mus 216: aural comprehension 4 winter 2015

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MUS 216.2015


MUS 216: Aural Comprehension 4 Winter 2015

1 Credit hour Dr. Carol VanRandwyk 11:30-12:30 p.m. Office: 109 Music Center 205 Music Center Office Phone: 234-4186 COURSE DESCRIPTION

MUS 216 is an advanced continuation of the aural skills learned in MUS 215. Emphasis is placed on singing, aural identification and dictation of scales, intervals, harmonic progressions, melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, triads and seventh chords. MUS 216 should be taken as a co-requisite with MUS 214.


The object of this course is to further develop the technical knowledge and enhance the musical instincts of the students, enabling them to discern, at first hearing or seeing, the design and patterns of music from all style periods.


Ottman, Robert W. Music for Sight Singing. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2014. Kraft, Leo, A New Approach to Ear Training. 2nd edition, New York, NY: W.W. Norton& Co., 1999. MacGamut Eartraining software Music manuscript paper and pencils You are required to purchase the textbook and bring both textbooks and manuscript paper to class each day. Active participation in classroom activities/discussions is expected of all students.


MUS216 meets only two days a week, with attendance expected at each class meeting. Students may accumulate up to three unexcused absences without penalty. However, the instructor has the option of dropping a student from the

MUS 216.2015


class after five absences have been accumulated. Please notify Dr. VanRandwyk in advance if you will be missing a class.

ASSIGNMENTS Skill requirements and expectations are assigned each week. Written assignments in the Kraft text will be made regularly. Kraft assignments that are turned in on time and completed will be given a 100% grade. Kraft assignments that are turned in late or incomplete will be given a 50% grade. Students will find improving skills much easier if daily practice sessions are done using the Kraft book and/or MacGamut.

Blackboard Assignments and grades are posted in Blackboard for each class day. You can also find a synopsis of what was covered in class each day under Assignments. Be sure to check Blackboard for assignments on any day that class is cancelled for any reason. QUIZZES

Quizzes will be given regularly during the semester. Any absences you may have on quiz days must be verifiable excused absences in order to make up a missed quiz. A missed quiz must be completed within one week of the student’s return to class. Students without an excused absence (illness verified by a doctor, death in the family, or activities sanctioned by the music department) will not be permitted to make up a missed quiz. Dictation quizzes will not be re-given, but a no grade rather than a 0% will be used when the absence is excused.


100-94% A 86-83% B 76-73% C 66-63% D 93-90% A- 82-80% B- 72-70% C- 62-60% D- 89-87% B+ 79-77% C+ 69-67% D+ 59- 0% E

DETERMINING YOUR GRADE MacGamut levels = 20% of total grade Kraft book worksheets = 10% of total grade Dictation Quizzes—Melodic (3) = 13% of total grade Dictation Quizzes—Harmonic (3) = 13% of total grade Sightsinging Quizzes (3) = 19% of total grade Final exams = 25% of total grade

MUS 216.2015


Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of “E” for the course.

Use of telephones, pagers, players, or other electronic devices that disrupt the learning process or environment is prohibited in the classroom.


Students requiring additional help with course materials should not hesitate to see Dr. VanRandwyk during her posted office hours. Office hours will be posted on the office door (Room 109 MC) after the first week of class. Music tutors are also available by signing up in the Tutoring Office on the second floor of the library.


Week of Ear Training Sight Singing January 13 (Tuesday)

Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson A Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson B V/V

Unit 13 Review

January 20 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson AA Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson BB

Unit 13 Review

January 27 SS Quiz Ottman Unit 13; Section 1-3 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson B Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson C V/ii

Unit 14 Section 1

February 3

Melodic Dictation Ch. 1: Section IV: Lesson BB Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2: Section III: Lesson C

Unit 14 Section 2

MUS 216.2015


Feb. 10

Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson C Lesson A Quiz--Tuesday Harmonic Dictation Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson D V/IV

Unit 14 Section 1

February 17

Melodic Dict. Quiz Lessons A-B Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson CC Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson DD Harmonic Dict. Quiz:

Modulation to V and III

Unit 15 Section


February 24 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson D Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson F viio7/V

Unit 15 Sec.s 5,7,8

Mid-winter break March 2-8

March 10 Melodic Dictation

Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson DD Harmonic Dictation Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson G Modulation to V

Unit 15 Sections 2,4, & 6

March 24 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson E Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson G Modulation to V

Unit 16 Sections 1-2

March 31-April 2 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson EE Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section II: Lesson H Modulation to III

Unit 16 Sections 3 & 6

MUS 216.2015


April 7

Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson F Harmonic Dictation Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson G/H

Modulation to V or III

Unit 17

April 14 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson FF Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section IV: Lesson D Gr+6

Unit 17

April 21 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson G/GG

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson E Neapolitan 6 chord

Unit 18

April 17 Melodic Dictation Ch. 1 Section IV: Lesson H/HH Harmonic Dictation

Ch. 2 Section III: Lesson D/E Aug 6th & Neapolitan 6 chords

Unit 18

April 27-30 Exam week

Final Exam Week is April 23rd – 26th MUS216 final is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28th, from 10:30 – 12:30 p.m.

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