music magazine contents analysis

Post on 02-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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Very well organised with the way the page names are its neat and bold at a nice size to read.

Smart title for the page its bold and eye catching as it’s the only eye catching colour on the page.

Small smart pictures that are easily see able but very effective

One big picture which makes it look better than the other ones, makes that band look bigger than the others. Its eye catching and people will think, I no him from that band and want to buy and read more.

Writing is to small here, making it bigger would be more effective

Sexy and very flirtatious picture makes it appealing to the target audience

Other women will want to look like her so they will want to buy it to read how they do it etc.

I don’t like how they’ve wrote the contents, looks unprofessional

The font is quite small and hard to read, but its ok as the picture is the eye catcher and centre of attention

The picture seems quite spooky and makes you want to think what is it! So people will be reading on and buying it, great eye catcher to the potential customers

I dislike the fact of advertisement on a contents, it makes it look untidy and unprofessional

Smart way to show which pages are where, I think it looks good and exciting.

Shows the brand name of well so people will automatically see and recognise the logo and want to see what there magazines all about

The headline is exciting to go along with a spooky and exciting picture, makes people want to read on

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