my powerpoint

Post on 24-May-2015






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a powerpoint on my friends for Technology skills class


MY FRIENDSA Power Point presentation about my friends for my 5th period Technology

Skills Class


I met Matt in 2005, when he began going to my church in Greensboro. So we have been friends for over 5 years I would say. We had some great times when I used to live in Greensboro, playing basketball at my house, playing football at our Sunday Night Youth, and most of all playing video games into the wee hours of he night. I remember one time I was over at his house, and we had to get up at 6 AM to go to our church’s yard sale, and we played Need For Speed: Most Wanted until 2 AM in the morning. We both love sports, and he plays basketball just as much as me. We share a passion for everything sports, but don’t always agree on our favorite teams. For instance he likes the Dallas Cowboys, and I like the Atlanta Falcons, but no matter what we are still great friends.

Will H



I just met Will last year when we moved her to

Albemarle. We both go to the same church and are in the same scout group. So I have only know Will just over a year. We have had some good times at Boy Scout Camp, Camp Tekoa, Youth Group, and

at our regular Boy Scout Meetings. Me and him both play Soccer and

Basketball. We both go to Gray Stone Day school, but unfortunately we

don’t have any classes together .Where pretty

good friends.

Samuel Foster Me and Samuel have know each other since I was 8 months old. I met him at the church we moved to in 1997. We lived there for 7 years, during which, we where by far best friends. When we where little we both played baseball for the Davie County Rec League. Neither of us plays anymore, but we both still follow MLB. Both our favorite teams are the Atlanta Braves. He and me are not as close friends anymore, since we live about 2 hours away from each other. I will never forget the good times I had with him

Brandon Kiger• Me and Brandon have been

friends since 2004, when I moved to his church in Greensboro. The first day we moved in, I remember he and his sister took us to the Greensboro Science Center. We had great times at youth group, playing football. My favorite time was the summer of 09’ when me, him, and Chris Wood stayed together in a room at Lake Junaluska. We had the best time that year, the speaker was great, and I remember one night we where “high on Jesus” and were running crazy through the streets. Somebody didn’t like the noise, and chucked a Soy Milk Carton out their window and almost hit us! Me and Brandon have had some great times together, and we will always be good friends.

• Harrison and me have been friends since I was born. Our parents where great friends when we lived in Asheville, and so I knew him. His mom is my mom’s best friend, so we hung out ALL the time. But then the usual story: I moved. We have stayed great friends, and get to see each other all the time. This summer we both went to the BSA National Jamboree, where we met up and chilled. Our favorite activities include jumping on the Trampoline, playing soccer, and of course, video games.


*Reid is Will Huckabee’s brother. We met at the same time. Me and him are more interested in sports than Will. We both are obsessed with basketball. He is one grade younger than me and Will. We are in the youth group and Boy Scout troop together. He pulls for the UNC Tar Heels, and me for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons. We are probably better friends than me and Will.

*Reid Huckabee

*Dennis and me have met a couple times at homeschool meetings, but didn’t really become friends until we both started here at Gray Stone. We do not have any classes together, but go to open gym, eat lunch, and will hopefully be on the JV basketball team together. All in all, I like him and where good friends.

*Dennis Collins


• I met Tanner at GSDS soccer tryouts this fall. My first impression was, dang he’s better than me. Turns out we both suck and neither of us made it. But now we chill at school every day and are great team mates in our P.E. games. We are overall good friends and are into the same things.

Taylor Nicole Hopkins

Taylor is my best friend. We have know each other since I moved here to Albemarle. We dated, but she ended it because she didn’t have time to date. It has turned into the best relationship of my life. We can talk about anything with each other, and are there whenever we need each other. I do not know what I would do without her. We both go to GSDS, even though she is in 10th grade and me in 9th, we often eat lunch together. We also attend the same church and youth group. I love her so much. I don’t know what I would do without my best friend.

*Hanna and me are tight! We met just this year and have already become great friends in just a month or 2. We get to chill ever day before PE, we have 4 classes together, and we eat together in the cafeteria every Thursday. I like her and we are good friends



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