music video analysis - the knife

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Music Video Analysis The Knife – Pass This On on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs?

Target Audience & Needs

From watching this music video in depth, I believe that there is no specific age range for the target audience, although in some ways I think that it is aimed at a more mature audience as the topic of the song and theme of the music video appears to be about bringing people together, acceptance and challenging stereotypes. Also, I don’t think that the video is aimed at a certain gender or ethnicity.

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

I believe that the meaning of the lyrics link in with the music video, as the female impersonator is expressing her feelings towards a small audience. She appears to be singing about her love for a man, but refers the man as “your brother” which gives the impression that the lyrics are aimed at one person, someone who may be sat in the audience. The lyrics seem quite personal, as it talks about the way an unknown person laughs and dances.

Tempo The tempo is made up of the same beat throughout. It is slow but also upbeat. It is slow because of the tone of the singers’ voice, and upbeat because of the tune and the rhythm of the music.

Genre The genre of this song is Electronic, although it does have the sound of steel drums playing throughout which makes it sound Reggae. The genre of the music video appears to be a narrative, as it is allowing the audience to make up their own plot and storyline on what the meaning of the video is, this leaving them questioning.

Music Video Analysis The Knife – Pass This On

Camera Technique There are many camera techniques throughout this video, although the main one is a close up which is used frequently such as on the singers face and certain body features whilst she is dancing, which emphasises the sexual side of the video. There are also medium shots used and long shots to show the other characters in the room.

EditingThe editing consists of high pitch backing vocals. Also, the use of cutting is used frequently throughout when a new camera shot is used.

Use of Digital Effects In this video a neutral colour scheme is used, as well as a dark lighting and colour correction.

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