my view on facebook as a social media platform

Post on 10-May-2015






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My View on Facebook as a Social Media Platform

Social Media Education, Training & Support

The Facebook platform is very mature in

development and is at the same time a

dichotomy of constant change

Facebook as a Social Media Platform

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

Personal vs Business use of Facebook

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

You can quite easily use your personal account for both business and personal


This platform is a good place to create a community around a cause, subject,

common goal/purpose or even around an event or group of events.

Facebook and Privacy…

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

You can lock down your privacy settings – so even if you interact with content, only your

friends (ones that you formally “accept” as friends) see your full personal account.

Facebook for Business

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

The way Facebook has been designed is really good for a business that has great

visual content – it gives you more flexibility in what your content can look


The Challenges of Facebook

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

Participating with a Page presence on Facebook requires planning and you really

need a game plan on Call-To-Action (CTA) type content in order to really work out what your audience wants to hear

from you.

Setting Boundaries….

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

Managing your friends and/or “Liker” behaviour is a serious matter. Do as you would in real life and don’t tolerate bad or discourteous behaviour, and nip it in

the bud.

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@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

Want to read the full blog post with all our guidance?

You can read it here: The Social Intelligence Blog

Meet the author:Shelley Röstlund

Who Are We? Connect with us

@ 2013 Social Intelligence Limited

We are an end-to-end social media agency. We support our clients through practical business education and training; as well as provide specialist one-to-one consultancy to craft social media strategies that integrate into existing marketing, communication and online strategies.

We also efficiently support our clients in a very practical basis in their day-to-day management of their social media through our array of social media administrative support services - if you think we can assist you, connect with us!





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