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Post on 01-Feb-2022






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1:( l:, (' hPJ r.l'/I,lJ Pi 10.) l~C'.I.' PAPJ'~I ~
Country: HOl.'J(;-\;i d.,:' II,' T'roj C'cL no.: 3]~ 0 g-,J.
HeV.lnion no.: .ifr.:zI7(J
u.s. Oblie:~t:i.OlJ
1)' , 1 1'1 " 'C' 1'" 1 'I'{'I t,'.'.·'l'll ]·"1 _.1~c.)7_11_. l!y:~J e1J.~ ,r::}'. ,elliC!l ,,:'. ,,! ('ii, 'J.'; I':. ',L •• '.•:. ,.... _
H::I! J.i d PC'J."-' ~ :' L 'j I, J I, iI, , :" 3:: J't (;':J~,llj ;:'-' ( a:: (lll l,..,.'[.'-~:tt ',/()I.ld-',:id(~ prohlem ,,;lJ.i.<:ii IlP,I':"""j l'~;.;; f' ".,r. ,': i:1 eu:' ;,:.': l,Li',L':' dl;'.-,,:}r.';';,':ent efforts in LD(;'s ['.uu po~;c::; ~:iL:d.(,"', l! t." th(' ;,li1·',U'.:' ();~ :I i (·r.· 51. t.ij(~ ccol~()!l\i(;c~lly
nc1VallC(~lll,::~i,u::;, :"1,;',; \ji':~'r,:".",;' ;·ll'.:,:~;!.l-t..it'l' ill 'chI; Ll.:3, of tl/0 critiC:!ll natHI',: (,f~h).~: 1'-"" I, )', }~.lh :,!,I """;':, t.!, i.",' hiT, Vt:J',I' fC:H domf.!stic: ill~.:t,:!1,ut.io!i.~ '-tJ' (I~.!, . t,·; 15LiL'~; (:;\;I·.··)).. c (I~' lJ~·c':.!(~i.Jl~~ "L:le 11::CC:;!i:].1·j'
ctll1c~,Uon :'l1ri, ; (' ", ': : ',' j'.: 1'(,,-' :'-''' I.'.',: :.i,:,;"'l('i·,,C'l!~ of l;:'.l1I1(:.',:(:r to ',iorl~
in pOjlulc1,t:jr)!1 ',,!,i f" : ,,-' J'!~'II!IiI::~.'" I,') ,1~ J,~:": , t;~'-'r,~ j~; rl d!'Rstic sb(ll'L:L!;':' OJ' )/:",,:,"":" j'," ;,"·lllr'~.i'-'!i :'::: f"':;)~' l']aldti!,,;, P;lr.l n dearth of .i'd:;LiLll:~j,-,.I,' i,(, I,' ',', ti",: ,. ".': '
P(l~.ll Cit' ],~I',:':: :1'.:, ".Li(' l't:": i( '•. :,(' ll' ::i:"L', t:ltiLi(':'; ""Ou::"u b':~I,.:rit. frio,] :: ] :"'" ':, \:....t'J,: ~ '" (, ,',:,~ '.;;'~' ":<L,,=dC'llces to I~c.r~~~·lns r(-!cl';.l\'}: " : :,(;,1·21.": ....: ~.,! .:1':; '.~~ ,~,! w.'.:. 5n-.. t.i1 .. 1Jt..i(1l!3.
'l'ill.: }Jrcp'Il ',1 ',.;(,,11,1 i, '1., ~I ~.'~ t'::~':": t·'I'·~ .: ..: 11 j t-:. ~!::J r.1.'l,;,ly (If' t~';]jnr... d l,l:~~l;,,)',,'e!' aY:ll] :,".1,; t, ,:,:' "~,i(;, :inti'" '.. :"';1::1. c,!',ll fUl'c;i:n Q!'c,:.'r:iultions
.s,' la..-I,'C'»f 'tlf'/) ihl'# ffilee 'l'lI:i!1 IJ)'('jc,'.'L ,:,::1', ".' ',I: ,', :::. :'t'IL)\.. :.': ;'l"",,~'''l'·i.\c,'.{.:' '1 t!,rcc··ycar period to senrl 1~)(1 Cr;':,,:, ',i ;". >C'·!,] "':" I:!' "".:.j~~y l'nl'Ol.lf;';~: on one to two yC:l1' ~f';~:'L':·"',;.I,, jl I: ,.;','!1 '''I ;',j' iii j,:)!"~-;, II'ht'unch CCJfJtracts wHh t.!lr.', (, \, ; i". ,',) I.:li\,,']'; ::~:, .. ,1(/11).. ![,,'l'k~JI:; [jnjvC'.I'sHy. U::·iv(;r:..;:i1.~' (Ii' j,:!,,:I,: ,'i'"l Trll',\" !"':/~, ':':; ,':'L'! C:',:)'(,.1)I1:' - p~rsonB pursuing f.J·U(II.llLt{~ tn;.i!l;r':~ :1 ; ,.;"i'~" iOL, f'l ; '" "!;"il:i':,: :':1'1 n:l:1tC:11 ctu:lies at ·i..hu:c 01' otlwr U!,j';, ",'Ii,;, \:ou 1 r] t".' :,,':,:, :.:',.1 ir~ l.1'C"r. 3.~; :.;tnff ~nembers :in !'Oru1o.tj'!; n!hl j';,' 1:-; j'~;I~lltir'[' "lI' :', ";,I.,',oj 1')''-',::'''':':.: C0!1cl;lC't,:--~ "o:Jy private OJ' puhl:i.c i n~',t. i (".',!; "", ,~oI'i, :,:~ \:11 i ': ", ; I.; ( .• l'l.:' ;;!'C'l, (il' hC'31th centers.
- 2' ,­
~'he general appl'o<lcL \.;j 11 10 to ber,in lly utilizing staff and facilities of three universities t.o ', .. ldcll A.I.D. h[l~; made funds availA.ble under the 211 (d) grant procrmll f.:.i lice 1968. For S(!v~l'!1.l :years, thes(:, institutIons have been opera'ulriC; u,~ud'~1iI1c traininL~ l'J'ogrwns in populat'ion, family planning and reJ[LV~d ~;lll'.:icct~;. 'j::Wf;C wiiversi ti es have projects operating in several loDe's. 'J'llu;" b~' their overseas /lett... i ties, these uniyersities have develolJed illlporLur:L contuct(; aj'ld u hiGh level of competence in collaborating vi I:.h j !ii I .i t,l.t:i 011(; find ol'gan:i.7.at ions ill various LDC' s. The UOPF progrnn: if; H nC I ;!-:)11(d) pro[;1'(1).) Hll:l other l.'.lliversities may also participate WhC::l'0 thl'J have c1evelolJccl ~;j.rdJ.m'·.levl.'18 of capability.
~'he univers i. tj p" \d J I. :, ':: lee t as crwd:'.cht v:,; for Universi ty Overseas PopulH,tion }<'l.'llo·,r~!j: 1:; li:'tt.l.Ii'(' lJ!ld pro!,li :;ing l'C!':;oll~ enc:a~ecl in training for pror~ssjoll'11 \I()rl~ in pOillllatioli, f~:';,i.ly 1'11i1i1l5!ll~, nno oth~r directly relat€:d field:; :~t L:!c:~(! or ,.:rLhcr uniV(~J':Li Li.C!~.;. l 'iJe fcllOi.;ships ",ill be for periodz of onl..~ to t,·;o years ant1 \I.i.:ll oe H\orarued to approxir.m.tely 120 pel'solls OVl~r the til!'l~C yen.r peri od J Sl'(O--10"{;:. l'ile 12'0 selectees will be eXfJ€:c:tccJ to }"'.~. lOn.·, up to lnO !"tn-~r<.!nrs of service.
l'hc uniVel'fJit)r!:5 "ill !11·".~nti~l.te \o:iLh ll(l~;t. in::LituUollS of LDC's to o.rrhll[';C! fol' til(;' pL '.(>:',,,1;, t, () f Cjt:,l),i rio c ..l Un i vI.!!'::;:i tJ' (I\,Cl'se.'l.~ Population FclloHs (1101'1",,:) ....1 I'lv.:r f'L'1Lsj['h' I..,.,;'" jll:;L.ii.,llt,jOllc~ ',:ill be requested to . pr(lvlrle, at !no:;L., .', ilClu:;.:nG a]lm:.·~('I.' an(l/()~' u loc:ll shlary ~quivalent to that provldC'i.1 ~" ...... t. c',':;l\Lry ll".L:k:;,'l~; Pt:I'f'Ol'J!li.nc; ~imiln!' duties.
UOPj'" S ',.;ill reef'; VC' f"'-!l1 t.J.(' llni ve:',; i :. i .:;~; [. ~,.i !H.'lld~; of $G ,000 to $12,000 per year. 'l'he sLj},,: )~. ',dl] be det(')';'ine0 jl,\' t:lc universities vith refE'l'enCC to: [,l!o,;I; [:·;,1 fu;' sim.iJrll' !\,lll)',.]!;tl)}"!; aL the sponsoring univel'sit;y or th· (;1·, ;,,-,\. U,~;, ill:;l.it 'ltj')/!·lt. '..:l~ic:l such ',.;ark is per­ formed, eXl'('1'~U!e"" ::1' ,~ .. C':lnc1irl'Ji.(:, ~:!'·d"~:;3~')'I~ll status, and ot:~ler relt'v~Lnt cl'itcl'::" 1: .... :., ...~XC(·pt.j~.I!."l c~.··.~:, };.!C!icl' :;tiPCOllds mllY be WRlT8r;tcd; SUe:h C:·.'· i : ~'l!' ',:in 1"''11:' I', ,\Ill/'.'t./;<)!) upprc.'.'hl.
In adJ.i tion to ti,~ ; t. i j···.l:.l~; fot' U01'i"';;, [Ii)) ror.>l'iuLt: providon .....ill be made for o.lJ OiI~Ll":l~:; L;;' \i'~'i'ei:dellt::;, C'-'. t of li.-, info nllowances .....hen ncccss ar.:', tr,i h:q'U :'1 ' :. ill! I, :J.! III ba:; i (: /.;., 1i c u 1 Clld ue c i den tnl death' insurel1cc. l'r;~!l.~p(lI'l,':~ir)!' of' dCPt.::1:k'lt:' to the UOPF's place of assignment will be provld(':l in ":"Cl:'d'::':~c: \o.'lth .l"LD.-.tllprovcd nracLices of university C:(lnt.ol·;.:C:\..l'r.. •
Before tl'UV-'::] j n::: t.o ti .:, i,l.' (!V('r;,('~lS ",:;:;i.;'-,::';.:nb:., UOPf" 1; '",ill receive in:;truction in iiw r.. I ~I!'c.: "~lcl q.'eciaJ, UI~J:I·.Uluc; of th~ir overseas assic;nmcnt. l'hey <,'j 1.1 n:cvh'c orient.:··,L.icll in order to bc:come 8.vare or the culture, staLe of I:::dic,.]. tt:clmoloc.::,r, politicnl conditions. etc •• In the host country.
lfuere feasil1l€:, Hiv(';; d'ld t'2l~Il-3C;'; chiL1r<..'l1 \otil) p<!rticipa.te in the ora,611tut~ on procr',iI;l, r'l:i.-',\l.~t':c lr'ailLi :i[; \olin be pl'o'tided Hhen required for the lntern to fUllt:l:i.011 tjucccssfullr in his overseas assignment.
While assigncd to the hor;t insti tuLio!ls, the. UOP.I<" s 'Would be expected to perform a var:tet~r of t.[H;]'s uoth to meet th(~ nec;ds of the }'lost, organization and to furthcr develop thd l' own prort~sdonCil experience,~nowledge. and int~reGts. The activit:ies lilHy include (:~xperilllental and developmental techniques and method:" l'e::;earch, eyaluatioll, day-to-day general operations, and similar endeavor", Although tlJ1i:;r would usually be U.S. nationals, the fellows will not uc: d jrc:c:tJy connected ,·J:i.th USAID jn LDC' s although USAID's w:tJ.J hav(: rc··r.it··..!vcl the al;[dcnlflcnt 1:'cfoTe hand, given their concurrencc; and be kept fun y "WI1"; "f 1I0PF 3ct.iv:i i. i.c~;. 'l!hey vi ill not receive b~nefits or prjvileger, ex tC'TIllr: (1 t.(l U,:3. GovC'rnlllent employees stat ioned overseas. There will ue no (l.clli'.ild;:~lr<.l.',.;ivc reJ.nt.i('lI~lt:il)}' ,rith USJ\ID's and no per­ sonnel ceili np;s ~lrc tu 1)[' involved. 'l'llp. a~s:i.c;ned I~r.!rsons will not be idcnti fied in any H:',J' ,·d tll U. S •• Gov(!j'm:lclrl. ltctivlties in the host countrj es.
While overscus, uor~'G will receive Buporvlsion nnd evaluation and be visited at lea::; l once u year o:r nlY[Jroi:,:'i ai.(~ stuff of thc. iini versitie~. Hherc such visi t~:; lJ~' ud vcrsi ty st9.fJ' nrc not practicable, other orgo.nizutiolls, such (,.: Ch!! Ford FOU!!~j:l~i(lll, l'ol)ulution Council, or the Horld HC:.l.lt.h OrUilli,',;d :.Clli ::"IY be l'eq1.\':-,-.t.~:(l 1..(1 pCl'forln stich a function.
Upon COI!/I)lf't.Lon 0;' Jl;~; r',: ;;i;'IITI.C:nt, cr. .:.:h U.J!'J' 'v;j.ll Lc, required to file a wd.ttcn l'Cl)(lI'L ;;1, ,," . :,} z·j 'i:-. hi::; ['cLi v.i tj t·;:. 'The i1oct.. 'l.f,ency or insti ­ tution '<IjJ} nh:o L':~ },' ]:',(:;(.(:(1 to fiJc ,'n f'v:·lt.::,t.ion report.
'l'he: unjvcn~:it,jr,:; ',;jl] :',;':;i::t rc:t..m'Il'!.:i ~;O}';."~; tej Lc: pl~ccd into suitable emploYlJj(!nt or /:i'.lc1(: [t\ .. i.l"bJc· to jll'o::!'l',::Live c:n!,loycr~ such as A.I.D., HIlO, ~{nd otltC'y's.
II. GE'l"l'Ti/(;
Since fL!.::ILly )11 iI' .::: :,' ~<l.J !:opul."l. U. on l' lCJl::r~l':;!; U!'C re la t i v ely liew, trainillg uctivitit':: l'..!lIjr,-, c'xp'lll,le:] IlIll eu;;U:1uinC c;:]ph'\!;is both in assisted count)') (:;~ ;,. ,1 i tl the 1'.0. A.~.l c:u.Jl1U';, 1Irop,l'n:ns need more tI'uinE:d pC:-Gon:j':l L:1:.:l Hl'C' !,rest::n:l:" :t';rd.l ~tblc. At tiH! same time, U.S. tecl1llicnl ,.:~:;i:.;t'!'l(·e I':ust look V-, U.c;, institution!; to train needed U.S. V):,"1.: .. :,I":1 j';',l~:ratn Sll,~cll:;5st;.. no",' ill short supply. RecruitmC!nt hlld C:1.!!,lo::: .~'Il'" (If tl';..l.inc·r] !l!0c~:-L~ '~'orb:rs I.1n(l specialists call for viGol'ol.~:) :lCt.! ~:. P.t Illl lev,..~:;,
A projection of f'L';:: :'i:;;;,lon cst.irr"'.i.r:,; sll~ce!;Ls tha.t the extension­ of fwnily plalll.i Ilf'. :;,",' i C":·., using :il·t·:;CIlt. tccilllOlor.Y, to 0.11 eligible couplcs in A.I.D,-':~;:·.1st.,·'1 countrh':,; \Iouhl l'cquh'e 50,000 physician., more tha.n 200 ,000 1>~.r;·'·\,-!IJir.nl p~r~;olll1'~l and over 350,000 field workers. 'l'hese fiGures do i1Cl~.. incl till,.: othcr !'(;::':;o;lllel S ucll as heulth educators. soc~al wor~:ers, scc: :,r,' 1 tc:,tc!1ers, bch·\\'(.'l·Inl scicnti:.;ts end administrators reqhircd in popuV, Li ."1 :)!'(,::.:'un;s.
U.S. Ilcpnrtrnl:!llt of J' :'(I!' cc.tilll.J.te~; of t..;IC :,nnpowcr needed to proviae fumily pl8.11n lllE: :;(; l"!.l Ct':; to the fOll I' II~ i.J.l iOIl tr. S. ....omen mos t in need of. Duch scrvj(,(!;:; :'.1"t': 32) llhysici<>.Il;';; .1.,700 l'celstcred nurseSj lhoo clillic (dc1I.~::-.; ,.:.:J )~,CJOO outrc;~e!l ',;0rl~c:1':;. Again, these figures do not. include the ()~,h(:i.' necessary pcrt;onncl for such programs.
. 4.
, . 5.
. , 6.
.. . To ovcrco:no r.ho·rt.H ~\~S ot . trE.\inecl p~'(lJ !: ~;S l. OlW.l /flunpolle:r in populntlon1fttl!JilJ' l'l£,nning ,job c:~C\ !.• . --l O:lL; . ,jUi:le popul!! ti on/ trunily planninG or~e riznticns have ~lrcady requested UOPF'n. Th~sc inclu .1-:: \.h(: Pc;mlnti or. C..l\!l1. : ·j "nd Church Horlci Service, both of "hieh hnve received !";uPf:ort from A.I.D ."
, I
To ln1tinte anu p'l"c/vide cuntinu i c.J' 'v O _' ,::' ·./ Ul·Cf, and othc!:' efforts invol'o'ing use of commun'icntiolll';' mC!dia to dissernin3.te family plannin£:: ideas i methods of on' o.ni o:il g fnrnily planning programs; techniques Heed to e'/allHlte pl' o(~ro.ms i means of introducing smull family norms and vn lW:;; effect of ch:i.ldhood survivnl on desil'ed fr.Jnily size; feu:.. i bil iiy, acceptability, and reliability of diff1~rent family pllnliing methods.
To c:.ontinue II basic inv~stment in IIIncdclUlS pursuing profes­ eiona1 training in populfition/frunily plannjng .
To provide a mcchenimn for t ....o-\luy tron::mitt:u); of information on popu1ntion/ flJ.!1\ily, plnnning devel opme nt!: gu' ned from administrative experience, technicnl ope:-ction5, and research •
To strengthen key po'ints in LDC population progl"~s nt project levels and in si.tuatiolls 'Where formal consul tnnt Bcrvic(!s cannot, rench 01' nre not feH!.>ibl e undcr pl'cscnt ~011tfcal and social conditions.
Other universitj os 'rT:i J 1 be encoura~ed t o p'a,!·ticipate in this program where t hey have: (a) usoflll cO.n · borative ).t:!a. ionships with population7family plannj.ng institutiom: in L CIS; (b) acLunl or potential di rect contact with prospective DOP!i' C:fl,ncl±aates; (c) a ,.,illingness to participate on a three to :r :jve-yc~;l' llHf.l :i s ; a nd., of coursc , where !fI..I.D. has adequate i'unCls available.
J'ohns Hopkins Univen::i.ty Hctivities in population are under a Univcl'sity··"Ii c1c CO!tllll ,iL (; "::r: 011 Populutjon . 'Pile main responsibiUty for providing tlcnciling 0 Jl( lJu1nLion and f' mnily planning is in the Department of PopuJ 'I.i.,i I and the r;chuo.l of lIygi enE!. Relevant subject matte:r perl!leates tll e; t,'Jachine or seve r a l depflrt ments including Internutionnl lIr.:al i n , l'utho'oiolo['Y, Jlj oatutis'Cics nnd BehaviOl'al. Sciences.
The Center for PopllJ. c Lion Planni ng (c: ~p ) at the Universit~ of t,Uchigan iH one of three CC:t d ... ·) · .; that t:olllpd s c thc Uni ve rsity Population Program at thllt in ~;ti LuI. i un . 'J ltH! otlt(:'t two [(I'U Liw Ce'n tcl' for He search in ReprodtH.:tivc BioloC ' lnl t ile Populat"on Studies Center. The CPP coo.[1el'ate s "Tl tl1 thc (. ilC!r t \·/o cent ers Lo perform teachinG, research and service.
The Carolina Populo t oj Oil Ccn te r nt t he Uni vel'S i ty of !'orth CaroHna develops and coor-din .t~, t; a Un ivel'sitY-Hldc- multidisciplinary pro~Ul -. of research, cd\lr~at i.01 1 t ! llll s ervice i tl the field of population dynamics and family pli.lnll i lJ ~ . j
Toe three un:lvel'siti ( z lmvc entered into use ful r e lationships vith public Hnd privu Lc: pvl' ll a tion/family plll.lllline; ol'l}ulIizutions in I.DC's. Among these ore;ard zu. Li OilS al'e : !./ .­
CHII.J.o~: Uni ve:rf.:i y 0 (' Cilile, School o.f PUb. ic Health; Government or Chile, .' /
TlI.iliHAN: TaiHHIl P(ll.'ul:J.~d. oL1 'rrainiIl~ Ce n1.el'.
II 'J.1UHKgy: ~mlUlira. ScilOol of Puhi\li c Heuil.uh;
Hncettcpc i·!c d:i.cnl Center.
Unl---vCl'si ty,_. of .. Hilcllii./7.nn_--- i(-- __ INDIA: ~1inistry of H-::nl'th nnd Family Planning;
Central T"u!ltily P.1. a nnine; Insti tuce; University o f iluroda (Gujara t); Indil.l.ll Insi.,j t ute: of 'i'echnoloEY (Kttnpul') 0
KOREA: Institu·:.. c f :'Jl' Fi.l. d ly F'.ht.nnin~~ al d Henl th.
PAKISTAH: Minintry of He ~d.th; National Research Institute of FWII1ly II
Plnnnin l~ (1~ (1.1'I.lchi ); \-lent P£lir.istl.l.n Rc:search and Evaluation Cent e r (l.:dl'.'l'L'); E!uzt l'alds t,an RE!SCnrch and hvaluation Center (VACCA): on r .11..1.11 Post-Grl.ltl w d .. e :~cdicnl School (Karachi).
t' "
'l'URKEY: llaccttcIJO 111 :~ t i.l.u'CI!.' of Population Studies; Directorate of F'amily Planl jp t,; , ?ij,nistl'Y o f Health.
Clllr.g: Univert; ity 0 f Chile (Sun Cia "(1 ) 0
INDIA: Ninistq or 1i .... 1 ltl1 a.nd Fumily PJtIl11l1.nr. ; Gandhigram Institute of Rural Ik:.:J.Hh nn FUluily Pl~nnillr:.
IHAN: Ministry a r lk t~l t.h and Family Planning.
UAR: f.linistry of' Hc .;~1th; Oairo Univers ity; Alexandria
. T111\ILAND: Center for Population and Social Research, (Bangko1, ) •
The oyo1"(l.1J. fr(IJllc ;()~ .1 ~ , 5.n 'tl;lich the v.'bove Cj~ :i:tcl·:ta. will be applied, 1s reJ.o.tccI to m:.npO'.iCI' 11 ; :'dr~ :i.n tho field of pC)J)ult.tion Elml fe.mHy pl.annW8 as n \Thole. '1'h5.s JftC:' 1\ :j t.hnt fll.nc1:tng i'o:r the UOPJ?cllo",ohlp pl'ogram fa DOt to be used b~- the 2U (d ) cCllltl'actors n s nn nu.[tllll:!nte.tlon grant tor tlieir in::rt:i.tutlorw. Rnt!wl' , tl e flUlds nUElt be co uJiclul'ed as Q. mea.ns of furtherine i.,he tl'C.:bl :l.:l:~; of cluoJlifi8c't p Cl'r;ol1n and combating rMnpowe~ shorts.ges. Flcllef':i.t~: \:'(.'tLlcl accrue to lIC1.ny :I.n:r·'i~~t·tions, orga.nlzatfons, the JJDC '0 nn(1 cel"t ·).:i.nJ y t.o J(jhe \.Ul:i,vcl's:!.tic~ cven thouen the lJOPF timdi c·o.\1not be \wecl f o).' ~; '.l c il a.l ((l) rl\.1l·J.l0f.;,:::; (U " l'oscn.rch, operations, H1i'~ of i'nc:u1ty'; , or o.l12.rd!t l G of Dchol v.l'13h i.r>t; .
!fU.though noth 'inC is to lie done to hick tIl(.: American identity of ·' allY of the UOPli"s , sc.·1·upuloussCPU1:v.ticm of the UOPFellm·lship activities
• .l frum the USA!}) rrl Y lJdp r LIte OI i1ooit:i.c)n to the pl'ogrnm, Administrative sepnl'ution of th~. 1I0 'I ' I f.; from tlL;fllD' .. is nmnuntol'Y; uctua!12 physical sep:~;t'o.tion of UOJ)~" s flo II COlltP..Cti -.d t.i'J Ini fl nlon rot.uf f is not necessary c;<t!Cpt \1here: mAr IJ I:.. f er;]. L'me such cc·ntt',(:It; i s not con ltlcive to tJ. S. activitics in nil 1,1 ) '. }\ccol'c1inel:,' , UOPI"'~1 .: i ll not receive payments of stipend.tl or local CU Y' !'CIl(:Y u.Uow Ii ..... :; fl'Cl II U.,JI.IV.
'l'i!e universi tier; ',..Ul 1.1 1-,e arrangcm 'nts fOI' acinrinistruti ve support of UOP]i" s, e.~., travel, ,.ld P11i l1[,;, stCll'D e , etc . 'l'his .....il1 be done through.' tho untvE!l'Rl ty Gt~) r r or thl'our,h !til Ol' f.~ [.ll1 i '.atioH of their choosing such as the Illn1Htnt.c: for TI ~.l: l · w.t ional l~d\lc ,,1.j, Oll , provided A.I.O. resulations a :cc foJ.lo\i~(~ .
UOIJji' cundidntes aI'" t.v be selcct~d y Lit(: tllIlVC1'si ty for assignments solely on the basil', of t ile: c ~II11U d tees:
1. Capncity to . Etl'form IldCqUllt ly t he techuicllJ. tusks.
2. Ability to fUllction satisfactorily
3. Proopcct.n fOl ' lCln ~-term nV:JUnbility to 'Work in the field or populutieo,l ': tld f ar ily pll.lnnin~ upon completion of assignment.
For the different d j , ~;d1)li nes , u variety of as s ' e;nments wouYd be appl1opriate. A "1mb] i C' uc1rrri nistr~U on " UOP1" Inay be interested in the practicaliti es of pOl'uJa\; ion program administ r a.t i on and perhaps not be 1nv:olved in the usc of II eel] cal l abs , H eal equipment, etc. A "maternal and child health" UUP),' couJ d be interest c1 i n mltters rela.ting to the admi nist r at i on of a ~!C l! cJ i nic, medi ca.) techniques us ed on local women, probl ems of cOIDIllun i cat j ons , etc. A phys:i clun limy be interested in some of the above and/or 8}) c:.in lized studies ; e .g ., r eliabi lity of certain birth control devices an 1 l' L' ] utcd Ulattel'S , \0111 Le ver the assignment the UOPF woul d be per fo rmi ng'" 1'l, dOllied \lBc fu l by the host institution for its purpose anel Ell so pe ·r(1 ' Ill ' (J l'k wi th a 1 -· u't' !l l ne; content that would be of t rai.ninr. val ue t o tJlr.. UOPJ.' ,
Sped fic topic s of l ' t' :~ 9. t' Cil, eXjlc ri rnr-nLHtion I OJ' opel'utions might be:
1) Use of COlJllnl 1 i cu Li ons Incd i a t. o di sseminat e fumily plannin~ ideas;
2) l,ietho<l :·; o f Ol' tj:ud, 7. ill ' f an.i.ly plurmi nc; pl'ogl"amS;
3) 'l'echniqucs lI sed t o evaluate pr'oe; r arns ;
lJ) Means of ill Lr ("Jci uci llg sma ll f nmUy norms and values;
5) F:rfcc t of Cl i lc!ood s urviva l 0 1 d.::s ired f amily size;
6) Feasibil j l:y , ncc l.~ pL:J bilitY I 11 r cl i ability of different family planninr: mt! th()d~ ,
Sirni1Jarly, the l c nGth ('f time ....oulll va r y , Diffe rent ~inds of research projects req\d r e d i. (,f· rcnt l ellg t !l!3 aIl d t Yl c: s of manpower inputs. The same is true of non·,reueal'eh aS~J i Clllllrmts , 'rhe Illaximum will be two y;ears. For planning purpoces , the nve r aec l ength of ut,;signlllcnt is estiDlateo as ei!ghteen rnontho.
SI ednl COIl ti .lc1cl'ld"tnll \JiU be g bC: ll selected as UOPP's. ] n ~ome cases,
Each U0PF .,Till receive F,enernl bl'icf1.nr,s on A.Ln. Population and Family Plann:img activi tics ) .,ol.'ld-'r7ic1e, nnel d~'ia.ncd bl'ic::lings re]ati'ng to' the LDC of a:Hl:i!gnmcnt. 'l'lle la'C(;cr~ bricrd, t'lf~S Yili.ll include popula.tion llnd: non­ population progl'Cl.JIIS,
The pl'ogram calls fo).' close cooperation and coorllination · of activities by the lnvolvcc1 ul1ivcr~:i.t:l.eD. This f>'P:l.r:l.t "fouJ.(l reflect itself in the. follm'lillg:
1. ~ec:..~~~JJ.2'-:.(~~_ ~·P..l.~ - Corl'Cractol" could do some specialization on the 1 L·;h; ur ( a ) Lyp() of d i.:ld I Une ; (b) relation!) with host in ~t:i tutiol S ; (c) pa rticulu1' counil'Y) l'C'{,ion , province or Cl llllu'Ue, I.:t.c,
2. Re C: l.'\!L~.!21.l'.II~. . :1/ !:1. l ~.ef~.:!.l'n].:. - Utdvcrsi tic's cliould refer contactees to OtllOl ' Ull i. vf: l:si ties 1. f the conta ctee.. ' training, interest, etc, Ct.re: mol'\..: I II tune ...,ith the: ldnd of assignments the other contractor :. \: .i11 bE! SPOil~)or:ill e ,
3. PllJ.(~(:Jnillt - ' If ! thl'(~e UllivLn:1Lir'z \>'iJl be nsked to share irlfOi:w::n:'O /1 L1 1< t. \ i.11 a!".i !.l .Ls t i.n ih p.1:.tcement or returned UOPF's inLo !)uit a! , l.f~ c:', ploy rneltt,
Ser;~s_~ -. Cn. trac tors mfly bcne::fj C from mutual exchange of thc:1.l' r;( 'rv) CC:G , For cxa nplo , Hhcl'e stuff of one contractor nrc: vir;iiine ' H I U1"e:a , they mJ1Y llC:l'form nomo chore, etc. for ' the ot.i lC:: I's . l'llis miGht include discussions with UOPF's , connultuth !l Ilith host ins t.i tUt.iOIl stuff, delivery of special j.tclIIs ) otc ,
,'. )
~c:.tg~. U[~~~~~:L Tot~\l 19·{O'.7~' 19'"(0__ ._~._.__
u . i -n:t.vcrsity of }lor t:h Clll1oJ.:i.nn. JOh/lS Hopkins Uni vc;r. ::::i. ty UniversIty of J.lichic:m
- 10 -
The lUlivc:t·siM,cr. Hill '{;~':_(' :il/':!\('c1iu.tc :;\;<':;1:: tt' (l,'-!v~lO[l overlJcru: positiollfl for recruitlil::mt oJ' 30 UOPFcU,ous to be:::i,)} tl','~:;,)' (1.c:J:t~nrnents in the summer and fnll of ).970. Bach (:,DS:i. '))':,1'11(; Hill l'c,rd:,'c'! itt: Olm course 0-; nction. The contractors 1Iill il1:i'uH,1 .;:~o r. D. ~ of t.hd{' 1,lp,l1r; to place UOPl~(!.Ll OHD in Specific asSlen::lcmt:J. T/\13/rOP/H uHl 10 1".110 office of concern ft.nd will obtain Regiollt~l Dm'8a1.lS conC'lu·).'C'nco in thl! l)l~,rw ns 'Hell as bn reapc;lE;iblc for DlOnitorins tIde; pro~i (!ct.
The contl'HctOl.'S ',Jill sul/Jld,t. to 11.1. D. p!:~r5 ()(:it' l'l:]l(l/"Ls t!.ncl assi,!.llment reports. Periodic repOj'Lf; ...d J.1. he I:mdt~ L'\"~')'J i.~ rn(1-.ltI!B except th::l.t the final report Hill h(~ 1;'11([(;' \;ilCn the }'j','lr;r</'!l if; completed. The peri,odic repo,rts will dosed l.,c proC)":c;; rlllll prolilc:'\', crl<;llunt.C:l'cd in the prorr,rfLm. The final report ...rill Slll,l!:,"'ri:;,:! tht' pr(li':l'(':',;' :'~'1,1 t.lw problems OV(:l' the: life! of the pro{;.t'nm and II!:ly .:.~J.:;() illClu'Ji' n:C(l, ,':':'l1<lat iOl::; for further activities. J\SSir,w1c'nt rq/r,rt:.: \fill h(' \.'1'i.U,t':, by each UOPFellm/ to sUIDn19,rize sir,lliricilll~ a:;p,,'d.~; or his c:x!,c:d c,,:~' ill tk LlJC flS~;j srllr,ent. These will be sllbl'l.i Lt.c;l to !•. 1 . D. Hloli;: ;:; 1,:1 : "~,, r<.!i'o)'l.r. prcp1u'c':1 hy the host ins"\'itut5u:-: or (It:l',')' :d1j;' l',',i:;ol' 0" tI", [',,";,'/:)1(1',,';, Hctiv.il.j(:s.
University Oversea~: Populn t:tOI1 Ferl ()\dri.p Program: Estimated Financial Inputs for Tln'c'( Un'tvcl'sit~e!J
1. Stipends & Allot·ranees 2. Other Costs 21

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