nebraska title vi civil rights administrative training slides

Post on 17-Aug-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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  1. 1. WELCOME! 6/24/2015 1
  2. 2. INTRODUCTIONS Name Hometown Transit Agency (5310, 5311, Intercity) Experience with Transit or Human Service Agency Administration Experience with Title VI Diversity in Your Service Area
  3. 3.
  4. 4. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) has devised this training in order to ensure that each NDOR sub-recipient, at an early time and in a regular manner, is informed of and compliant with the Federal Transit Administrations (FTA) Title VI requirements.
  5. 5. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The direction, guidance and procedures in this training is to assist subrecipients to: Ensure that the level and quality of public transportation service is provided in a nondiscriminatory manner; Promote full and fair participation in public transportation decision-making without regard to race, color, age, national origin, disability or sex; Ensure meaningful access to transit-related programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency.
  6. 6. AGENDA 1. Overview of Statewide Access to Public Transportation 2. Review Title VI Regulations and Reporting Requirements 3. Discuss Manual Development Timeline 4. Q&A
  7. 7. 711,588 Passengers 2,727,501 Miles Traveled 208 Vehicles NEBRASKATRANSIT.COM 2014 Nebraska Rural Transit
  8. 8. RURAL PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICE PROVIDERS City-wide Service County Service
  9. 9. INTERCITY BUS ROUTES Note: There are 12 first class cities that do not have scheduled stops and which are not on the routes of those providers that make additional stops.
  11. 11. PERCENTAGE OF PERSONS LIVING IN HOUSEHOLDS WITH NO VEHICLE AVAILABLE BY AGE Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2012 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample, Prepared by UNO Center for Public Affairs
  12. 12. WHAT IS TITLE VI??
  13. 13. plan-final-approved-by-FTA.pdf
  14. 14. STATUTORY AUTHORITY Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states the following: No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. This training is meant to provide guidance on the transit-related aspects of a subrecipient s activity. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that all of their activities are in compliance with Title VI and administered in a nondiscriminatory manner.
  15. 15. EXAMPLES OF DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES Denying benefits or opportunities Providing services/benefits in a different manner or in a segregated environment Retaliation Restricting privileges National Origin / Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Discrimination
  16. 16. DISPARATE TREATMENT VS. DISPARATE IMPACT Disparate treatment means discrimination against an individual. Disparate impact means discrimination that occurs as a result of a neutral policy which appears harmless on the surface, but negatively affects a group of people. Example: When hiring laborers, an employer required applicants to have a high school diploma. The diploma requirement screened out vastly more Hispanics than it did whites. Therefore, there was a disparate impact based on race, even though there was no intentional discrimination.
  17. 17. RETALIATION Retaliation occurs when a recipient or another person intimidates, threatens, coerces, or discriminates against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title VI, or because a person made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under Title VI and 28 CFR 42.107
  20. 20. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  21. 21. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  22. 22. WHAT ARE THE TITLE VI REGULATIONS? Subrecipients must submit six key pieces of information to the Nebraska Department of Roads Transit Unit Section annually, including the following information: (1) A copy of the subrecipient s Title VI notice to the public. (2) A copy of the subrecipient s instructions to the public regarding how to file a Title VI discrimination complaint. (3) A list of any public transportation-related Title VI investigations, complaints, or lawsuits filed with the recipient since the time of the last submission.
  23. 23. TITLE VI REGULATIONS CONTINUED (4) A public participation plan that includes an outreach plan to engage minority and limited English proficient populations, as well as a summary of outreach efforts made since the last Title VI Program submission. (5) A copy of the subrecipient s plan for providing language assistance to persons with limited English proficiency, based on the DOT LEP Guidance, including Safe Harbor language. (6) Subrecipients that have transit-related, non-elected planning boards, advisory councils or committees, must provide a table depicting the racial breakdown of the membership of those committees, and a description of efforts made to encourage the participation of minorities on such committees or councils.
  24. 24. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  25. 25. TITLE VI ASSURANCES Subrecipients of FTA transit programs are required to submit a signed copy of the Certifications and Assurances (Certification of Compliance with Civil Rights) to NDORs Transit Section as a part of the annual application process for operating assistance and capital purchases. All program subrecipients are responsible for ensuring that contractors, volunteers, and drivers follow and comply with Title VI program requirements.
  26. 26. WHAT AM I ASSURING THE AMERICAN PUBLIC We will notify the public of Title VI We will ensure public knowledge is comprehensive We will inform them of what to do should they need to exercise their rights
  27. 27. EXERCISE: REFLECTION Think about your heritage What is the ethnicity of your family? What language(s) did they speak when they came to America? Why did they come to America? 32
  28. 28. DISCUSSION: IN THE PRESENT Are their individuals in your service area who do not speak English? Why did they come to America? Why do they need access to public transportation? Self Education Childrens Education Employment Medical Care Basic Needs 33
  29. 29. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  30. 30. TITLE VI COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Right to File Anyone who wishes to file a Title VI discrimination complaint, involving the federal transit programs, against NDOR may submit the complaint in writing to FTA. Persons eligible to file complaints are persons who feel they were subjected to discrimination or retaliation on the basis of: Race Color National origin How to File Complaints may be filed by the affected individual OR a representative of that individual Complaints MUST be in writing and contain as much information as possible about the alleged discrimination. NDORs Transit Section has prepared a Complaint Form to be used for the convenience of the complainant. The written complaint should include the following: Complainant's name, address and telephone number A detailed description of the issues Name and job titles of individuals perceived as parties in the complaint Complaints received by telephone will be placed in writing and provided to complainant for confirmation or revision, and signature before processing.
  31. 31. TITLE VI COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Filing a Complaint Process Complaints may also be filed with the State and Federal Transit Administration: 1. Local transit provider 2. State of Nebraska Nebraska Department of Roads Kari Ruse, Transit Liaison Manager 1500 Highway 2 PO Box 94759Lincoln, NE 68509-4759 402-479-4694 3. Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator East Building, 5th Floor TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE What Information Should be Included? What information should be included in the complaint from the complainant? Location of discrimination activity Name, address and telephone number of complainant A detailed description of the issues Name and job titles of individuals perceived as parties in the complaint
  34. 34. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  35. 35. RECORD AND REPORT COMPLAINTS Investigation of a Complaint As part of the review, the investigator will at minimum: - Gather relevant documentation from the complainant not included in the complaint, such as forms, memos, letters, and photographs - Maintain log of all activities associated with complaint - Complete Investigative Report of information, findings, photos, and recommendations for corrective action to the Federal Transit Administration. A copy of the complaint, together with a copy of the State's report of investigation, shall be forwarded to the FTA Region VII office in Kansas City, MO within 60 days of the date the complaint was received by NDOR. Dismissal of a Complaint A decision to dismiss a complaint by NDOR can be done for the following reasons: 1. The complaint was not filed within 180 days. 2. The complaint is not covered by the statutes for which NDOR is responsible. 3. The complaint does not allege any harm covered under by the statutes for which NDOR is responsible. 4. The complainant requests the withdrawal of the complaint. 5. The complainant fails to respond to repeated documented requests for additional information needed to process the complaint. 6. The complainant cannot be located after documented reasonable attempts.
  36. 36. LETTERS OF FINDING, COMPLAINTS AND LAWSUITS In the event of a complaint or lawsuit being filed within the transit programs, a log will be maintained by the Agency & NDOR to include the following information: Date the complaint/lawsuit was filed Summary of the allegations Status of the investigation Actions taken by the recipient/sub recipient in response to the complaint/lawsuit and investigation. Documentation to be retained includes the complaint form and a summary of the findings.
  37. 37. NDOR COMPLAINT PROCESS All agency complaints are reported to NDOR NDOR will notify FTA. NDOR issues complainant a letter of acknowledgement. NDOR and Agency Investigate within 30 days of knowledge of the incident. Complainant has 15 days to supply requested information. NDOR issues complainant a letter. Letter of Finding (complaint is Title VI and meets requirements) Closure Letter (complaint does not meet Title VI requirements or eligibility) Complainant has 30 days to respond / refuse.
  38. 38. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  39. 39. PROMOTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Subrecipients have wide latitude to determine how, when, and how often specific public participation activities should take place, and which specific measures are most appropriate. Public participation activities should include the following: Public meetings conducted at convenient and accessible locations at convenient times. The use of visuals to describe plans and projects. Public information should be available in an electronic accessible format (i.e. Internet). Outreach activities to minority and low income populations can include direct mailing to minority populations to make them aware of public meetings being held in the community and to make them aware of available transportation services.
  40. 40. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION How do you involve the public in your service area?
  41. 41. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  42. 42. WHAT DOES LEP STAND FOR? Limited English Proficiency 51
  44. 44. PROVIDING ACCESS TO LEP PERSONS Limited English Proficient Persons (LEP) are defined in FTA Circular 4702.1A as: persons for whom English is not their primary language and who have a limited ability to speak, understand, read, or write English.
  45. 45. FINDING LEP PERSONS DATA American Community Survey Simple 3 click process 54
  46. 46. 55
  47. 47. 56
  48. 48. 57
  49. 49. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA VS. LEP POPULATION Demographic Data = Ethnicity or Country of Origin LEP Data = Ability to Speak English 58
  51. 51. WHAT DOES LEP STAND FOR? Limited English Proficiency 60
  52. 52. SERVING LEP POPULATIONS Book a trip (dispatchers & drivers) Date, time, address, travelers Request a special need, wheel chair, disability, or other accommodation. File a complaint (receptionist & transit manager) Ask a question (all members of staff) Resources: Translator or LanguageLine 61
  53. 53. The Safe Harbor Provision as defined by the Department of Justice stipulates that if a recipient provides written translation of vital documents for each eligible LEP language group that constitutes five percent (5%) or 1,000 persons, whichever is less, of the total population of persons eligible served or likely to be encountered, then such action will be considered strong evidence of compliance with the recipients written translation obligations. SAFE HARBOR PROVISION
  54. 54. SAFE HARBOR PROVISION Translate and provide all public written documents: Title VI posters Vehicle Posters Websites Flyers Public meeting handouts All languages that constitute: 5% or 1,000 individuals in your service area whichever is less 63
  55. 55. . .
  56. 56. VI
  57. 57. Tiu Bang Nebraska cung cp n chng trnh v dch v bt k chng tc, mu da, ngun gc quc gia theo Tiu VI ca o Lut Dn Quyn. Bt k ngi no tin tng rng mnh c khiu ni v bt k thc hnh phn bit i x bt hp php theo Title VI c th np n khiu ni.
  58. 58. El Estado de Nebraska lo ofrece programas y servicios, sin distincin de raza, color y origen nacional, de conformidad con el Ttulo VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles. Cualquier persona que crea que ha sido agraviada por cualquier prctica discriminatoria ilegal bajo el Ttulo VI puede presentar una queja.
  59. 59. The State of Nebraska offers it programs and services without regard to race, color and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint.
  60. 60. WHAT IS THE SAFE HARBOR THRESHOLD? 5% or 1,000 persons Whichever is less 95% of people have access to information from publicly provided resources 70
  61. 61. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  62. 62. MINORITY REPRESENTATION ON PLANNING BOARDS Title 49 CFR Section 21.5(b)(1)(vii) states that a recipient may not, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, deny a person the opportunity to participate as a member of a planning, advisory, or similar body which is an integral part of the program. Recipients that have transit-related, nonelected planning boards, advisory councils or committees, or similar committees, the membership of which is selected by the recipient, must provide a table depicting the racial breakdown of the membership of those committees, and a description of efforts made to encourage the participation of minorities on such committees:
  64. 64. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  66. 66. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer SUBRECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  67. 67. MAINTAIN A COMPLIANCE OFFICER Main Point of Contact for all Title VI Matters Phone Calls / Investigations Files Forms Submits Manual to the Board Make sure this is updated and all staff know who this person is & when to contact them! Dispatchers Bus Drivers
  68. 68. Comply with Title VI Regulations Provide Title VI Assurances Develop Title VI Complaint Procedures and Forms Record and Report Transit-related Title VI Investigations Promote Public Participation Provide Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation on Planning Boards Train Staff Annually Maintain a Compliance Officer REVIEW SUB RECIPIENT REQUIREMENTS
  69. 69. REVIEW THE CHECKLISTS 5310s Not for Profit 5311 Public Serving Entities
  70. 70. 6 STEP PROCESS & TIMELINE Step 1: Interview for 4 Factor Analysis, survey data, etc. with Aaron or Franchell Step 2: Aaron will draft your manual based upon your Interview and service area Step 3: Your agency will review the draft and edit until all needs met Step 4: Your agency will send the final document to your board for approval Step 5: You send the meeting minutes and signed document to Aaron/NDOR Step 6: Update annually for Title VI Compliance Officer, Board of Directors Updates, and service area changes 5311s Public Service Entities May & June 5310s Non-Profit Clients July - November
  71. 71. QUESTIONS?
  72. 72. WE SUPPORT YOU! Valerie D Lefler 402-806-0315 Aaron Mack ammack@unomaha.ed u 402-805-3300

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