national labor exchange standards presentation

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Presentation originally delivered in February 2012 to the National Labor Exchange (NLX) on HR data interchange standards and HR-XML in specific. The presentation is still very relevant as standards are still not widely adopted in Government, leading to higher costs for everyone. The NLX is a public-private partnership that collects and distributes job openings exclusively found on over 15,000 corporate career websites and state job banks growing on a daily basis.


StandardsMike SeidleDirector of Development - DirectEmployersBoard of Directors - HR-XML Consortium

Let's all do things the same way.That way, your electricity can power my light bulb...... and fit in the fixture designed by someone else.

"Standards contribute more to economic growth than patents or copyrights" -- IEEE

● Reduces research and development costs● Stimulus for innovation● Government: Better regulations.● Private Sector: New markets, growth and

profits.● Individuals: products and services that work.

Why Standards Matter

Why Technology Standards Matter to HR

● Easier to adopt new technologies like mobile.

● No technology barriers to new HR services.● Software is not in control of your business.● Less costly & time consuming to integrate

acquired workforces.

Ultimately:● Lower cost per hire.

Kinds of StandardsInternational & National: ISO, ITEF, IEEE, ANSI. Ultimate in managed evolution and change control.Consortia: MPEG-la, OASIS, USB, DVD, W3C, Managed evolution, change can be facto: Just kinda happen. No real control. Don't evolve well. Everyone just does it this way.

What is a good standard?

One that everyone uses.

(a bad standard is one that only you use)

Exhibit: SmartPhoneLicensed: ARM ProcessorETSI GSM Cell Phone

De Facto: Open Source UnixDe Facto: WebKit web browserEMCA: JavaScript LanguageW3C: HTML & HTTP Industry Consortia: OpenGLIndustry Consortia: MPEGITEF: SMTP EmailITEF: POP3

Over 500 standards used in most smartphones

Why Does it Matter to NLX?

Stuck with one vendor.Locked in to contract.

Change is too expensive.

(standards make it easier to let more than one vendor work together, too)

Vendor Lock In

Can't exchange data.Models are different.

Expensive and time consuming to move data that should be a snap in 2013.

(Secret weapon for vendors who want to extract dollars from you.)


Stand on the back of giants.Quickly innovate.

Evolve to meet the challenges of the future.

(We all spend a lot of time reinventing wheels. Let's invent something new.)

Enable Innovation

● Industry Consortia Driven.o Oracle, SAP, ADP, Kronos, Taleoo US Office of Management & Budget, US Postal

Serviceo Most of the background screening industryo and as of 2013, DirectEmployerso Future: hopefully, your state or company.o 43% of ATS Industryo 50% of HRIS Industry

HR-XML: Why It Matters

HR-XML: Why it Matters

● Standard Model Developed By Expertso Recruiting (Candidates & Positions)o Compensation

● Already Implementedo SAP, Oracle, ADP, candidate screening industryo Low cost to adopt

● Certification Suite Existso Vendors can validate their products.o Data has to be structurally clean.o Still no cure for bad data.

Standard Model

1. No need to waste project dollars on developing data model and vocabulary.

2. Off the shelf tools for validating.3. Simplifies interoperability

a. Think "PDF" or "Word Document". HR-XML is the document format for position openings & candidates

4. RFPs: All data can be imported and exported as valid HR-XML version 3.2

Developed by Experts

Today's HR-XML was developed by the most successful and widely used HR software vendors.

Tomorrow's HR-XML can be molded by... YOU.

Just join the consortia, and you have an incredible amount of influence.

What DE is doing with HR-XML

● Adopting the HR-XML model for our next generation software.

● Adding support for HR-XML input and output to APIs & Feed processing.

● Will take time but have HUGE payoffso Better compliance datao Better LMI datao New products like My.Jobso Compatibility

Other Standards - markup for your job postings that make it easier for search engines to index your jobs.

Very important to Google, Bing, YahooOpen Graph - Social markup. Tells social sites about your web content. Very important to Facebook

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