moonstone quilt guild moonstone quilters relay team ...€¦ · moonstone quilt guild speaker for...

Post on 28-Apr-2018






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Meeting:  Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 

Christ the King Church Community Hall, 1951 McKinleyville Road, McKinleyville 

Moonstone Quilt Guild Speaker for March

Ann Anderson—Fun with Color I will present some basic concepts of color in quilting along with hands-on exercises. If you can, bring some scraps of fabric, about 3" x 3" (roughly). Choose any colors you like. If you can't bring fabric, don't worry, I will bring some. Real quilts will be used as examples. Please bring some of your quilts that you think work well in terms of color and some where you think the color choices could have been better. We will discuss them as a group. Ann

Moonstone Quilters Relay Team

RETREAT: Don’t forget to sign up for the one-day retreat (with lunch provided) to be held on April 11th at Christ the King Church. Call Jeannie at 825-8701 to reserve a spot. Remember, the $40 is a donation to the American Cancer Society. The “Walkabout” pattern is quite easy and has stunning results. I hope to sponsor one or two junior quilters to take the class. Janet Fesler has volunteered to be their assistant for the day.

RELAY: We are getting excited about actually participating in the Relay for Life on July 11th and 12th at Halvorson Park (near the Adorni Center). We will be piecing 5” squares into 4-patch blocks during the 24-hour event. We hope to involve the public in piecing some blocks with us (or at least picking out fabric squares to put into a block). The blocks can later be made into a community quilt. We are also working on Humbug Bags, key fobs, little wallets, and market bags to sell during the event. We also have an opportunity to submit auction items (quilts, maybe) to an event called “Wings for a Cure” to be held on June 5th. Our team will get credit for whatever funds our items bring in. So we could use some help cutting out 5” squares, sewing bags, or providing items for the auction. We also need people to sign up for a 2-hour shift of sewing at the event (machines and supplies will be provided). Contact us if you can help in any way.

Jeannie Buerer, 825-8701 Jan Scheffler, 442-9306 Co-Captains of Moonstone Quilters Team #165

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Moonstone Quilters

Income Statements as of : 28-Feb-15 Last year

February 2015 total as of Income 2015 YTD 2/28/2014

Dues $ 150.00 $ 700.00 $ 849.00 Raffle Table $ 56.00 $ 110.00 $ 109.00 Donation

Total Income: $ 206.00 $ 810.00 $ 958.00 Expenses Postage Newsletters Hall Rental (2015) Hall Rental (2014) Hall Set-up (2015) $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Hall Set-up (2014) $ 112.50 Class Hosting & Quilt (Relay for Life) Programs $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 75.00 Equipment $ 53.66 $ 53.66 Insurance Community Quilts $ 15.99 Donation-REQG-Clarke Museum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Total Expenses: $ 223.66 $ 223.66 $ 203.49 Net Income and Expenses $ (17.66) $ 586.34 $ 754.51 Previous Balance/Beginning Balance: $ 2,899.55 $ 2,295.55 $ 2,333.58 Balance as of: 28-Feb-15 $ 2,881.89 $ 2,881.89 $ 3,088.09

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2015 Moonstone Board

Sharon Stewart 839-8416 Christine Ross 839-4251 JoAnn Hunt 839-7497 Rae Pillor 839-3421 Debbie Davis, Treasurer 616-3572

2015 Moonstone Committees Membership Welcome Table: Dee Anne Jennings 677-0933 Delores Vose 677-9563 Membership Database: Brenda Glyn-Williams 839-2622 Hospitality: JoAnn Hunt 839-7497 Community Quilts: Sharon Stewart Fat Quarter Raffle: Barbara Branco 839-1734 Block-of-the-Month: Rae Pillor 839-3421 Raffle Table: Carol Weaver 839-3870 UFO: Delores Vose 677-9563 Mystery Quilt: Linda Glaros 840-0768 Tina McCullough 839-1298 Relay for Life Team Captain: Jeannie Buerer 825-8701 Newsletter: Jean Avant 839-8158

Guild Membership

$25/year includes monthly meetings from January to October and newsletter subscrip-tion. Guest: $3/meeting

Newsletter Deadline on 10th of month. Articles to be emailed to: Articles may be included in body of email or attached as Word files. For questions, please contact Jean Avant at 839-8158 or at the above email address.

2015 Fat Quarter  

Margaret McNally won the February Valentines Day themed fat quarters. You, too, can be a winner, just bring your batik fat quarters to the March meeting an try your luck. Barbara    

Fat Quarter Schedule

April prints suitable for a baby or young child

May Go wild with flowers

June lets do some solid colors

July sporting prints

August animal prints

September Halloween or harvest theme

October get ready for the season with Christmas fabric

Feedback Needed  I am  looking  for  feedback  from the members to  see  if  there  is  interest  in a  class  from Pat Durbin. Please email me or  call  if you would be interested.   Thank you debsi or  616‐3572.  Debbie 

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Birthdays March 3 Dorothy Bianchi 15 Kim Gunderson April  5 Delores Vose 13 Carol Hansen 13 Christine Ross 15 Margaret Applegate 23 Janet Fesler 25 Sharon Stewart 29 Sarah Gulrich

Community Quilts February was a happy and fun meeting. We laughed, socialized, and put together several quilts that are now ready for a Long arm, straight line, or free motion quilter. Please contact me at 839-8416 or 498-0439 if you are able to quilt for charity, and I will arrange to deliver a beautiful quilt for your quilting pleasure. All your work is much appreciated by the guild and recipients. Thank you for your hard work, skillful hands and big hearts. Sharon Stewart Community Quilts

Membership. We welcomed two new members at our Febru-ary meeting: Leone Menefee and Sharon Stewart. Sharon (some of you may know from REQG) has graciously taken over from Shar Evans as the Community Quilts Committee member. This is a huge task, and we ask that all our members give Sharon all the help that they can. Thank you, Sharon. We also hope that we will soon see Shar back at our meetings. We miss you. Cathy Hamilton has offered to be a mentor in the topic of “long arm quilting;” so if you need help, contact Cathy. She has also volunteered to quilt some of the community quilts. Thank you, Cathy. We also have two members who would like to present a Trunk Show. Both are very talented quilters. We may be a small Quilt Guild; but we hope that each member will become an active participant, either by new quilters being helped to learn through meetings and inspiration of experienced members, or “old-timers” continu-ing their growth in learning new skills and im-provement. With this in mind, make sure that you also come to our April meeting and learn and practice the skill of “fabric folding” being given by Diane Goldsmith Harger. I know that this is a new skill for me. Brenda Glyn-Williams

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Join Us on Wednesday,

March 25 at 7 p.m.

Christ the King Church,


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