new york tribune.(new york, ny)...

Post on 27-Nov-2018






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^^TILLATWORK..<. ^K AXO ***************



-£ACH-OrHKUV,.-I,.sniT.KVSED,*Br iaoaara to tub tbibcnk.]nn Au- ._ -A sia*cal from Vletorl

m<**'*' »..».".-Kl'.y haa the fi.l lowing bbwi

j^__gS dffi U*»* **»¦».¦^^^"oSita »«- ****** ogffa,l7 oltl... Ainerfean eeah__ arhooner Aliie I.

___ and one of tlu- iiLDtei. both ircsli fri.m

IK^Sea Ibe cai.tam. who waa Interviewedbnmni..rrrcin _-_Xingflfty n.ii.> areel___T__iin«Se. as nearil aa I ca-. .nd,-, a. out

STtv n..t",:. St i'aul, whea wa rightediVoi-iittci B i»h sti?.imii.K up to us on our a_

V... at oaoe bove t... Boaae minutes put it! from tbe Uush. nnd Lieutenant TutUebosir(lH .,. Ueaaked tor ¦_ wett. wtach l a,

one handed bn". Alt.-r i-rusin- lliein, 1.- pro

Meded wttk Um mtm to aenieh ti.,- ahi. He didnntliml BBjthiBf, borwevCB, thou_. tlmt s nm tO

M tbere waa nothing to Bad aboard. When he

1 t| Dnisbed learching the slup I aud to Well, what taok have you had in your

.. -ni tell vou. On July li we eapenred thei,i;,ni, .',l ,,ii.l disi'iitehed her to Sitka with

n _m on beard to take a___i ol her. On JulyI: _t righted tha achaenw Mlnnle. Her owner,

Qiptiin Jae .ii-on, -waa aboard at the time, andshe had B4S aeata. We took pceeeesion of herand MBt her to SitUu alao. On Jul.t 20 we bowl_n aa Baa Pathfindei and found 800 aealattnaai.oard. We put nnotiier Ban ahoaxd bei andovdeied her af te sni_, too, an laat we

blBlthlfl both the Arie! and Teie-i. Th-y had

Bome skins aboard, bal we let them ... M tlie

pppM had beea too leai ranght, orde_ing them out al the aea. After telbng nn- this

tho Lieutenant told me 1 had better

¦ad out. ol the aaa nt oaee, and waa then pullodaboard the -rteam_, which beaded foi tbc\\e thea aal aafl _* tha aoath, and arrived y.--

ti-rdiiv at N.-iii. Bay. I then fcfj mv t-choonerIhere and came un from Cape Ftotiery to POrtlownsi-iid. I cnugbl the Olympian, and have justraaehed V_tori_ Mv aebooner wlll be en tnero.i.l lo Se-utle now. 1 leava heic.on the Oiyuipiaul4>morrow to icjoln her.

" i bava _**e_ly I.n a sufforcr on a fonner ep-casion throu_i s.-i/ure of one of my veeaeto lnBehrin. s,-.i i.-i i.-7. Bhe had 1^600 skins aiioard.uul ahe waa taken to Sltka, where tbey were

eondemned by the Judga. 1 appealed to tbe su-i,.-,.|,- Court, nnd the oaae ia iall penaing. i>ur-11,;; the areaenoe ol aoaie al the men ol the Kuanaboard ni tbe AJgar they took oooaaion to say th.itthev were thoroughl. DOk their work."


l-Kui l.r.D TO SITKA.

Ottawa. Oat., Au. ._._0 ofllclal informarJon re-

gardln--__h«_ tlie Douilnlon QOT_BB_B_ Thr Impppeevalla la-. that aii _a reeiaai letoed, Wltk.vptlon ol t'ie Llaeli DiaaBOO. oheycl 0_k - md pro-ceedM la HB ...

Wesh.ftaa, Au.. B_.Tha f-tate an-1 Treaoui_H__ato bn'.out iiiformail.i'.i, fnrther than thairontalnr'l la tbe piBOO dbrpatebBB, respeetlng the a.l 11

ia___ of iii' aal aealBTi la Behrlag 8ea by lhareveuue ciiinr Ku_ It Uo_ not aii.ear tiiat tlievossel aahich broupht tho nt-ws to hau 1 i-aiiri-i o 0O_

rieU any mail, m. thaj- tho (;ovcrnn_nt la lihdy Ui bosome ttane vrilhout. ofllclal advlcea upon tlie nuVjjF'ot.It B U-li.ved at the THiaoBlf Lepartmeflt that the

captaln of the Baah eo_d not have beea Bware ef tbar,,,,! . t the .ffle. ra of tbe Blaek Dlamond,y,.. ofl tl |. ce erew to a britl-h i^.n. 01 he wouMhave adopted a differenl eoune with hto i_-t __ur_,ft.a _.. n-i wlth ln- own veaael Into

tKa Harbor. lt wouM not have le. withthe liBiit.-(i number of hto etww, to plaee a *u_clentnumber ol nn n aboard tbe setoed veaael* to earn themaaJalT Into i Unlted m_«.s po_ agatosl tha wtohea ofho_ile



BY TIIi; AMOINT OF BALT-'UK'S BAIiART.i.-ln tho II' Of I .tn.nons thls

it, t i debate on the Irtoh OBtoe "/ota, Mt.Bexton moved 11 rataee t1"' v'-t,- by the amount of

i y. The prlactplee of BaXtouPt!. aere a bad admlntotratloa of a haa law,

.; toree, and Bappreaaloo of thetniih. --Tiiu Loodoo Timea" hai tba whole Qoverninriit m_ at it- dBposal durlng tbe i'a-t year,i.ut th- PacBoUltH wa_ »a__ed wlth the iesuit ofthe iii.;n ry. hu Iai on* eoaapbaey had been ravealed,ati'i Bnothoff r iiiiii-io.i. Iha r.ini'-iiit/.s mteodod to

j robleot until f'lii iiiiit was thrown npon lt.U curlous r.-ptiii-ij and.

Br. i' ''¦ i rt< 1 the motlon on tlm gr'nuullhal ¦!¦¦" Balfour's polley appeared to bu to lucito_-tt- uenu to ireed the law.

fhe inoiion v.a> rejected ii- to t3.

IHK KAISEB in Mi: _BURO.ttraabarg, Axtt- _i. After BUUtary tattoo l_t

¦¦I- aaaembled at tha rahane airl cheer-dtoatlly iu ii.inor of th<- Emperor and Bmpr -b fSomaay. ii" Imporlal vloitora appeared on tbobaleaay a.-; i bowed thelr a ata t-i the

> To-day tho Kais-r aad ii- eoaaort»'.t''tj,: >- parade., tbe erowd again a

wlth tba *_.-,],c.r demonstradoi -.

>i personally ibqi Burgonto iha-iU the j_,;.j,- lor u,o bi'lenUiii rooeptjoiiaocotu -'t bim.

-._i,iii,i>i,i'> au^'. BL.Tiie Bnltan'B yaeht wiueon. ey a u lai |

mai ¦-.'j bay are el meni. p¦.¦ -.- froin

tbaladeputatlon uf (n ,ing to Athons toEmiicitir *____'* ;

AN A-i,i B OTFEBED TO TBE POPB.R<" 'li." tape to-lay r.s.,.;\isi Ahbe

ron flehradsr, bttharto i'. !,.,,.. ,,f Tbeology to tbeCMBffBB s,-riilnar>-, uho has l..-4-ri _aaaf__d to the_aa___on PbItentty. n Hottaeoi expnesed him-jerf a- grotlfled that Ahho von Behroder had aeeeptodthe post in Auic-i-ic-a. ¦

Uo:..,-, Aug. l-1.- .Many of tho el. _y an<l laltB of\lttorii. \ Ureuada. i.6th" tPP* <(.. , in ... ,U||1, .,ttoOBB. It to Itatod he wm ceruii v V .from Home if ;s decland. t,r'-o''H uepart

to OO_U_ rni: ¦___>¦ tfnnki.-tamttm, Aug. U^-Aa toflw ,u ,.,'.','1)ianv

has Been forn,. with a eopttol of 30, 00,000to c'/inpleie the BtotBloa _na_ 'i .¦ ,,1V lli4sa-.-ipiire-i two Bwloa raUroada fro_ ,, i,Hlvuiil iind 1.two,iioo li.. , j (;t ,. (.tunnel.


AN _B_BC___10 K_Bir___»aBerne, Aug. 21..'ihe __H__Btta maaUMto put

m ri. ui,-..,: baaa aa Aaguat ie, «_atia(k_l tlie Luntle-rath, appaatB to hav.. orlglaated inPiaaaa. i .>( laa waea toawardod t-. M. Baehoanet,Ktoiaier af Juatlee and V romnberaolthe Mi.-ii-T.-. Two arn ive alieadj bea nade|n (Baoaetloa M;th the aifalr.

D_* --i.v; TIIE MATBBI. Klondon. 4 ig ui..Home Seeretary Matthewa has

.een lu roti-ultatlou wlth John \\. AddllOn, (4.Mem.r of I'ailiaii.cnt for A-hton -uii'It-r l.yni". anileaillua- e*_l ¦ ptoseeution on tho trial olMt*. Maybik:k.


BAcnra in jM'I.amj.I., Aug. 21.-Thia aa* tbe eecnnd day of thr-

Rloi-kUm tteetlug. The prliiclnal .__* of BM day w«-ref" Booai I BB tl.- BBhUk.-s. Tl,.- (,,,at Jftnl e I.'

'..- bif«3 a tu, f. _,. araa hv /Hnamj J. *lmwmaa*a aaB w.,iiiiri<rt.,ii oaa aaoaai aodJeme* Snar»_ » miy |/_bhaOM (j.. Jouair.- tlilid. _Mlaat wa* ( to 4 Btraluat k_BB*a . M 1 »rali.atWarklrivlF-m ai.d 2 t., 1 mUoeA I/AbtS. 4. da J_B*_.The BaidBtok* 8t*k.-». alx furl-nB*, »- BOU bf LordT.<-t\-*^'. 1 i,|, .. «,,|, |_,,r,***** Or BBBl U^rd,The (XMa w<i_% V, 1 aauiint Piinului'bl.-aa. 7 to 2 011 ttep*****. Ot^ieHurttyleic JtUv aud 80 to 1 agaluat Curlevr.





Port-au-rrinee. ABf. B (S|>ee.i,'il .-The bat h've

duys i,;ive been fuli of exdtement, and more haabeen d me dariag tlmt im.- to btini thtti enmio

wai to a eloaa thaa in the six weeka r*on« before,[__ Prtday nlght the »l__baden boat," now

ealled tlie Jacmel, and coti.-it .tin- tte m.iro

powerfui half of HyppoUte'l M**T. ***** ****.niaii.l of Captaln rjompton, ttenieriy tof _MHaytien RepobHe, came int. Pw-t-au-Prince. It

waa aftar midnlght, and Bdrly dark; and aheihowed no Ughta. She gteamed alowly past the

-i.-rn ot tl.e laiiiiish gnnboat Parward, an.i afanoatt__- th.- mca oil into a Bt by tortnally an-

noondng that ahe wai nk the DeeinlineB..l bombard ti.e town. Tben Oaptaln __optoneame alo__d_e the _eanar_*, aaked wliat ddpilWM and was told lhat 11 WBB Adn.iral (.herard. B

BagBhlp. The offleec on the deek, Ueutenant

Oowtea, and a anmhn of the other offlcera, were

banging on the poop-rail by tbal time waiting in

Kuspenae ta flnd out the mothre of thia fnnnyi.usiness. Captaln Compton m a hoane, maudMnv. ,... again anncaneed tha! ha waa

..,F to _nk the Po_nln_ ,""1

bombaid tba town. lieutenant Oewtoathen rematked " Oh, go away don'l eonie around

dlBturbing people at thia ume of nlght Hered a teplj. "I «'»'. «**« ,1"1""ly'

Must Le m favor of 1. itimo; und then in a

c_____Ung t -iu- he gave ihe order, " Uaid aport,by y.'.r bettery," al which there w.-.s a

ecuttling noiae, aa if the moat ol liis nien had

Bed below. He kepl on:" ;i ****** *B**A* ,1"'*****hiiri apori and made two tnrna between thaKciir-. rge ani the Forward, aad tlien uteamed out

in the direction of Bt, Harc'ihc eaptain .f the Forward was afemndde of

the Kearaarge ahnoal as aoon aa Compton, to on-

t_11 the AdmiraL i'is ldea waa that tneb a

pirate onghl to be prevented from earrying out

icbemea, bui tlu- Admira] ealmed him withthe lsformi tion that the eaptaln ol the Jaeaadwai a good hu of a bluffer, and at ih.- preaenlmoment had a Uirge red, white aml blue " jag* on.

be newi ei tha Jacmel'a * isit eal ex-

citement on ahort, and the Spaniahi on: ul. ihc Freneh Minister and theKndish Cou-ul .'eneral Tnet. leaving oulthe Dnited Statea Minieter, aml decldedthat ti..' Jaemel should he prevented by theforeign iiict,-..i wiir irom bombarding tbe to-om,having penmaded thetnaelvee thai meb an actlonwaa eontrary to Internationa] bwf. They then-.¦nt the eommandera of the Engliah an.i Spaniahgonboata to oonouK Admiral Gherardi, who ihowedthem at on. c Hyppohte'a navy inl a perfectrigbi t,< bombard ihe town i; it ehoae, and defence ol tiie Spanisb eaptain was: "But,Adinual, on ll.e s.-ore o! hunianit.\."

At. thon iiU'i'vuls durlng Saturday night theSpanisb guflboal llluminated tin- harbor \s iUi her

aeareh-light for the purpose .¦! expoaingthe Jaemel t-> the flre of ihe batteriea in eaae si..-siii.ul'l inine in; Imt, they evnlently did DOl believewhat the Keazsarge people told them aboul Cai>-tain Compton, ..r they would n..t have wastedthelr time. Compton had aoeompliabed liis oi>-

ject, iin.1 waa nursing lus bead up th.- coaa. a

hero for his dating exploit.On Saturday evenittg the l)es.-a!incs tOWCd

in from Leoznno by the sniall ganboat GtandKiviert-J ber nmcluuery evidently badly u_d up.A atory, very much mixed up, aoon y..t abroadof a Bght that liad taken plaee between tbeCarondolet) HyppoUte'l navy, and the two ves-

scls mcaUoned above, belonging t<> Legitime. I;was aald tlmt they id lurzendered 1.1 ihc Caron.dolet, and a few minntea later. while hia- waanriag ut the town, they made their e_tape. Imt itia not believed here that any hghting took plaeeut aii

llyppolite Lns planted a two-gun battery 2, i.ack oi La Uoup and higher up. il.- flreaaboul twenty-lhe rounua ;i day iroui tlus battery.direoted at the Legitime battery, i.utwith little effect; y.-t tlu- people in Port,au-Ptince iire _u..-ii worried by _, and ihe moraleffect ii- gxeat

'il,.. Legitimist transport Defetue arrlved to-day from Jacinel, earrying tin- body of GeneralDardinae, who wae killed at tlmt phice yeaterdayl.y one of the I. itlmista, wmi oi whoae peoplehad been thrown . ;.. priaon by him. 'Jj:.- funeralwill I-.- military, and th..- rate oi thia man, aboses|....-i.ilty v.;ir, shooting prisonera him.aelf to aave ammunition, may 00mLegitime nnless he tok_ refuge In th.- Spaniaheunhoat) which eourae eannot now be loubyed. Port-au-Prince iavirtuullj itanding aloneAux Caycs. Jai n.c!. .Icii-nuc ,,inl ,, number ul s utl]plaeea in the South bave now declared for l.ln ¦. Provisii na .1 _. very dear; meat .. in mlverper pound, and i'..- new iasue of paper money wlllm.t it.-.ilar--. although the proclamation t'lirc.-itF-ens death tn all who rcfuae i«> acocpt it


A t_B~7_AB TO THB AB__NI_B GOVEBBOBB.i.m, Aug. -_.A dlapatdi to ¦¦__ jiaily Naw_

'i he Porte baa aenl » .-. crH clr-eulai note to tha Governon^leneral ..f all the Arme>

-. ilay.-ts ordarlng 1!.. -u t-> .. 1. 1, th.-ir prtvlI'-^'.-s ati'l avoi'i Kurd ui... '¦ ervioeamlghl ha Beaded iu tl.veol >>f war. ii ;.- teared t!,<-.¦-.!¦ v.iii promote outrage* upon Chrlatlana.1 "Thei.aily News." eomn mting iij...i, t1.. .1. pateh,:i hopea that it Europe uill not Intcrfcre to preveniauch aboajliiahlc wi "i K ii wlll, and -i-

THB DOCS L_BOB_B_ M'KIKr. SPBEADCtG,LondoD, Aug. Bl. Iha atrike ..f the doeft r

i- Bpreadlag OdB thouaand nen empioyed 0Oommerclal doeka Jolned the it_ke_ to-day. TbeBoolallata aaa Irylng to lead ti..- 1 md. thend lag i- being dl pla. rl. Tblrty thoBaand dock

day. They wore..i-i.-iiy an.i wado au antowaid deeoonatral

thk n u rAxa l\ ABT__XIA.owah, Aag 21.- The Abyoalnlan General

luia advaaead to Godofelaaal aml mada overtaioe n.r

IGeneral D inding the Itallanexpedltton, rejeeted hl* propoaal and advaneed up m

i.i, oompeUlBg 11 i.-in-.i. beyond Iba Btvoi______________

LOST Blt TMJBMD, TBEM TOVMD Blt WB B DB ID.aaaa, B. v., Aug, tl..Lewh Mureh, a braka.

man on tiii ___. Ooitlaad aad Borfhera BaBroad,ed fatid |b]b_m by Um ean al bbbbovI. Madl

-..ti outity. la-t atgbt, _n.i ,ii.-,i at :; ::in o'eloeh thia1. .1 aelghbor, atayed wlta

llunh .Him doath ended tbe latn-r'.- Bofferinga. ^la-uwenl bome be found i.i- wl_ de la 1 mL

il.-r death dne to heati .1

BATTLB WTTU OVTLAWB IX ABXAMBAt.i.iiti.- Roek, \.'i". Aug. Bl (Speclal). t das]

¦.itb ootlawi waa repoited to-day fnnn

Mayarflla, wheia Deputy Dnited Btatea hfaiBellen, Horboo and _umlngha_ attenptad i" ar

B named BaU aad Maaon. The latt-rihota v.cie i_el

.- ,1 .... .. eecaped, Maaon ll is sald, being (atallykbut 'iiio deputle* iii-iv iiiili.Jiii-cil.

thk OBAMAAtBTOM imrs AOATM.San 1't-n.i- - ... Aag IL Iba tttwUwt ChaHeatoa

woai to ac-B this maraing wlth Oommodon Benbaman.i other Naval InapeeUag oin.'-i- oa board for bar.eeond iriiU n-i].. wlll aot go to Baaitaliitii'ii.-i Chaaoel aa on bar Bnl trial, i..n wlll make

la open ooeaa. Tbe -Mi' la aot expected toreturn belore to-ii.oirow Blght,

A CAXAJ. OOMTBAOT AWABDBDAlbany, Aue. gl. eoBtiael f'.r longtaenlng

Leeh No. L'.'l, EHe ChiisI, .-hcn,* |_ |y CoBBtJ*, bBBbaaa awaaaod Ib Haajhai Baaa., >.( Bynea -. pou.iii- t to Ihe arapoaahi apeaad bf Bm tondenlof Pohlle Wotka yeatenlay. iiui:i.n Broa.' t.ld was181, .'i.


it> Hl. t**RTOBARlL\ BBAD Ot BOVMY BOLYOBtByrtagBaBa, M__, Au.. n.. toBstaaa alaiial

lioijoiiu _in__ y and ColjegB hava a*kcd Wias

LOUka I". < ,iAAb-i. (mia nf tim ulili-r leaili'M-, t'. BpeOtbe m*--:iiii ln septeinbi-r, BBd t" u'lrnliil .*..' ll"' alfalrfcnf Un- lisfltuilon iinill a |ire,l*lent I- lepolnted M**li.A'.lis aa a- (.'lUilua','-.] fiuin .Ali.unt Ilnlya.b" lu l"1'''.and be^-an leachlng there Ibe fcllO*Wlng year.



A bkwing machinl: MI.I.TI.I) Y.Y ItlOB'l'BIHO-¦XOBMa EM Tiii.

w____rop, Me., Aug. iii.-a AA:nd atorm nf *****nilnuie,' AuroUOB BBaaBd ua.-I' \S uillii*>J> un __*Bda|aftornooo. iha iky ai:.. oboeured bj danaa blaefeA'li.uais. Bala i ii in torronta, aoooapenlod'by beoeytbuiuler, an.i tin- wlod bleo a gale. Vata "..'l othereropa oara rmrloasly lojnred. hundro-i nl applaa ei »rabbiAvu froaa Ireea aod numbera nl treaa arora |t"troaad by taa gale. Bothlng uf tho klod ba* baao aa>

paileoced bere b.ioro.Daolson, ic\., Aug. _i.-.i. 0. i_*oroo_ay, who

llve-, aaal uf thla piooe, had a 1111111111,,' exnertenoa atbl- boaaa Mftnday night during a aevera atorm. "1bad Ju_i teluiii'd fiuiu tbo binOTOl uf a litil" Ohlld,"bc uay-,, "a\Ii'11 Ibe .-luim a "inn- up. Tha t*l* *****iL.uii ln mn,-ni.-, BOd tb'- llgb___r_ av:i- BppeUlng.ib.:.- uie 11.10 I'.-d.u- treaa In tbe froni yard, noai.i.ii-i-. jn.- largaal oaa wta attut k by Ughtnlng,a i.aii of iho aeaand t.i danoa baJore tha wlndow.'Jbo Ughtnlng went fraaa** Maa trea tu tb" t"I' "' tt**raol au. rlji|ied up tho BBfOgrrf ll Ib.'" dea

ceilin,* In tin- front toom anl tota lhe oii.ckinto pleeeo, Btaodlog nani Iba eaook e*oe a rewleg-mochlno Tbe Ifljbtolag nwtted tbe large AAii.-i-i Bndtiie ilui.i 0001 ttiM.ugh tbo goor, bumlng .1 large h >i

Mi-. .-in-i'iiil, avIiu WOB BBBOg ln BOOtaei 1.11, a'. 1

proatnted by tbo bho.-k. u ooa all done iu ¦

h.'cuiid, and wi_> ibe mcot Ifcrlllliig r&xpeBeeea uf mylife.-'

HUMrtfogo, Minn., Aog, tii.-Tbe large born >.f DoeldBantworth aa*- atraek by ttghtnlngyaoterdoy nnirnln.and buinel tO Iba ground'i I '*>'. '''-*|,t'"1fur aboot gB^OOO. li 1.I.11.111I Pedder. boa ",

Hret Word, aa.i- aaw Btroek and eonatdorabla da\\. 11. Norway bad a atoeb ol oeta bon

Ughtnlog noon bia teraa ln Marabnai, and I

.'.bll, «.i liii- eity, had a nog kUlodL 111 BeiiiA-e iiiiii.-- weat ol i..i."v!ii", Ikeodo a

.ii,,,,, lag ami John fouog oaa

biiriii-ii aboul f.i- body.Roah ( ity, Mlaa., Aug. _1..SoAere ralna, arcum-

,.f aod Ughta ng, b ajnn bera

early Monday evening a-,,i loetad nearly a;i alght\ i» ." born in town waa Bfcruek, bu' noi <!.¦while it amall bera ln tbe weatern porltown. owned by .1. .1., a>. .1- itruca amiile-truvel. A ou lhe Duluth road, aboutBxo nl -.. north ..( bere, dftehed twel .- ear* ..1 thomorning aouth-bonnd frefghl down ¦ iwentj foot nii.Two ,. atng a rlde o-ere \t\ ed oui ol UMwreck badly Traina all delayed yu-.-tei.ay.

sl'l'I. POB Tlli: WOBE OP I l.iIITMNr;. Claire, Wta., An_ Sl.-_u__rew Jaekooa ha*

brougbl aotl agatasl tbe B_*_0_eta Wepbojnn uoaaool groooda mr ilO,000 damage*. J*

building *xa_ itruek by Ughtnlng yoaterday and burned.He clafina the cau .¦ wa deaid wlre ol the tol

eoBkpany whlch poaaed oror hla building.-¦»


Mi;.-. TDB6008B ACCVSED Of sr.l.i.INO TO BT.

I.'.i 18 PEOPLE -'i iBBfl IN A DABOiaMI.Ai: THAT BEVEB 1XI.-TI l»-

sf. Louia, Aog. 31 (BpeeloO.-Mra. Morgnrel Tur-

gooae, a dlreetor m the Dlamond Petai Min*

Mllllng Company, Qolena, Dek-, woa anoated here

to-day and plaeed ta Jall on a wnrmnt ebarglog berAviii, fraud. laaa. ber buaband, |a pr.*.f ibe company. Tbe palr, a.!;., are fromde-cended almultaneooaly upon Chleage and St Louia,1 | -I go ,.,. took bold ..f Chieago, aud Boat* t tbe

r Polnl Mlne- Mra. T_r*gooae come bere, madetba aequatnta-ee of a number of wonien pronin aeototy, aod auceeoded ta Boatlog 1-

tho napttol Btoek a.f tba Waoaond Polot Mh ftAAhirii sii" loeeieod Bt* eent- a ahare, ...

it nut known bow mueh ol tbe Bllvcr Polnl tookaa.i- ta ihe Garden t ity. Mra. T

exhlblted ora from tbe mlne, wbleb va- teated aml

fuuii.i to b ¦' Etremely rleb. Th atock waa peddl om

among Ibe rlch a:ni poor allke, and Ihe mo gkiwlngazpo. totl .na \a.-n- bald out to aii pur. bosers.

One pesatanlal nomed L P. Mltchell wa* Induced bomaiiu a large iiiv.--nn.iit in li eei Ifl. ttos; um! ib"

flrst thlng ba did afterward a\;.- to aend an experluut tn tho Dakota bonaoia. ThB expen retumad a

tew dayi ago aml told the atockholdera lhat tbereaa:m neitbar Bfleor nor goM we oltl n ¦¦>>¦> mll ..1

the aii.-E'.-'i toeattofl "t tba DaOmond and BUeer Polnliiiim-. it. uther worda, they id been 1*

'i!., Btooe_*___ara beld a meel .ir ..f whlchwaa tbai Mr. Mltchell 1 raat lor tbaarreal ol Mi aod bar bnsband. Ibe lattertelegrapbed that be arould be bere to-morrow. if .¦

he Aviii bare a warm receptlon. Among*i_esewho look tbe to_k are poor worklnjc slrla, a

her le aArle.t vlcl ind otb r offlrera.The mlne purported to ive l,f,oo,000 iharoa, uf thepar a u.f .fi<>. Mra. Turg.0 had 41

hc re.l ,. aiotli.Tbe tn urer ha - dl apj oar. I.

WE W Y t > i: SI l: 8 1 fi fiE8TED .11' SA BATOQA.

OAMBUBO is TBE BABGE BBOTJBBT AOAIBST'j'iu:ai BT - Pl m 11: 'i RABS.\. v., An,-. _i (Bpeelal), On oonrplalnl

af Bugane Boullayet, a itrangar here, but belleved labe from All..iny .. nf Ainiiuiiy ComBtoek, tba proprletora and mana en ..1 three aii.-...¦!gambltag placei weVe to lay arreated by < btel Bkxlg

.il ol hla deteetlvea, pla. olunder artt'-t oere t aleb \v. Mltchell, of Bo, 36.Broadwoy, aod alao ol tbe Mltchell House, Bo. 1.40.Broadway, Baw-Ydrk City; Mlchael McCormaeh amiJamea Welch, of Bo. iip| Broadway, and artaa T.Mabon, ol Xo. |B Phlladelphla-st. Xo gamblhi

overed, SoulByet iti hi- affldoellln each of rhe

plaeaa on differenl eeently. Before E_Ueew. a. Pl*r- .-I exomlno

i:i.n and ::i\" iii -..-,. .1 tor their appe,..-. ln irtobor.

Cl i"f i.i'-. o'clu ...All.. rt Bpene.r, ol > v Voik, rii" owner and maof the .-ia and for manj

John M01 "... rhei- ihai ..f mmon

ivli 011 rhlch 1! >. -'

l---f.ii l ... by Kusenu rJoull yet, Ailm, ln-in l*c ..¦ Court, in- i-n.1.1 -a en, .'i h

mer, and <.1,.- Adiny 11 xv yer, .ln

tbe paj uf -|.-er Tra.k, ol tle-11... nf Hneneei btokera, ol Be*. Voi k,Albany, I'mvldenre and Baratorfa, aml \\ I.<.i'.-1'li-m" here. Mr. Traak own. ;< locnl ne*

been mai i.r.* * 1 uponAlhert Speneer ha- fumlabed ball In lhe aum ol iaooto the (

¦* trark, and haa over 15)00,000 luvested it. j:*;1ei ty in Saral

Tl" Mitcbell ib.11 .- 1- al Porl t andBroad' "il took eontrol ..f tbe plaee loalfall, inn -i\ week. agn aa.i- ii ... ,-i. The boi

re ""ti laken by ihe proprtetor of fhe liotolMetropole, ol aaIh.-i. it now forma a port

WE* OOMPABIBA tBCOBPOBATED IT ALBAX1Alb.-ii v, Aug. 21..I , um uf

the followlng companiea been t¦ l. 1 In h..Deeoi tbe ol Btate: Tbe Birllian Asphall PavlngCompany, capttal 9_ 0/)00, 1 .- |. Ineipal ofboaiu be in .n l, Louls PMead nnd Denry Bobu roiporator.. Tbe.n la taro MInlni . ompai r, rapltal

r. 1 irtln en, Jaa ary, Chatie*S. r'oote and J. i:. Planten Tbe prlnelpal oflko olllba in Bow-Tork, aad tbe operatloa ahii be

Bheota ..1.1 11 Blt; ouol e < allfornlo. 1 baNi'aa >/ork b *¦ .im 1 old Bta .I.N-. eapltalf'.'.ii.. A.lam Uola K. h.-liii Bfld BdAAin C Donnoll are Um taeorporatore. The prlnelpal..Hi.- xx- 11 ).¦ |. ,\..l(.-, ,| oiuni || OU Be'¦1 g t-'on ... ..1 waa-a, 1,, u. c..i.Thomaa McGoly, llu.h blna and rwicr Meik

ii '.of Ne. VuiK uy 1, fortned foi Uu

facture of bulMnik* BOterlaJ Tha eagdtal N W0.00O.

.4 PLiW IB 11 BB* OOBBTITVTTOB,'. ,1.. -. j. * ,_on a aao

dueod bera yestordaj ohen laro lowyan dlBOoaarad a

difreraoae betwaaa Iba ' BoattMiUoa aad BbaeiiahlltiR aet j,» ...,| ),, wvr, ... All SUI« inslHtiun- wi'i*.- leeotad ln tba Ouoilllnllim. hmi ib*-lood grootad bj ruiu-'r»*a oaaa dhrlded. Lowyer*

!,,t ," aie Un- 1.ih" oti.tltnUon i- Aut.-.l down .1 1- uuNorth Dakota . iii aot reeetve the public lau_a frumtbo fOdanl (joveriiminU




Provldenco, It. I., gug, g] <snerlal).-The fallunuf ***** Broa iu Maw-Tark CBy has had a

oua e«eol on Bhode lilaad BBKButaetartogbouaea, To-day'i dlaaatar ta lhat ef Ihe waavagaaMllla, whleb eantoa down with it the BottlaghamMOtoi "f tbla city. Whaa Lewia Brea. UBoa\ Bwa leported thai Ihey owad tba graaregaa, Maa_Uaand siater ouila to/ooopoo, Aa Ut aa Iba .aaaagaaMllla a... Boaearnad, bowever, tbey wem tha endlton"f |' too. oniy lo a sinali axtent, Tha repartieireulatod at the UBata oi Lewfa Bna. weresniii.,-nt, it BBpean, tu huat tha eredtt of iho

Oanpaoy, so that thelr eradlten eameao.a bbob them m » body. Tha auUa hava beenBBd BN .!..!t, | a gOBd hualBCBB, Imt they had BOlsiitti. i...t iiimi ta in- F-r thelr notes. Tho reaull wasthai at a iBBBtlag this BMnaing of tho dlieetof. AmeaB. Beekwlth, r. EL Blehmoa. Chariea H. Maooa,Btephea 11. Anold, J. ._ AtWOOd and E. P. Taft, lt waaaat Uo paymeiit.BM !,',,.ii,t of UabOtttaa naanat he Bheertainert at

Ittog, bal are vaiiott-ly BBllmatod at. from1,000. 'iho BOB_aal as<rt* are

.r-.'^1".'."¦.. 'i .- piaai aioaa eoel .. 1.:!...noo. Tbaiiillls ai dOlBg a good ini-Inc-s iu maniifarturiiij-bleaabod gooda, browa an.i whito j_.>.i-, aad aaaa

.¦'10.1s. Tho eaapan. a pay roii aaaaanta teD pat mouth. There are about flfty stock-ln tho cotirern.

'.' .¦ of iho a/aamgaa miik k. P.Taft, statci ih,s Bftoroaoa t:,at ti,- aaaaa af lha failurewa, dne to dlatmat -,uitin.* fn_ iho faiium ofI. wi* I'.io-., of t!,c I.-lvct-Ho OawegB Mtll.-i, and of

lark Lewta Bna. bad baaa thutor over ftfteen years of lha a/aaregafl Maaahatl

goedo. Whea that BOaaen fadod, exawRorated re-

pe_ of their Indafttodneaa la P_***_e*_a wera pub-ii i- i in the Bew-York papwi Btaee thaa baalnhniding tho papee of tbe Vfaoragaa Miiis had baeaubwUI ea ea to roncw- it. Tba roanM araatt,at ti:., Boaeern wa- aaahla to m.-.-t the aaymantiii.-uiii. led. rn ha-- beea <!___! to call a BtOOtlBg of-lo. 1.1 .: l.-ts at in eaily day, whon tho OXBBt finaiulal(.onillil'.ii of the eompaay Wfll ho mado known a'ulaaaaa d nnlte plan will bu adopted to aettlo thoniills' a

Thd Waoregaa Coinpany has- at prosent two mlllsln operatloa. ihe flrst ta that at Wanregan, nearrialulleld, < ui. It I- f_pttaltB_ to the atnount of.ftOOfiOO, and comains 50,100 !.-s and 1,100l.oui-. AbfMtl hands are ein|iloycd tiiero. The---,,,u.i i.ui i-- that knowB as tha BotUnghaa Mlll, la

ly, which u-eil to bc tha old btcaiii Mlll undertho Jamoa Y. Bmlth Manafaotarlag Company. ThiaBooapaay araa ahortand la i--i witii a eayltal ..f

9800,000, aad has 83,000 aytadlea and &">i> tooma.About 800 baodl are now eint'loy.-d ta the BB_Lk. i*. Taft, tbe tnaaunr of tho Waangao Com-

i.i u_ Btoek the Botttngham Mlll*orporaUon, and mlll to _a Waaregaa

my, it l- thetefora ngarded m a part af UmWaumgan property. it i- elatawd iiu-u- lubin

,r.- ii,,:u B200.00 to .---'<'... 100. Theii Boaetauom n.i.iy exeoed thelr HabBlttos. Traaonnr Taft ta

etary and taaaaurar of tha Ponemah¦). Conneetkut oorporatlon eiuA.-ed in the nian-

l_ i-. Thu Ponemah ta a largetaetery, and I m oo a eapttal of 500,000. Will¬lam .\. Blater, of Norwich, Ooan., i- pmtdentBa | .mi. Arnoid, a dlnetor tbe Waaregan Mllla

_¦_ that if i ;s oould be made to run theaijUa ,_ make ni'.re than enoughiionoy ui pay the tatereat on the dehtaj_ in tlme Uquidate all thelr oMl-gition-i. A pniniinent eotton broher itated to-njght

huudred eenta on the dollar wlll be pii...i wlll be totnotblng h-a for Iho

atockholdei -....

The Thoraton Worst. ronipany has also MHiioni'.pay_cnl it being un.ii.lo. to tn. t Ita obUgatfona ln,-.,¦ i-quence oi the fallon of tbe BiversMe Mlllof Brown, Bteeoe f tark. Thoy owed botb of theseconrerna, thelr total Indebtedneaa balng eetlmated at

aboul #130,000. .¦> an expeoted to mahe au aa-i: I, ..'iir.iv. If thelr notea t«. tbe Blver-

..-.-. cv Clark couM have beenextended ¦ uarlly would havo beea, they

D and ald every eenl ..f thdr in-ii.-i.i. ii.'c- Then l- a mortgage on the property tor

whorn the tniii__' boughl lli .87 tor ahout _¦ .VO00. Tho ndll Urunl.v w Ulam A. bhaw au.: w.-U.l.. .¦».'.-¦Thb fallun ol t:- Phoenla PTooUen ouipany is

wur-o tlu. r Brai nported. Brown, Stone 4 u«*l..-|ii ,!,,i:- Dotea f..r t.. re than gaOO.000, and the totalIndebUdne** u. aboul NOO.OOO Xo pay thli there ia

only Um nuii, woah, perhapa, ...


MATOBIBO .'ln.l.F.v'ilo.N's.

R .!::: -. I'ciin., Aag. Bl <r-!«.< la 11- 'oiisldenhle ex-

,.,..... .,i h.-rc this Bftemooa by Ihe faii-

,,,,. ,,f .... Bej ton* Furaaee Company af Uda city.,- ,., any oyarated tw.. Bnthnelta furnace* oa the

outaklrta of tt eBy. Thia afteiaoon, tkrough IM

,.,. i_nl n.-nry Boaboog, it BJed a dead of malgn-....,. ezeeuled ta tovor of the Baadlng Traal Caar*.

puy. The oo*rfpa». aaa I.¦ M Baaaalal dMBoaltya_ ,t.,c tbne, bal wa- mgaided a* * -af- eoaaam.

On Batniday ana of Ita tanaeea eloaed dowB, Mr.

Biatboog -dattag Uiat Ua eompaay bad tokan tkta ae-

tioa to preaent too ameb aeeamnlaUaa af koa. ln

1874 the .- a..irati.,ii exeoutad a BMttgagl tor BMO.OOOmontha laler anotbor ol tATOfiOO aaa aaae<if*ed

m favor of the Beadlng rn I Company. The diieei

failu. toattrlbated to obMgatio ahieh

f,n dua to-_orrow. Tbe two tanaeea twrned oul450 ton* of pi'-i.oi. ireehly. It ta liirtlaved the tat-

,,m ,,,. _to tbe boada ot tba Beadlng Iroa

Wortai or the iica.ii.i- Ballni.<***£***. \' :^,T_.'.that the llablllte* !"""' Uuuaea Lompanj

-Vi dinglmawm*ap to'.ay, glvlng emptoyment to iao band*. The

.tVr.i v. IU -inl up ln ahuiit a »" »-. '.","

,, wlll be |

ATXACHMEBT8 AOAIBB1 M1LL8.Another Bttachmanl ba* b. '; r'ry

theBhre. «'" °* Pi..-". '"

02, ln favor oi tho Intornattonal Tnut Compafly.,, been toaued ln hta

cl. ,. Bhaw, pruprietoi of Bve wi

ra;iiii.ic .i 1,1 proparty.

BROWN, BTEESBd I LARl ISSOLVENT.Iicill,,,!,. Mi. A..-. ¦.'I.-T.i.l.'.y I.

Bl, a votoBlary petBlon la baBkroptay, m behaU of,., ___. ciork. of tha Brm ed

Urown, Bteeaa I Clark, wool daatoia, to tta

i,,.i..,,.-y Courl ben. Connael tar 0. P. Bto**

properti <u tha parttoa oamed.._? ~-¦


Albany, Aug 21. Beemtaiy Woodwat^of tbe

rau. ibji aa emmatma taipiai bm te abroad m ngardui.-, a nuuii'cr peopk and papen ta

parta of lha Btata eonftouad ag tba tnoa

Exblblt" and the "Blmln Intentate Palr" wlth tba

..ur. na lait.-r wm be h.-M .... tba oM grooadabetween AJbai "'.. Beptember 19 to 10, aad

promiaefl I..aa' *****\ 2-^!

-,,-r ma lc ly il..- -...'..:proper oider. ai

boen mada tor tba ncapUon ot rtalton,--?--

i i B BETPI ."' AM'.l I uxr.u IX THl' DBUWABB.Lbwb. DeL, Ang 21/ Tbe ihlg tahn A

toom'Jiv.,.,.... tor n_a_lpbla, ba been del.ii, i.i bera »r ftAUaai Bto aad dariag iha roj uje The bodj ol

iptaia'a wlto, waa bad dled !;.,"'|in a -..I..1 caae. Tha vi el - beon ilaiaI.ui w:!l 14. dclal-.ic.l a toW


rt;niiU)lT10X BOBXMATtOBB.Watortowa, B. v.. Aag Bl. rhe PnhlbWeal ta

,f -Bia eaaaty hava aamlaatod W. P ******** *""1

H. ii-Mis tor Aaoamblymaa for Um lst »"d lid

PHtrlCta, napa tivrly.-? -

ST. BOVTt FBBFABtBi FOB THB FAIH.Bt. t/niin, Aug. 2i.- At a maaitag of th- t

,. ( oiiiiniti.-,- to-alghl <>i¦¦ '. "

teaablkV *o* ..>;/;"' *?****"4.,alrin_i of tlM F.X'-.iitivo < ..u.iiili'*>e. A iarbo_aouut ul routi',c buaBieas w_ trauaacted.





[Bt *l___r.HAI'lt TO THB IlUCJtl

Norfolk, Va., Auir. 21.Sincc Generai Mahone'sarrival hen* this afternoon ttie opinion has gnulu-ally j*TOAvn that he Avill have to accept the nomi-BoBoa wbleb is being farced on him from everyijiiiuter. Eiich arrivinic delcgation comes prc-rovred t» vote for Mahone, und uli are clnmoringl..r bim. The Generai said to-night tliat if ColonelWilliam Lamb, of Nurfulk, Avnuld uccpt tboiHimination he would be handed it to-morrow.Malinne siys he line not been olTenal it hinisi lf,and it would be siily for _4m to ******** somctlringii.Ai-r t.-iiilereil him.Whaa ask.-d as to the platform and ln what

ifaepe ib would be presented to tin* convention,t!u> Cni'iiU's ansAver that tlie debt questionwould be the prinejnol plank. " We propose to

siil.niit a plan for abe speedy and satisfact*.rys* tt.lem.nt, of the debt," be said, " witttout ixt-creaaing tuxution; but we ure uot going to le,tl.e Democrutn knoAV just yet bow ** ******** **iiu thi-, as they have tak'-n the credit before ofour ¦ebenei to have this matter settled in an

liotiorable way."When asked about the coinpromise. the Generai

BBld tlint it had be*'ii MOPgdC- throupihout thflState by uli but a f.'AV aaIio lenned thcmselvci"Antis,'' but they never A'.auted a ooinpromis.*.and xvuiild never abi*le l.y <>ne.

" tiroiier, the of ihis Anti faction, _Mbeen deleatcd in his oavu home,-' cuntiuued M;i-

lione, " but I am sorry, for I should like to bav*..aeen some of his barmle-ss folloAvers in the con-

Aentiou.''From 11 reliable source lt is learned that G>-n*>ral

liobooa lms about decided to accept the nomina-liun if it. is temlered bim by a* clamation. Th*?IUN "f 1ns naiiii' has gODC so fur that lt is bc-lieved that, he will nol now withdraw it

Fot Lieiitcriaiit-i.oAerrmr the name of CampbellBlemp, B Avealthy itock-fflrdder trom Lee County, ispromlnently mentfoned. He is au cx-uiember oftbe Legialature, Jf -fahone heoda tbe ticlct an*lSlemp noa aeoond plaee, Cnpiaiu W, 8. J.urt.v, »t

llarriaonburg, it ia beileved, will ix* the Attonipy-Generol He oroa United Btatea Di.-trict-At-tnniev under t.ratit, and i.s a very brillinnt oritor.U.I, o! Soott County, is spok-n of as temporarychairtnin.

At midnight, the State Committee was still in

¦eoalOB aud lmd repurted no temporary exganiza-tiuii.





Bew-Orlaoaa, Aag, H.."Tba Time_-_-_iorrat's"Blehmond, I'.-x., dBfttch. says: Qo*roroot K"*.s and.\ . i-tant Attotnay-Oenaral Barrlaao toa. here i_st

Blght fur Aaattn. They re-^anl the trouble aa nuAv

aatttad bf tho eoorea of Iba ¦. Wuodpeckers,'* ln whosoi-.itili- wero the cniinty olli.-cr-. ln ytoMh-g their Bberiff, and aeoeptlng as seeonu ebetoa that ofthe u Jayblrds," Bergeant Ira Aten, of the Beofan.In a cauena la-t nighl that la-ted flve hours theyBnolly eame r*. thia agieenient, an.i tlns foreeooowhen tha Contmloslonera met he wa- appototad.His bond araa made by the" .layhirds-' aod is pood(or 11,000,000, though g-0,000 ls lha requliolauinunt, The .' Jayliii-ds*' could make tho bond butnot tho appolntmcnt, and the " Woodpeckera" theappolntment but not the bond. The new .hertlfhas taken charge of tho Ulbson boys and wlll holdtliem tlll Uie prellmlnary trial flxed for next Mondaytakao placo. They are charg.*- with as.ault withInt'iit to morder, beitift la tho llghr, with l'arker andWado M. Bobtnaon Krhlay.

sh trlfl Aaaa ha* Beieeted two depuft©., one fromWiUiain-nii 'uunry and tho other from R_m*nt.Both hova been dhetifla and m** Bne offlcera. Tbapeople now have wnfldence ln the adinlnl-tratlou

able to k*-"|i Ibe peaoe and order. The CountyJudge aaiii reslgn hla positlon ln a few days ond tootrethe eonnty. Other nromlnent " Woodperkera- willdu th*. i-aine. and <-lalm lhar they do lt for th- saf.tyof theli- llroe 'n" uf the County Commlaalonerawlll reslgn tn-morrow and broak a rjuorum. Alltho wouudM nicn are dolng well, aml two wlll leavehere a- eooa B* tbey Bta able. The I.lght i.uanl.lefl bere ind tho tuuk possessiun of theOUrl llniis...

-? ¦



iieteotive Hayee, *.f Ibe Blneeaeoth rrorinrt, yes-

tarday arraoaad u» a wttneoa t bba bre whtek ueeairadar No. 307 Beraolb-ovo., on Mumiay raoralng, ln whiehnlne llves were lost. leeapb Popa, ihirti-en yeorp old,aaIiu llvel in th-> rear bBBBBMl ti KO* 307 BBVaBlh BOOhand worka at a bootbbwb stand with his father at

Twenty and was bruught to the Coi.ner's offlce, where he

mu.le an atliilavit, in whieh he stated that he __0*O*afcnydor and his colored couk; that on Monday iimrn-

(ng at a llttle before 3 o'clock ho was oeahtttg him--. lf lu his rOOOJ on the torp fluor of tho rear lenenii-iilAA-hen he luokod out of the wlndow and saw a man

Olth a whito aurou on lu tho kitchen of gaydar*ateataoroot Tho man, he says, tonk some bunlngi.oi.-es uf avoi>*i aad Boetteend them abool tha floor oftbe kltrhen aud threA? mr***.>klng OOOr them ttott a

di-hnaii The man then seized a brootii anal rau uut

iBtO the -tiei-t. In a mOOBOOt bla.k ^.jn.liobegan to i"ii uut i/f tho oiodowa aud theu iba liaiuo-,

furth fiirlaiu-ly.Tho boy further --tates that he ran down stalrs and

uut latO tho yaid ayjlng "FlBBl" and afieiward told a

poU eman thol tbfl pia*-e ooa *>ii nre, hUa (atbar, aaIi*.aaa- down in tba yard al n,.- thna, d;ai aot ^eo anythingof tha Bre u..:ii ha heard his boy ery out. ti.-h horan ui* n, bB room aml t'... ...n bia tiunk eootalnlngI.: i,¦..' !, i.k. DatecBre Bayaa, oho aa;_-, tbe iirst toreoch the Bre on thol morning aftor tbe aiarm ooaglven, -i.\- thm he found .nydaron thej|dewalk oltb,i ni h.s bond. Coronei snn.ii/ made >.ur a

ommitment, and Dateetlve Uayee tuuk tho buy- t_ thuHouae of lieieiiilun




Tho Whlte ftiac Btoamahb) XbUlOOle ar.d the Inmaurrtmmrbhj Cltj ol Bow-York* htanci oa thetr eaatwardoeean rare yaotordoy aftarnooa. The . ity of Bew.Vi.ia wa- ad\.i:ise<l tu bave bflt plflt at 1 r&O p. ni.,ood tl*_ TOOtOOfc at 2 p. ui. It aa_. 1 :4.j, huwaver,before the City of New-Vurk kwuhr out Into theriA.-r, as {here wa- 8 <l"Uy in trausferrlng tho mail,from Iba nier to tba i.«id.

Tbe leutuiiia: atartod pwoetaaBy, and rau iowato*e_rd tho about a eabaVl BBftt a-teru nl her

:¦. ,il. The City of Now Vork gaaaad Quarauuue at

._:_. p. in.. aad tba "foatbafc at :i;io p, m. TheirtUOa at tho bar was: City of New.Vork, 8 :_1 p. m.,TBOtonlfl, 4:11 V- "'. l*ul" Acs-els alopfted three¦Oaa beyood Iba Booh '" let theu- pdoi. ofl, andtn.-u -t.'11't.-.i. ao ti"-;i' raee.

Tbfl pobUa ls takiu^: paot Inierest ln tho race, andtbeaa wore ciieeriu« erowda, at the lnnian aml WhlBBgtOT iiier-i tu BBO ih<> Itnit A muuber ol people AventiluAvn tu I'urt llanillt.m, and .aw tbfl rival AUantJobaa ithM itaamtni down the bay. There waa a of qulet bettlng on the race, at even money. The

leotOllk rarr.e- I2B liist-cla. na-sent'era, 70 aaOOOdclaaa, aml 1130 Bleerage. Thfl City ..t New-Vork ha.-it.i iir-t claaa, i|H' aaeond-olMB and .'(.io iteeraga

_.,.,-. an, tbe llata of the s.eani>-i. wera loatiuii"- ot C. P Huotlngton aud wife. Lord an.l Led]a «ll w.n aml dainihier ln-law uf the Mar.tu;s ol eaJt-bury' Blr Frenela Oaborno, W. ll. Parnoua, \v. lt.Bonierrllle and olonel Coltot

The t Iti "f Roofl atvl Ui* Helgenland eiip aalle.1for I uroyfl yaotordoy aftemooti, but tJiey are ''not ln"tho race.

.i corrMir.oopKD vi-klkk i.y pirrsmTifO.I'lFt-buru, Aug. i'l.-John T. .Natcher, one of bb*

lai.-t paintln. contriMtor. In the city, wu fatally¦bnl this afternoon by Beiijamln Loa, a Juurwymaiipalnter. Tlie affray tuuk BflBea ln IfatObae*. roBOB,,lc goaood *A" loa oaa Intoahioted .mi aakodNa.,-i,er io glva alm oorb. Tbg uti.-r .....i Mm toeom* arouiid when he **_* aober. Ire then pulled arevolver __d ahot Natthar Uuea time*.





Cincinnati, Aug. 21..Amid tlie booming otcannon und the cheer. from tlie vast, multitud©ifHtli'Ted at the Central Station, the President ar-rived here after lu o'clock, over two hours and ahalf bite, owing to au ae.jd.nt to tho enirin**of a train in front of the Westcrn fSgBBB* betweenBaltimoro and WaaBangtea yesterdny.Qeaanl llurrison r.-tired at "tHr-'gH last night

and slept rather soundly, lloep being interruptedby a noise made by joinjng the coupling of thevestibule car to that of the private ear Balt.more,- The ftaaUaBBj with S.-cret.iry Busk. AiV,torney-Gencral .Mlller and I' Seeretary IIal«ford, took an early bteakfhat this uiorning.'Crowds were .it every station us the train came

humming dowa this niorning, and gavo cheerawhen tho truin stopped, the fllgliVm b«-ing. asaaaa], Jbatdeged l.y patriota aagei to si_ke hiahand, At Greenneldj Ohiaj a eard araa handedto General HarriaeB with the words: " We wisbyou tlie earth und a safe journey.A crowd of several IboBBBBd stoml and cheeredthem_lv_ while the General stood, h;itia hand, wnving liis groetfag, " O, Mr. Harnson,plaaaa ni.v a word," cried a woman, but the traincarriexl him a\v;iy too soon.

Tbe C'hief Mn_str.ite ,s| .nt part of the morningraadiag tba Cincinnati mornin puiiers, and waafrom time to time interrupted by home memberaof tho party eattiag u|)oii him. General Thomaa<;. Kocgaa, Daatel IC Baaadefl aad William MJMercilith, who were niemhcrs of the (___alB owa

regtmeat, talbed over old tfiati with him. 'ilnentlre jwirty eOBBlattd of President Harnson,' At*ternc-f-Geaaml Miiier, private Seeretary HaifordjSeeretary Kusk, John B. Elam, Colonel J. B-J'liick, General ThoBMI G. Morpin, Commiasionerof LbBJbb Affairs; J. 1. Irwin, In¬diana; Daniel M. ICinsdell, Marslial ofthe Pistiict of Colambfaj J. I*. Cocknim.AaMatant Di.strict .Utorney of Indiana;William ML Mercliih, Cl.ief of the Bureau ofF.ngravinr; and Printing, and an A_ociated PresSreporter.

_JBB__1 Kansdell linnded Mr. IIa!for_ a «.

quest brought by a man all the way from Johns¬town to Washington from the Red Cro_ Soeietyof that iilaee, askia;- the Presi.lcnt to return by*way of Johnstown that he might see for!*)the terrible cocdition of things there. J. WMHerin, of Cincinnati, an old school friend olPresident Harnson at M___ Universlty. had atfrieudly chat with the Chief Exeeutive. Mr. _la m,said that there need he no suspicion of hiniselfos an oflice-seeker; that he wns oniy retumiug from]taking depo»itio_> in a street-ear cusc iu }Yu__ington.The Central Union Depot was i_cked by thosej

who wete nnxious to get a view of tlie purtyiCheera followed cheers us the President s faco waareeog.laad, and there was contmuous applausauntil lu? reaehed ins curriaire, which he occupied)with Governor Forakcr. The other n.embers ofthe party were assignt to cai-riagca. aceompanicdhy taembeia of tha Reeeptioa Coauaiataa Thacaoort wus made up oi a battalion o( police ancftwo pat_d-wagona, andet eommand ot ChleflDelteeh. the lat lie_ niciit Ohio N.iti..nril Guard.coinmanded by Colonel M. L. Hawkina, and l_t er.y'IJ, of the Ohio National Guard. Tbe latter tiretlu 6alute. The liue of mareh was up Cejit__uve. |o Founh-st., nnd then east to Vine andthe.i south to the Burnet llouse. The gtreeigwere packed wlth ahoatinjl people, while thawindows were alive with men. woinen nnd children.nll joiuin iu tbe boiateioua weloome to tne CliiegMagistrate. Fourtb-ofc, eapeelally, piesented abrifliant anpearance. xhe President rode con-tiiiu .!ly with iiis bat in hand, and waa eonstnntly)Lowing lns acknowledgmenta oi the enthnalaatiegreetinga that were rivea. It was atcommon expn _ion among thoae who had not seenhim tinec tha end ot' lu luils cumpaian, "lluwiwell he looka."Upon arriving at th Burnet llouse he wns ,s.

oorted at onee to 1'arlor A, arhieh waa adonmdjuitli ilowers. Here the pubiio recejition begnaahnoat Immedlately. The Preaident atood bef__a table on which was an t-labi rate floral dc_g_nnd over whieh huni; the DABgniBoent ehiindeliiBnf the Buniet llouse whose brilliant HgbtB hiroKhone on many hietorie leanea. Among them werathe reception of tbe _rinoe of Walea; to the Hui_garian patriot, Koaanth; to Jfennv i.iud, and, kiu-rithe lamented Llneoln, General Giant, Gen. ra|Shennan and others.Mayor _oaby ma_ a brlef weleomin, addresaj

to whloh the President replied as fullowa!Mr Mayor: I thant you anil the peeplB of t'ui.ilnn.i'J foB

ivli.iin >.iu -sjiealt fur this kindly wetmttt. It would baphiaaug t.i u.o to np<-ak of th^ reuoil--, n» whloh youiI'-iMiik. aud i_» city rvcall. But, ih.-r* 1* noilhur UiaOimr appaataaRy for that. t-lucinoaU, i. i-b»v«i-, U.U18 Uiaqany other city of lu claas lu iho couuiry, _ei_ to ma tolfc tba 11.-in.- City.

'Iho tirst eallers upon the President after thacoiiiiintti-'es had been preaented weta the reaidenamembera of tlie t.hio Commandery of tha LoyalI.-'jjioii, ol whi.h the PreMdent i« a meiuher.Then tollowed tiie pnbUo aa rapidly .18 they couldln- ma_ halled. At tiie end of thic--qiiart'TS of unhour the President wns driveo to the Builders*bxebange, at Sixth an.i Vine itt. where anotheaaddreaa of welcome araa made by l_sident AllUsoii, of that body. 1'rcsideut IlariisoU Eeapaodlby siiyiug:

1 li4\e laid upon my4--lf the |BB*IBII*B >.f avoldlngpublie hpeaklna; ou ihU trlp, but I canuot n-frila from .w:l ln appr.-cla'lon of y.,ur ktaSBaaa 1 njolc* ln t_|

Ity uul l'mt*pii" nl. of your tcroat, elty, aol hop»it, w,ii aiways ba a ity of pioapaaaaa aad h-'Pi'y houic%win ili..r rich or paaa,

From the ___£_* Klfhfff the I*re.sident w;»gthr.en t<> the magniflcenl oea buikiiBg of tho<:,.,.,,!,er ,.f < oiiini -r< c, where it hai Im--n armti.edtbal the membera ahould have a re eption for o>

quarter of an bodr, and tluu (he p.iMu: Suonkl boii.liiiiticd f.ii- an hour. But the BhurU'iiinglprocoa deprived the membera "i their apeeauprivilege, and they became engnlfed In the grealniuis ot people thiit poured iuio the doara, lhavestibule of theCbamber hud b etfeetiveaaititrildng decoration, eonsiating ..i n,i_> hangtadand draped from tbe balcuay above. ln front. ofthe roatniffl \m;sii portrail bl the President, ilaukedbj ;i profuaioo of National Baga wbiefa eovered thawhole front ol the itand. Loare l_Bersoa, vlee*preaident of the Chamber of Comtner ¦. made thoweleomini addreaa. He told of the Btagn toda nthe trade of Cincinnati repreaented among tbgmembera of thi.> hody, and bid tlu President webC 01110.

President ll.irrison replied:Mr. 1*:.¦.i.i.nt, I., i. - ji.i QiBnaaa: Th.> flguno)

whleh roai apeaaat aaa uvi m h;s Baa_oa quit« ovori,-.,i.. ,;,-. Z_ .-.e¦-.'.--!laaa h" iaaaa b__ t.< my atafjmaiiy pl_ _Tt1 BB. II w^- tm* Bl your crowd.

aha.aa aud arbata tntat tn-at vai_c0 opaa tb* w»t«ra,I Uad my llrst impw *t » i-'.-.-at city. T* ".<'. a counti_

w_ i» B__M_J M.-lit. BaM* of wp .-arller prj.iai Uj'-s wete eant ben w*tm lha Kuii_.-.- f

Betlamy Btoror. Althaogh bui a_raa»llv*iy iime af n,yl» .ti epaot ln your cltv. y l .'..'1 U*t Ul

r_ i,u- oaly aalnoBi na aa _ ofii.*aut tu.- .N.U1..I1. t.ui aa » an_*bet i tmt,_t j uut oniy MBoaaaBtattvaa la buaiu.-aa,but loyal nppmt r* a aai Bwal Datoa. i ih_.k you.

The Preaident then took h_ plaea ea tho U.-or,,,.! )..;,. u publie reception. Lxcelienl ai***aaaa*menta for uaherina the people Into aad out or thebuildiBg made by the use of a heayy detalJof i.oli.e, and i-i- the hour opent in thia ordeaithen- were many peroonaJ graetdnini to the 1 biofMairiatrate StilJ th- numhar deairing t.. ahamahi'-s .i.i.i.l was not aearly all grntili.-d When Uiehour had exi.irod. the poUea t*topped fmther ao-

__iona te the Uae aatariag Hm door, and therecept lon \mi.s oloaed.

ll.. I' party at dinner araa joinel baa ol li.-iitleuieli ot Cnieinii.i: l. At hBl_uist 1 the a (le|wrtur»- frnm tlie Iltiriu.Bouae th.- ,'cciisioii for renewed apffaaaee*:lt wm* itarted hv the apeetatora In the corrnior-wha n.w tba fteaidaal Ui-m a wee toi ..f u ehildui its nioHicr's tiruis an he wa> OOffling down theitairway Thia toueh of aature aeemen to di-epeifctba .ii'i'l'.'.-.'., whi.-h «r.-w from hand-clapping tdcheera, and wus taken ap by the arowd on tliaatreet ai tiie Preaident eatered lns earriaga anddr.,-.e away, aoooaapaaied hv Ihe uuliaBapettflC, nimitt.-e ..f In\it.tion und by __B__n of thg

;iti Commnt.-e.Ti,.« Indlanapolia oommittee, whi.h arrlved la

the Bfternooa, wae made ap ef .i'.\,i" A. P«[lovey, Major C. S. Denny, l. ll. Murtindaku\li..rt (iulh J. 0. Walker, Qearge .1 McGinniiuJohn P. Fivu/el, \\iili_u li. Kugliah, J. Aj

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