Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve

CPT John Smith CO A, 101st Engineer Battalion Any town, USA 00000

Dear CPT Smith:

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me to discuss employer relations and the role of ESGR.

As we discussed, keeping your troops informed of their employment and reemployment rights and requirements and developing strong employer relations with the employers of your unit members is an important part of your retention efforts and critical to the strength and readiness of your unit.

I am looking forward to assisting you and (unit Employer Relations Representative) in the development and implementation of an effective unit employer relations program.

Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me. Please feel free to contact me anytime at xxx-xxx-xxxx or via email at if you have any questions or require any assistance. I look forward to working with you!

Mr. John Jones ESGR Military Outreach Volunteer XX ESGR Committee




State: __________ Military Liaison:___________________ Date:_____________

Unit Name: ________________________ # Personnel Assigned:_____________



Unit Address:_______________________________________ UIC: ___________

Unit Address:____________________________________________

Unit Address:____________________________________________

Full Time POC:________________ Employer Relations Rep:_________________

Commander:_________________ Senior Enlisted Rep:_____________________

Purpose: (Mark the blocks which applies to your activity)

Initial Unit Visit Follow-Up Unit Visit

Employer Outreach Activity (Specify below) Other (Specify below)

Pre-Mobilization Briefing # Briefed _____________

Demobilization Briefing # Briefed _____________

Unit Status: (Check each block that applies and specify below)

Unit has appointed a uniformed Employer Relations Representative

Unit has conducted their own USERRA/employer relations training

Unit has conducted an employer outreach activity

Unit is involved with ESGR


Enclosure 5


The following steps are designed to help the ESGR Military Outreach Volunteer provide assistance to their assigned command(s)/unit(s) to help them develop and implement an effective employer relations program.

________1. Receive list of all military units in your area of responsibility.

________2. Build a unit file on each command/unit.

________3. Make initial contact with each command/unit.

________4. Schedule a face-to-face meeting with the command/unit leadership.

________5. Meet with the leadership to discuss their employer relations program.

________6. Train and equip the appointed employer relations representative.

________7. Provide ESGR training materials, resources and assistance as needed*.

________8. Promote and assist the leadership with employer outreach activities.

________9. Monitor the command’s/unit’s progress and maintain regular contact.

_______10. Report results of visits/contacts to the State Military Outreach Director or Area

Chairperson as applicable.

*At a minimum, ensure each command/unit has:

ESGR/USERRA Pocket Cards (enough for each assigned member - plus extras)

ESGR Mobilization Handout

Patriot Award Submittal Blank Form


Unit Liaison Poster (prominently displayed in a conspicuous location)

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