mythology presentation

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Jacob and Belimii.......................


Ryan Monago



King Aliricus of the kingdom of Crete was looking for an heir for his thrown. He only had daughters, and only one had a child. Her name was Belimii. Her son was Jacob, and her husband was Earthos the great god of Harvest and Seasons. Aliricus took Jacob to the oracle of Delphi to ask important questions on if he was going to rule Crete. Every question ended in a “no." Jacob and Aliricus went home very disappointed....


Jacob was so unpleased with himself that he decided to leave Crete. He was going on a quest to prove himself to King Aliricus. Jacob had always cared what others think of him. He thought long and hard about what he needed to do. Jacob thought he made the right decision by going to prove himself to Aliricus. His mother Belimii tagged along with him....

Rising ActionJacob had been

wandering for a long time when an intersection of paths was just up ahead. Which one did he chose?

Jacob ended up taking the path on the far right, with Belimii following. They walked a long way and came upon a house. The house contained Earthos in form of a human warning them of a monster. Just up ahead hidden was a realm of evil. So “Araidnock” told them to head back and choose the path to the left....

Rising ActionJacob was now behind

Belimii; afraid of what “Araidnock” had said. A friendly man popped out of the woods and asked if they were on a quest. They answered yes, and the man told them his name was Perseus. Then all of them went back to the island Zyph. That was where the quest actually began. Once they were across the river to the island Jacob and Belimii received swords. For two months Jacob trained, and Belimii only watched....

Rising Action

Once Jacob finished training, he went with Belimii to fight the monster named Zyphus. It terrorized Zyph by destroying everything it sees. Before reaching the cave Earthos appeared. He gave Jacob a pouch of sleeping powder. Then he vanished. Jacob and Belimii kept on with their adventure. They found the cave not to long after starting the journey to Zyphus. Right before fighting the creature something terrible happened....

ClimaxJust before going into

the cave Jacob pulled out the bag of sleeping powder. He made a big mistake by breathing some in. He was instantly asleep. Belimii went in and fought a very strategic battle with Zyphus. She ended up killing it when it trying to attack and she dodged. It’s head was stuck and she chopped it off. She wanted to give the wings to Jacob as a gift. She knew he was going to be disappointed....

Falling Action

Jacob woke the next day. He was told what happened. It made him feel ashamed to let his own mother destroy such a monster. He ran to the boat. Belimii was stranded on the island. Jacob was headed home. She noticed because he had crossed Zyph already. She remembered the wings Jacob wouldn’t take and used them to go get a boat....

Falling Action

She chased his boat all the way back to where the many paths were. They both accidentally chose the path they had been warned about. Jacob was a good mile into the dark realm once he realized it. Turning around, he saw that Belimii wasn’t chasing him anymore. In-fact she was gone. He then knew it was Aquaphyrus the monster here. He went to look for it....

Falling ActionHe later found the

creature dead, with a bloody river surrounding it and his mother. She was standing thirty feet up. Under her was Aquaphyrus. She had slayed yet another monster. Erupting with fury he waited for his mother so they could go home to Crete. He was tired and ready to go admit the truth; he wasn’t ready to rule Crete....

ResolutionOnce home King Aliricus

found out Belimii and Jacob’s little secret. He was furious and stormed back to the castle. Jacob was embarrassed and in the night decided to fly away with the wings of Zyphus. Earthos was watching and let him go. He knew nothing was going to go right for poor Jacob. As for Belimii, Earthos told her what happened and she cried. She wept so much that Earthos put her in Olympus where she was confined to a realm so every-one didn’t have to hear her cry endlessly.

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