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Narragansett Times (1855-1856) Narragansett Times


Narragansett Times (9/29/1855)

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Recommended Citation"Narragansett Times (9/29/1855)" (1855). Narragansett Times (1855-1856). Book 22.

Art lbo'11 oppre d d poor,' and: heavy · helU'U'd, . .

' 'The h ven above th in thick clo · , . I .. - WT3 )"C< • • •• •

And well nigh-cr~•boo ;° lJu l!lffhl lho11 •lIL • impurtctl, .

,.o (ti ndly ·,·oi to ny, "be not • afruid I i• · · '

~/ God knows it aD. I


ginning, ,... Thy tear of peni n i . nnforgot.-,,, _.

· God k.now11 jt all I , . . ·-~L -

~;n . go to · God. Pour out yonr beam before him ;' ' · ,

Tb ro · r10 gri ( your. ~ thct cannot feel ; .

• • And let your gr:,.kfu1 ion of prwo adore ·- - H1m- • ,.. -To ve, J1 rive, and cYery wound to

l.~al. l knO

For tAe Nan~a,;,ttt ~•J?lti .

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J'he nllie ~re hast ning (>,J' paration; in " ·a oi Gorf ·bllkoff a.t.tcmptlllg to ruach '--C-=---a 1-'erckop or to unjt with Liprandi. ~


.. ~~! Bu~ B.tcs.~w ·e hive·i1. ;,: ft-out_ ~ · ailthorit1, that a boat rac , brWe,terly 1

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•.... ha• ever-yet-oc~uri:ed, •~l- ,tall-e plt:ce Vincent. . . ., .. ·. In the Narr-,gans B~y ne~t .year, . i, --"7""'"'<-......,..-~---

: · which tliEJ • hole world ·will be.invit . t:. •

· to participate, -Priz~ . aruotmtii\g tc In Pro,yidenco, ~2d inst:, E ther ~, aoillc five · ·tboasa:nd ,folJars . will ·'oc ~ !\r, Y6ilr8, w,fo of Charl

. -awarded to the winniflg J>oats.-Nc:ui- and ~ughter of the l~te• Stmuc E .. Gardiner, .. 'sJicetin

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~ -;•, . .. of W1ckf'Qrd.. .. . . pm 4 d,, ., - • . . • ·.• -· . • •. Jn Bri.;tol, on-_ih,e ·2;th in&t. Mr. Ptestoii A CADIAN, .. ·. -

• ' ~ ' •Hodga, in the 'i-lst yrar of his '!!e. . • PO TIAC · · ,. ·

A -VENEllA8LJ: Coul>Lx •. -We.lea~1 crr{:n~~~o:~::':~rct~n,'!!o/a'.m~~&~~ .> ·~tf{f/:A~~LEi. :r -~ that "· Mr. J ohu Bmrowl!.,.• of N ~th Bj) . uf J,>o~-ei. eo·nn., and ·daughter of IJr. 'Geo.r~ · ..... , f .SUi!.~RIOR, • : ~. _

.- forica, is 98 yet1rs old, - and bis wi(e, tle~ry,Vliitc of..._J:}?1Pkinton. · ,. : '.~ • . . . • -".,PA~WUEN,CE, . B "d · JilO · Th J 1· d "'' ei;on• m.1 I , Oneida county, on the 15'11 ON

- . rt get, .. :v. • . . 6{ iav · iv.e to• of 9th m_ontb,-'1856. Acors Ra-tbb'uii· in the ~ ,; ' ; . •-. ·... -: ·, · • (A, - · . :--gefhe.r.Q9·.ye'.lrs.; T _ey ~ ---nafh ies ol Stth year o( his age. · · · . ·. _: . .

·.Ireland', and i"e&ide w,th theo<son, Val ·­ehtin.e Jlurro)\·11, .at or-th.-Bifte~~a. 11 is 8oub fuL whether .-tlier~ is_ ..anotheJ

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From the e11?vtt, al&d • ~ ..... ,..uc.-, __.._, MA I .

wt 'F R'S BAL 1 ,..OF '\\~JLD CHERR ;-

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("'aterma;,, Blocii, Flnt Floor,) Where r •hail ,. al • •111• be happJ lo !llhib_it m1 Good.-, · and gi ~•

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