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© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


The Right Way To

Make Money From

Your Writing & Blog

Here In Nigeria

Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin

CEO, Naija Writers’ Coach


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com



Copyright © 2015 by Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin, NaijaWritersCoach.com.

Some rights reserved.

This book may be distributed freely, by any electronic or mechanical means, in print or online.

But no part of it may be altered, plagiarized, sold, loaned or otherwise used for any other

commercial purposes without the express written permission of the author and copyright owner.


The information in this book is set out in good faith for general guidance. Any legal or financial

advice that the author gives is his opinion based on his experiences. While adequate steps have

been taken to verify the accuracy and genuineness of the information, no liability can be

accepted for loss or expense incurred as a result of relying in particular circumstances on

statements made in this book.

For more information and questions, please contact abdullahi@naijawriterscoach.com

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


(Clickable) Table of Contents

The Right Way To Make Money From Your Writing & Blog Here In

Nigeria ....................................................................................................... 2

So You Want To Make Money From Your Writing And Blog? .............. 5

How To Really Make Money Online ........................................................ 5

To Sell Online, You Need A Website ..................................................... 16

10 Things You Can Sell on Your Website To Make Money ................. 19

Pen Money MasterclassTM

....................................................................... 21

Hear what some of my students say .................................................... 24

When can you join Pen Money MasterclassTM

? ................................. 25

No matter who you are, you can do this ............................................. 26

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


So You Want To Make Money

From Your Writing And Blog?

Many folks think you just open a blog, declare that you’re a writer and gbam, you start receiving

credit alerts. Clueless, some have even told me that Google pays website owners for every visitor

the website receives.

Nothing is farther from the truth.

Why would Google do that? How do people visiting your site benefit Google, so that Google

turns around to pay you?

Google isn’t dumb.

How To Really Make Money


In reality, there’s only one way to make money online, though that way has many variants.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


And that way is: selling. No more, no less.

If you want to make money online, you must offer something for sale. If you don’t have anything

to sell, you can’t make a penny online, even if you’re the most popular writer or blogger.

Now let’s look at those killing it on the internet … how do they make their money?

By selling.

Yes! Just that.

What may be different is what they sell and how they sell it.

The number one website in the world is Google. It records over 2 billion searches daily and

makes millions of dollars every day.

How? By selling.

What does Google sell? Adverts space (see image below).

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Those adverts are placed there by Google for advertisers who wanted to attract Google search


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


And each time someone clicks on the advert, the advertiser pays Google anything between $0.05

and $20. Yes, that’s just for a single click.

Now you know how Google makes money: by selling advert spaces.

Other big boys online are YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, etc. and each of them makes

tons of money by selling advert spaces.

Ever saw something like this on Facebook?

Also, go watch a YouTube video and see the adverts on the right side of the screen (sometimes,

they even play video adverts for you before you can watch your desired video).

So they all make money online by selling.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


There’s Jon Morrow, that great blogger who has a terrible diseases since he was one year old and

cannot move anything from his neck downward. He makes over $100,000 (N19.3 million) every


How? By selling.

What does he sell?

He’s developed online courses and membership sites. He also has affiliate products he refers his

readers to and each time one of them makes a purchase, he gets a fat commission.

Now let’s come home to Nigeria. Two of the biggest boys on the Internet are Jumia and Konga.

How do they make money? You should know this for sure: by selling.

What do they sell: clothes, books, tech gadgets, mobile devices, etc.

Look at Wakanow, the leading air ticketing company in Nigeria … it makes tons of millions of

Naira every month by selling air tickets online and offline.

If it merely opened a blog without offering anything to sell, it wouldn’t make a dime.

Want more examples? No problem.

Look at Linda Ikeji, the Nigerian queen of blogging ... she makes millions of Naira every day.

How? By selling.

What does she sell? Advert space.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Big companies from banks, telecom service providers to online stores and entertainment firms

pay her handsome cash to get their ads unto her blog.

Another example I like so much is Bamidele Onibalusi … the young Nigerian blogger who

started making over N700,000 monthly before he was 18 years. How did he achieve that

enviable feat?

By selling?

What did he sell? Freelance writing services.

He had many high-paying international clients whom he wrote over 50 articles for every month.

If he didn’t sell, he wouldn’t have made a penny online.

And now, here’s me too. I also make cool money online by selling.

I sell valuable, life-saving guides in various forms which include my book, Vertical Writing, and

my hot-cake courses, Pen Money MasterclassTM

, and Affiliate Goldmine.

I also sell my website design competence to clients who need websites. I equally make money by

selling affiliate products.

A confession: I make over 70% of my income from affiliate marketing.

In January 2014, I made $1260 (about N200,000) from my top affiliate product, all thanks to my

website, www.NaijaWritersCoach.com. See the proof below:

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


In February 2014, I made $945 (about N150,000) in sales commission.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


In March 2014, my earnings rose to $1995 (about N317,000).

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


And before some

of you will think

the above are just

figures on screen

that never got paid

to me, here’s the

credit alert I

received when my

January earning

was credited to my

GTB account.

For my January

earning of $1260 (N200,000), I received N193,053 on March 8 after transfer charges were


Again, here’s the

email alert I

received when

my February

earning was

credited into my

GTB account on

April 1, 2014.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Mind you, I don’t work long every day. If you study my January earning, I made $420 (about

N66,000) on January 1st alone. That was a day I worked well.

This is not something that works for me for just one or two months. It is something that works

well every month. See my November 2013 earning which I received in December 2013, for


Are you excited?

That’s a nice feeling. In this book, I’ll tell you how you can start making such 6 figures monthly

– lawfully, ethically and consistently – from your writing and blog.

But first, let me conclude my talk on selling as the only way to make money online and how best

to sell.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Whatever be you: a writer, blogger, freelancer, life coach, young leader, web designer, software

programmer, entrepreneur, consultant, information marketer, you MUST sell online to make

money online.

No two way around it.

To Sell Online, You Need A


Some people lament that they’ve been online for years without making a penny. And when you

ask them what their website is and what they sell, their response shocks you: “Do I need a



Where else will you sell online without a website?

Can you make a phone call without a phone or a line? Or operate a petrol filling station without

any building?

Can you be a farmer without hoes and cutlasses? Or a carpenter without a hammer?

C’mon, wake up!

And I’m not talking of a Blogspot or Wordpress.com stuff. I’m talking of a real website like


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


And don’t tell me Linda Ikeji uses Blogspot and makes it. She’s an exception, not the rule.

For your information, she would have moved to www.LindaIkeji.com if not that another person

had registered it before her (I heard that person asked her to pay N5 million if she wants to have


So beware of what you wish.

My first blog was on Blogspot. The second was on Wordpress.com. From experience, I’ll advise

you to never, ever go for Blogspot or Wordpress.com because…

You can’t use custom emails (e.g., “info@mywebsite.com”) on both

You can’t use your own unique design on both. You must choose from one of the

provided templates. So, most Wordpress.com and Blogspot sites end up looking very


For both options, your blog can be deleted at anytime if you violate their rules or their

system mistakes your blog for a spam (for instance, Jide Ogunsanya’s

OgbongeBlog.com, a Blogspot site of over 3 years, was deleted “in error” in October

2013. It was restored after a month – and he lost a lot of revenue as a result. He was even

lucky, because some blogs get deleted “in error” and never get restored)

Both do not present you as a professional or an expert in what you do

You can’t use plugins (these are like apps which help you extend the functionalities of a

phone) on both

You can’t place adverts or do affiliate marketing on Wordpress.com.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


On Wordpress.com, you will sometimes find some annoying adverts floating on your

site, and you can’t control them

So instead of those, you should go for a self-hosted website. That’s what I use to make lots of

money online.

And luckily, it’s very easy to set it up. You don’t need knowledge of coding or design to do it.

All you need to get are 2 things:

A domain name (e.g. www.mynewwebsite.com)

A hosting account (the location where your website will reside online)

Click here to see my recommended web hosts. I’ve used both a Nigerian host and Hostgator in

the past but their services aren’t as great as I want.

A good host should give you…

1. Efficiency: Only few hosts can guarantee and actually provide 99.9% uptime for you.

2. Speed: The host should make your site load so fast you’d think the page was pre-loaded.

3. 24/7 customer service: What could be as nice as always having an expert close by to

listen to and solve your website issues?

4. Affordability: You shouldn’t have to break the bank to have a reliable host.

5. Free domain name: other web hosts register a domain name for about N2,500/$15 per

year but my recommended hosts give you for FREE.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Go here: reliable web hosts I recommend.

So how do you go about it? Simple!

In 3 easy steps, you can set up your own website in 20 minutes without any prior knowledge. I

have a comprehensive tutorial that will guide you through the whole process. There are also

helpful screenshots in the tutorial. Click here to see it.

Go read that tutorial first and open your website. I’ll wait for you. When you come back, we can

continue with how YOU can make money.



Are you back? Great!

10 Things You Can Sell on Your

Website To Make Money

After you’ve set up your website, you’re ready to start selling and making loads and loads of

money online.

But what will you sell?

Let me tell you 10 possible things you could sell and which of them is the best for you if you’re

just starting.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


1. Affiliate marketing (I currently make 6 figures monthly from this)

2. Entering writing or blogging contests (I’ve won 11 contests and made about N700,000

thousand Naira in 2 years from these)

3. Writing and editing for magazines and online sites (I made N285,000 writing 2-3 articles

monthly for one such site, IslamOnline.net, for about 7 months).

4. Writing for private clients like researchers, website owners, bank CEOs, etc. (I did this

and made some bucks from it before I got too busy for it)

5. Writing and selling quality ebooks (my book, Vertical Writing is an example)

6. Staging workshops, seminars and conferences (I’ve done this many times, both free and

priced, and it’s really amazing)

7. External speaking gigs (organizations have invited and paid me to speak to their audience

many times)

8. Creating qualitative online courses (Like my Pen Money MasterclassTM

and Affiliate


9. Consulting services (I do it regularly for writers, authors, bloggers and businessmen who

want to start or improve on their writing, blogging, publishing or e-commerce)

10. Ad networks like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser and Chitika.

Now, all these methods are great and you should have plans to explore many or most of them in

the long run so as to create multiple streams of income.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


But for now, as a starter, the best you can focus on is affiliate marketing. Why? Ebooks,

ecourses, external speaking gigs and advert networks won’t work with the low traffic you’ll still

be getting as a newbie.

And I’m sure you don’t have hundreds of thousands of Naira to invest in advertising.

You should start with and concentrate on affiliate marketing for at least the first year of your

website because…

Once you have your website, you require no capital to start it;

You don’t have to invest any time or energy creating your own products like ebooks or


Unlike other methods, it can start fetching you decent income even when your audience

is still very small

The affiliate commissions are insanely highly lucrative (as high as 200% of the sales


You don’t have to worry about payment processing, product delivery or customer service.

To give you the right knowledge, tools and strategies to do that, I’m introducing to you, my…

Pen Money MasterclassTM

This is a straightforward 5-week course designed to help you make money and impact with

your writing and blog.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


The course runs for 5 weeks entirely online, and after implementing it, you should start making

decent money from it (there is also a home study pack if you don’t want to learn it online).

No need to travel. No need to be online at any particular time. The lessons are simply delivered

to you by email and you can read and implement them at your leisure.

The Pen Money MasterclassTM

gives you the right knowledge, tools and strategies to succeed in

affiliate marketing.

In other words, it will teach you how to make money by recommending the digital products of a

reputable company to your website readers who need them.

You’ll get a special link from the company to put on your website, and when someone buys the

product after clicking your link, you get paid a sales commission which can be up to N20,000.

Yes! N20,000. Cool. Cash. For a single sale.

And mind you, the product the new customer needs to buy is about N8,000.

Offline, if you eat at a nice restaurant or buy a great gadget, you don’t hesitate to tell your friends

about it.

Affiliate marketing works the same way. Just online.

Do you wonder why the customer you refer to the company pays about N8,000 while the

company pays you a commission of up to N20,000?

The logic is simple.

Imagine a restaurant which pays you N5,000 each time you bring them a new customer who

spends N2,000.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


You may think the restaurant owner is a fool who pays more than he gets, but you’re wrong.

In reality, he owns the customer for life. The customer who buys once is much likely to buy

many more times, if the quality is great. And for each of the subsequent purchases the customer

makes, you don’t get additional commission.

So in the long run, the restaurant owner recovers the commission he paid you when you initially

brought him the new customer. He even makes more and more money from the customer.

So, the business relationship creates a tripartite utility:

The company gets a new customer and makes more profit;

The customer discovers a great service and thanks you;

You make a commission of up to N20,000 and positively impact the company and your


Whether the focus of your writing and blog is personal finance, fiction, technology, or

leadership, making lawful and ethical money this way is totally practicable in Nigeria (I’m in

Nigeria too), if you have the right tools and knowledge.

That’s what my Pen Money MasterclassTM

will equip you with.

I won’t just give you a book to go and study on your own. I’m going to give you the right tools

and knowledge and strategies, and practically show you how to implement them, within a period

of 5 weeks.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Hear what some of my students say

“I am glad I signed up for the Pen Money Master Course. I can’t

believe I already started earning (I made 3 sales through my link) just

three weeks into the class. Courtesy the easy to implement lessons

from the CEO of NaijaWriterCoach.com. God bless you plenty,


-- Olumide Tijani | Chartered Accountant and Finance Blogger | www.olumidetijani.com

NB: The 3 sales he made = N17,000 x 3 = N51,000

“I’m not regretting my decision” -- Stephen Ameh

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


“We need more people like you in this world.” -- Seun Onijamah

“I have attended both offline and online course but … this is special” -- Adebiyi Dennis

When can you join Pen Money MasterclassTM?

This course is special. You can’t join just anytime you like.

© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


Enrolment only opens a few times a year. The next registration will start on Monday February

2, 2015 and close on Thursday February 12, 2015.

If you want to be the first to know when registration opens, make sure you subscribe to my

awesome newsletter here: http://naijawriterscoach.com/subscribe.

See you on February 2, 2015.

No matter who you are, you can do this

Assuming you want to, of course.

Some people don’t. They don’t want to make money from doing what they love – writing and


They prefer an 8–4 job, a steady paycheck of N30,000 and being ordered around.

But I want more than that. I like to be the pilot, not a passenger, in my own life. I like to create

my own luck. I want to work when I choose, doing the type of work I love and from where I


I want to have plenty time to develop my spirituality and thank my God.

I want to take vacations without having to ask anyone’s permission. I want to travel the world. I

want to have enough money to help plenty of people, and do anything I want.

That doesn’t necessarily mean getting “rich.” It just means building a business that gives me


© Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin | Naija Writers’ Coach | www.NaijaWritersCoach.com


If you’re interested in that kind of lifestyle, you should seriously consider joining my Pen Money



But if you think my Pen Money MasterclassTM

is not right for you, no problem too. I still believe

in you and your dream. I believe you can excel, achieve your goals, do awesome things and

make great impacts.

So please, don’t let anything hold you.

Make a decision to be

relevant. And go all out to

achieve it.

Your friend,

Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin.

P.S. If you’ve got any

question, please shoot me an

email at Abdullahi [at]

NaijaWritersCoach [dot] com

or call +2348182331125 (call

hours: 9am – 4pm only; sms


See you on February 2, 2015.

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