nethammer: inducing rowhammer faults through network …nethammer: inducing rowhammer faults through...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Nethammer:Inducing Rowhammer Faults through Network Requests

Moritz LippGraz University of Technology

Misiker Tadesse AgaUniversity of Michigan

Michael SchwarzGraz University of Technology

Daniel GrussGraz University of Technology

Clémentine MauriceUniv Rennes, CNRS, IRISA

Lukas RaabGraz University of Technology

Lukas LamsterGraz University of Technology

ABSTRACTA fundamental assumption in software security is that memorycontents do not change unless there is a legitimate deliberate mod-ification. Classical fault attacks show that this assumption doesnot hold if the attacker has physical access. Rowhammer attacksshowed that local code execution is already sufficient to break thisassumption. Rowhammer exploits parasitic effects in DRAM tomod-ify the content of a memory cell without accessing it. Instead, othermemory locations are accessed at a high frequency. All Rowham-mer attacks so far were local attacks, running either in a scriptedlanguage or native code.

In this paper, we present Nethammer. Nethammer is the first trulyremote Rowhammer attack, without a single attacker-controlledline of code on the targeted system. Systems that use uncachedmemory or flush instructions while handling network requests,e.g., for interaction with the network device, can be attacked usingNethammer. Other systems can still be attacked if they are protectedwith quality-of-service techniques like Intel CAT. We demonstratethat the frequency of the cache misses is in all three cases highenough to induce bit flips. We evaluated different bit flip scenar-ios. Depending on the location, the bit flip compromises either thesecurity and integrity of the system and the data of its users, or itcan leave persistent damage on the system, i.e., persistent denial ofservice.

We investigated Nethammer on personal computers, servers, andmobile phones. Nethammer is a security landslide, making the for-merly local attack a remote attack. With this work we invalidate alldefenses and mitigation strategies against Rowhammer build uponthe assumption of a local attacker. Consequently, this paradigmshift impacts the security of millions of devices where the attackeris not able to execute attacker-controlled code. Nethammer requiresthreat models to be re-evaluated for most network-connected sys-tems. We discuss state-of-the-art countermeasures and show thatmost of them have no effect on our attack, including the target-row-refresh (TRR) countermeasure of modern hardware.

Disclaimer: This work on Rowhammer attacks over the networkwas conducted independently and unaware of other research groupsworking on truly remote Rowhammer attacks. Experiments andobservations presented in this paper, predate the publication of theThrowhammer attack by Tatar et al. [81]. We will thoroughly studythe differences between both papers and compare the advantagesand disadvantages in a future version of this paper.

1 INTRODUCTIONHardware-fault attacks have been considered a security threat sinceat least 1997 [12, 13]. In such attacks, the attacker intentionallybrings devices into physical conditions which are outside theirspecification for a short time. For instance, this can be achieved bytemporarily using incorrect supply voltages, exposing them to highor low temperature, exposing them to radiation, or by dismantlingthe chip and shooting at it with lasers. Fault attacks typically re-quire physical access to the device. However, if software can bringthe device to the border or outside of the specified operationalconditions, software-induced hardware faults are possible [50, 80].

The most prominent hardware fault which can be induced bysoftware is the Rowhammer bug, caused by a hardware reliabilityissue of DRAM. An attacker can exploit this bug by repeatedly ac-cessing (hammering) DRAM cells at a high frequency, causing unau-thorized changes in physically adjacent memory locations. Sinceits initial discovery as a security issue [50], Rowhammer’s abilityto defy abstraction barriers between different security domainshas been improved gradually to develop more powerful attackson various systems. Examples of previous attacks include privi-lege escalation, from native environments [27, 78], from within abrowser’s sandbox [14, 25, 28], and from within virtual machinesrunning on third-party compute clouds [86], mounting fault attackson cryptographic primitives [11, 73], and obtaining root privilegeson mobile phones [84].

Most Rowhammer attacks assume that two DRAM rows must behammered to induce bit flips. The reason is that they assume thatan “open-page” memory controller policy is used, i.e., a DRAM rowis kept open until a different row is accessed. However, modernCPUs employ more sophisticated memory controller policies thatpreemptively close rows [27]. Based on this observation, Grusset al. [27] described a technique called one-location hammering.

In 2016, Intel introduced Cache Allocation Technology (CAT)to address quality of service in multi-core server platforms [32].Intel CAT allows restricting cache allocation of cores to a subsetof cache ways of the last-level cache, with the aim of optimizingworkloads in shared environments, e.g., protecting virtual machinesagainst performance degradation due to cache thrashing of a co-located virtual machine. However, with a lower number of cacheways available to the process, the probability to evict an addressby accessing other addresses increases significantly. Aga et al. [4]showed that this facilitates eviction-based Rowhammer attacks.








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ay 2


All previously known Rowhammer attacks required some formof local code execution, e.g., JavaScript [14, 25, 28] or native code [4,9, 11, 27, 50, 62, 69, 73, 78, 84, 86]. Moreover, all works on Rowham-mer defenses assume that some form of local code execution isrequired [9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 29, 31, 43, 49, 50, 59, 67, 74, 91].In particular, we found that none of these works even mentionsthe theoretical possibility of truly non-local Rowhammer attacks.Consequently, it was a widely accepted assumption that remoteRowhammer attacks are not possible. More specifically, deviceswhere an attacker could not obtain local code execution were sofar considered to be safe. Yet, the following questions arise:Are remote Rowhammer attacks possible? More specifically, is itpossible for an attacker to induce bit flips and exploit them, withoutany local code execution on the system?

In this paper, we answer these questions and confirm that trulyremote Rowhammer attacks are possible. We present Nethammer,the first Rowhammer attack that does not require local code execu-tion. Nethammer requires only a fast network connection betweenthe attacker and victim. It sends a crafted stream of size-optimizedpackets to the victim which causes a high number of memory ac-cesses to the same set of memory locations. If the network driver orother parts of the network stack use uncached memory or flush in-structions, e.g., for interaction with the network device, an attackercan induce bit flips. Furthermore, if Intel CAT is activated, e.g., as ananti-DoS mechanism, memory accesses lead to fast cache evictionand thus frequent DRAM accesses. This enables attacks even ifthere are no accesses to uncached memory or flush instructionswhile handling the network packet. Thus, the attacker implicitlyhammers the DRAM through the code executed for processing thenetwork packets. While an attacker cannot control the addresses ofthe bit flips, we demonstrate how an attacker can still exploit them.

Nethammer has several building blocks that we systematically de-veloped. First, we measure whether handling network packets couldat least, in theory, induce bit flips, and the influence of real-worldmemory-controller page policies. For this purpose, we present anew algorithm to observe and classify the memory-controller pagepolicy. Second, based on these insights, we demonstrate that one-location hammering [27] does not require a closed-page policy, butinstead, adaptive policies may also allow one-location hammering.Third, we investigate memory operations that occur while handlingnetwork requests. Fourth, we show that the time windows we ob-serve between memory accesses from subsequent network requestsenable Rowhammer attacks.

As previous work on Rowhammer showed, once a bit flips in asystem, its security can be subverted. We present different attacksexploiting bit flips on victim machines to compromise various ser-vices, in particular, version-control systems, DNS servers and OCSPservers. In all cases, the triggered bit flips may induce persistentdenial-of-service attacks by corrupting the persistent state, e.g.,the file system on the remote machine. In our experiments, weobserved bit flips using Nethammer already after 300ms of runningthe attack and up to 10 000 bit flips per hour. Nethammer representsa significant paradigm shift, from local to remote attacks. Previousfault attacks required physical access or local code execution inthe case of Rowhammer. Making Rowhammer possible over thenetwork requires re-evaluating the threat model of virtually every

network-connected system.We discuss state-of-the-art countermea-sures and show that most of them do not affect our attack, includingthe target-row-refresh (TRR) countermeasure in hardware. Further-more, we evaluate the performance of different other proposedRowhammer countermeasures against Nethammer. Nethammer isdifficult to detect on systems where high network traffic is com-monplace. Finally, we discuss how attacks like Nethammer can bemitigated.

Contributions. The contributions of this work are:• We present Nethammer, the first truly remote Rowhammer at-tack, with not even a single line of attacker-controlled code runningon the target device.• We demonstrate Nethammer on devices that either use uncachedmemory or clflush while handling network packets.• Wedemonstrate that evenwithout uncachedmemory and clflush,attacks on cloud systems can still be practical.• We illustrate how our attack invalidates assumptions from previ-ous works, marking a paradigm shift, and requiring re-evaluationof the threat models of most network-connected systems.• We show that many previously proposed defenses, e.g., TRR, donot work against our new attack.

Outline. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.In Section 2, we provide background information. In Section 3,we overview the Nethammer attack. In Section 4, we describe thebuilding blocks and obtain insights we need for Nethammer. In Sec-tion 5, we demonstrate how bit flips induced over the network canbe exploited. In Section 6, we evaluate the performance of Netham-mer in different scenarios on several different systems. In Section 7,we discuss and propose countermeasures. In Section 8, we discusslimitations of Nethammer. We conclude our work in Section 9.

2 BACKGROUNDIn this section, we provide the necessary background informationon DRAM, memory controller policies, and the Rowhammer attack.Furthermore, we discuss caches and cache eviction as well as theIntel CAT technology.

2.1 DRAM and Memory Controller Policies

DRAMOrganization. Modern computers use DRAM as the mainmemory. To maximize data transfer rates, DRAM is organized fora high degree of parallelism, in a hierarchy of channels, DIMMs,ranks, bank groups, and banks. Most processors today support dual-channel or quad-channel configurations. The DIMMs are assignedto one of the channels. Each DIMM has one or more ranks, e.g., thetwo sides of the DIMM may form two ranks. Every rank is furthersubdivided into so-called banks, with each bank spanning overmultiple chips. The number of banks in a rank is standardized [45],e.g., 8 banks on DDR3 and 16 banks on DDR4. Each bank is an arrayof cells, organized in rows and columns, storing the actual memorycontent. The row size, i.e., the amount of data that can be stored inall cells of one row, is defined to be 8 kB [45]. Each cell is made outof a capacitor and an access transistor. The charge of the capacitorrepresents the binary data value of the cell. Each cell in the grid isconnected to the neighboring cells with a wire forming horizontaland vertical bit lines.

When accessing a physical address, the memory controller trans-lates the physical address to channel, DIMM, rank, bank group,bank, row, and column addresses. While AMD publicly documentsthese addressing functions [3], Intel andARMdo not. Pessl et al. [68]reverse-engineered these addressing functions using an automatedtechnique for several Intel and ARM processors.

As DRAM cells lose their charge over time, they must be re-freshed periodically. The maximum time interval between refreshesis defined through the row refresh rate, standardized by the JEDECgroup for the different DRAM technologies [45]. Typically, therefresh interval is 64ms but can vary depending on the device,on-the-fly adjustments due to the current temperature, or otherexternal influences. With a 64ms refresh interval, the memorycontroller issues the refresh command every 7.8 µs for each bank.

Memory Controller Policies. Each bank has a row buffer, actingas a directly-mapped cache for the rows. To read data, the data ismoved from the cells of a row to the row buffer before it is sent tothe processor. Similarly, write accesses go to the row buffer insteadof directly to the row. By raising the word line of a row, all accesstransistors in that row are activated to connect all capacitors to theirrespective bit line. This transfers the charge representing the datafrom the row to the row buffer. If the requested data from this bankis already stored in the row buffer, the data can be transmitted tothe processor immediately, resulting in a fast access time (a row hit).However, if the requested data is not in the row buffer, a so-calledrow conflict occurs, and the bit lines must be pre-charged before thedata can be read from the new target row (row-activate).

Consequently, there are three different cases leading to distinctaccess times: row hits are the fastest, an access to a row in a pre-charged bank is a few nanoseconds slower, row conflicts are sig-nificantly slower (i.e., several nanoseconds). Hence, the memorycontroller can optimize the memory performance by deciding whento close a row preemptively and pre-charge the bank. Typically,memory controllers employ one of the three following page policies:(1) Closed-page policy: the page is immediately closed after ev-ery read or write request, and the bank is pre-charged and, thus,ready to open a new row (page-empty). If subsequent accesses arelikely to be from other rows, a closed-page policy can achieve abetter average system performance.(2) Fixed open-page policy: the page is left open for a fixedamount of time after a read or write request. If temporal local-ity is given, subsequent accesses are served with a low latency. Thispolicy is also beneficial for power consumption and bank utiliza-tion [48].(3) Adaptive open-page policy: the adaptive open-page policyby Intel [21] is similar to the fixed open-page policy but dynam-ically adjusts the page timeout interval. Each row buffer has atimeout counter and a timeout register. A row remains open untilthe timeout counter reaches the value of the timeout register. Asthe initial timeout register value might not be the most efficient,an additional mistake counter is introduced to update the timeoutregister dynamically [26]. If a row conflict occurs, the memorycontroller kept the row open for too long and hence, the mistakecounter is decremented. Whenever a page-empty access could havebeen a hit as the requested row is the same as the last accessed one,the mistake counter is incremented. Periodically, the value of the


. . .x-2x-1xx+1x+2

. . .xm

(a) Single-sided

. . .x-3x-2x-1xx+1x+2x+3

. . .

(b) Double-sided

. . .x-3x-2x-1xx+1x+2x+3

. . .

(c) One-location

Figure 1: Different hammering strategies: blue rectangles ( )represent the hammered location, while red rectangles ( )represent the most likely location for bit flips to occur.

mistake counter is checked to decide if a less or more aggressiveclose-page policy should be used. If the mistake counter is higherthan a certain threshold, the timeout register is incremented tokeep the row open for a longer period of time, and conversely, ifthe mistake counter is lower than a certain threshold, the timeoutregister is decremented to close the row earlier.

As modern processors have many cores running independentlyas well as deploy large caches and complex algorithms for spatialand temporal prefetching, the probability that subsequent memoryaccesses go to the same row decreases. Awasthi et al. [8] proposedan access-based page policy that assumes a row receives the samenumber of accesses as the last time it was activated. Shen et al. [79]proposed a policy taking past memory accesses into account todecide whether to close a row preemptively. Intel suggested pre-dicting how long a row should be kept open [47, 82]. Consequently,more complex memory controller policies have been proposed andare implemented in modern processors [26, 48]. Besides these mem-ory controller policies, the memory controller can also reorder andcombine memory accesses [76].

2.2 RowhammerWith increasing DRAM cell density, the physical size of DRAMcells and their capacitance decreases. While this has the advantageof higher storage capacity and lower power consumption, cellsmay be more susceptible to disturbance errors. Disturbance errorsare interferences between cells that cause memory corruption byunintentionally flipping the bit-value of a DRAM cell [62].

In 2014, Kim et al. [50] demonstrated that such bit flips could bereliably triggered in a DRAM row by accessing memory locationsin adjacent DRAM rows in a high frequency, a technique known asrow hammering [35]. Typically, subsequent memory accesses wouldbe served from the CPU cache. However, in a Rowhammer attack,the cache is bypassed by either using specific instructions [50],cache eviction [4, 9, 25, 28] or uncached memory [69, 84].

To reliably induce bit flips, different techniques have been pro-posed using different memory access patterns as illustrated in Fig-ure 1. While the name single-sided hammering suggests that onlyone memory location is accessed, Seaborn and Dullien [78] accessed8 randomly chosen memory locations simultaneously. Seaborn andDullien [78] focused on a typical DDR3 setup with 32 DRAM banks.Following the birthday paradox, the probability is quite high thatat least 2 out of 8 random memory locations map into the sameDRAM bank. By repeatedly accessing these 8 memory locations,

the attacker induces row conflicts at a high frequency. With single-sided hammering, bit flips most likely occur in some proximity toone of the 8 hammered rows.

With double-sided hammering, the attacker chooses three rows,where the two outer rows are hammered. Bit flips most likely occurin the row between the two rows. Double-sided hammering requiresat least partial knowledge of virtual-to-physical mappings.

Finally, Gruss et al. [27] proposed one-location hammering, inwhich the attacker only accesses one single location at a high fre-quency. The attacker does not directly induce row conflicts butinstead keeps re-opening one row permanently. As modern pro-cessors do not use strict open-page policies anymore, the memorycontroller preemptively closes rows earlier than necessary, causingrow conflicts on the subsequent accesses of the attacker. Bit flipsmost likely occur in proximity to the hammered row.

Using these techniques, the Rowhammer bug has been exploitedin different scenarios. Bhattacharya and Mukhopadhyay [11] ex-ploited untargeted bit flips at random locations to produce faultyRSA signatures, allowing the recovery of the secret keys. How-ever, as bit flips can be reproduced quite reliably, more determin-istic attacks have been mounted. These attacks include privilege-escalation attacks, sandbox escapes and the compromise of cryp-tographic algorithms. They have been mounted from sandboxedenvironments [78], from native environments [27, 78], from vir-tual machines in the cloud [73, 86], as well as from within a webbrowser running JavaScript [14, 28]. Furthermore, attacks from na-tive code [84] and JavaScript within the browser sandbox [25] havebeen demonstrated on mobile devices. To reliably induce a bit flipon a specific page, memory spraying [28, 78, 86], grooming [84],and page deduplication [14, 73] have been used.

To develop countermeasures, a large body of research focused ondetecting [17, 18, 29, 31, 43, 67, 91], neutralizing [14, 15, 28, 73, 84],or eliminating [9, 15, 18, 26, 49, 50] Rowhammer attacks in softwareor hardware. Furthermore, the LPDDR4 standard [46] specifiestwo features to mitigate Rowhammer attacks: with Target RowRefresh (TRR) the memory controller refreshes adjacent rows ofa certain row and with Maximum Activation Count (MAC) thenumber of times a row can be activated before adjacent rows have tobe refreshed is specified. However, in 2018, Gruss et al. [27] showedthat an attacker can bypass all software-based countermeasuresand gain root privileges by mounting a one-location hammeringRowhammer attack from inside an Intel SGX enclave.

2.3 Caches and Cache EvictionCaching is a fundamental concept that is used to reduce the latencyof various operations, in particular computations and accesses toslower storage. Hardware caches keep frequently used data frommain memory in smaller but faster memories.

CacheOrganization. ModernCPUs havemultiple levels of caches,varying in size and latency, where the level-1 (L1) cache is thesmallest and fastest, and the L3 or last-level cache is the biggest butslowest cache. Modern caches are organized in cache sets consistingof a fixed number of cache ways. The cache set is determined by ei-ther the virtual or physical address. Addresses are called congruentif they map to the same cache set. The cache replacement policy

Last-Level Cache


(a) CAT disabled

Last-Level Cache


(b) CAT enabled

Figure 2: When Intel CAT is disabled in (a), the cache isshared among the virtual machines. In (b), Intel CAT is con-figured with 6 ways for VM1, and 1 way for VM2 and VM3.

decides which of the cache ways is replaced (evicted) when newdata has to be loaded into the cache.

On most Intel CPUs, the last-level cache is inclusive, i.e., datapresent in L1 or L2 cache must also be present in the last-levelcache. Furthermore, the last-level cache is shared among all coresand divided into so-called cache slices. The hash function that mapsphysical addresses to slices is not publicly documented but has beenreverse-engineered [39, 57, 88].

Cache Eviction. To mount a Rowhammer attack, memory ac-cesses need to be directly served by the main memory. Thus, anattacker needs to make sure that the data is not stored in the cache.An attacker can use the unprivileged clflush instruction [87] toinvalidate the cache line or use uncached memory if available [84].On devices where no uncached memory and no unprivileged cacheflush instruction is available, an attacker can instead evict a cacheline by accessing congruent memory addresses [25, 28, 52], i.e., ad-dresses that map to the same cache set and same cache slice. Merelyaccessing a large number of different but congruent addresses in anarbitrary order typically does not lead to a high eviction rate. Grusset al. [28] observed that to evict the victim address, a so-called evic-tion set of attacker-chosen congruent addresses has to be accessedin a specific pattern. The eviction set does not contain the victimaddress, which is consequently evicted from the cache.

Intel CAT. In 2016, Intel introduced Cache Allocation Technol-ogy (CAT) [41] to address quality of service in multi-core serverplatforms [32, 40]. Intel CAT allows system software to partitionthe last-level cache to optimize workloads in shared environmentsas well as to isolate applications or virtual machines in the cloud.When a virtual machine in the cloud thrashes the cache and there-fore decreases the performance of other co-located machines, thehypervisor can restrict this virtual machine to a subset of the cacheto retain the performance of other tenants. More specifically, IntelCAT allows restricting the number of cache ways available to pro-cesses, virtual machines, and containers, as illustrated in Figure 2.However, Aga et al. [4] showed that Intel CAT allows improvingeviction-based Rowhammer attacks as it reduces the number ofaccesses required for cache eviction and consequently reduces thetime required to evict an address from the cache.

3 NETHAMMER ATTACKAll previously published Rowhammer attacks rely on some formof code execution on the targeted device, be it the execution of anative binary [4, 27, 73, 78], an application [84] or using a scriptedlanguage in the web browser, like JavaScript [14, 25, 28]. In this sec-tion, we present Nethammer, the first Rowhammer attack that doesnot rely on any attacker-controlled code on the victim machine.

3.1 Attack OverviewNethammer sends a crafted stream of network packets to the tar-get device to mount a one-location or single-sided Rowhammerattack by exploiting quality-of-service technologies deployed onthe device. For each packet received on the target device, a set ofaddresses is accessed, either in the kernel driver or a user-spaceapplication processing the contents. By repeatedly sending pack-ets, this set of addresses is hammered and, thus, bit flips may beinduced. As frequently-used addresses are served from the cachefor performance, the cache must be bypassed such that the accessgoes directly into the DRAM to cause the row conflicts required forhammering. This can be achieved in different ways if the code thatis executed (in kernel space or user space) when receiving a packet,(1) flushes (and later on reloads) an address;(2) uses uncached memory;(3) evicts (and later on reloads) an address.All three scenarios are plausible. Uncached memory is often used onARM-based devices for interaction with the hardware, e.g., accessbuffers used by the network controller. Intel x86 processors havethe clflush instruction for the same purpose. We verified that anattack is practical in both scenarios, as we describe in Section 6.2.

As caches are large, and cache replacement policies try to keepfrequently-used data in the cache, it is not trivial to mount aneviction-based attack without executing attacker-controlled codeon the device. However, to address quality of service in multi-coreserver platforms, Intel introduced CAT (cf. Section 2.3), allowingto control the amount of cache available to applications or virtualmachines dynamically as illustrated in Figure 2. If a virtual ma-chine is thrashing the cache, the hypervisor limits the number ofcache ways available to this virtual machine to meet performanceguarantees given to other tenants on the same physical machine.Thus, if an attacker excessively uses the cache, its virtual machineis restricted to a low number of ways, possibly only one, leading toa fast self-eviction of addresses.

3.2 Attack SetupIn our attack setup, the attacker has a fast network connectionto the victim machine, e.g., a gigabit connection. We assume thatthe victim machine has DDR2, DDR3, or DDR4 memory that issusceptible to one-location (or single-sided) hammering.

Personal Computers. For our attack on personal computers,tablets, smartphones, or devices with similar hardware configu-ration, we make no further assumptions.

Cloud Systems. For our attack on cloud systems, we assume thatthe victim is running a virtual machine on a cloud server providingan interface or API accessible over the network. Furthermore, toprevent denial-of-service situations due to cache thrashing, we

assume that the hypervisor on the cloud server uses Intel CAT toconstrain the virtual machine of the victim to a subset of the cache.

Note that there are overlaps between the two attack setups. Apersonal computer can be susceptible to the attack we describefor the cloud scenario. Even more likely a cloud system can besusceptible to the attack we describe for personal computers.

3.3 Inducing Bit Flips over NetworkTo induce bit flips remotely, one requirement is to send as manypackets as possible over the network in a short time frame. Asdefined in Section 3.2, we assume that either uncached memory orclflush is used when receiving a network packet or alternatively,that Intel CAT is active on the victim machine. Thus, every singlepacket processed by the network stack actively evicts and reloadsdata from the cache. By sending many packets, the correspondingaddresses are hammered efficiently.

As an example, UDP packets without content can be used, allow-ing an overall packet size of 64 B, which is the minimum packet sizefor an Ethernet packet. This allows to send up to 1 024 000 packetsper second over a 500Mbit/s connection.


Naturally, several challenges need to be solved to induce Rowham-mer bit flips over the network. Fundamentally, we need to investi-gate memory-controller page policies to determine whether regularmemory accesses that occur while handling network packets couldat least, in theory, induce bit flips. Note that these investigationsare oblivious to the specific technique to access the DRAM row (i.e.,eviction, flushing, uncached memory). Hence, in this section, wedo not discuss clflush, uncached memory, or eviction strategieswith [4] or without Intel CAT [28, 52]. We defer comparisons ofNethammer with these techniques to Section 6. In this section, wefocus on the underlying behavior of the memory controller andwhat this means for possible attacks.

Gruss et al. [27] found that the memory-controller page policyhas a significant influence on the way the Rowhammer bug can betriggered. In particular, they found that one-location hammeringworks and deduced from this that the memory-controller pagepolicy must be similar to a closed-page policy. Most previous workon Rowhammer assumed an open-row policy [4, 9, 11, 50, 62, 69,73, 78, 84, 86]. In Section 4.1, we propose a method to determine thememory-controller page policy on real-world systems automatically.We show that one-location hammering does not necessarily need aclosed-page policy, but instead, adaptive policies may allow one-location hammering.

Based on these insights, we demonstrate the first one-locationRowhammer attack on an ARM device in Section 4.2, and draw theconnection to the attack presented by Aga et al. [4]. Finally, we in-vestigate whether Rowhammer via network packets is theoreticallypossible. Network packets do not arrive with the same speed as thememory accesses in an optimized tight loop.

4.1 Automated Classification ofMemory-Controller Page Policies

Gruss et al. [27] stated that a requirement for one-location ham-mering is a policy similar to a closed-page policy. To get a morein-depth understanding of the memory-controller page policy usedon a specific system, we present an automated method to detectthe used policy. This is a significant step forward for Rowhammerattacks, as it allows to deduce whether specific attack variants mayor may not work without an empiric evaluation. Pessl et al. [68]reverse-engineered the undocumented mapping functions of physi-cal memory addresses to DRAM channels, ranks and banks. Thesemapping functions allow selecting addresses located in the samebank but in a different row. If we access these addresses consec-utively, we will cause a row conflict in the corresponding bank.This row conflict induces latency for the second access because thecurrently active row must be closed (written back), the bank mustbe pre-charged, and only then the new row can be fetched with anactivate command. This side-channel information can not only beused to build a covert communication channel [68], but as we show,it can also be used to detect the page policy used by the memorycontroller.

AutomatedClassification of thePage-policy. Weassume knowl-edge of processor and DRAM timings. For the DRAM this means inparticular, the tRCD latency (the time to select a column address),and the tRP latency (the time between pre-charge and row activa-tion). These three timings influence the observed latency as follows:(1) we consider the case page open / row hit as the base line;(2) in the case page empty / bank pre-charged, we observe anadditional latency of tRP over a row hit;(3) in the case pagemiss / row conflict, we observe an additionallatency of (tRP + tRCD) over a row hit.To compute the actual number of cycles we can expect, we haveto divide the DRAM latency value by the DRAM clock rate. Incase of DDR4, we have to additionally divide the latency value byfactor two, as DDR4 is double-clocked. This yields the latency innanoseconds. By dividing the nanoseconds by the processor clockspeed, we obtain the latency in CPU cycles. Still, as we cannot ob-tain absolutely clean measurements due to out-of-order execution,prefetching, and other mechanisms that aim to hide the DRAMlatency, the actually observed latency will deviate slightly.

As in our test we cannot simply measure the three different cases,we define an experiment that allows to distinguish the differentpolicies. In the experiment we use for our automated classification,we select two addresses A and B that map to the same bank butdifferent rows. Using the clflush instruction, we make sure thatA and B are not cached, in order to load those addresses directlyfrom main memory. We base our method on two observations foropen-page policies:Single By loading address A an increasing number of times (n =1..10 000) before measuring the time it takes to load the same ad-dress on a subsequent access, we can measure the access time of anaddress in DRAM if the corresponding row is already active. Foran open-page policy the access time should be the same for any n.Conflict By accessing address A and subsequently measuring theaccess time to address B, we can measure the access time of anaddress in DRAM in the occurrence of a row conflict.

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60260



Time [ms]



Single Address Conflicting Address

Figure 3: Measured access times over a period of time fora single address (blue) and an address causing a row con-flict (red) for different page policies on the Intel Xeon D-1541: open policy (left), closed policy (middle), adaptive pol-icy (right).

0 200 400 600 800 1,000200




Number of previous accessesAc



Adaptive policy Open-page policy

Figure 4: Open-page policy and adaptive page policy can bedistinguished by testing increasing numbers of accesses tothe same row. The open-page policy (Intel Core i7-4790) al-ways has the same timing for subsequent accesses, since therow always remains open. The adaptive page policy (IntelXeon E5-1630v4) only leaves the row open for a longer timeafter a larger number of accesses.

Our classification now works by running the following checks:(1) If there is no timing difference between the two cases describedabove (Singlewith a largen andConflict), the system uses a closed-page policy. The closed-page policy immediately closes the rowafter every read or write request. Thus, there is no timing differencebetween these two cases. The timing observed corresponds to therow-pre-charged state.(2) Otherwise, if the timing for the Single case is the same, re-gardless of the value of n, but differs from the timing for Conflict,the system uses an open-page policy. The timing difference corre-sponds to the row hits and row conflicts. Following the definitionof the open-page policy, the timing for row hits is always the same.(3) Otherwise, the timing for the Single case will have a jump atsome n after which the page policy is adapted to cope better withour workload. Consequently, the timing differences we observecorrespond to row hit and row-pre-charged states.

Figure 3 shows the memory access time measured on an In-tel Xeon D-1541 with different page policies. The plot shows thatclosed-page policy can be distinguished from the other two us-ing our method. We also verified our results by reading out theCLOSE_PG bit in the mcmtr configuration register of the integratedmemory controller [42].

We validated that we can distinguish open-page policy and adap-tive page policy by running our experiments on two systems withthe corresponding page policies. Figure 4 shows the results of these

experiments. The difference between open-page policy and adaptivepolicy is clearly visible.

Our experiments show that adaptive page policies often be-have like closed-page policies. This indicates the possibility ofone-locating hammering on systems using an adaptive page policy.

4.2 One-location Hammering on ARMTo make Nethammer a more generic attack, it is essential to demon-strate it not only on Intel CPUs but also on ARM CPUs. This isparticularly interesting as ARM CPUs dominate the mobile market,and ARM-based devices are predominant also in IoT applications.Gruss et al. [27] only demonstrated one-location hammering onIntel CPUs. However, as one-location hammering is the most plau-sible hammering variant for Nethammer, we need to investigatewhether it is possible to trigger one-location hammering bit flipson ARM.

In our experiments, we used a LG Nexus 4 E960 mobile phoneequipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 (APQ8064) [71] SoCand 2GB of LPDDR2 RAM, susceptible to bit flips using double-sided hammering. The page policy used by the memory controlleris selected via the DDR_CMD_EXEC_OPT_0 register: if the bit is setto 1, which is the recommended value [72], a closed-page policyis used. If the bit is set to 0, an open-page policy is used. Hence,we can expect the memory controller to preemptively close rows,enabling one-location hammering.

So far, bit flips on ARM-based devices have only been demon-strated in the combination of double-sided hammering, and un-cached memory [84] or access via the GPU [25]. Even in the pres-ence of a flush instruction [7] or optimal cache eviction strate-gies [52], the access frequency to the two neighboring rows is toolow to induce bit flips. Furthermore, devices with the ARMv8 in-struction set that allows exposing a flush instruction to unprivilegedprograms are usually equipped with LPDDR4 memory.

In our experiment, we allocated uncached memory using theAndroid IONmemory allocator [90].We hammered a single randomaddress within the uncached memory region at a high frequencyand then checked the memory for occurred bit flips. We were ableto observe 4 bit flips while hammering for 10 hours. Thus, we canconclude that there are ARM-based devices that are vulnerable toone-location hammering.

4.3 Minimal Access Frequency forRowhammer Attacks

A show stopper for Nethammer is if the frequency of memory ac-cesses caused by processing network packets is not high enoughto induce bit flips on one of our test systems successfully. As thesystem performs many memory accesses when handling a networkpacket, the attacker, in fact, cannot tell whether only one locationin a bank is hammered (i.e., one-location hammering) or multiplelocations (i.e., single-sided hammering). In particular, followingthe pigeon-hole principle, in our test setups with 32 bank (singleDIMM) or 64 bank (dual DIMM) setups, we know that, if we ac-cess at least n + 1 different addresses, i.e., 33 or 65 respectively, atleast two addresses must be served from the same bank. Hence,we can assume that there is a good probability that the attacker

actually does single-sided hammering. Moreover, some addressesare accessed multiple times.

Previous work has investigated the minimal number of accessesthat are necessary within a 64ms refresh interval to still obtainbit flips. Kim et al. [50] reported bit flips starting at 139 000 rowactivations per refresh interval, which can be, depending on thepage policy, identical to the number of memory accesses. Grusset al. [28] reported bit flips starting at 43 000 and Aweke et al. [9]at 110 000 memory accesses per refresh interval.

In our experiments, we send 500Mbit/s (and more) over the net-work interface. With a minimum size of 64 B for Ethernet packets,we can send 1 024 000 packets per second over a 500Mbit/s con-nection. As described in Section 6.2, we found functions whichare called multiple times, e.g., 6 times in the case of once func-tion. Hence, on a 500Mbit/s connection, the attack can induce6 144 000 accesses per second. Divided by the default refresh inter-val of 64ms, we are at 393 216 accesses per refresh interval. This isclearly above the previously reported required number of memoryaccesses [9, 28, 50]. Hence, we conclude that in theory, if the systemis susceptible to Rowhammer attacks, network packets can inducebit flips. In the following section, we will describe how an attackercan exploit such bit flips.

5 EXPLOITING BIT FLIPS OVER A NETWORKIn this section, we discuss Nethammer attack scenarios to exploitbit flips over the network in detail. We discuss the possible locationsof bit flips in Section 5.1. We describe different Nethammer attacksin Section 5.2.

5.1 Bit Flip Location and EffectAs the Nethammer attack does not control where in physical mem-ory a bit flip is induced and, thus, what is stored at that location,the bit flip can lead to different consequences. On a high level, wecan divide bit flips into two groups, based on the location of theflip. We distinguish between bit flips in user memory, i.e., memorypages that are mapped as user_accessible in at least one process,and bit flips in kernel memory, i.e., memory pages that are nevermapped as user_accessible. We can also distinguish the bit flipsbased on their high-level effect, again forming two groups. The firstgroup consists of bit flips that lead to a denial-of-service situation.The second group consists of bit flips that do not lead to a denial-of-service situation. If a denial-of-service situation is temporary, asystem reboot may be necessary. A denial-of-service situation canbe persistent if the bit flip is written back to a permanent storagelocation. Then it may be necessary to reinstall the system softwareor parts of it from scratch, clearly taking more time than just areboot. Denial-of-service attacks have a direct financial impact oncompanies due to unplanned downtimes and maintenance times.Moreover, studies show that their announcement can also have anegative impact on the stock prices [1]. Consequently, Nethammerposes a severe threat to servers vulnerable to the attack.

5.2 Bit Flip TargetsNethammer may induce a bit flip in kernel memory. Depending onthe modified location, parts of the operating system can behave

unexpectedly, or the entire system may even halt. Bit flips in usermemory may have similar consequences.

5.2.1 File System Data Structures. File system data structures,e.g., inodes, are not directly part of the kernel code or data but arealso in the kernel memory. An inode is a data structure defining afile or a directory of a file system. Each inode contains metadatasuch as the size of the file, owner and permission data as well as thedisk block location of its data. If a bit flips in the inode structure,it corrupts the file system and, thus, causes persistent loss of data.This may again crash the entire system.

5.2.2 SGX Enclave Page Cache. If the victim machine supportsIntel SGX [19], an x86 instruction-set extension that allows theexecution of programs in so-called secure enclaves to run with in-tegrity and confidentiality guarantees in untrusted environments,a bit flip easily causes a denial of service. Enclave memory is storedin a physically contiguous block of memory that is encrypted us-ing a Memory Encryption Engine [30]. Jang et al. [44] and Grusset al. [27] demonstrated that if a bit flip in enclave memory is in-duced, the Memory Encryption Engine locks the memory controller,preventing any future memory operations and thus, halting theentire system.While such a bit flip is not persistent itself, the unsafehalting of the entire system can leave permanent damage leadingto a persistent denial-of-service.

5.2.3 Application Memory in General. If a bit flip occurs in mem-ory of a user-space application, e.g., code or data, a possible outcomeis the crash of the program. Such a flip may render the affectedservice unavailable.

Another outcome of a bit flip in the data of a user-space applica-tion, e.g., in the database of a service, is that the service deliversmodified, possibly invalid, content. Depending on the service, itsusers cannot distinguish if the data is correct or has been altered.

Altering DNS Entries to redirect to Malicious Services. To re-solve domain names to the corresponding IP address, a DNS re-quest [60] is sent to a DNS server. DNS servers are organized ina tree-like structure, building a distributed system to store DNSrecords. A record consists of a type, a name, a class code, a time-to-live for caching, and the value. For instance, the A record holdsa 32-bit IPv4 address for a specific domain. However, DNS allowsdefining aliases to map one domain name to another. This is used todefine message transfer agents for a domain or to redirect domains.

In this attack, the attacker leverages Nethammer to induce a bitflip in a character of a DNS entry to make it point to a differentdomain. For instance, changes to if theleast-significant bit of the “o” character is flipped from ‘1’ to ‘0’. Suchan attack is also referred to as bitsquatting [20]. Such bit flips indomains have been successfully exploited before using Rowhammerattacks [73]. DNS zone transfers (AXFR queries) allow replicatingDNS databases across different servers. Using zone transfers, anattacker can retrieve entries of an entire zone at once. The attackerqueries the DNS server for its entries, mounts the attack and thenverifies whether a bit flip at an exploitable position has occurredby monitoring changes in the queried entries. If so, the attackercan register the changed domain and host a malicious service onthe domain, e.g., a fake website to steal login credentials or a mailserver intercepting email traffic. Users querying the DNS server

for said entry connect to the server controlled by the attacker andare thus exposed to data theft. A flip might also change an MXentry, pointing it to a different domain. The attacker can then againregister the domain and intercept connections that were intendedto go to the original mail server.

Rebuilding Trust in Revoked Certificates.An attacker can alsotarget OCSP servers. The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)is a protocol to retrieve the revocation status of a certificate [77]. Incontrast to a certificate revocation list, where all revoked certificatesare enumerated, the OCSP protocol enables to query the status of asingle certificate. This protocol shifts the workload from the userto the OCSP server, so that users, or more specifically browsers, donot have to store huge revocation lists. Instead, the OCSP servermanages a list of revoked certificate fingerprints.

Digital certificates are used to generate digital signatures thatpresent the authenticity of digital documents or messages. They aretypically obtained from a trusted party, e.g., a certificate authority.The certificate allows verifying that a specific signature was indeedissued by the signer. However, if the corresponding private keyof a certificate is exposed to the public, everyone can sign data inthe name of the signer. Hence, a user can revoke a certificate toavoid any abuse. Liu et al. [53] evaluated 74 full IPv4 HTTPS scansand found that 8% of 38 514 130 unique SSL certificates served havebeen revoked.

To process a certificate validity request, the server queries itsdatabase for the requested certificate identifier. The result can eitherbe that the certificate is revoked, not revoked (i.e., valid), or thatthe state is unknown (i.e., it is not in the database). If a client triesto establish a secure connection to a server or check the validityof a signed document, it queries the OCSP server provided by thecertificate. If the certificate has been revoked, the client aborts theconnection or marks the signature as invalid.

In this attack, the attacker flips a bit in the memory of an OCSPserver of a certificate authority where private keys of certificateshave become public, and the certificates have thus been revoked.The attacker can either flip the status or the identifier of the certifi-cate. As the status of the certificate is stored as an ASCII characterin the OpenSSL OCSP responder [65], one bit flip is sufficient to flipthe “R” (revoked) to “V” (valid). Assuming the memory is filled withrevocation list entries, which are on average 100 B for this specificresponder, an attacker has a chance of 0.125 % per bit flip to makea random certificate valid again. Thus, an attacker can again reusethat certificate (with the known private key) to sign documents ordata and, thus, impersonate the original signer.

A weaker, but more likely attack scenario, is to flip a bit inthe certificate identifier. Such a bit flip leads to the OCSP servernot finding the certificate in its database anymore, thus, return-ing “unknown” as the state. Most browsers fall back to their owncertificate revocation list in such a case [2, 56, 66]. However, onlyhigh-value revocations are kept in the browser’s list, making it veryunlikely that the certificate is in the certificate revocation list ofthe browser [2]. Hence, an attacker can again reuse that certificate.

Other attacks. The attack scenarios described above are by far notexhaustive. With bit flips in applications, attackers have numerouspossibilities to modify random data, yielding different, disastrous

consequences. However, the outlined attacks highlight the severityof remotely induced bit flips by Nethammer.

5.2.4 Cryptographic Material. Cryptographic material as partof the application memory is particularly interesting for attacks.In the past, it has been demonstrated that fault attacks on RSApublic keys result in broken keys which are susceptible to keyfactorization [10, 16]. Therefore, also public key material has to beprotected against faults. Muir [61] remarked that a bit flip in anRSA public key allows an attacker with a non-negligible probabilityto compute a private key corresponding to the modified key in areasonable amount of time. Thus, an attacker can flip a bit of apublic RSA key in memory using Nethammer, giving the attackerthe same privileges and permissions as the owner of the originalkey. These permissions are only temporary, e.g., until the key isreloaded from the hard drive.

Distribution ofMalicious Software onVersion-ControlHost-ing Services. An attacker can compromise a hosting service todistribute malicious software. The number of organizations usinghosting services for revision control to manage changes to theirsource code, documents or other information is increasing steadily.These services can either be subscription based, e.g., GitHub [36],or self-hosted, e.g., GitLab [37], and, thus, are deployed on manyweb servers to distribute their software.

To commit changes to a version-controlled repository, usersauthenticate with the service using public-key cryptography. Typ-ically, users generate an SSH key pair [89], e.g., using RSA [75],upload the public key to the service, and store the private key se-curely on their local system. As the position of the bit flip cannotbe controlled using Nethammer, an attacker can improve the prob-ability to induce a bit flip in the modulus of a public key by loadingas many keys as possible into the main memory of the server. SomeAPIs, e.g., the GitLab API [38], allow enumerating the users regis-tered for the service as well as their public keys. By enumeratingand, therefore, accessing all public keys of the service, the attackerloads the public keys into the DRAM.

In the first step of the attack, the attacker enumerates all keys ofall users and stores them locally. In the second step, the attackermounts Nethammer to induce bit flips on the targeted system. Themore keys the attacker loaded into memory, the more likely it isthat the bit flip corrupts the modulus of a public key of a user. Forinstance, with 80 % of the memory filled with 4096-bit keys, thechance to hit a bit of a modulus is 79.7 %. As the attacker does notknowwhich keywas affected by the bit flip, the attacker enumeratesall keys again and compares them with the locally stored keys.If a modified key has been found, the attacker computes a newcorresponding private key [61, 73]. The attacker uses this new key toauthenticatewith the service, impersonating the user. Consequently,the attacker can make changes to the software repository as thatuser and, thus, introduce bugs that can later be exploited if thesoftware is distributed. The original public key will be restoredafter a while when the key is evicted from the page cache and hasto be reloaded from the hard drive. As the correct key is restored,the attack leaves no traces. Furthermore, it also breaks the non-repudiation guarantee provided by the public-key authentication,making the victim whose public key was attacked the prime suspectin possible investigations.

6 EVALUATIONIn this section, we evaluate Nethammer and its performance. Weshow that the number of bit flips induced byNethammer depends onhow the cache is bypassed and the memory-controller’s page policy.We evaluate which kernel functions are executed when handling aUDP network packet. We describe the bit flips we obtained whenrunning Nethammer in different attack scenarios. Finally, we showthat TRR does not protect against Nethammer or Rowhammer ingeneral.

6.1 EnvironmentIn our evaluation, we used the test systems listed in Table 1. Weused the first system for our experiments with a non-default net-work driver implementation that uses clflush in the process ofhandling a network packet, and the second and third system forour experiments with Intel CAT. To mount Nethammer, we useda Gigabit switch to connect two other machines with the victimmachine. The two other machines were used to flood the victimmachine with network packets triggering the Rowhammer bug.We used the fourth system for our experiments on an ARM-baseddevice that uses uncached memory in the process of handling anetwork packet.

6.2 Evaluation of the Different Cache Bypassesfor Nethammer

In Section 4, we investigated the requirements to trigger the Rowham-mer bug over the network. In this section, we evaluate Nethammerfor the three cache-bypass techniques (see Section 3.1): a kerneldriver that flushes (and reloads) an address whenever a packet isreceived, Intel Xeon CPUs with Intel CAT for fast cache eviction,and uncached memory on an ARM-based mobile device.

Driver with clflush. To verify that Nethammer can induce bitflips, we used a non-default network driver implementation thatuses clflush in the process of handling a network packet on anIntel i7-6700K CPU.We sent UDP packets with up to 500Mbit/s andscanned memory regions where we expected bit flips. We observeda bit flip every 350ms showing that hammering over the networkis feasible if at least two memory accesses are served from mainmemory, due to flushing an address while handling a networkpacket. Thus, in this scenario, up to 10 000 bit flips per hour can beinduced.

Eviction with Intel CAT. The operating system will handle ev-ery network packet received by the network card. The operatingsystem parses the packets depending on their type, validates theirchecksum and copies and delivers every packet to each registeredsocket queue. Thus, for each received packet quite some code is ex-ecuted before the packet finally arrives at the application destinedto handle its content.

We tested Nethammer on Intel Xeon CPUs with Intel CAT. Thenumber of cache ways has been limited to a single one for codehandling the processing of UDP packets, resulting in fast cacheeviction. If a function is called multiple times for one packet, thesame addresses are accessed and loaded from DRAM with a highprobability, thus, hammering this location. To estimate how manydifferent functions are called and how often they are called, we

Table 1: List of test systems that were used for the experiments.

Device CPU DRAM Network card Operating system

Desktop Intel i7-6700K @ 4GHz 8GB DDR4 @ 2133MHz Intel 10G X550T Ubuntu 16.04Server Intel Xeon E5-1630v4 @ 3.7GHz 8GB DDR4 @ 2133MHz Intel i210/i218-LM Gigabit Xubuntu 17.10Server Intel Xeon D-1541 @ 2.1GHz 8GB DDR4 @ 2133MHz Intel i350-AM2 Gigabit Ubuntu 16.04

LG Nexus 4 Qualcomm APQ8064 @ 1.5GHz 2GB LPDDR2 @ 533MHz USB Adapter Android 5.1.1

use the perf framework [22] to count the number of function callsrelated to UDP packet handling. Appendix A shows the results ofa system handling UDP packets. Out of 27 different functions weidentified, most were called only once for each received packet. Thefunction __udp4_lib_lookup is called twice. In a more extensiveprofiling scan, we found that nf_hook_slow is called 6 times whilehandling UDP packets on some kernels.

With this knowledge, we analyzed how many bit flips can beinduced from this code execution. We observed 45 bit flips perhour on the Intel Xeon E5-1630v4. As TRR is active on this system(see Section 6.5), fewer bit flips occur in comparison to systemswithout TRR. In Section 6.3, we evaluate the number of bit flips onthe Intel Xeon D-1541 depending on the configured page policy.

Uncached Memory. In Section 4.2, we demonstrated that ARM-based devices are vulnerable to one-location hammering in general.To investigate whether bit flips can also be induced over the net-work, we connect the LG Nexus 4 using an OTG USB ethernetadapter to a local network. Using a different machine, we send asmany network packets as possible to the mobile phone. An appli-cation on the phone allocates memory and repeatedly checks theallocated memory for occurred bit flips. However, we were not ableto observe any bit flips on the device within 12 hours of hammering.As the device does not deploy a technology like Intel CAT (Sec-tion 2.3), the cache is not limited for certain applications and, thus,the eviction of code or data used by handling memory packets hasa low probability. As network drivers often use DMA memory and,thus, uncached memory, bit flips induced by the network are morelikely if the network driver itself uses uncached memory. While weidentified a remarkable number of around 5500 uncacheable pagesused by the system, we were not able to induce any bit flips overthe network. However, we found that the USB ethernet adapteronly allowed for a network capacity of less than 16Mbit/s, whichis clearly too slow for a Nethammer attack. It is very likely thatwith a faster network connection, e.g., more than 200Mbit/s, it ispossible to induce bit flips. Nevertheless, we were successfully ableto induce bit flips using Nethammer on the Intel Xeon E5-1630v4where one uncached address is accessed for every received UDPpacket.

6.3 Influence of Memory-Controller PagePolicies on Rowhammer

In order to evaluate the actual influence of the used memory-controller page policy on Nethammer, i.e., howmany bit flips can beinduced depending on the policy used, we mounted the Nethammerin different settings. The experiment was conducted on our IntelXeon D-1541 test system, as the BIOS of its motherboard allowed to

0 20 40 60 80 1000102030

CPU Load


Figure 5: Number of bit flips depending on the CPU loadwith a closed-page policy after 15 minutes (Xeon D-1541).

chose between different page policies: Auto, Closed, Open, Adaptive.For each run, we configured the victim machine with one of thepolicies and Intel CAT, and, mounted a Nethammer attack for atleast 4 hours. To detect bit flips, we ran a program on the victimmachine that mapped a file into memory. The program then repeat-edly scans the content of all allocated pages and reports bit flips ifthe content has changed.

We detected 11 bit flips in 4 hours with the Closed policy, withthe first one after 90 minutes. We did not observe any bit flips withthe Open policy within the first 4 hours. However, when runningthe experiment longer, we observed 46 bit flips within 10 hours.With the Adaptive policy, we observed 10 bit flips in 4 hours, withthe first one within the second hour of the experiment. While thisexperiment was conducted without any additional load on the sys-tem, we see in Figure 5 that additional CPU utilization increases thenumber of bitflips drastically. Using the Closed policy, we observed27 bitflips with a load of 35% within 15 minutes.

These results do not immediately align with the assumption thata policy that preemptively closes rows is required to induce bitflips using one-location hammering. However, depending on theaddresses that are accessed and the constant eviction through IntelCAT, it is possible that two addresses map to the same bank butdifferent rows and, thus, bit flips can be induced through single-sided hammering. In fact, the attacker cannot know whether thehammering was actually one-location hammering or single-sidedhammering. However, as long as a bit flip occurs, the attacker doesnot care how many addresses mapped to the same bank. Finally,depending on the actual parameters used by a fixed-open-pagepolicy, a row can still be closed early enough to induce bit flips.

6.4 Bit Flips induced by NethammerAs described in Section 5.1, a bit flip can occur in user space orkernel space leading to different effects depending on the memory itcorrupts. In this section, we present bit flips that we have observedin our experiments and the effects they have caused.

Kernel image corruption and kernel crashes. We observedNethammer bit flips that caused the system not to boot anymore.It stopped responding after the bootloader stage. We inspectedthe kernel image and compared it to the original kernel imagedistributed by the operating system. As the kernel image differedblockwise atmany locations, we assume that the Nethammer causeda bit flip in an inode of the file system. The inode of a program thatwanted to write data did not point to the correct file any longer butto the kernel image and, thus, corrupted the kernel image.

Furthermore, we observed several bit flips immediately haltingthe entire system such that interaction with it was not possible anylonger. By debugging the operating system over a serial connection,we detected bit flips in certain modules such as the keyboard ornetwork driver. In these cases, the system was still running but didnot respond to any user input or network packets anymore. We alsoobserved bit flips that were likely in the SGX EPC region, causingan immediate permanent locking of the memory controller.

Bit flips in user space libraries and executables. We observedthat bit flips crashed running processes and services or preventedthe execution of others as the bit flip triggered a segmentation faultwhen functions of a library were executed. On one occasion, a bitflip occurred either in the SSH daemon or the stored passwordsof the machine, preventing any user to login on the system. Thesystem was restored to a stable state only by rebooting the machineand thus reloading the entire code from disk.

We also validated that an attacker can increase chances to flipa bit in a target page by increasing the memory usage of a userprogram. In fact, this was the most common scenario, overlappingwith our general test setup to detect bit flips for our evaluation. Un-surprisingly, these bit flips equally occur when filling the memorywith actual contents that the attacker targets.

6.5 Target Row Refresh (TRR)Previous assumptions on the Rowhammer bug lead to the conclu-sion that only bit flips in the victim row adjacent to the hammeringrows would occur. While the probability for bit flips to occur in di-rectly adjacent rows is much higher, Kim et al. [50] already showedrows further away (even a distance of 8 rows and more) are af-fected as well. Still, the hardware vendors opted for implementingcountermeasures focusing on the directly adjacent rows.

With the Low Power Double Data Rate 4 (LPDDR4) standard, theJEDEC Solid State Technology Association [46] defines a reliabilityfeature called Target Row Refresh (TRR). The idea of TRR is torefresh adjacent rows if the targeted row is accessed at a highfrequency. More specifically, TRR works with a maximum numberof activations allowed during one refresh cycle, the maximum activecount. Thus, if a double-sided Rowhammer attack (Section 2.2) ismounted, and two hammered rows are accessed more than thedefined maximum active count, the adjacent rows (in particular thevictim row of the attack) will be refreshed. As the potential victimrows are refreshed, in theory, no bit flip will occur, and the attack ismitigated. However, in practice, bit flips can be further away fromthe hammered rows and thus TRR may be ineffective.

With the Ivy Bridge processor family, Intel introduced PseudoTarget Row Refresh (pTRR) for Intel Xeon CPUs to mitigate theRowhammer bug [55]. On these systems pTRR-compliant DIMMs

must be used; otherwise, the system will default into double re-fresh mode, where the time interval in which a row is refreshed ishalved [55]. However, Kim et al. [50] showed that a reduced refreshperiod of 32ms is not sufficient enough to impede bit flips in allcases. While pTRR is implemented in the memory controller [54],DRAM module specifications theoretically allow automatically run-ning TRR in the background [58].

In our experiments, we were able to induce bit flips on a pTRR-supporting DDR4 module using double-sided hammering on anIntel i7-6700K. The bit flips occurred in directly adjacent rows androws further away. We observed that when using the same DDR4DRAMon the Intel Xeon E5-1630 v4 CPU, no bit flips occurred in thedirectly adjacent rows, but we observed no statistically significantdifference in the number of bit flips for the rows further away.This indicates that TRR is active on the second machine but alsothat TRR does not prevent the occurrence of exploitable bit flips inpractice. Thus, we conclude that the TRR hardware countermeasureis insufficient in mitigating Rowhammer attacks.

7 COUNTERMEASURESSince Nethammer does not require any attack code in contrast toa regular Rowhammer attack, e.g., no attacker-controlled code onthe system, most countermeasures do not prevent our attack.

Countermeasures based on static code analysis aim to detectattack code in binaries [43]. However, as our attack does not useany suspicious code and does not execute a program, these counter-measures do not detect the ongoing attack. Other countermeasuresdetect on-going attacks using hardware- and software-based per-formance counters [17, 18, 29, 31, 67, 91] and subsequently stopthe corresponding programs. However, when hammering over thenetwork, the large amount of memory accesses are executed by thekernel itself, and the kernel cannot just be terminated or stoppedlike a regular program. Hence, these countermeasures cannot copewith our attack. Modifying the system memory allocator to hinderthe exploitability of bit flips [15, 28, 84] may generally work againstNethammer. However, the hammering is in practice done by thekernel, so the proposed isolation schemes are ineffective, and newschemes have to be proposed.

ANVIL [9] uses performance counters to detect and subsequentlymitigate Rowhammer attacks. Since ANVIL, in its current form,does not detect one-location hammering [27], it also does not detectour attack. While we believe an adapted version of ANVIL coulddetect our attack, it would require evaluating whether the falsepositive and false negative rates allow for an application in prac-tice. B-CATT [15] blacklists vulnerable locations, thus, effectivelyreducing the amount of usable memory, but fully eliminating theRowhammer bug. B-CATT would work against Nethammer, butprevious work has found that it is not practical as it would blocktoo much memory [27, 50].

In general, we recommend reviewing any network stack andnetwork services code. Uncached memory and clflush instruc-tions should only be used with extreme care, and it may even benecessary to add artificial slow downs such that they cannot beexploit for Nethammer attacks anymore. If this is not possible fortechnical reasons, the threat model of the device should be revisitedand reevaluated. Mitigating our eviction-based Nethammer attack

might be more straight-forward, as it requires a specific configura-tion for Intel CAT. Either avoiding the restriction to a low numberof cache ways via Intel CAT on network-connected systems or in-stalling ECC memory would likely be sufficient to make our attackvery improbable to succeed. Hence, we also recommend using IntelCAT very carefully in network-connected systems.


Hardware requirements. To induce the Rowhammer bug, oneneeds to access memory in the main memory repeatedly and, thus,needs to circumvent the cache. Therefore, either native flush in-structions [87], eviction [4, 28] or uncached memory [84] can beused to remove data from the cache. In particular, for eviction-based Nethammer, the system must use Intel CAT as describedin Section 2.3 in a configuration that restricts the number of waysavailable to a virtual machine in a cloud scenario to guaranteeperformance to other co-located machines [40]. If none of thesecapabilities are available over the network, an attacker could notmount Nethammer in practice.

One limitation of our attack is that only DRAM susceptible tobit flips can be exploited using a Rowhammer attack and, thus,Nethammer. To reduce the risk of bit flips on servers, one wouldassume that cloud providers tend to deploy ECC RAM usually.However, many cloud providers offer to rent hardware withoutECC RAM [23, 33, 34, 63, 64, 85], potentially allowing Nethammerattacks. DRAM with ECC can only be used in combination withIntel Xeon CPUs and can detect and correct 1-bit errors. Thereforeit can deal with single bit flips. While non-correctable multi-bit flipscan be exploitable [5, 6, 51], they often end up in a denial-of-serviceattack depending on the operating system’s response to the error.

Network traffic. Nethammer sends as many network packets tothe victimmachine as possible, aiming to induce bit flips. Dependingon the actual attack scenario (see Section 5), additional traffic, e.g.,by enumerating the public keys of the service, is generated. Ifthe victim uses network monitoring software, the attack mightbe detected and stopped, due to the highly increased amount oftraffic. In our experiments, we sent a stream of UDP packets withup to 500Mbit/s to the target system. We were able to induce a bitflip every 350ms and, thus, if the first random bit flip already hitsthe target or causes a denial-of-service, the attack could alreadybe successful. However, as the rows are periodically refreshed, anattacker only needs an extraordinary high burst of memory accessesto a row between two refreshes, i.e., within a period of 64ms. Hence,an attacker couldmount Nethammer for a few hundredmillisecondsand then pause the attack for a longer time. These short networkspikes may circumvent network monitoring software that mightotherwise detect and prevent the on-going attack, e.g., by nullrouting the victim server.

Gigabit LTE on Mobile Devices.While ethernet adapters in mobile phones are uncommon, many

ARM-based embedded devices in IoT setups are equipped and con-nected with gigabit ethernet. However, we expect the maximumthroughput of these network cards to be too low on many of thesedevices, e.g., the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ [24], and also WiFi chips

2000 2005 2010 20151

















Regular Low-power

Figure 6: Minimum DRAM supply voltages for differentDDR standards. The highlighted area marks the voltage andmanufacturing years ofDRAMmoduleswhereRowhammerbit flips have been reported.

typically offer too little capacity. However, on more recent proces-sors, e.g., the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset [70], and modemslike the Qualcomm X20 Gigabit LTE modem, throughputs up to1.2Gbit/s are possible in practice. This would enable to send enoughpackets to hammer specific addresses to induce bit flips on the de-vice and, thus, to successfully mount Nethammer.

Influence of DRAM Supply Voltage on Rowhammer Effect.Kim et al. [50] identified voltage fluctuations as the root cause ofDRAM disturbance errors, e.g., the Rowhammer bug. However,no study so far has investigated the direct effect of the DRAMsupply voltage on Rowhammer bit flips. In fact, we can alreadyobserve a direct correlation between a low DRAM supply voltage byreviewing related work. Figure 6 shows how the DRAM voltage hasbeen reduced over the past years. Previous work observed that thevulnerability of DRAMmodules is related to themanufacturing date,i.e., no bitflips before 2010 [50, 78]. However, as shown in Figure 6there are at least two possible correlations with the Rowhammerbug, the manufacturing date, and the supply voltage.

Indeed, Rowhammer has only been reported on DRAM moduleswith a voltage below 1.5 volts [50, 78], i.e., DDR3 [50, 78], DDR4 [68],LPDDR2 and LPDDR3 [84], and LPDDR4 [83].

We investigated the influence of the DRAM voltage on the oc-currence of bit flips on two systems. We tested voltage increasesin 0.01V steps. On three tested systems (2× DDR4, 1× DDR3), weobserved no significant change in the number of bit flips, i.e., thenumber of bit flips stayed in the same order of magnitude, evenwhen increasing the voltage by 0.2V. Future work should inves-tigate whether other voltage-related parameters could lead to astraightforward elimination of the Rowhammer bug.

9 CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we presented Nethammer, the first truly remoteRowhammer attack, without a single attacker-controlled line ofcode on the targeted system. We demonstrate attacks on systemsthat use uncached memory or flush instructions while handlingnetwork requests, and systems that don’t use either but are pro-tected by Intel CAT. In all cases, we were able to induce multiplebit flips per hour on real-world systems, leading to temporary orpersistent damage on the system. We showed that depending on thelocation, the bit flip compromises either the security and integrityof the system and the data of its users. In some cases, the systemwas rendered unbootable after the attack.

We presented a method to automatically identify the page policyused by the memory controller. Consequently, we found that adap-tive page policies are also vulnerable to one-location hammering.While we were able to mount the first one-location hammeringattack on an ARM device, the network capacity on this device wastoo low for Nethammer.

Transforming formerly local attacks into remote attacks is al-ways a landslide in security. Assumptions that were true for thelocal scenario are largely invalid in a remote scenario. In particular,all defenses and mitigation strategies were designed against localRowhammer attacks, i.e., remote Rowhammer attacks were out ofscope. Hence, Nethammer requires the re-evaluation of the securityof millions of devices where the attacker is not able to executeattacker-controlled code. Finally, our work demonstrates that weneed to develop countermeasures with the root cause of both localand remote Rowhammer attacks in mind.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe thank Mattis Turin-Zelenko and Paul Höfler for help with someexperiments. We thank Stefan Mangard, Anders Fogh, ThomasDullien, and Jann Horn for fruitful discussions.

This work has been supported by the Austrian Research Promo-tion Agency (FFG) via the K-project DeSSnet, which is funded inthe context of COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Tech-nologies by BMVIT, BMWFW, Styria and Carinthia. This projecthas received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme (grant agreement No 681402).

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Table 2 shows the results of the funccount script of the perf frame-work [22] for functions with udp in their name while the targetedsystem is flooded with UDP packets.

Table 2: Results of funccount on the victim machine forfunctions with udp in their name while the system isflooded with UDP packets.

Function Number of calls

__udp4_lib_lookup 2 000 024__udp4_lib_rcv 1 000 012udp4_gro_receive 1 000 012udp4_lib_lookup_skb 1 000 012udp_error 1 000 012udp_get_timeouts 1 000 013udp_gro_receive 1 000 013udp_packet 1 000 012udp_pkt_to_tuple 1 000 012udp_rcv 1 000 012udp_v4_early_demux 1 000 012

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