na0170e - powerciat lx -...

Post on 05-Feb-2018






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NA 01.70 E



Yourhigh -p ower ally

from 230 to 1100 kW

PowerCIAT heralds a break in the way packaged water

chillers are designed today. The once-common massive and

bulky forms of yesterday have made way for unobtrusive, sleek

designs that are now the norm.

Designed with the best ergonomic considerations in mind, PowerCIAT

packaged water chillers blend harmoniously with any style of décor. The clean

lines, inverted-triangle motif and attractive colours, make these very discreet units a

pleasure to install as well as look at..

PPoowweerrCCIIAATT iiss tthheenneeww rreeffeerreennccee iinn223300-11110000 kkWWccoooolliinngg ssyysstteemmss ffoorr tthhee rreessiiddeennttiiaall,,sseerrvviiccee,, hhootteell aannddccaatteerriinngg,, ddiissttrriicctthheeaattiinngg aannddiinndduussttrriiaall pprroocceesssssseeccttoorrss..EEaacchh ooff tthhee rraannggee''ss2288 mmooddeellss iissddeessiiggnneedd ttoo mmeeeetttthhee mmoosstt ssttrriinnggeennttssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss..

Streamlined and powerful, the

PowerCIAT range combines the best

in today's technologies to provide

your facilities with an unique

concentration of technical prowess

that will optimise their cost-

performance, power-efficiency and

design-integration ratios..

Air hhandling uunitsClimaciat Concept airclean

Fan ccoil uunitsMajor NCV/NCHVertical / Horizontal without casingMajor 2 without casing, for duct connection

Chilled wwater ccassettesCoadis cassette with coanda air diffusionMelody cassette, 4-way directionallouvers

False cceiling uunitsUTA Compact,Climaciat ClubFan ccoil uunits

Major 2, Vertical /Horizontal with casing

P o w e r C I ATthe new-generation packaged

water cchiller

CIAT terminal units

ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceef o r a n y s i t u a t i o n

Each PowerCIAT unit can be equipped with theeasy-to-use and economical complete Plug & Cool


• The hydraulic equipment (LXH/LXC versions) includes :- Buffer tank (LXH version)

- Expansion vessel- Water flow switch

- Pressure gauges with shut-off valves- Drain

- Automatic and manual bleed- Pressure relief valve

- Large selection of single and twin pumps- Pump shut-off valves.

• Complete equipment. Main switch, flow switch, all year operation control in standard.

For installation with sufficient water capacity, an hydraulic version without buffer tank (LXC) isavailable.

It's got exactly what you're looking for. No more headaches with needless bells and whistles,complex purchases and bulky and expensive units.


in actionform 230 to 1100 kW

Today, CIAT is a world reference in

exchanger design and manufacture.

For over 70 years we have been working on

ways to provide maximum cooling capacity,

reduce volume, and limit pressure drops.

The fruit of our research and experience, the new

patented COREVA exchangers optimise space,

capacity and performance.

C i a t e x c h a n g e r

technologyh i g h p e r f o r m a n c e

“ P l u g & C o o l”

easy iinstallation

Proposed on all PowerCIAT units,

HPS technology allows to increase

cooling and heating capacity and the

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER),

particularly through capacity control.

HPS System keeps the PowerCIAT

running at optimum condition all

year long.

Easy-to-open panels provide immediate access to

refrigerant circuit, electrical, hydraulic and control

system components for even faster maintenance.

Ergonomic control box for easier



f o r o p t i m i s e d m a i n t e n a n c e

H i g h P o w e r S y s t e m ( H P S )


S c re w c o m p re s s o r s

the bbest ttechnology hhas tto oofferLatest-generation accessiblehermetic screw compressors aresmall, quiet and high-performance.

The rotors, designed with a stableprofile for higher yield, are precisionmachined to significantly increasetheir efficiency by reducing rubbingand by-pass.

The screw compressor has fewermoving parts and is coupled directlyto the gearless drive for lower vibration levels. The rubber anti-vibration mounts maintain noiseat a low level.

The compressor used by PowerCIATallows a wide operating range with aparticularly high yield. Despite theirhigh capacity and with compressorspart winding and cascade control

starting, PowerCIATunits keeps anacceptable starting


The small number of movingparts, high-quality components(such as aeronautical bearings),optimised oil management, andmaximum and continuousmotor cooling mean longer lifefor the PowerCIAT units withno servicing or heavymaintenance required.

Highperforma nce

at wordfrom 230 to 1100 kW

Xtra ConnectThe new generation

of control systems by CIAT

CIAT's latest development in intelligent digitalcontrol systems, Xtra Connect uses specific

parameters and an array of sensors to control theoperation of any PowerCIAT packaged water chiller

with unrivalled precision.

Components are controlled automatically for continuousoperation and a specific algorithm is used to offset any

drift in operation.

The water temperature set is always maintained regardlessof operating conditions.

• AAdaptive ccontrol

Adjusts to suit any system set-up (water inlet or outlet control,water formula according to climatic conditions, and ice storage.) and

manages two remote switchable setpoints.

• RRemote ccommunicationAll methods of BMS (Building Management Systems) possible via the RS 485

serial port and MODBUS/JBUS open communication protocol.

• SSafety ffeaturesWater flow control, antifreeze protection, phase inversion protection, discharge

temperature control, high and low-pressure protection, and anti short cycle controlsafeguard your packaged water chiller and extend its life.

• OOutputs ccontacts

Fault per circuit and pump control outputs contacts.

• AAvailable iinputsInputs for external control (clock, BMS, etc.), setpoint switching and remote setpoint adjustments (0-20 mA signal)

on any PowerCIAT unit.

• EErgonomic iinterfaceWith an LCD screen that displays operating status, parameter readings, temperature, pressure, operating times and a log menu that records up to nine previous faults, the Xtra Connect interface makes running yoursystem an easy task.The display can be installed away from the chiller for more convenient monitoring.

GTCRS 4485

MODBUS/J BUSModem cconnection

User-ffriendly –– EErgonomicMultilingualDefault mmemory ControlMonitoringSettings

Outputs :: FaultsPump ccontrol

Inputs ::External

controlSet ppoint


Built around a rigorous quality control plan,the PowerCIAT program was subjected to

CIAT's test platform during its research anddevelopment phase by our engineering and

design teams, esteemed by their peers in heatengineering as a reference in the field. Every product

is designed according to DFM (Design For Manufacturing), ameans of optimising manufacturability and ensuringmaximum quality early in the design cycle.CIAT also participates in Eurovent's certification programs, which certify that air-conditioning and ventilationequipment meets published performance levels.






CIAT is committed to protecting the environment.That's why PowerCIAT meets environmental regulations covering: - protection of the ozone layer (ODP) - greenhouse gas emissions (GWP).CIAT uses environmentally-friendly R134a orR407C refrigerant.

We recognise that noise level is an importantissue in today’s world especially in urban areas.This is the reason why we have designed PowerCIAT un three different versions asfollowing :- High PPerformance version,- Low NNoisse version,- Xttra LLow NNoisse version.

Pf : Cooling capacity Pa : Total electrical consumption(1) Eurovent conditions - chilled water outlet +7°C air inlet temperature +35°C(2) Hydraulic equipment delivred separately for size 4200 HPS


N°Performances kW (1) Dimensions (mm) Weights (Kg)

Pf Pa LenghtLX / LXC

LenghtLXH (2) Width Height LX / LXC /

LXH1200Z 236 101 2893 3922 2200 2200 2667/3017/3417

1200Z HPS 261 110 2893 3922 2200 2200 2667/3017/34171500Z 305 129 4260 5289 2200 2200 3459/3809/4209

1500Z HPS 338 140 4260 5289 2200 2200 3459/3809/42091850Z 362 156 4260 5289 2200 2200 3908/4258/4658

1850Z HPS 409 172 4260 5289 2200 2200 3908/4258/46582150Z 429 184 5626 6655 2200 2200 4652/5002/5402

2150Z HPS 486 202 5626 6655 2200 2200 4652/5002/54022500Z 552 216 5626 6655 2200 2200 5177/5527/5927

2500Z HPS 594 238 5626 6655 2200 2200 5177/5527/59272800Z 605 244 8358 9388 2200 2200 6071/6421/6821

2800Z HPS 690 268 8358 9388 2200 2200 6071/6421/68213050Z HPS 740 287 8358 9388 2200 2200 6940/7290/76903400Z HPS 820 320 8358 9388 2200 2200 7383/7733/81333750Z HPS 903 362 8358 9388 2200 2200 7826/8176/85764200Z HPS 1076 413 11090 12120 2200 2200 9150/9550/10050


N°Performances kW (1) Dimensions (mm) Weights (Kg)

Pf Pa LenghtLX / LXC

LenghtLXH (2) Width Height LX / LXC /

LXH1800X 379 130 4260 5289 2200 2200 4617/4912/5528

1800X HPS 403 131 4260 5289 2200 2200 4617/4912/55282150X 456 154 5626 6655 2200 2200 5240/5540/6166

2150X HPS 491 162 5626 6655 2200 2200 5240/5540/61662500X 515 178 5626 6655 2200 2200 5669/5969/6596

2500X HPS 571 193 5626 6655 2200 2200 5669/5969/65962800X 602 198 8358 9388 2200 2200 6688/7149/7612

2800X HPS 649 204 8358 9388 2200 2200 6688/7149/76123050X HPS 703 230 8358 9388 2200 2200 7555/8003/84783400X HPS 777 261 8358 9388 2200 2200 7970/8418/88933750X HPS 846 293 8358 9388 2200 2200 8380/8828/93034200X HPS 996 318 11090 12120 2200 2200 9700/10100/10600

EQUIPMENTAccessible hermetic screw compressors standardAuto-adaptative microprocessor control standardMultilingual LCD display panel standardModulating capacity control fron 25 to 100% 1200 to 2800Modulating capacity control fron 17 to 100% 3050 to 4200

"4 possible controls(inlet water / outlet water /external T° / ice storage )" standard

All year operation down to -15°C externaltemperature standard

2 remote switches set points standardRemote adjustable set point ( 0-20mA ) standard9 previous faults recording standardMODBUS / JBUS / RS 485 communication standardMain safety switch standardAuxiliary transformer standardPart Winding starting for compressors standardFlow switch standardCrankcase heater standardElectrical panel wiring numbering standardHPS equipement ( High Power System ) HPS modelCompressors suction valves optionAntifreeze protection optionLow noise version optionXtra low noise version option60 Hz voltage version optionAntivibration mounts optionSingle pump ( LXH-LXC versions ) optionTwin pump ( LXH-LXC versions ) optionHydraulic connection sleeves option

Polyurethane coating for condensing coil option

BLYGOLD protection for condensing coil optionRemote control box optionFree contacts relay card optionLow temperature glycol water operation optionPartial heating recovery optionElectronic expansion valve optionFans speed inverter optionPhase control relay optionSOFT STARTER option

HFC R134a





Q a u l i t y a n d d e s i g n

Quality ccontrol

C I AT c a re s f o r

the eenvironment

P ro d u c t features6 sseries ccovering 228 ccapacities ffor aall rrequirements

Since more than 70 years, CIAT has enabled you to benefit from itsexperience and its wide range of technological knowledge.

It is thus not by chance that CIAT is currently the French leader for airconditioning and air handling.

With a staff of 2,200 worldwide, subsidiaries and approved dealers in over 70 countries, 9 production sites, and 24 commercial agencies in France,

CIAT is never far from where you need it.

It is by listening to you that CIAT makes your everyday work easier.CIAT is thus currently the only manufacturer of air conditioning units to supply integrated

hydraulic modules with power ratings of up to 1000 kW.

Moreover, all CIAT products, with their EC certification, are designed by engineers andtechnicians who are expert in the thermal, acoustic, aeraulic and electronic fields. They work in

collaboration with many research centres and constantly integrate the evolutions in ourenvironment.

AA CCIIAATT ssoolluutt iioonn ffoorr eeaacchh ssppeeccii ff iicc ssii ttuuaatt iioonnWith its wide range of refrigeration units, CIAT covers all the fields of application to provide overall solutions

for cooling and heating alike.

Radisson hotelHamburg - Germany

Stockley ParkUnited Kingdom

Cardiology unitPhnom Penh - Cambodia

Cité de l'espaceToulouse - France

La Mamounia hotelMarrakech - Morocco

Water // WWater Aurea 227 to 36 kW

Dynaciat35 to 415 kW

Hydrociat270 to 1420 kW

Air // WWater

Aqualis 225 to 20 kW

Aquaciat 2220 to 290 kW Powerciat

230 to 1100 kW Aqualis CCaleo14 to 20 kW

Aquaciat Power330 to 500 kW

know-how foruniversal comfort

Non contractual document. With the thought of material improvement always in mind, CIAT reserves the right,without notice, to proceed with any technical modification.

Head office & FactoriesAvenue Jean Falconnier - B.P. 1401350 - Culoz - FranceTel.: +33 (0)4 79 42 42 42 - Fax: +33 (0)4 79 42 42 10e-mail: -

CCompagnie IIndustrielle d’AApplications TThermiques - S.A. with a registered capital of 26 000 000 € - R.C.S. Belley B 545 620 114

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