new internet

Post on 14-May-2015






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Does USA have a new Internet inPlace?


Does USA have a new INTERNET (network) in place?.....Attack against a Iran?

The recent Stuxnet , Duqu and Flame attacks on Iran have a lot of points to ponder upon. The revelations that a super power state such as USA is responsible for these attacks which targeted Iran is alarming.Before carrying out such attacks they must have surely thought over the fallouts.

Is USA Cyber space so secure that it is confident that no attacks will be carried out against them after what has happened. Cyber war had started long back but it is the first nation to attack another nation. The program named "Olympic Games" for creation of cyber weapons such as Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame and program "Plan X" which is said to be to protect their critical infrastructure says for it all.

There is strong possibility that USA also has a parallel network(INTERNET) infrastructure in place and thats why they are going all out in using cyber weapons. Have they replace the existing TCP/IP network protocol with a new one or Have they migrated to IPv6 ensuring all security standards have been implemented or have all vulnerability been patched bet OS or the applications they are using. There is also a strong possibility of them shifting to private clouds thus reducing the chances of being vulnerable.

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