mobile devices - · mobile devices draft policy contact person margaret roads...

Post on 14-Oct-2019






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Mobile Devices DRAFT Policy

Contact person Margaret Roads

Contact position Principal

Contact Number 8837 3025

Contact Email

Approved by Governing Council

Date approved To be advised

Next review date 25th June 2022

Ardrossan Area School Respect, Creativity, Excellence

Ardrossan Area School is an inclusive learning environment in

which all students can achieve excellence, be creative and

develop the skills necessary for the future.

Our students are creative and critical thinkers who positively

impact on their local and global communities.

Revision Record:

Date Revision Description

4th June 2018 Overall of student use of mobile phones and all management processes.

17th May 2019 Review of mobile phone use

Ardrossan Area School Respect, Creativity, Excellence


Ardrossan Area School acknowledges that mobile devices serve a purpose in both personal and professional

contexts, with responsible use of mobile devices being applicable to all of those within our community.

It is our view that mobile devices should not be used in a way which hinders teaching and learning and/or

personal wellbeing.

Policy Aims

To ensure student learning outcomes and achievement are the primary focus at Ardrossan Area School.

To promote the wellbeing of all members of our school community

What is a mobile device?

Mobile devices include, but are not limited to, phones, tablets, personal laptops, storage devices and

portable music devices.

Mobile Phones

If a student requires the use of a mobile phone before or after school, and therefore possesses it at school, it must be stored in the student’s

individual locker (Years 7-12 students) or in a locked box in the Home Group teacher’s office (Reception—Year 6 students), throughout the

school day. AAS will provide combination locks to Year 7-12 students.

Ardrossan Area School accepts no responsibility for the theft, breakage or loss of a mobile phone if a student brings one onto the site.

No Reception – Year 10 student is permitted to use a mobile phone at any part of the school day whilst on school grounds.

Senior Secondary (Yr 11 & 12) students may request to use their mobile phone to support their learning. Such usage will be at the discretion of

the subject teacher but will only be granted for educational purposes and will not be permitted during recess or lunch breaks.

Students are not permitted to use their mobile phone or a WiFi device to create a personal hotspot that bypasses the school network. The

exception is the AAS WiFi Modem.

Parent/Caregivers who need to contact their child during the school day are expected to do so by phoning the school (88373025). Students who

need to contact their parents are expected to do so via the Front Office (Administration).

Staff are expected to refrain from using their mobile phones for personal reasons, while in class and on yard duty For security reasons, it is

reasonable for staff to keep their mobile phone with them for use in case of an emergency.

This policy includes all camps and excursions. Exceptions may be approved by the Principal.

Phones may be used on the school bus, however, any inappropriate use will result in enactment of the school’s Student Behaviour

Management procedures, as required.

Other circumstances

If the possession and use of a mobile phone is required for a specific issue or matter of urgency by any student, or as part of the student’s One

Plan or Health Care Plan, then this request must be made by a parent or caregiver to the Principal in writing. The Principal reserves the right to

reject such a request. Any student will be clearly identified to staff.

Consequences for inappropriate use or possession of mobile phones

Students will be asked to take their phone to the Front Office to be placed in a clearly named envelope and stored securely until collected by the

student at the end of the school day.

For repeat offenders (3rd offence), contact will be made with the parent/carer requesting for them to collect the phone from the Front Office.

Continued inappropriate use will result in a meeting between with the student, parent/carer and member of Leadership and a Behaviour Plan

put in place.

Ardrossan Area School Respect, Creativity, Excellence

Other Mobile Devices

Other mobile devices can be used at school if the use supports and/or enhances learning. The appropriate use of a mobile device, other than

phones, should be negotiated with the classroom teacher.

For privately owned devices, the owner of the device and their parent/carer must complete the Ardrossan Area School BYOD (Bring Your Own

Device) Agreement. Students and parents/carers must understand and accept they are responsible for the device and the school is not liable

for loss or damage.

Consequences for inappropriate use of other mobile devices

Inappropriate use of the mobile device will result in permission for the use of the device being withdrawn, by the class teacher.

Any further inappropriate use of the device will result in the device being taken to the Front Office by the offending user and stored securely until

the end of the school day.

For repeat offenders (3rd offence), contact will be made with the parent/carer requesting for them to collect the device from the Front Office.

The recording, audio and/or visually, of another person without their permission is a breach of the Privacy Legislation and is therefore illegal.

Distributing or publically sharing of any of these types of recordings is also illegal. Students found to be engaging in this type of behaviour will be

suspended, at the discretion of the Principal.

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