nego - section 102 - (1) betty king v. ca (319 scra 666)

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Betty King v. CA


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[G.R. No. 131540. December 2, 1999.]


respondent .

Chua and Associates Law Office for petitioner.

The Solicitor General for respondent.


On Apri 2!, 1993, petitioner "ett# $in% &'s c('r%ed &it( ee)en co*nts of )io'tion of

"'t's +'mb'ns' 22 ".+. 22-. D*rin% tri', t(e prosec*tion presented e)idence to

est'bis( t('t on se)er' occ'sions in 'n*'r# 1992, petitioner disco*nted &it(

comp'in'nt /en ern'nde se)er' /*it'be "'n c(ecs postd'ted from *# 23 to29, 1992 in t(e tot' 'mo*nt of +1,00,000.00 in ec('n%e for c's( in t(e 'mo*nt of

+1,000,000.00. 6(en t(e s'id c(ecs &ere deposited for p'#ment, t(e# &ere dis(onored

 b# t(e dr'&ee b'n for t(e re'son t('t t(e# &ere dr'&n '%'inst 'n 'cco*nt &it(

ins*fficient f*nds. +etitioner f'ied to m'e %ood t(e c(ecs despite dem'nd. 7(e

 prosec*tion 'so offered doc*ment'r# e)idence, t(e %en*ineness 'nd d*e eec*tion of

&(ic( &ere 'dmitted b# t(e petitioner. After t(e prosec*tion rested its c'se, t(e petitioner

fied ' Dem*rrer to /)idence &it(o*t e')e of co*rt, on t(e %ro*nd t('t t(e prosec*tion

f'ied to pro)e (er %*it be#ond re'son'be do*bt. 8*bse*ent#, t(e tri' co*rt denied t(e

Dem*rrer 'nd rendered *d%ment con)ictin% t(e petitioner for ee)en co*nts of )io'tionof ".+. 22. On 'ppe', t(e :o*rt of Appe's 'ffirmed t(e decision of t(e tri' co*rt.

;n t(is petition, t(e :o*rt r*ed t('t to (od ' person i'be *nder "+. 22, it is not eno*%(

to est'bis( t('t ' c(ec iss*ed &'s s*bse*ent# dis(onored. ;t m*st be s(o&n f*rt(er

t('t t(e person &(o iss*ed t(e c(ec ne& <'t t(e time of iss*e t('t (e does not (')e

s*fficient f*nds in or credit &it( t(e dr'&ee b'n for t(e p'#ment of s*c( c(ec in f*

*pon its presentment.< "ec'*se t(is eement in)o)es ' st'te of mind &(ic( is diffic*t to

est'bis(, 8ection 2 of t(e '& cre'tes ' prima facie pres*mption of s*c( no&ed%e. '=87;D

7o pro)e t('t petitioner ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of (er f*nds, t(e prosec*tion presented

/(ibits <>< to <7<. =o&e)er, *pon coser e'min'tion of t(e doc*ments, t(e :o*rt

fo*nd no e)identi'r# b'sis for t(e (odin% of t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's t('t

 petitioner recei)ed ' notice t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. 7r*e, comp'in'nt sent

 petitioner ' re%istered m'i, 's s(o&n in /(ibit <><, informin% t(e 'tter t('t t(e c(ecs

('d been dis(onored. "*t t(e records s(o&ed t('t petitioner did not receive it. ;n f'ct,

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+ostm'ster 6ifredo ?ib'rris@ etter 'ddressed to comp'in'nt@s co*nse certified t('t t(e

<s*bect re%istered m'i &'s ret*rned to sender on 8eptember 22, 1992 . . ..< 8pec*'tions

'nd possibiities c'nnot t'e t(e p'ce of proof. :on)ictions m*st rest on proof be#ond

re'son'be do*bt. :e'r#, t(e e)idence on ('nd demonstr'ted t(e indeibe f'ct t('t

 petitioner did not  recei)e notice t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. Necess'ri#, t(e pres*mption t('t s(e ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of f*nds c'nnot 'rise.

+etitioner "ett# $in% &'s A:>?;77/D for f'i*re of t(e prosec*tion to pro)e ' t(e

eements of t(e crimes c('r%ed.



 NO7 A++B;:A"B/ ;N :A8/ A7 "AR. F ;t is ce'r t('t t(e prosec*tion e)idence

consisted of doc*ments offered 'nd 'dmitted d*rin% t(e tri'. ;n )ie& of t(is, t(e :A

correct# r*ed t('t Fule v Court of Appeals &o*d not 'pp# to t(e present contro)ers#.

;n t('t c'se, ' (e'rin% &'s cond*cted d*rin% &(ic( t(e prosec*tion presented t(ree

e(ibits. =o&e)er, *e@s con)iction &'s <b'sed soe# on t(e stip*'tion of f'cts m'de

d*rin% t(e pretri' on A*%*st !, 19!5, &(ic( &'s not si%ned b# t(e petitioner, nor b# (is

co*nse.< "ec'*se t(e stip*'tion &'s in'dmissibe in e)idence *nder 8ection 4 of R*e

11!, t(e :o*rt (ed t('t t(ere &'s no proof of (is %*it. ;n t(e present c'se, petitioner@s

con)iction &'s b'sed on t(e e)idence presented d*rin% tri', 'nd not on t(e stip*'tions

m'de d*rin% t(e pretri'. =ence, petitioner@s 'dmissions durin# the trial  're %o)erned not

 b# t(e Fule r*in% or b# 8ection 4 of R*e 11!, b*t b# 8ection 4 of R*e 129.

2.:R;;NAB BA6C ;OBA7;ON O "A7A8 +A"AN8A ";BANG 22C /B//N78.

 F 7(is :o*rt ('s (ed t('t t(e eements of t(e crime 're 's foo&sH 1. 7(e 'cc*sed

m'es, dr'&s or iss*es 'n# c(ec to 'pp# to 'cco*nt or for )'*e. 2. 7(e c(ec is

s*bse*ent# dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n for ins*fficienc# of f*nds or creditC or it

&o*d (')e been dis(onored for t(e s'me re'son ('d not t(e dr'&er, &it(o*t 'n# )'id

re'son, ordered t(e b'n to stop p'#ment. 3. 7(e 'cc*sed no&s 't t(e time of t(e

iss*'nce t('t (e or s(e does not (')e s*fficient f*nds in, or credit &it(, dr'&ee b'n for

t(e p'#ment of t(e c(ec in f* *pon its presentment. A;D78/

3./R:AN7;B/ BA6C N/GO7;A"B/ ;N87R?/N78 BA6C :=/:$8 ;88?/D

:O+B/7/ ;N ORC :A8/ A7 "AR. F 7(e *estioned c(ecs, m'red 's /(ibits

<A< to <$<, cont'ined t(e d'te of iss*e 'nd t(e 'mo*nt in)o)ed. ;n f'ct, petitioner e)en

'dmitted t('t s(e si%ned t(ose c(ecs. On t(e ot(er ('nd, no proof &'s 'dd*ced to s(o&

7/21/2019 NEGO - Section 102 - (1) Betty King v. CA (319 SCRA 666) 3/17

t('t petitioner mere# si%ned t(em in b'nC or t('t comp'in'nt fied t(em *p in

)io'tion of t(e former@s instr*ctions or t(eir pre)io*s '%reement. 7(e e)idence on record

is ce'r t('t petitioner iss*ed ee)en c(ecs, ' of &(ic( &ere fied *p 'nd si%ned b# (er.

4.:R;;NAB BA6C ;OBA7;ON O "A7A8 +A"AN8A 22C :=/:$8

D;8=ONOR/DC /87A"B;8=/D ;N :A8/ A7 "AR. F ?nder 8ection 3 of "+ 22, <t(e

introd*ction in e)idence of 'n# *np'id 'nd dis(onored c(ec, (')in% t(e dr'&ee@s ref*s'

to p'# stamped  or &ritten t(ereon, or 'tt'c(ed t(ereto, &it( t(e re'son t(erefor 's

'fores'id, s(' be prima facie e)idence of t(e m'in% or iss*'nce of s'id c(ec, 'nd t(e

d*e presentment to t(e dr'&ee for p'#ment 'nd t(e dishonor  t(ereof, 'nd t('t t(e s'me

&'s proper# dis(onored for t(e re'son &ritten, st'mped, or 'tt'c(ed b# t(e dr'&ee on

s*c( dis(onored c(ec.< ;n t(e present c'se, t(e f'ct t('t t(e c(ecs &ere dis(onored &'s

s*fficient# s(o&n b# t(e c(ecs t(emse)es, &(ic( &ere st'mped &it( t(e &ords

<A::O?N7 :BO8/D.< 7(is &'s f*rt(er s*pported b# t(e ret*rned c(ec ticets iss*ed b# +:; "'n, t(e depositor# b'n, st'tin% t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. :e'r#,

t(ese doc*ments constit*te prima facie e)idence t('t t(e dr'&ee b'n dis(onored t(e


5.;D.C ;D,C "!$%A FAC$E  +R/8?+7;ON O $NO6B/DG/ O ;N8?;:;/N:E

O ?ND8C ;88?/R =A8 NO 8?;:;/N7 ?ND8 ;N OR :R/D;7 6;7=

DRA6// "AN$ OR +AE/N7 O :=/:$ ?+ON +R/8/N7/N7. F 7o (od '

 person i'be *nder "+ 22, it is not eno*%( to est'bis( t('t ' c(ec iss*ed &'s

s*bse*ent# dis(onored. ;t m*st be s(o&n f*rt(er t('t t(e person &(o iss*ed t(e c(ec

ne& <'t t(e time of iss*e t('t (e does not (')e s*fficient f*nds in or credit &it( t(e

dr'&ee b'n for t(e p'#ment of s*c( c(ec in f* *pon its presentment.< "ec'*se t(is

eement in)o)es ' st'te of mind &(ic( is diffic*t to est'bis(, 8ection 2 of t(e '&

cre'tes ' prima facie pres*mption of s*c( no&ed%e, 's foo&sH <8ec. 2. Evidence of

&nowled#e of $nsufficient funds. F 7(e m'in%, dr'&in% 'nd iss*'nce of ' c(ec

 p'#ment of &(ic( is ref*sed b# t(e dr'&ee bec'*se of ins*fficient f*nds in or credit &it(

s*c( b'n, &(en presented &it(in ninet# 90- d'#s from t(e d'te of t(e c(ec, s(' be

 prima facie e)idence of no&ed%e of s*c( ins*fficienc# of f*nds or credit *ness s*c(

m'er or dr'&er p'#s t(e (oder t(ereof t(e 'mo*nt d*e t(ereon, or m'es 'rr'n%ementsfor p'#ment in f* b# t(e dr'&ee of s*c( c(ec &it(in fi)e 5- b'nin% d'#s 'fter

recei)in% notice t('t s*c( c(ec ('s not been p'id b# t(e dr'&ee.< ;n ot(er &ords, t(e

 prima facie pres*mption 'rises &(en ' c(ec is iss*ed.

I.;D.C ;D.C ;D.C ;88?/R ?87 =A/ R/:/;/D NO7;:/ O D;8=ONOR AND

6;7=;N ;/ "AN$;NG DAE8 A;B/D 7O 8A7;8E 7=/ AO?N7 O :=/:$

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OR A$/ ARRANG//N7 OR +AE/N7. F 7(e '& 'so pro)ides t('t t(e

 pres*mption does not 'rise &(en t(e iss*er p'#s t(e 'mo*nt of t(e c(ec or m'es

'rr'n%ement for its p'#ment <&it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s 'fter receivin#  notice t('t s*c(

c(ec ('s not been p'id b# t(e dr'&ee.< eri#, "+ 22 %i)es t(e 'cc*sed 'n opport*nit# to

s'tisf# t(e 'mo*nt indic'ted in t(e c(ec 'nd t(*s ')ert prosec*tion. As t(e :o*rt (ed in Lo'ano v %artine' , t(e 'forecited pro)ision ser)es to <miti%'te t(e ('rs(ness of t(e '&

in its 'ppic'tion.< 7(is opport*nit#, (o&e)er, c'n be *sed on# *pon receipt b# t(e

'cc*sed of ' notice of dis(onor. 7(*s, in order to cre'te t(e prima facie pres*mption t('t

t(e iss*er ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of f*nds, it m*st be s(o&n t('t (e or s(e recei)ed '

notice of dis(onor 'nd, &it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s t(ere'fter, f'ied to s'tisf# t(e 'mo*nt of 

t(e c(ec or m'e 'rr'n%ement for its p'#ment. 8/D;'=

.;D.C ;D.C ;D.C ;D.C NO7 +R/8/N7 ;N :A8/ A7 "AR. F 7r*e, comp'in'nt sent

 petitioner ' re%istered m'i, 's s(o&n in /(ibit <><, informin% t(e 'tter t('t t(e c(ecs('d been dis(onored. "*t t(e records s(o& t('t petitioner did not receive it . ;n f'ct,

+ostm'ster 6ifredo ?ib'rri@s etter 'ddressed to comp'in'nt@s co*nse certified t('t t(e

<s*bect re%istered m'i &'s ret*rned to sender on 8eptember 22, 1992 . . ..<

 Not&it(st'ndin% t(e ce'r import of t(e postm'ster@s certific'tion, t(e prosec*tion f'ied

to 'dd*ce 'n# ot(er proof t('t petitioner recei)ed t(e post office notice b*t *n*stifi'b#

ref*sed to c'im t(e re%istered m'i. ;t is possibe t('t t(e dr'&ee b'n sent petitioner '

notice of dis(onor, b*t t(e prosec*tion did not present e)idence t('t t(e b'n did send it,

or t('t petitioner 'ct*'# recei)ed it. ;t &'s 'so possibe t('t s(e &'s tr#in% to fee from

comp'in'nt b# st'#in% in different 'ddresses. 8pec*'tions 'nd possibiities, (o&e)er,c'nnot t'e t(e p'ce of proof. :on)iction m*st rest on proof be#ond re'son'be do*bt.

:e'r#, t(e e)idence on ('nd demonstr'tes t(e indeibe f'ct t('t petitioner did not

receive notice t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. Necess'ri#, t(e pres*mption t('t s(e

ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of f*nds c'nnot 'rise.


!.;D.C ;D.C :ON87R?/D 87R;:7BE AGA;N87 7=/ 87A7/ AND B;"/RABBE ;N

AOR O A::?8/D. F 6e m*st stress t('t "+ 22, ie ' pen' st't*tes, is constr*ed

strict# '%'inst t(e 8t'te 'nd iber'# in f')or of t(e 'cc*sed. Bie&ise, t(e prosec*tion

('s t(e b*rden to pro)e be#ond re'son'be do*bt e'c( eement of t(e crime. =ence, t(e

 prosec*tion@s c'se m*st rise or f' on t(e stren%t( of its o&n e)idence, ne)er on t(e

&e'ness or e)en 'bsence of t('t of t(e defense.


7/21/2019 NEGO - Section 102 - (1) Betty King v. CA (319 SCRA 666) 5/17


?nder "'t's +'mb'ns' "%. 22 "+ 22-, t(e prosec*tion m*st pro)e not on# t('t t(e

'cc*sed iss*ed ' c(ec t('t &'s s*bse*ent# dis(onored. ;t m*st 'so est'bis( t('t t(e

'cc*sed &'s actuall) notified  t('t t(e c(ec &'s dis(onored, 'nd t('t (e or s(e f'ied,

&it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s from receipt of t(e notice, to p'# t(e (oder of t(e c(ec t(e

'mo*nt d*e t(ereon or to m'e 'rr'n%ement for its p'#ment. Absent proof t('t t(e

'cc*sed recei)ed s*c( notice, ' prosec*tion for )io'tion of t(e "o*ncin% :(ecs B'&

c'nnot prosper. BibBe

The Case

"efore t(is :o*rt is ' +etition for Re)ie& on Certiorari *nder R*e 45 of t(e R*es of

:o*rt 'ss'iin% t(e 'n*'r# 30, 199 Decision 1 of t(e :o*rt of Appe's 2 :A- in :AGR 

:R No. 1!22I 'nd its No)ember 5, 199 Reso*tion 3 den#in% reconsider'tion. 7(e :A

'ffirmed t(e *ne 14, 1994 Decision 4 of t(e Re%ion' 7ri' :o*rt R7:- of ''ti,

etro 'ni' 5 in :rimin' :'se Nos. 933335 to 933345 &(ic( con)icted petitioner of

11 co*nts of )io'tion of "+ 22, ot(er&ise no&n 's t(e "o*ncin% :(ecs B'&.

On Apri 2!, 1993, 8econd Assist'nt +ro)inci' +rosec*tor 'ime A. Adoc fied '%'inst

 petitioner ee)en sep'r'te ;nform'tions, 6 &(ic( 're identic'# &orded, ecept for t(e

c(ec n*mber, t(e 'mo*nt 'nd t(e d'te, 's foo&sH

<7('t in or 'bo*t t(e mont( of 'n*'r#, 1992 in t(e *nicip'it# of B's +iJ's,etro 'ni', +(iippines 'nd &it(in t(e *risdiction of t(is =onor'be :o*rt,

t(e 'bo)en'med 'cc*sed, did, t(en 'nd t(ere &if*#, *n'&f*# 'nd

feonio*s# m'e or dr'& 'nd iss*e to /;B//N /RNAND/K (erein

represented b# LLLLLLLL to 'pp# on 'cco*nt or for )'*e t(e c(ec described


/>?;7A"B/ "AN$ 

:(ec No. 02111

;n t(e 'mo*nt of +50,000.00

+ostd'ted *# 24, 1992

s'id 'cc*sed &e no&in% t('t 't t(e time of iss*e s(eM(e did not (')e s*fficient f*nds in or

credit &it( t(e dr'&ee b'n for t(e p'#ment in f* of t(e f'ce 'mo*nt of s*c( c(ec *pon t(eir

7/21/2019 NEGO - Section 102 - (1) Betty King v. CA (319 SCRA 666) 6/17

 presentment, &(ic( c(ec &(en presented for p'#ment &it(in ninet# 90- d'#s from t(e d'te

t(ereof &ere s*bse*ent# dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n for t(e re'son @Acco*nt :osed@ 'nd

despite receipt of notice of s*c( dis(onor t(e 'cc*sed f'ied to p'# t(e f'ce 'mo*nt t(ereof or

m'e 'rr'n%ement for t(e f* p'#ment t(ereof &it(in fi)e 5- &orin% d'#s 'fter recei)in%

notice.< 7 

6(en 'rr'i%ned, petitioner, 'ssisted b# co*nse, pe'ded not %*it#. After t(e prosec*tion

 presented its e)idence 'nd rested its c'se, petitioner fied ' Dem*rrer to /)idence &it(o*t

e')e of co*rt, on t(e %ro*nd t('t t(e prosec*tion f'ied to pro)e (er %*it be#ond

re'son'be do*bt. 7(e tri' co*rt denied t(e Dem*rrer in its 'ss'ied Decision, t(e

dispositi)e portion of &(ic( re'dsH

<6=/R/OR/, premises considered, t(e dem*rrer to e)idence &it(o*t prior

e')e of co*rt is D/N;/D for 'c of merit.

8ince 'cc*sed ('s &'i)ed (er ri%(t to present e)idence, *d%ment is (ereb#

rendered findin% 'cc*sed %*it# be#ond re'son'be do*bt of io'tion of "'t's

+'mb'ns' "i'n% 22 in t(e ee)en 11- 'bo)eentited c'ses 'nd is ordered toH

1.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+50,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +50,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


2.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of +50,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +50,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


3.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+50,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +50,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


4.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of +I4,200.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +I4,200.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


5.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+II,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

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'mo*nt of +II,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


I.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+100,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +100,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.

933340C  prBB

.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+150,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +150,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


!.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+150,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +150,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


9.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt of 

+130,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +130,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.


10.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt

of +130,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +130,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.

933344C 'nd,

11.8*ffer imprisonment for t(irt# 30- d'#s, to p'# ' fine in t(e 'mo*nt

of +130,000.00, 'nd to p'# comp'in'nt /ieen ern'nde t(e

'mo*nt of +130,000.00 's 'ct*' d'm'%es in :rimin' :'se No.

933345.< 8 

As 're'd# st'ted, t(e :o*rt of Appe's 'ffirmed t(e R7: in t(is &iseH 9 

<6=/R/OR/, t(e 'ppe'ed decision is (ereb# 'ffirmed [;]N 7O7O. :osts

'%'inst 'ppe'nt.<

=ence, t(is +etition. 10 

The Facts

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 Evidence for the "rosecution

7(e Office of t(e 8oicitor Gener' 11 s*mm'ried t(e f'cts, 's )ie&ed b# t(e prosec*tion,

in t(is &iseH

<On se)er' occ'sions in 'n*'r#, 1992, 't B's +iJ's, etro 'ni', petitioner

disco*nted &it( comp'in'nt /en ern'nde se)er' /*it'be "'n c(ecs

 postd'ted from *# 23 to 29, 1992 in t(e tot' 'mo*nt of +1,00,000.00 in

ec('n%e for c's( in t(e 'mo*nt of +1,000,000.00. 6(en t(e c(ecs &ere

deposited for p'#ment, t(e# &ere dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n bec'*se t(e#

&ere dr'&n '%'inst 'n 'cco*nt &it(o*t s*fficient f*nds. +etitioner f'ied to

m'e %ood t(e c(ecs despite dem'nd. emor'nd*m d'ted Apri , 1993 of

Assist'nt +ro)inci' +rosec*tor to t(e Ri' +ro)inci' +rosec*tor-

<D*rin% t(e (e'rin% on t(e merits of t(is c'se on 8eptember 1, 199!, t(e prosec*tion offered in e)idence its doc*ment'r# e)idence. +etitioner 'dmitted

t(e %en*ineness 'nd d*e eec*tion of t(e doc*ments presented.< 12 

 Evidence for the *efense

As noted e'rier, petitioner fied ' Dem*rrer to /)idence &it(o*t e')e of co*rt. ;n doin%

so, s(e &'i)ed (er ri%(t to present e)idence 'nd s*bmitted t(e c'se for *d%ment on t(e

 b'sis of t(e doc*ment'r# e(ibits 'dd*ced b# t(e prosec*tion. 13 

 !ulin# of the Court of Appeals

;n 'ffirmin% t(e tri' co*rt, t(e :o*rt of Appe's ep'ined t('t t(e prosec*tion pro)ed '

t(e eements of t(e crime. 7(e :A 'so pointed o*t t('t t(e f'i*re of petitioner to si%n

t(e pretri' order &'s not f't' to t(e prosec*tion, bec'*se (er con)iction &'s b'sed on

t(e e)idence presented d*rin% t(e tri'.

The $ssues

+etitioner s*bmits t(e foo&in% iss*es for t(e :o*rt@s consider'tionH


6(et(er or not t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's %r')e# erred in

'dmittin% in e)idence ' t(e doc*ment'r# e)idence of t(e prosec*tion t(o*%(

t(eir d*e eec*tion 'nd %en*ineness &ere not d*# est'bis(ed in e)idence

 p*rs*'nt to t(e pro)isions of t(e R*es of :o*rt 'nd pre)'iin% *rispr*denceC

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6(et(er or not t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's %r')e# erred in

dec'rin% t('t R*e 11!, 8ection 4 of t(e R*es of :o*rt, 's 'ppied in t(e c'se

of Fule vs Court of Appeals, 1I2 8:RA 44I, &(ic( st'tes t('t no '%reement or

'dmission m'de or entered d*rin% t(e pretri' conference s(' be *sed in

e)idence '%'inst t(e 'cc*sed *ness red*ced to &ritin% 'nd si%ned b# (im 'nd

(is co*nse, is in'ppic'be in t(e c'se 't b'rC


6(et(er or not t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's %r')e# erred in r*in%

t('t t(e b*rden of e)idence ('s 're'd# been s(ifted from t(e prosec*tion to t(e

defense despite t(e definite f'ct*' iss*es in t(e pretri' orderC 'nd


6(et(er or not t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's erred in r*in% t('t t(e

 prosec*tion ('s pro)en t(e %*it of t(e 'cc*sed be#ond re'son'be do*bt 'beit

t(e prosec*tion did not prod*ce 'n# e)idence.< 14 

;n t(e m'in, t(e reso*tion of t(e +etition (in%es on 1- t(e 'dmissibiit# 'nd 2- t(e

s*fficienc# of t(e prosec*tion e)idence. BeBib

This Court+s !ulin# 

7(e +etition ('s merit insof'r 's it contends t('t t(e eements of t(e crime c('r%ed (')e

not ' been pro)en be#ond re'son'be do*bt.

 First $ssue

 Admissi-ilit) of *ocumentar) Evidence

"ec'*se t(e first, t(e second 'nd t(e t(ird iss*es r'ised b# petitioner ' refer to t(e s'me

m'tter, t(e# &i be disc*ssed to%et(er. 8(e contends t('t t(e pieces of doc*ment'r#e)idence presented b# t(e prosec*tion d*rin% pretri' 're in'dmissibe, bec'*se s(e did

not si%n t(e pretri' '%reement 's re*ired *nder 8ection 4 of R*e 11! of t(e R*es of

:o*rt. 15 =ence, s(e 'r%*es t('t t(ere is no b'sis for (er con)iction.

7r*e, ' pretri' '%reement not si%ned b# ' p'rt# is in'dmissibe. =o&e)er, t(e con)iction

of petitioner &'s b'sed not on t('t '%reement b*t on t(e doc*ments s*bmitted d*rin% t(e

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tri', ' of &(ic( &ere 'dmitted &it(o*t 'n# obection from (er co*nse. D*rin% t(e

(e'rin% on 8eptember 1, 1993, t(e prosec*tion offered 's e)idence t(e dis(onored

c(ecs, t(e ret*rn c(ec ticets 'ddressed to pri)'te comp'in'nt, t(e notice from

comp'in'nt 'ddressed to petitioner t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored, 'nd t(e

 postm'ster@s etter t('t t(e notice ('d been ret*rned to sender. +etitioner@s co*nse did notobect to t(eir 'dmissibiit#. 7(is is s(o&n b# t(e tr'nscript of steno%r'p(ic notes t'en

d*rin% t(e (e'rin% on 8eptember 1, 1993H



Eo* (')e no obection to t(e 'dmissibiit#, not t('t t(e :o*rt &i beie)e it.


 No, Eo*r =onor.


/(ibits @A@ to @A@ to @$@ 're 'dmitted.


6e offer /(ibit @B@, t(e ret*rnc(ec ticet d'ted *# 2, 1992, re'ti)e toc(ecs No. 02145 'nd 0214I indic'tin% t('t t(ese c(ecs &ere

ret*rned DA;, dr'&n '%'inst ins*fficient f*ndsC /(. , ret*rned c(ec 

ticet d'ted *# 2!, 1992, re'ti)e to :(ec No. 0212, 02111 'nd

02120 ie&ise indic'tin% t(e s'id c(ecs to (')e been dr'&n '%'inst

ins*fficient f*nds, Eo*r =onor. /(ibit N, ret*rned c(ec ticet d'ted

*# 29, 1992, re'ti)e to :(ec Nos. 02149 'nd 0214!, (')in% t(e

s'me indic'tionsC

/(ibits O, ret*rned c(ec ticet d'ted *# 29, 1992 re'ti)e to :(ec Nos.

02150 'nd 02153, &it( t(e s'me indic'tionsC

/(ibits +, ret*rned c(ec ticet d'ted A*%*st 4, 1992 re'ti)e to :(ec No.

02152, (')in% t(e s'me indic'tion 's bein% dr'&n '%'inst ins*fficient


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/(ibit >, t(e dem'nd etter sent to t(e 'cc*sed b# Att#. =or'cio ''int'

d'ted A*%*st 3, 1992C

/(ibit R, t(e etterre*est for certific'tion 'ddressed to t(e +ostm'ster

Gener' sent b# t(e s'me '& office d'ted 1 8eptember 1992, s(o&in%

t('t t(e s'id etter &'s disp'tc(ed proper# b# t(e :entr' +ost Office of


/(ibit 8, 1st ;ndorsement of t(e ''ti :entr' +ost Office d'ted 21

8eptember 1992C

/(ibit 7, t(e +(iippine +ost' :orpor'tion :entr' +ost Office etter d'ted 24

8eptember 1992, 'ddressed to t(is represent'tion s(o&in% t('t t(ere

&ere 3 notices sent to t(e (erein 'cc*sed &(o recei)ed t(e s'id etter.


Bet@s %o to t(e t(ird c(ec sipC 'n# obection to t(e t(ird sip


6e (')e no obection 's to t(e d*e eec*tion 'nd '*t(enticit#.




6e 're offerin% /(ibits >, R, 8 'nd 7, for t(e p*rpose of s(o&in% t('t t(ere

&'s dem'nd d*# m'de on t(e 'cc*sed 'nd t('t t(e s'me ('d been

'ppropri'te# ser)ed b# t(e :entr' +ost Office 8er)ices of 'ni'.


6e 'dmit 's to t(e d*e eec*tion 'nd '*t(enticit# on# 's to t('t portion, Eo*r=onor.


6e 're t'in% of 'dmissibiit# no&, so 'dmitted. ;n ot(er &ords, 't t(is point,

(e m'es 'n offer 'nd t(e :o*rt &i eit(er %r'nt 'dmission, ['dmit] it in

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e)idence or den# it. ;t c'n den# 'dmission if it is not proper# identified



; t(in it is 're'd# pro)ided.  prBB


8o, 'dmitted.


6it( t(e 'dmission of o*r offer, Eo*r =onor, t(e prosec*tion rests.< 1I 

rom t(e fore%oin%, it is ce'r t('t t(e prosec*tion e)idence consisted ofdoc*ments offered 'nd 'dmitted d*rin% t(e tri'. ;n )ie& of t(is, t(e :A correct#

r*ed t('t Fule v Court of Appeals 1 &o*d not 'pp# to t(e present contro)ers#. ;n

t('t c'se, ' (e'rin% &'s cond*cted d*rin% &(ic( t(e prosec*tion presented t(ree

e(ibits. =o&e)er, *e@s con)iction &'s <b'sed soe# on t(e stip*'tion of f'cts

m'de d*rin% t(e pretri' on A*%*st !, 19!5, &(ic( &'s not si%ned b# t(e petitioner,

nor b# (is co*nse.< "ec'*se t(e stip*'tion &'s in'dmissibe in e)idence *nder

8ection 4 of R*e 11!, t(e :o*rt (ed t('t t(ere &'s no proof of (is %*it.

;n t(e present c'se, petitioner@s con)iction &'s b'sed on t(e e)idence presented d*rin%tri', 'nd not on t(e stip*'tions m'de d*rin% t(e pretri'. =ence, petitioner@s 'dmissions

durin# the trial  're %o)erned not b# t(e Fule r*in% or b# 8ection 4 of R*e 11!, b*t b#

8ection 4 of R*e 129 &(ic( re'dsH

<8/: 4. (udicial Admissions. F An 'dmission, )erb' or &ritten, m'de b# '

 p'rt# in t(e co*rse of t(e proceedin%s in t(e s'me c'se, does not re*ire proof.

7(e 'dmission m'# be contr'dicted on# b# s(o&in% t('t it &'s m'de t(ro*%(

 p'p'be mist'e or t('t no s*c( 'dmission &'s m'de.<

=ence, t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's did not err in t'in% co%ni'nce of t(e

s'id doc*ment'r# e)idence.

Second $ssue

Sufficienc) of "rosecution Evidence

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+etitioner 'r%*es t('t t(e prosec*tion f'ied to pro)e be#ond re'son'be do*bt t(e

eements of t(e offense. After ' c'ref* consider'tion of t(e records of t(is c'se, &e

 beie)e 'nd so r*e t('t t(e tot'it# of t(e e)idence presented does not s*pport petitioner@s

con)iction for )io'tion of "+ 22.

8ection 1 of "+ 22 defines t(e offense 's foo&sH

<8ection 1.Chec&s without sufficient funds. F An# person &(o m'es or dr'&s

'nd iss*es 'n# c(ec to 'pp# on 'cco*nt or for )'*e, no&in% 't t(e time of

iss*e t('t (e does not (')e s*fficient f*nds in or credit &it( t(e dr'&ee b'n for 

t(e p'#ment of s*c( c(ec in f* *pon its presentment, &(ic( c(ec is

s*bse*ent# dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n for ins*fficienc# of f*nds or credit

or &o*d (')e been dis(onored for t(e s'me re'son ('d not t(e dr'&er, &it(o*t

'n# )'id re'son, ordered t(e b'n to stop p'#ment, s(' be p*nis(ed b#

imprisonment of not ess t('n t(irt# d'#s b*t not more t('n one 1- #e'r or b# 'fine of not ess t('n b*t not more t('n do*be t(e 'mo*nt of t(e c(ec &(ic(

fine s(' in no c'se eceed 7&o (*ndred t(o*s'nd pesos, or bot( s*c( fine 'nd

imprisonment 't t(e discretion of t(e co*rt.

<7(e s'me pen't# s(' be imposed *pon 'n# person &(o (')in% s*fficient

f*nds in or credit &it( t(e dr'&ee b'n &(en (e m'es or dr'&s 'nd iss*es '

c(ec, s(' f'i to eep s*fficient f*nds or to m'int'in ' credit to co)er t(e f*

'mo*nt of t(e c(ec if presented &it(in ' period of ninet# 90- d'#s from t(e

d'te 'ppe'rin% t(ereon, for &(ic( re'son it is dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n.

<6(ere t(e c(ec is dr'&n b# ' corpor'tion, comp'n# or entit#, t(e person or

 persons &(o 'ct*'# si%ned t(e c(ec in be('f of s*c( dr'&er s(' be i'be

*nder t(is Act.<

Accordin%#, t(is :o*rt ('s (ed t('t t(e eements of t(e crime 're 's foo&sH 18 

1.7(e 'cc*sed m'es, dr'&s or iss*es 'n# c(ec to 'pp# to 'cco*nt or for


2.7(e c(ec is s*bse*ent# dis(onored b# t(e dr'&ee b'n for ins*fficienc# off*nds or creditC or it &o*d (')e been dis(onored for t(e s'me re'son ('d not

t(e dr'&er, &it(o*t 'n# )'id re'son, ordered t(e b'n to stop p'#ment.

3.7(e 'cc*sed no&s 't t(e time of t(e iss*'nce t('t (e or s(e does not (')e

s*fficient f*nds in, or credit &it(, dr'&ee b'n for t(e p'#ment of t(e c(ec in

f* *pon its presentment. cdt'i

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6e s(' 'n'#e t(e e)idence, p*rported# est'bis(in% e'c( of t(e 'forementioned

eements &(ic( t(e tri' 'nd t(e 'ppe'te co*rts reied *pon.

 $ssuance of the .uestioned Chec&s

:ontendin% t('t t(e prosec*tion f'ied to pro)e t(e first eement, petitioner m'int'ins t('t

s(e mere# si%ned t(e *estioned c(ecs &it(o*t indic'tin% t(erein t(e d'te 'nd t(e

'mo*nt in)o)ed. 8(e 'dds t('t t(e# &ere improper# fied *p b# /ieen ern'nde.

7(*s, s(e conc*des, s(e did not <iss*e< t(e dis(onored c(ecs in t(e contet of t(e

 Ne%oti'be ;nstr*ments B'&, &(ic( defines <iss*e< 's t(e <first dei)er# of t(e instr*ment

compete in form to ' person &(o t'es it 's ' (oder.< 19 

+etitioner@s contentions 're not meritorio*s. 7(e *estioned c(ecs, m'red 's /(ibits

<A< to <$,< cont'ined t(e d'te of iss*e 'nd t(e 'mo*nt in)o)ed. ;n f'ct, petitioner e)en

'dmitted t('t s(e si%ned t(ose c(ecs. On t(e ot(er ('nd, no proof &'s 'dd*ced to s(o&

t('t petitioner mere# si%ned t(em in b'n, or t('t comp'in'nt fied t(em *p in

)io'tion of t(e former@s instr*ctions or t(eir pre)io*s '%reement. 7(e e)idence on record

is ce'r t('t petitioner iss*ed ee)en c(ecs, ' of &(ic( &ere d*# fied *p 'nd si%ned

 b# (er.

Chec&s *ishonored 

 Neit(er 're &e pers*'ded b# petitioner@s 'r%*ment t('t <t(ere 'ppe'rs no e)idence on

record t('t t(e s*bect c(ecs &ere *np'id 'nd dis(onored.< 20 ?nder 8ection 3 of "+22, <t(e introd*ction in e)idence of 'n# *np'id 'nd dis(onored c(ec, (')in% t(e

dr'&ee@s ref*s' to p'# stamped  or &ritten t(ereon, or 'tt'c(ed t(ereto, &it( t(e re'son

t(erefor 's 'fores'id, s(' be prima facie e)idence of t(e m'in% or iss*'nce of s'id

c(ec, 'nd t(e d*e presentment to t(e dr'&ee for p'#ment 'nd t(e dishonor  t(ereof, 'nd

t('t t(e s'me &'s proper# dis(onored for t(e re'son &ritten, st'mped, or 'tt'c(ed b# t(e

dr'&ee on s*c( dis(onored c(ec.<

;n t(e present c'se, t(e f'ct t('t t(e c(ecs &ere dis(onored &'s s*fficient# s(o&n b#

t(e c(ecs t(emse)es, &(ic( &ere st'mped &it( t(e &ords <A::O?N7 :BO8/D.<7(is &'s f*rt(er s*pported b# t(e ret*rned c(ec ticets iss*ed b# +:; "'n, t(e

depositor# b'n, st'tin% t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored.

:e'r#, t(ese doc*ments constit*te prima facie e)idence t('t t(e dr'&ee b'n

dis(onored t(e c(ecs. A%'in, no e)idence &'s presented to reb*t t(e prosec*tion@s c'im.

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 /nowled#e of $nsufficienc) of Funds

7o (od ' person i'be *nder "+ 22, it is not eno*%( to est'bis( t('t ' c(ec iss*ed &'s

s*bse*ent# dis(onored. ;t m*st be s(o&n f*rt(er t('t t(e person &(o iss*ed t(e c(ec

ne& <'t t(e time of iss*e t('t t('t (e does not (')e s*fficient f*nds in or credit &it( t(e

dr'&ee b'n for t(e p'#ment of s*c( c(ec in f* *pon its presentment.< "ec'*se t(is

eement in)o)es ' st'te of mind &(ic( is diffic*t to est'bis(, 8ection 2 of t(e '&

cre'tes ' prima facie pres*mption of s*c( no&ed%e, 's foo&sH 21 

<8ec. 2. Evidence of &nowled#e of insufficient funds. F 7(e m'in%, dr'&in%

'nd iss*'nce of ' c(ec p'#ment of &(ic( is ref*sed b# t(e dr'&ee bec'*se of

ins*fficient f*nds in or credit &it( s*c( b'n, &(en presented &it(in ninet# 90-

d'#s from t(e d'te of t(e c(ec, s(' be prima facie e)idence of no&ed%e of

s*c( ins*fficienc# of f*nds or credit *ness s*c( m'er or dr'&er p'#s t(e

(oder t(ereof t(e 'mo*nt d*e t(ereon, or m'es 'rr'n%ements for p'#ment inf* b# t(e dr'&ee of s*c( c(ec &it(in fi)e 5- b'nin% d'#s 'fter recei)in%

notice t('t s*c( c(ec ('s not been p'id b# t(e dr'&ee.<

;n ot(er &ords, t(e prima facie pres*mption 'rises &(en ' c(ec is iss*ed. "*t t(e '&

'so pro)ides t('t t(e pres*mption does not 'rise &(en t(e iss*er p'#s t(e 'mo*nt of t(e

c(ec or m'es 'rr'n%ement for its p'#ment <&it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s 'fter receivin#

notice t('t s*c( c(ec ('s not been p'id b# t(e dr'&ee.< eri#, "+ 22 %i)es t(e 'cc*sed

'n opport*nit# to s'tisf# t(e 'mo*nt indic'ted in t(e c(ec 'nd t(*s ')ert prosec*tion. As

t(e :o*rt (ed in Lo'ano v %artine' , t(e 'forecited pro)ision ser)es to <miti%'te t(e('rs(ness of t(e '& in its 'ppic'tion.< 22 7(is opport*nit#, (o&e)er, c'n be *sed on#

*pon receipt b# t(e 'cc*sed of ' notice of dis(onor. 7(is point &'s *nderscored b# t(e

:o*rt in Lina Lim Lao v Court of AppealsH 23 

<;t ('s been obser)ed t('t t(e 8t'te, *nder t(is st't*te, 'ct*'# offers t(e

)io'tor @' compromise b# 'o&in% (im to perform some 'ct &(ic( oper'tes to

 preempt t(e crimin' 'ction, 'nd if (e opts to perform it t(e 'ction is 'b'ted.@

7(is &'s 'so comp'red @to cert'in '&s 'o&in% ie%' possessors of fire'rms '

cert'in period of time to s*rrender t(e ie%'# possessed fire'rms to t(e

Go)ernment, &it(o*t inc*rrin% 'n# crimin' i'biit#.@ ;n t(is i%(t, t(e f*

 p'#ment of t(e 'mo*nt 'ppe'rin% in t(e c(ec &it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s from

notice of dis(onor is ' @compete defense.@ 7(e 'bsence of ' notice of dis(onor

necess'ri# depri)es 'n 'cc*sed 'n opport*nit# to prec*de ' crimin'

 prosec*tion. Accordin%#, proced*r' d*e process ce'r# enoins t('t ' notice of 

7/21/2019 NEGO - Section 102 - (1) Betty King v. CA (319 SCRA 666) 16/17

dis(onor be 'ct*'# ser)ed on petitioner. +etitioner ('s ' ri%(t to dem'nd F

'nd t(e b'sic post*'tes of f'irness re*ire F t('t t(e notice of dis(onor be

'ct*'# sent to 'nd recei)ed b# (er to 'fford (er t(e opport*nit# to ')ert

 prosec*tion *nder "+ 22.<

7(*s, in order to cre'te t(e prima facie pres*mption t('t t(e iss*er ne& of t(e

ins*fficienc# of f*nds, it m*st be s(o&n t('t (e or s(e recei)ed ' notice of dis(onor 'nd,

&it(in fi)e b'nin% d'#s t(ere'fter, f'ied to s'tisf# t(e 'mo*nt of t(e c(ec or m'e

'rr'n%ement for its p'#ment.

7o pro)e t('t petitioner ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of (er f*nds, t(e prosec*tion presented

/(ibits <>< to <7.< "'sed on t(ese doc*ments, t(e :o*rt of Appe's conc*ded t('t

<[p]ri)'te comp'in'nt sent ' dem'nd etter to 'ppe'nt to m'e %ood s'id c(ecs . . . .

Appe'nt f'ied to p'# t(e f'ce )'*e of t(e ee)en c(ecs or m'e 'rr'n%ement for t(e

f* p'#ment t(ereof &it(in 90 d'#s 'fter recei)in% t(e notice.< 24 

?pon coser e'min'tion of t(ese doc*ments, &e find no e)identi'r# b'sis for t(e (odin%

of t(e tri' co*rt 'nd t(e :o*rt of Appe's t('t petitioner recei)ed ' notice t('t t(e c(ecs

('d been dis(onored.

7r*e, comp'in'nt sent  petitioner ' re%istered m'i, 's s(o&n in /(ibit <>< informin%

t(e 'tter t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. "*t t(e records s(o& t('t petitioner did  

not  receive it. ;n f'ct, +ostm'ster 6ifredo ?ib'rri@s etter 'ddressed to comp'in'nt@s

co*nse certified t('t t(e <s*bect re%istered m'i &'s ret*rned to sender on 8eptember22, 1992 . . . .< 25 

 Not&it(st'ndin% t(e ce'r import of t(e postm'ster@s certific'tion, t(e prosec*tion f'ied

to 'dd*ce 'n# ot(er proof t('t petitioner recei)ed t(e post office notice b*t *n*stifi'b#

ref*sed to c'im t(e re%istered m'i. ;t is possibe t('t t(e dr'&ee b'n sent petitioner '

notice of dis(onor, b*t t(e prosec*tion did not present e)idence t('t t(e b'n did send it,

or t('t petitioner 'ct*'# recei)ed it. ;t &'s 'so possibe t('t s(e &'s tr#in% to fee from

comp'in'nt b# st'#in% in different 'ddresses. 8pec*'tions 'nd possibiities, (o&e)er,

c'nnot t'e t(e p'ce of proof. :on)iction m*st rest on proof be#ond re'son'be do*bt.:e'r#, t(e e)idence on ('nd demonstr'tes t(e indeibe f'ct t('t petitioner did not  

recei)e notice t('t t(e c(ecs ('d been dis(onored. Necess'ri#, t(e pres*mption t('t s(e

ne& of t(e ins*fficienc# of f*nds c'nnot 'rise. BBpr 

"e t('t 's it m'#, t(e :o*rt m*st point o*t t('t it c'nnot r*e on petitioner@s ci)i i'biit#,

for t(e iss*e &'s not r'ised in t(e pe'din%s s*bmitted before *s.

7/21/2019 NEGO - Section 102 - (1) Betty King v. CA (319 SCRA 666) 17/17

6e m*st stress t('t "+ 22, ie ' pen' st't*tes, is constr*ed strict# '%'inst t(e 8t'te

'nd iber'# in f')or of t(e 'cc*sed. 2I Bie&ise, t(e prosec*tion ('s t(e b*rden to

 pro)e be#ond re'son'be do*bt e'c( eement of t(e crime. =ence, t(e prosec*tion@s c'se

m*st rise or f' on t(e stren%t( of its o&n e)idence, ne)er on t(e &e'ness or e)en

'bsence of t('t of t(e defense.

6=/R/OR/, t(e 'ss'ied Decision of t(e :o*rt of Appe's is (ereb# R//R8/D 'nd

8/7 A8;D/. +etitioner "ett# $in% is A:>?;77/D for f'i*re of t(e prosec*tion to

 pro)e ' t(e eements of t(e crimes c('r%ed. No prono*ncement 's to costs.

8O ORD/R/D. cdp(i

 %elo, Vitu#, "urisima 'nd Gon'a#a0!e)es, ((, conc*r.

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