nas dubai weekly tasks updated 2016 2017

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Paper Cup

Team Challenge

f o r P r i m a r y S c h o o l s

@ N A S D u b a i 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7

What is F1 in Schools?What have you heard about it?

Do you know anyone who took part last year?

How did they get involved?

What skills do you think you may use?

Here are some of your questions answered..

Learn lots and have Fun!

• Formula One™ Team members are expert at

many different things

• F1 in Schools = same skills for children

Science, Technology and Math




Problem Solving


• By hand, or 2D CAD and

paper cutter machine

• Design your own car

body, wings and paint


• Assemble with standard


• Race over 20 metres

What will it involve?

Design, Make & Race a

Paper Car

What does the car kit look like?

• Create a rough pattern of your car body ‘net’

• Draw it accurately using 2D software

• Add your team graphic design

• Cut out with paper cutting machine

• Or print and use scissors (younger children)

• Fold & glue

• Attach to the standard chassis


Car Design Examples

Create some slides about your team and project

• Use PowerPoint or similar

• Present all your teams work as a story

• Match your team identity

• Show your design ideas

• Include some photos of your car being made

• 6 slides maximum

Computer Presentation


• Create a poster to showcase your project and team identity

• Plan a simple table display to showcase your car

Team Poster

Present about your project to your teacher and classmates

• 3 minutes maximum

• What will be interesting to say?

• Who will say what?

• Explain your team identity

• Talk about how your team worked well together

Team Verbal Presentation

How fast will your car go?

• 20 metres long track

• Computer timing system

• How fast can you launch your car?

Race Time!



Team Manager



Design Engineer



• Form a team

• 3 – 4 members

• Think of a team name

• Decide roles



Wk 1 Task 1

Team Plan


Week 1 Task 1

Team Plan

What is your role?

No One Role is More Important than Another!


• Team spokesperson.

• Makes sure work is

done on time.


• Team logo design

• Team identity

• Team display


• Gets everything the team



• Designs the car body

• Designs the wheels and axles


• Manufactures the car

• Applies wheels and axles

• Paints final car

Week 1 Task 1

Team Plan

What is your team name?

Why did you choose it?

Is it original?

What does it tell us about your team?

What is everyone’s role and why are you suited to those roles?

Read the rules and regulations!

Bring a folder to keep your work together.

Create your own TEAM IDENTITY

• Team uniform designed by you

• Team logo / team name

• Team colours

Week 2

Team identity

Task 2

Uniform/Team Identity

Look at examples on this link:

-What does your uniform look like?

-Where did you get the ideas?

-How did YOU come up with the design?

-How will you arrange the sponsors on your uniforms?

Week 3

Car Design

• You need to get folder to keep all of your ideas, designs, logos together.

• Begin to design the model F1 Car- which design will your team use?

• Consider the dimensions of the car using the rules and regulations.

• Keep all of your ideas in your portfolio.


Car Design links

Check out the padlet here for ideas:

Print off initial design templates for children to use and decide on car design .

Once you have a finalised design you need to use PowerPoint to transfer your design to the template- your teacher will email it to your team.

Week 4- Review of tasks

As a team you need to present your ideas to your class members.

You must complete a short 2min presentation about your progress as a team, making sure that you have covered all the aspects from tasks 1-3.

Try to also include the following:

-What have you learned so far?

-What were your biggest obstacles that you overcome?

-What has been your biggest success?

-How is your team working?

You will then be graded by your colleagues and teacher who will give you feedback to use and improve your task.

Using marking criteria – emailed by your teacher- you will then be graded by your colleagues and teacher who will give you feedback to use and improve your task.

Week 5Sponsorship- how much will t-shirts/ baseball caps cost to get printed, where will you source the materials? How will you get your sponsors?

Where are you going to get this information?

- Pricing structure: what will your sponsors get for their money?

- Will you have Bronze/ Silver/ Gold/ Platinum packages?.

Children to create a spreadsheet of their costs and revenue using spreadsheet emailed by teacher.

Children to write a persuasive letter to sponsors asking for sponsorship to help realise their designs.

- Why should the company sponsor you?

- How will you represent the company?

- What will they get in return?

Week 6

Final designs to be saved onto the shared F1 Folder for your class-clearly labelled with your team name. DEADLINE: To be confirmed

Children to work on verbal presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote speaker- MAX 3 MINUTES. Use the rules and regulations to help you structure your work- see next slide for criteria.

Children are also to work on Pit Lane display. This will be used in your presentation and you will be judged using the scale criteria

Presentation criteriaVerbal Presentation:

Engaging / Interesting 5

Relevance 5

Team member participation 5

Structure and timing 5

Total out of 20

Multimedia presentation:Evidence of team plan and team work 5 Application of Design process & evaluation 10 Quality and relevance of Team identity components 5

Total out of 20

Week 72D cutter booked for week.

Once template is cut- assembly your chassis and put your design template onto the chassis, watch this tutorial:

- Be precise and careful as it will be judged!

Continue working on your Pit Lane display and your verbal presentation.

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