
Post on 18-Jul-2015






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To be a great Mentor you need to understand what motivates you…

Motivation = forces acting either on or

within a person to initiate behaviour

Our Challenge is to:

Shift our motivational strength to support one activity from another (e.g. studying rather than facebook)

Have our motivational strength focused on triggering the behaviours that support the goals you have set out to achieve (e.g. completing an assignment)

Focus on what you want to achieve

Break it Down: Create step by step manageable and measurable


What are the individual steps I need to do to achieve this? (e.g. Pass Course= read material, attend lectures, review notes, etc.)

Celebrate each success

(however small)

“We are motivated when we

have achieved”

Self Fulfilling prophecies

Do you expect to pass?or to fail?

If you have the attitude:

“I’ll give it a go but…”

“I’ll never…”

Chances are you will prove yourself right!

Tell yourself (EVERYDAY - literally)

“I am going to succeed”

“ I will pass this course”

Put signs up on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, everywhere… and be specific about what you will achieve!

And what you will gain from achieving it!

A change in Attitude makes anything possible!

How much value you place on a task affects

motivation If you see value in doing the task - motivation


If you see no value in doing the task – motivation decreases

You may be faced with tasks in which you see little value and you’re having trouble getting motivated to complete them….

…. Search for value for yourself ……

How important is it to you?

Take action!

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