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Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Where is the world’s population distributed?

DO NOW: Introduction to Population Survey!

Approximately how many people are alive in our world today?a. 2 billionb. 5 billionc. 7 billiond. 11 billion

The scientific study of population characteristics is a. Sociologyb. Demographyc. Physiologyd. Cartography

True or False_______ There are more people alive today than at any point in Earth’s history._______ Earth’s population is evenly distributed across Earth._______ New York City is one of the most populous cities in the world. _______ The world’s population is increasing slower now than it has in the past._______ Population grows at different rates in different places._______ Less developed countries (LDCs) have lower life expectancies. _______ Overpopulation is a problem in all regions._______ Virtually all population growth is concentrated in less developed countries.

What does it mean to have a high population concentration?

Which regions of the world have the highest population concentrations?

Map Key☐Top 4 Highest Population Concentration Regions ☐Other Population Clusters

Where is the World’s Population Distributed?

2/3 of the world’s inhabitants are clustered in four regions:





Similarities in these four regions:

o Near an ______________________ with access to an ________

o Low-lying areas with __________________ and ________________

o Located in _______________________ (except part of Southeast Asia)


__________ of world’s population

________________________________ – most populous country

Population is not distributed evenly within these countries

most are



______ of world’s population

¾ of this population in _____________ – 2nd most populous country

Most along plains of ___________ and _________________ Rivers


______ of world’s population

¾ of inhabitants live in ____________

Highest concentration in England, Germany and Belgium near ___________________


Most live on series of Islands between Indian and Pacific oceans - __________ _________________________________ _________________________________

_____________________ – world’s fourth most populous country

High percentage of people working on ________________

Together with other Asian concentrations make up more than half of the world’s total

populationOther Population Concentrations

_________________________________ and __________________________________ Like Europeans, most Americans are _______________________

____________________, south facing Atlantic coast Half population found in _________________, most working in


Population Concentrations / Sparsely Populated Regions

Human beings avoid clustering in certain physical environments. Relatively few people live in regions that are too dry, too wet, too cold, or too mountainous for activities such as agriculture. The portion of Earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlement is called the ecumene.

Define ecumene:

What conclusion can you draw from the four maps?

Sparsely Populated Regions

Dry Lands. Areas too dry for farming cover approximately 20% of Earth’s land surface. The largest desert region in the Northern Hemisphere, extending from North Africa to Southwest and Central Asia is known by several names, including Sahara, Arabian, Thar, Takla Makan and Gobi deserts. A smaller desert region, in the Southern Hemisphere, comprises much of Australia.

Although dry lands are generally inhospitable to intensive agriculture, they may contain natural resources useful to people—notably, much of the world’s oil reserves. The increasing demand for these resources as led to a growth in settlements in or near deserts.

Wet Lands. Lands that receive very high levels of precipitation may also be inhospitable for human occupation. These lands are located primarily near the equator in the interiors of South America, Central Africa and Southeast Asia. The combination of rain and heat rapidly depletes nutrients from the soil and thus hinders agriculture.

Cold Lands. Much of the land near the North and South poles is perpetually covered with ice or the ground is permanently frozen. Consequently, the polar regions are unsuitable for planting crops, few animals and survive the extreme cold, and few human beings live there.

High Lands. Finally, relatively few people live at high elevations. The highest mountains in the world are steep, snow covered, and sparsely settled. In Switzerland, approximately half the land is more than 1,000 meters (3,300ft) above sea level, and only 5% of the country’s people live there. Some significant exceptions exist in Latin America and Africa, where higher lands are preferred due to temperatures.

Sparsely Concentrated


Explanation – why is it sparse? Example

Dry Lands

Wet Lands

Cold Lands

High Lands

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