national building in latin america. political ideals stemming from the revolution in north america...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Political ideals stemming from the revolution in North America put European control of Latin America in peril. Social classes divided Latin America; and held all important positions. Creoles controlled land and business. Peninsular regarded the creoles as second class citizens.

A. Nationalist Revolts

1. Prelude to Revolution Creoles were descendants of European born in Latin America

who lived there permanently. Creoles favored revolutionary ideals of equality of all people. Francois Toussaint Lourveture started the revolutions. Led revolt on island that became known as Haiti. Became first independent state in Latin America.


A. Nationalist Revolts

2. Revolt in Mexico Miguel Hidalgo started. He roused the Native Americans

and mestizos. His forces were poorly trained and Hidalgo was sentenced to death. Eventually Agustin de Iturbide brought freedom to Mexico. He became emperor.

A. Nationalist Revolts

3. Revolts in South America   Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar were hailed as the “liberators of South

America.” San Martin believed that the Spaniards must be removed from all of South America, if any South American nation was to be free. Bolivar began the struggle for independence in Venezuela and went on to Ecuador. San Martin liberated Argentina and Chile. The two eventually joined forces and liberated the rest of Spanish South America.

A. Nationalist Revolts

4. Threats to Independence Other European countries wanted to move into Latin America and take over these

new lands. Britain wished to trade with Latin America and wanted to join with USA to figure out. James Monroe did not trust the British. The MONROE DOCTRINE was put in which strongly warned against any European intervention in the Americas.


A. Nationalist Revolts

The wars of independence had resulted in a staggering loss of people, property and livestock. Not sure of borders countries went to war to secure borders. Countries became economically dependent on western nations once again.


B. Nation Building

1. Rose of the Caudillos Began with republican governments but had no

experience in self rule. Strong leaders known as CAUDILLOS gained power. Rule by military force. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna ruled Mexico. Called self the “Napoleon of the West” he misused state funds, halted reforms and created chaos. 1835 American settlers in Texas revolted against Santa Anna. Texas gained its independence and was later annexed to USA. War between Mexico and USA followed. 

Benito Juarez followed Santa Anna and brought liberal reforms to Mexico.

B. Nation Building

2. A New Imperialism Political independence brought economic

independence but old patterns were quickly reestablished. Great Britain and US now dominated Latin America economy by foreigners. These countries built transportation and communication systems and power plants.

B. Nation Building

3. Economic Dependence The emphasis on exporting

raw material and importing finished products ensured the ongoing domination of the Latin American economy by foreigners. Most LA countries experienced uneven economic development since they were almost wholly dependent on the sale of one or two cash crops. LA countries remained economically dependent on western nations.

B. Nation Building

4. Persistent Inequality

Fundamental problem for all of LA nations was the domination of society by the landed elites. Land remained the basis of wealth, social prestige, and political power throughout the 19th century.

B. Nation Building

After 1870, LA governments led by large landowners, wrote constitutions similar to the US.

1. The US in Latin America US was world power by

1900. Began to intervene in the affairs of southern neighbors. Cuba was a protectorate, Puerto Rico was annexed. We supported revolution that allowed Panama to separate from Columbia. In return we got to build and control Panama Canal.


C. Change in Latin America

2. American Investments

Soon expanded. We sent military forces to many LA countries to protect our interests. In Haiti and Nicaragua we had marines for years.

C. Change in Latin America

3. Revolution in Mexico Porfirio Diaz created a conservative, centralized

government. Was supported by all the major institutions. Wages of workers had declined so they were upset. The northern states were in near anarchy as PANCHO VILLA armed masses of bandits swept the countryside. Was a demand for land reform and this was led by Emillano Zapata. He aroused the masses of landless peasants and began to seize and redistribute the estates of wealth landholders. This was the Mexican Revolution and finally a new constitution was enacted. Set up a president, created land reform policies, established limits on foreign investors and set an agenda to help the workers.


C. Change in Latin America

4. Prosperity and Social Change After 1870 prosperity based to a large extent on the export

of a few basic items. Wheat and beef from Argentina, coffee from Brazil. Increased industrialization. Had growth in middle sectors which lived in cities and sought education and decent incomes. US was a model for liberal reform.

C. Change in Latin America

Leaders of newly formed LA republics Caudillos Miguel Hidalgo. A hero of Mexican

independence after 1810, had studied what?

The French Revolution Mexican ruler from 1833-1855 Santa Anna Guarantee by the US to protect LA from

Europe Monroe Doctrine

21-4 Review

The Mexican period of reform from 1855 to 1876 included:

Separation of church and __. State Land distribution to the ___. Poor The ___ system Education Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar led

South American independence movements against what country?


21-4 Review

Most privileged Latin American class Peninsulares This country dominated the economy of LA

in the 19th century Britain Mexican reform leader Benito Juarez Wealth, social prestige, and political power

during the 19th century in LA were based on what?


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