newsletter no.11– 26 - chilwell primary...

Post on 19-Mar-2018






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313A Pakington Street, Newtown, 3220 (03) 5221 2738 (03)5221 8191 Website:

School Council Email: Facebook: Out of School Hours Child Care Program Coordinator (0417 014 973)

NEWSLETTER No.11– 26th April 2017

Apr 26-28 Gr.5 Camp Maldon

Apr 27 Thu Student first aid training Grade 3 & 4

May 2 Tue Gr 2 Sovereign Hill

May 9 Tue Gr 1 Landmark Excursion

May 9-11 Naplan Grades 3 & 5

May 11 Thu Student first aid training Grade Prep –2

May 12 Fri Student first aid training Grade 5 & 6

May 16-18 Book Fair 3.30-4pm

May 18 Thu Gr 3 Excursion (more information to come later)

May 22 Mon Curriculum Day—Pupil Free

May 22 Mon Prep 2018 Information Night 7-8pm

May 23 Tue Chilwell Athletics

May 23 Tue Prep 2018 School Tours 9.30-10.30am

May 24 Wed Lightning Premiership Soccer & Football (NEW DATE)

May 25 Thu Prep 2018 School Tours 2.30-3.30pm

May 26 Fri Prep Grandparent Day 9.30—10.30am

May 29 Mon Chilwell Athletics (Back up day)

May 31 Wed Prep Stinton Ave Visit 11.30-1.30pm

Jun 1 Thu School Photo Day (NEW DATE)

Jun 9 Fri Prep alphabet Dress up day (more information to come later)

Jun 12 Mon Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Aug 2 Wed Bravehearts

Sept 6-11 Life Ed

Sept 13 Wed Concert @ The Arena

Nov 6-Nov 8 Gr.4 Lady Northcote Camp (advance notice)

Term Dates 2017

Term 2: Tuesday 18th April to Friday 30

th June

Term 3: Monday 17th July to Friday 22

nd September

Term 4: Monday 9th October to Friday 22

nd December

Dear Families

Another busy week at Chilwell is well underway. We welcome back Jan McLaren form her leave

and thank Sam Callan for her work in Year 4. As you will be aware, sometimes our staff are ill,

attend Professional Learning, take long service leave, or even begin/add to their family… When

this happens, we replace our current staff and are so lucky to have a number of retired

ex-Chilwell teachers who love coming back to work with us. We also have a number of other

teachers who - Casual Relief Teachers (CRT’s) who back fill and enable our classrooms to

run smoothly and deliver the programs planned by current staff. Please make them feel welcome

when you see them around the school.

Acting Assistant Principal: It is with great pleasure I congratulate Sarah Jeffreys on

stepping up and into the Assistant Principal role. Sarah McKenzie will be replacing Sarah J on the

days she is stepping up!

ANZAC day Service: Congratulations and thank you to the Year 6’s

and Steph and Jason for conducting another very special and emotive

service. As always, we have many community members attend and

commemorate this day with us. We are very lucky to live where we do and

have the opportunities we have. A great chance to reflect and be grateful.

Reports: As you would be aware, we have been using SENTRAL for

our reporting, Parent teacher meeting bookings and newsletter

distribution. Staff are learning more and more about the capabilities of this

program and we have been setting up “I Can” statements that will indicate

what your child has successfully achieved in the curriculum. We are aiming for a more

personalised written report about the learner and them as a person too.

We are now using the Victorian Curriculum and will be reporting against it this semester. Staff

have been assessing the students as they teach and when students achieve an ‘I Can’, teachers

will update the online curriculum. As we are still experimenting with this and we want to get it

right, please be patient with us. The parent portal will be open towards the end of the term for you

to see what your child has achieved. This will mean a few changes in the reports from previous

years. The section “What the student has achieved” will be replaced by the ‘I can’ statements and

will be viewed online.

The staff will be giving an assessment and writing a comment as part of the report. Mr Welsh will

also include his letter and a page of definitions that may help. Keep your eye out for the changes

and ensure you have registered for the portal (I think there are about 100 families still to register).

Some helpful hints and a registration page is available on the school website.

Art & Science: The fabulous duo of Deb Fisher and Matt Limb have combined forces this

term for students in Years 5 & 6. They have planned an exciting unit of work around Art and

Science and after seeing what the year 6’s did on Monday, I wish I was in Year 6! The level of

questioning, reasoning and hypothesising was fantastic. Problem solving skills were well and truly

in action! I loved seeing the unique ways students were trying to use a hammer (some for the first

time!) and leveraging a nail out!!! Please ask your kids what they have been doing in these


Curriculum Day: Monday 22nd

May. Please add to your calendar. Cheryl at OSHC will be

providing care so please contact her if you require childcare.

OSHC payments: Thanks to those families who have cleared their debt from Term 1 and

are in the positive. Cheryl will be in touch with families who still have outstanding debts.

Easter Eggs: We have still been receiving thank-you’s for our Easter Eggs to the community

via the Social Service. Some of the recipients are well in their 90’s and one family wrote to tell

how 5 generations of their family attended Chilwell PS. They were so proud that our school is still

very community minded and were grateful for the surprise when Meals on wheels arrived!

School Photo Day: June 1st… Book in the hairdressing appointment.

Fair Debrief: last Wednesday night I met with the Fair planning committee to celebrate and

reflect on the Fair. So many positives to talk about and some constructive feedback given and

received via the survey. All in all a great result with still a few bills to pay but well in excess of

$30,000. Congrats and thanks again. The community contribution goes along way and enables

us as a school to offer more opportunities, more resources, better infrastructure and improved

facilities. Stay tuned for more info coming out about the Trivia Night! Start studying now!!!

For Sale: We have a few boxes of drinks left over from the Fair. A bargain at $18. We have

Pepsi, Solo, Coke, Sprite, Fanta and a mixed box of cans… If you are interested in purchasing,

please pop into the office.

Year 5 Camp: Good luck to the Happy Campers who took off this morning to Maldon!

Thanks to Nikki and Mylea for all your planning and preparation. If you haven’t been on a school

camp before, you may not know what goes into it before they actually leave! A big thanks to the

parents and staff for making this happen. Another great opportunity for the kids. Rest up on your


The Deck: Mr Perrott is still looking for some helpers to help him paint the deck outside

the portables… If you have a bit of spare time and would like to help out, please leave your name

with the office staff and Rohan will be in touch.


Happy birthday to the following students who celebrate their birthday over the next few weeks.

Have another great week!

Scott McCumber Acting Principal

Wed 26 April Jasmine S Grace T


Thur 27 April Alexandra J Aoife S


Sun 30 April Ross W POD

Mon 1 May Imogen W Daniel J


Tue 2 May Audrey D Jordan B Louise P


Peace Writing for Anzac Day by Grade 6’s

Peace to me is about being free and safe. It's about being able to have a walk and listen to the birds sing their lovely song. It's when nobody is hurt and having the right to do what you want to do. It's about treating everyone the same. It's about sharing, caring and being fair.


By Callum Ridley

Peace to me means…

Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work it means to be in the midst of things and still have a heart.

It is not something you wish for, it's something you make, something you do, something you are and something you give away!

By Audrey Neal


by Harry Soo

Peace to me is being re-united. After all these years’ tears turn to cheers.

Peace is also forgiving one another and coming together as a community.

Peace is the warmth and comfort driven by love and hope. Peace is like a poppy that

has bloomed and opened up after peace has come.

Peace is the freedom and safety given to us on behalf of Australian soldiers.

Peace is a wish for some countries,

that's why we are incredibly lucky to live knowing that we are treated fairly and freely.


The rapid fire once along the shore,

Allows us to walk the streets safe once more.

To feel safe in Australia every where,

is something other countries can't feel anywhere.

As the poppies are blown, grenades are thrown to keep us safe.

Because the trenches flowed through the land and the soldiers

fought to the very last stand, we sleep easy know that,

we are not amongst the combat.

Peace, we have peace because of the braves soldiers

that fought in the war for us that we remember on Anzac Day every year.

By Fred Blackall

Our You Can Do It focus for term four term is Confidence

Congratulations to the following students who received an award this week.

Our YCDI! Focus for this term is Confidence

What a lovely start to term 2. Confidence means standing up to a challenge like standing up in front of a crowd. Teachers are looking for students who display confidence this term.

Ineka and Zali

(YCDI! Committee Leaders)

Prep D Finn McColl 2 JO Edward Samargis 4JM Stella Rose

Prep J Harriet Povey 2JS Lily Mulroyan 5MA Jasmin Ellis

Prep B Lucy Salmon 3KH Violet Gilby 5NR Rupert Henderson

1MW Lachlan Sprague 3 PD Jade Barwick 6JC Montanna Hardy

1BH Hamish Reid 4 JS Audrey Dickens 6SW Edwina Royce

District Cross Country Results

The district Cross country was held last Thursday week and again, all Chilwell competitors represented

our school magnificently. Their behaviour, effort and sportsmanship was exemplary. We had many top

eight finishers and these students will go on to represent Geelong west at the Division cross country - to

be held at the Geelong Botanical gardens on Tuesday 30th of May, from 9:15 a.m. We will need two

parent volunteers to marshal on the day. Congratulations to the following competitors;

BOYS 9-10 - Hugh Haebich, Tom Ward, Harvey Marles, Caleb Kilpatrick, Fred Lucas

GIRLS 9-10 - Chloe O'Brien, Alice Nandrop, Sophie O'Brien

BOYS 11 - Will Haebich

GIRLS 11 - Sara Howley, Eden Nardrop -Goddard, Phobe Knight

BOYS 12 -13 - Michael Rudd, Archie Vague

GIRLS 12-13 - Mia Kemp, Tegan Line, Georgia Phung ,

Hannah Phung

Approximate race time

9:45 Girls 9/10 Year Old event

10:00 Boys 9/10 Year Old event

10:15 Girls 11 Year Old event (3 kilometres)

10:35 Boys 11 Year Old event (3 kilometres)

10:55 Girls 12/13 Year Old event (3 kilometres)

11:15 Boys 12/13 Year Old event

(3 kilometres)

Peter Blackall – P.E. and Sport

Thank you to all our families that have returned their over due

library book, replaced or paid for them. If you still have overdue

books could you please return them to the library.

Tuesday 16th– Thursday 18th May

3.30PM –4.00Pm

In the library

More information to come.


On Friday we went with Mr McCumber to an Anzac

Service held at Johnson Park. There were a few students

from all the schools in Geelong. We had a memorable

and amazing experience. We took away a lot from the

service. A retired army officer stated that there are a few

main traits that we should always hold in our hearts.

Initiative, courage, mateship and humour. At the service

we learnt the meaning of the last post. The last Post is

the trumpet or bugle call sounded each night to inform

soldiers that they should be inside their quarters for the

night. It is also played at military funerals and

commemorative services to indicate that the soldier has

completed his life’s work and has entered into his rest.

We should always be grateful for the significant sacrifice that these brave soldiers made to make

Australia what it is today.

By Archer and Georgia


We have a number of unnamed jumpes in the lost property. If your child has lost their jumper

please come and have a look. Lost property is located outside the Reading recovery room.

PLEASE remember to name your students clothing.

Interested prospective Prep parents are welcome to visit and see Chilwell in action at any time. However, during Enrolment Week we have organised an informational tour program.

Eligibility for school:

Children are eligible for enrolment if they turn five (5) years of age on or before 30th April 2018.

At Chilwell, we will accept enrolments at any time during the remainder of the year if places are available. To assist with planning for 2018 (particularly grade and staffing arrangements) we ask that parents wishing to enrol their child call into the school between 9.00 am. and 4.00 pm. during Enrolment Week. We require proof of age (eg. copy of Extract of Birth Certificate) for your child and a completed Immunisation Certificate (available from the City of Greater Geelong Offices).

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

Year 2018 Enrolment. Return only if this affects your family.

Family Name ___________________________________________

1. We will not be at Chilwell in 2017.

2. Sibling enrolling in 2017. Child’s Name ___________________

Name of Pre-School/Kinder ___________________________________________________

2018 Prep Enrolment Week

Monday 22nd May-Friday 26th May 2017


Tuesday, 23rd


9.30-10.30 am. Tour

The assembly point for these tours is the foyer.

Entry is via the front door facing Pakington Street.

Mr Gavan Welsh, the School Principal accompa-nied by some of our senior students, will conduct the tour.

Thursday, 25h May

2.30-3.30 pm. Tour


MONDAY, 22nd


7.00-8.00 p.m.

Venue – Prep Rooms (follow the signs)

Mr Gavan Welsh and the Prep teachers will explain the Prep programs and procedures.

The session will be followed by Question Time.

You are then welcome to stay and join us for supper.

Canteen news……. TERM 2 OPTIONS Orders must be into your grade teacher by 9.30 am on Thursday morning. Orders are picked up at 3.30 pm. Thursday – no late orders will be accepted.

We ask parents not to drop late lunch orders into Steampocket. Lunch is provided on Friday. Each student must have an individual order. Each option $5.00

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canteen Roster. - Fridays – 1.15-1.30 pm. Can you fill the gaps????

If you are apple to help out with delivery of lunch orders please fill in the below and return to the office.

Name _______________________________________Ph.________________

Dates NOT available _____________________________________________

Fri 28th Apr Georgia Patterson

Fri 5th May Jane Muhor

Fri 12th

May Amanda Lovell

Fri 19th May Megan Bell

OPTION 1 3 x Chicken Skewers & Chocolate Muffiin—Gluten Free available

OPTION 2 2 x House made Sausage Roll with tomato Sauce & Honey Joy

OPTION 3 Vegemite & Cheese Wrap, whole Apple & Hedge Hog

Entertainment Book - $60.00.

Valid from June 1st 2017 – May 31st 2018

Great Mother’s Day Present. Get your copy now.

Please enquire at the office to purchase a book.

A display book is in the office foyer for interested families to peruse.


GRASSHOOPER SOCCER—Non Competitive soccer program. Term 2 weekend program for more information please contact Dominic on or

Grade Theme VELS /Subject link Associated Activity Approx. Date of activity

Anticipated Costs






Stinton Ave Walk

Chilwell Library visit

First Aid incursion

31st May

21st April

11th May




Gr 1

Gr 2







First Aid incursion

Geelong landmark ex-cursion

First Aid incursion

Sovereign Hill excursion

11th May

Week 2

11th May




$20.00 Approx



Gr 3 & 4

Community and First Contact Yr3

Community and First Contact Yr3

Community and First Contact Yr4




Art Gallery and Mural

Bollard Walk


18th April





$22.00 Approx

Gr 5 & 6


Grade 5 Camp

Lightning Prem

School Aths

26th April -28



24th May Soc-

cer and Foot-ball.

31st Netball

17th May



$5.00 approx

Specialists School Athletics 17th May $6.00 approx

Themes and Expenses Planner for Term 2, 2017

Chilwell P.S. Outside School Hours Care

EFTPOS facility is available – for payments over $10.00. Form available at the office or from the OSHC.

IMPORTANT!!! School Council encourages families to keep their account in credit. We are issuing Weekly Accounts from now on.

Just a reminder to all those who have a permanent after school booking. If unable to attend please cancel before 2.30pm. to assist staff and avoid session fee.

Thanks – Cheryl & OSHC Staff

Term 2 –April/May 2017

To book or cancel care please call Cheryl on 0417 014 973

Tuesday 25th April ANZAC DAY

Wednesday 26th April Craft

Thursday 27th April Games Night

Friday 28th April Shops

Monday 1st May Table tennis

Amount: Visa Mastercard $ …………….

Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Cardholder’s Name:………………………………………………… Expiry Date : __/__

Cardholder’s Signature:………………………………………………………………

Payment for OSHC

New !!!! ‘Community Yoga’ at Chilwell - are you in?

Would you be interested in attending ‘Community Yoga’ at Chilwell? We are hoping to offer lunchtime

Yoga classes in the multi - purpose room on Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:30 to students, parents and

teachers , led by a qualified, safe and compassionate Yoga teacher, Marise Jose Dieguez. The program

would be designed to develop strength, flexibility, confidence and mindfulness - and don’t worry; you

would be only expected to work at your own personal level.

Before we start the program we would need to know if and how many people would be interested, as we

need to cover costs and purchase equipment. Each session would be $10 for adults and $5 for students.

If you are interested could you please fill out the form below and return it to the school by Monday 1st

May as we would like to begin with a five week block later this term. We will extend classes to the whole

of term 3 if this term proves popular.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

I would be interested in attending a 5 week community Yoga class at Chilwell.

Parent name: __________________________________________ Ph. _____________

Student/s name/s: __________________________________________ Gr. _____________

Peter Blackall P.E & Sport - on behalf of the Chilwell ‘Wellbeing & Welfare’ committee

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