new media technologies

Post on 24-Jul-2015






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PowerPoint Presentation

How Did You Use New Media Technologies inthe Construction and Research, Planningand Evaluation Stages?Research & Planning

In terms of researching existing horror trailers I used YouTube to view and analyse clips as well as looking at the comments posted by other users, this also helped me with audience research.

The internet was use excessively during the research and planning stages, one part of my research consisted of researching existing horror films and which ones are mostly popular. To find this information I used IMDB, as it is an established site that is reliable which consists of reviews and information about box office hits for the horror genre.

I also used the internet to visit horror forums such as which include threadsAnd discussions on horror films past and present, this site was useful in gathering audience feedback as it is the avid horror fans who post on this site and this is the niche audience I am marketing my promotional package to.

I used to create a survey and gather audience research, this site does not require members to log in therefore can be completed by anyone which enabled me to share the survey in many ways including Facebook, Twitter & via E-mail.

I used Facebook to post a survey I created online for my audience to complete because my target audience are major users of social media sites.

I used Twitter to also share my online survey as well as find opinions on existing horror films, I achieved this by searching trending topics by using hash tags such as #Mama.

I used my mobile phone to take pictures of locations and characters for planning purposes. I also used my phone to contact members of my group by text message when planning which days to film and meet up.

I also used a combination ofWhatsappand text message to ask my audience for feedback on my promotional package.

I used the Apple Macs to record video responses of my audience watching my trailer.


In the construction stages I used iMovie to edit my movie trailer.

I used Adobe Photoshop CS6 to create my movie poster and movie magazine front cover.

I used my Fujifilm 10 megapixel digital camera for the photo shoot to take photos for the magazine and movie poster which would be edited on Photoshop.

I used the Easy Voice Recorder app for Android to record voice over sounds for the trailer.

I used a hand held video camera to film the footage for the trailer.

I used an Apple Mac to upload the footage and edit it using iMovie.


I used Camtasia to record an on screen analysis of my poster, magazine cover and trailer.

I used a combination of PowerPoint and SlideShare to demonstrate the new technologies I used throughout the coursework.

I usedWordpressthroughout the coursework to blog my progress,Wordpressallowed me to upload images, sound files and embed videos in order to illustrate my research & planning, construction and evaluation.

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