msc international development studies 20200430 beter · 2020. 4. 29. · msc international...

Post on 29-Aug-2020






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MSc International Development Studies (MID)

Online Open Day – 30 April 2020

Welcome at the presentation about the MSc International Development Studies (MID). At the moment the programme team consists of program director Marleen van Maanen-Nooij and study advisers Sudha Loman, Carin Vijfhuizen and Lieke van der Zouwen.

In this presentation

1. Admission criteria

2. The domain of MID

3. Four specialisations

4. Program outline

5. Labour market

6. Why study MID?

7. Financial information

8. More information

9. What else can you do at this open day?


In this presentation you can find information about the following topics: 1. Admission criteria 2. The domain of MID 3. Specialisations 4. Programme elements 5. Labour market 6. Why study MID? 7. Financial information 8. More information 9. What else can you do at this open day?

1. Admission criteria MID


• Relevant study background in social sciences and/or economics

• Technical/ life sciences background? ! MDR

• GPA minimum 70%

• English proficiency

• Academic bachelor in the Netherlands/ English taught HBO bachelor

• HAVO 8 – VWO 7

• IELTS/ TOEFL/ Cambridge/ RATEr etc: see website

• Adequate statistics and/or mathematics

More information and application at

1. Admission criteria

In order to be admissible to this MSc programme, students need to have a social science and/or economics background. With social science we mean disciplines like anthropology, sociology, political science, social geography etcetera. If you have specific questions about your eligibility you can chat with our study advisor or send an email to You can also decide to give it a try and apply at our website.

If you have a technical or life sciences background, or sister programme, the MSc Development and Rural Innovation, might be a better fit. This is a social science programme on development specifically developed for students with a technical, life sciences or relevant management background. See:

Other requirements are a GPA of minimum 70% and sufficient English proficiency:

- An academic bachelor in the Netherlands/ English taught HBO bachelor, or - HAVO 8 – VWO 7, or - IELTS/ TOEFL/ Cambridge/ RATEr

In addition you need to have an adequate background in statistics and/or mathematics.

In your motivation letter you describe why you’re interested in MID and what you’d like to learn. Show that you know what the programme is about.

More specific information and the link to apply is found at

From application to studying MID


You are here: Open Day

Apply for admission


Receive admission


Contact study adviser

to discuss specialisation, courses, and


Arrange Payment = Confirmation

Go to Study Day

18th August

Start classes

31st August

2. The domain of MID




Agro-food networks

Worldwide processes of development and change

International Development

Studies (MID)

• Social transformation processes related to livelihoods, agro-food networks and the environment in a dynamic international context

• In- and exclusion processes, equity, unequal access to resources and sustainability

• Social, economic, political, technological and environmental change

• Various perspectives and different levels

2. The domain of MID In the MSc International Development Studies you focus on the study of worldwide social transformation processes related to livelihoods, agro-food networks and the environment in a dynamic and international context. You learn to study these transformation processes independently, in a comparative perspective and at different levels (local, regional, national and international), paying attention to different types of change: social, economic, political, technological and environmental. Within the program, special attention is given to inclusion and exclusion processes, equity, unequal access to resources and sustainability.

The programme not only gives you a critical understanding of social transformation processes, but also teaches you to integrate and share your knowledge, include the diverging views of different stakeholders, and to work in multidisciplinary teams.

Themes in MID


Worldwide social transformation processes Local, regional, national and international levels

Livelihood strategies Post-disaster

reconstruction and risk reduction

Food security & global food crisis Migration Policy processes and

institutions Property rights

(Lack of) access to resources and

poverty Conflict and resolution Refugees Income disparities Climate change

adaptation International

trade/ Fair trade

Certification of agricultural products Social unrest Microfinance

Rural-urban relations

Sustainable management of

natural resources

Coping with uncertain


EnvironmentAgro-food networksLivelihoods

Themes in MID

From the perspective of worldwide social transformation processes, the MID programme focusses on a large variety of themes. These themes are all connected to livelihoods, agro-food networks and/or the environment. Depending on your specialisation, you will approach these themes with a specific disciplinary perspective (e.g. sociological, economic or a governance perspective).

3. Four specialisations


Sociology of Development

Economics of Development

Inclusive Innovation, Communication and


Politics and Governance of Development

Your choice depends on your background and interests and is made in consultation and agreement with your study adviser

For more detailed

information, see:

3. Four specialisations

Before the start of the programme, you select one of our four specialisations:

- Sociology of Development - Economics of Development - Inclusive Innovation and Communication and Development - Politics and Governance of Development

Your choice depends on your background and interests and is made in consultation and agreement with your study adviser. E.g. you can only select the Economics of Development specialisation if you have a substantial background in economics.

Sociology of Development


Sociology of Development

Sociology of Development and Change

Rural Sociology

Environmental Policy

Disaster Studies

Specialisation courses 1. RSO-34306 Theorizing

Development: Implications for Research

2. SDC-32806 Sociology in Development: Towards a Critical Perspective

3. Choose one course from: • SDC-32306 Anthropology

and Development • RSO-31806 Sociology of

Food and Place • ENP-32806 Sociological

Perspectives on Environmental Change

• SDC-34306 Studying Crisis: Conflict, Disaster and the Social

Disciplinary grounding in sociology and anthropology

Sociology of Development

The Sociology of Development specialisation addresses social transformation processes from sociological and anthropological perspectives, paying special attention to differential responses to change and the shifting dynamics of power relations at different socio-spatial levels. It focuses on the life worlds, ideologies, and organizational strategies of a variety of social actors. You will explore themes such as social unrest, the way people cope with conflicts and disasters, migration, refugees, poverty, food security and sovereignty, property rights, and access to social and natural resources crucial to livelihoods in rural and urban settings.

The specialisation courses are:

1. RSO-34306 Theorizing Development: Implications for Research 2. SDC-32806 Sociology in Development: Towards a Critical Perspective 3. The third specialisation course depends on the chair group you want to write your thesis with. You can choose among the following courses: - SDC-32306 Anthropology and Development - RSO-31806 Sociology of Food and Place - ENP-32806 Sociological Perspectives on Environmental Change - SDC-34306 Studying Crisis: Conflict, Disaster and the Social

In this specialisation you can write your thesis with the following chair groups: Sociology of Development and Change; Disaster studies (which is part of the sociology of development and change group); Rural Sociology; and Environmental Policy.

Economics of Development


Economics of Development

Development Economics

Environmental Economics and

Natural Resources

Agricultural Economics and Rural


Disciplinary grounding in several branches of applied economics

Specialisation courses 1. AEP-21306 Econometrics

2. DEC-32806 Impact Assessment of Policies and Programmes

3. DEC-30306 Central Themes in Economics of Development

Economics of Development

The specialisation Economics of Development approaches the domain of the programme with analytical frameworks primarily composed of several branches of applied economics, such as development economics, resource economics and new institutional economics. You will focus on the behaviour of individuals, groups of individuals and institutions, as well as on the consequences of this behaviour for development at regional, national and international levels. Themes studied include food security and the global food crisis, sustainable use of natural resources, regional economic issues, and the role of agriculture in development, rural-urban income disparities, and poverty.

The specialisation courses are:

1. AEP-21306 Econometrics 2. DEC-32806 Impact Assessment of Policies and Programmes 3. DEC-30306 Central Themes in Economics of Development

In this specialisation you can write your thesis with the following chair groups: Development Economics; Environmental Economics and Natural Resources; and Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy

Inclusive Innovation, Communication and Development


Inclusive Innovation, Communication and


Strategic Communication

Knowledge, Technology

and Innovation

Disciplinary grounding in Science, Technology & Innovation studies and Communication Sciences

Specialisation courses 1. CPT-37306 Politics of Knowledge and

Inclusive Innovation

2. CPT-37806 Researching Socio-Technical Practices, Innovation and Responsible Futures

3. CPT-32806 Change, Inter-human Processes and Communication

Double degree ‘Information and Communication Technology for Development’ (ICT4D)

Inclusive Innovation and Communication and Development

The specialisation Inclusive Innovation, Communication and Development examines the role of knowledge, expertise and communication in development. Science, technology and communication have a bright and a dark side. They can remedy poverty, disease and environmental degradation, but may also worsen underdevelopment, conflict and inequality. To understand such dynamics, you will apply ethnographic and interaction-oriented perspectives from Science, Technology and Innovation Studies and Communication Sciences. You will focus on how and why people, views and values become included or excluded in social and technical change, and on strategies for the democratisation of science, technology and communication for development.

The specialisation courses are:

1. CPT-37306 Politics of Knowledge and Inclusive Innovation 2. CPT-37806 Researching Socio-Technical Practices, Innovation and Responsible Futures 3. CPT-32806 Change, Inter-human Processes and Communication

In this specialisation you can write your thesis with the following chair groups: Strategic Communication (COM); and Knowledge, Technology and Innovation (KTI).

Within this specialisation you can apply for the double degree programme ‘Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D)’. For more information please check

Politics and Governance of Development


Politics and Governance of Development

Environmental Policy

Rural and Environmental


Public Administration

and Policy

Sociology of Development and Change

Disciplinary grounding in international relations, public policy, governance studies, political and legal anthropology

Specialisation courses 1. ENP-30506 Theories on

Politics and Governance

2. PAP-31306 Politics, Policy Making and Accountability in International Arenas for Development

3. SDC-35806 Politics of Development: State, Property and Resistance

Selective track option: Sustainable Development Diplomacy (SDD)

Politics and Governance of Development

The specialisation Politics and Governance of Development focuses on the dynamics of political and governance processes in the domain of international development. The first major theme is about politics and reform of international arenas (UN, bilateral, private) addressing food insecurity, resource conflicts, climate change, human rights violations and their interrelations. The second major theme is about different powers of state and non-state actors in shaping property and access to natural resources. To address these themes, you will use and develop perspectives from international relations, public policy, governance studies, political anthropology and legal pluralism.

The specialisation courses are:

1. ENP-30506 Theories on Politics and Governance 2. PAP-31306 Politics, Policy Making and Accountability in International Arenas for Development 3. SDC-35806 Politics of Development: State, Property and Resistance

In this specialisation you can write your thesis with the following chair groups: Environmental Policy (ENP); Public Administration and Policy (PAP); Rural and Environmental History (RHI); and Sociology of Development and Change (SDC)

This specialisation offers the opportunity to apply for the selective Sustainable Development Diplomacy (SDD) track, see:

4. Programme outline


Year 1 Common courses (2 x 6 credits) • SDC-36306 Perspectives and Themes in International Development Studies

• CPT-36806 Critical Reflection on Research in International Development


Specialisation courses (3 x 6 credits)

Profiling courses/ Supporting courses (18 credits)

Academic Consultancy Training (9 credits) YMC-60809 + Modular Skills Training (3 credits)

Year 2 Thesis (36 credits)

Internship (24 credits)

Courses and thesis and internship supervision are provided by chair groups

4. Programme outline

MID is a fulltime two year programme. In the first year you mainly follow courses.

Two common courses are followed by all MID students, regardless of their specialisation:

- SDC-36306 Perspectives and Themes in International Development Studies - CPT-36806 Critical Reflection on Research in International Development Practice

In addition you will follow three specialisation courses, as described earlier in this presentation.

Next to that, you have 18 ECTs to be filled by supporting and/or profiling courses. Supporting courses are courses that the study adviser may require you to do, in case certain required knowledge was not covered by your study background.

You can choose profiling courses according to your own interest: to specialise on a certain theme and/or to deepen disciplinary or methodological knowledge.

In the course Academic Consultancy Training (ACT) you work with students from other programmes as a consultancy team on a ‘real life’ project for a client (for example an NGO, a university, an institute or a company) represented by a commissioner, and are advised by a coach. As such, this unique course helps you reflecting on and developing your professional skills. Next to ACT you will follow two skills modules (MOS) of 1.5 credit on a topic of your interest to prepare you for a job on MSc level.

In the second year you will conduct your own thesis research of about six months and follow an academic internship of about four months.

Chair groups Your thesis and internship are supervised by one of the chair groups that are connected to MID. The chair groups conduct the fundamental research and deliver the courses at WUR. Each chair group, under leadership of a professor, has its own area of expertise. An overview of all chair groups is found at

Calendar Academic Year 2020-2021


Study planning and calendar

At WUR an academic year is divided into six educational periods. Period 1, 2, 5 and 6 are all eight weeks, including exams. Period 3 and 4 are only four weeks, including exams.

Study Planning


Period Course 1 Course 2

1 Common course 1 Supporting/profiling course

2 Specialisation course 1

Profiling course

3 Specialisation course 2

4 Common course 2

5 Specialisation course 3

Profiling course

6 Academic Consultancy Training + Modular Skills Training OR supporting methodology course

Year 1 Year 2

Internship (4 months)

Thesis (6 months) Or: first thesis and then internship

Academic Consultancy Training if not done in 1st year

Study planning and calendar

In the overview you can see when you follow which courses. In period 3 and 4 you will follow one fulltime course as the period is much shorter. In period 6 of the first year, some students will take ACT whereas others will take a methodology course (supporting course) to prepare themselves for doing fieldwork. These students will start a bit earlier with their research proposal or internship and take ACT in the second year.

Optional Courses


▪ SDC-34806 Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction (period 1)

▪ DEC-32306 International Economics: Trade and Development (per. 1)

▪ SDC-33806 Policy, Projects and Programs for Development (period 2)

▪ SDC-51306 Fieldwork in Conflict and Post-conflict Settings (period 2)

▪ PPS-31306 Global Food Security (period 2)

▪ SDC-31306 Property Rights, Natural Resources and Conflict (period 5)

▪ DEC-51806 Inclusive Finance and Marketing in the Developing World (period 5)

▪ ENP-33306 Environment and Development (period 5)

Examples of optional courses On this slide you can find some examples of optional courses that are often selected by MID-students



• In second year or end first year

• Supervision and approval from one

of the MID chair groups

• 24 credits; 16 weeks

• With a professional organization

• Facilitated by Wageningen network

• In the Netherlands, Europe or

outside Europe


• EarthRights International, Myanmar

• GIZ, Ethiopia

• NGO Nuestras Huellas, Argentina

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

• UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs, New York

• Global Green Growth Institute, South Korea

• Royal Tropical Institute, the Netherlands

• IRRI, Cambodia

More examples: Student Experiences


At the end of the first year or in the second year you will follow and internship of 24 ECTs, this is about four months. The internship is supervised and approved by one of the MID chair groups and can take place at an organisation, company or institute in the Netherlands, Europe or outside of Europe (assuming the current travel restrictions won’t be in place anymore).

It is the responsibility of the student to find an internship, but Wageningen has a large network which will help you in finding an internship of your liking.

On the slide you can find some examples. More examples are found at our website, see:

You can also obtain a document with ‘internship stories’ from the study adviser.



Examples: Thesis Library

• Topic of your choice

• In your specialisation

• In second year; preparation in

first year

• 6 months; 36 ECTs

• With field work

• Supervision from staff member

• Possibility to participate in

ongoing research

Thesis At the end of the first year you will start preparing your MSc thesis. In the second year you conduct your own fieldwork and write a thesis on a topic of your choice. Some students are interested in doing a thesis with an organisation or link their thesis to an ongoing research project of WUR.

The thesis fits within your specialisation and is supervised by a staff member of a chair group that is linked to your specialisation. Some thesis examples are mentioned on the slide. Others are found in a booklet that can be obtained from the study advisor. All theses are found online at (select MID)

You are free to decide to start with the internship and finish with the thesis, or to do it the other way around.

5. Labour Market


• Consultant, advisor or project/ programme coordinator in non-profit sector

• Manager/consultant in private business sector or bank

• Policy maker in a governmental institution

• PhD position at a university

• Researcher / lecturer at a research institute or university

For more information see our website: Future Career

5. Labour market

Our alumni have a variety of positions at different types of organisations, companies and institutes. On the slides you can find some examples. On our website (see link) you can find more examples in our career booklet. We have also portrayed three of our alumni and their career paths. As you can see they had different types of jobs. Generally students will further develop your skills and interests after they graduate, but during you studies you can explore your interests, build on your knowledge and skills and prepare yourself for a job you are interested in.

Job perspectives: some examples


WASH Specialist, UNICEF India WASH Coordinator,UNICEF Yemen, Ethiopia Disaster Risk Reduction,CARE/CORDAID Philippines

Postdoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University Journalist, Vice Versa Advisor Sustainable Economic Development, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

Global Public & Government Affairs Manager, Heineken Policy maker European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic Affairs, Dutch Embassy in South Africa

Marije Broekhuijsen Ellen Mangnus Jorn van der Meer

6. Why study MID?


• 2 years with Internship and Thesis research

• Academic Consultancy Training

• Students from all over the world

• Multidisciplinarity and disciplinary depth

• Choice of specialisations

• Choice in optional courses and topics

• Engaged, experienced and accessible teachers

• Well known all over the world through projects and extensive alumni network

• National Student Survey 2019: score of 4.2 out of 5

6. Why study MID?

The MSc International Development Studies has several characteristics that distinguishes this programme from other international development programmes.

- It’s a two year programme and includes a thesis as well as an internship - You will thoroughly prepare yourself for the job market through gaining practical experience with ACT and the internship - You will join an international classroom with students from all over the world - The programme offers disciplinary depth as well as a multidisciplinary perspective - You can choose a specialisation and as such profile yourself for a specific job - You have freedom to choose optional courses - The programme has a personal approach with engaged, experienced and accessible lecturers - We are known all over the world through projects and extensive alumni network - In the National Student Survey of 2019 we received a score of 4.2 out of 5

7. Financial Information for Dutch students

• Important: MID is a two year programme, registered with DUO as a one year programme.

• Please inform yourself on your right to study finance and a travel product through the DUO website

• Or contact the Student Dean:

• Dutch students with a supplementary grant (aanvullende beurs) from DUO may be eligible for a one year's grant from Wageningen University in addition to a one year supplementary grant from DUO. Read more about ‘extra studiefinanciering WUR’


7. Financial information for Dutch students

Important: MID is a two year programme, registered with DUO as a one year programme. Please inform yourself on your right to study finance and a travel product through the DUO website or contact the student dean:

Dutch students with a supplementary grant (aanvullende beurs) from DUO may be eligible for a one year's grant from Wageningen University in addition to a one year supplementary grant from DUO. Read more about the '5th year' of study finance (in Dutch) at

8. More information



Study adviser:

Student coach:

8. More information

If you want more information about the programme, please check the website: and our Facebook page:

If you have questions left after the open day, feel free to contact one of our study advisers:

You can contact our student coach Simone for information about student experiences regarding the study programme and student life, housing and information activities.

Thank you for reading this presentation!

9. What else can you do at this open day?

▪ Chat with study advisers and students

▪ Check our FAQ’s about application, housing, scholarships, visa, costs, introduction days, Wageningen, student for a day, corona and more

▪ Take a virtual tour with one or more of our students who will show you their life

▪Watch videos with tips for choosing a study programme, about student life and study experiences

9. What else can you do at this open day? • Chat with study advisers and students • Check our FAQ’s about application, housing, scholarships, visa, costs, introduction days, Wageningen, student for a day, corona and more • Take a virtual tour with one or more of our students who will show you their life • Watch videos with tips for choosing a study programme, about student life and study experiences

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