newsletter - st john's shaughnessy...dec 18, 2016  · verger/caretaker amy thorogood sunday...

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NEWSLETTER Week Commencing December 18

Fourth Sunday of Advent

From the Rector

This Sunday is the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, the Sunday where

we focus upon the word Peace.

On hearing that word Peace my mind goes very quickly to Aleppo, Syria

and the intense airstrikes that were waged in that city this week. A huge

number of civilians, let alone soldiers, were caught in massive destruction

as the war rages on. Peace seems very elusive in this area but in so many

other parts of our world as well. We pray for peace in the world but what

is God calling us to do to bring about peace in the world?

The word Peace is also a word that we explore often in the Church. It is

usually centred around inner peace and the desire to grow closer to God

and God’s presence in our lives. Make me a channel of your Peace, we

might pray. May the Peace of the Lord be always with you we might say to

our neighbour. The Peace of God which passes all understanding… we

hear the priest say to us. What does inner Peace, really look and feel like?

In the gospel reading for Sunday, we hear about Joseph, the husband of

Mary, discovering that Mary is with child. His first reaction is to want to

dismiss her quietly. But he has a dream in which he is told that child

conceived in Mary is of the Holy Spirit. The angel then goes on to say:

“’She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his

people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken

by the Lord through the prophet: ‘Look the virgin shall conceive and bear a

son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’ which means ‘God is with us.’”

The word peace describes so much of what is going on in this beautiful

passage. Mary discovered the peace of God’s presence and God’s hope

even in the news that she would bear a son. Joseph too discovered this

same peace despite the news that his fiancé was pregnant but with a child

who would save people from their sins. The word or title of Emmanuel

seems to be all about peace for it names that God is with us, God is for us,

God is amongst us. But the news of the coming of the Messiah is not meant

to simply be a joyous event of the history of long ago. It is meant to spur us

on to live out the peace of God of our hearts but in our lives. We are called

to be peacemakers.

Take some time to meditate on that word Peace this week. Invite the Prince

of Peace into your life. Pray for peace in your life, your family, and the

world. Allow peace to guide and direct you and how you experience God

with us, Emmanuel, in these days leading up to one of our most holy days,

Christmas. Every blessing to you and yours.

O God of Peace, rest upon me. Help me to find places of Peace each and

every day. Help me to prepare in my life room for a tiny child to come and grow

into the Saviour of the world. Help me to search out and bring peace to others.

Help me to awaken to the true depth of Christmas and what Emmanuel, God with

us, means for me in how I think and act and pray. In the name of Jesus, the holy

and eternal one I pray. Amen.

New Year’s Resolution?... Boot Camp for the Soul?... Rule of Life

Will you make a New Year’s Resolution about growing in your faith? Will

your soul need to attend a “boot camp” to re-energize and re-focus? Have

you made a rule of life for your spiritual life?

Come and join us January 16, 23 and 30 at 7:00pm in the Trendell Lounge as

we learn more about Rules of Life. On January 16, Bishop Melissa Skelton

will lead a session on Benedictine Spirituality and the Benedictine Rule of

Life. On January 23 Mother Liz will lead a session on prayer and growing

deeper in our spiritual journey. On January 30, Father John will lead a

session on creating a rule of life based on some modern rules and each

person’s desire to walk more closely with Christ. It will be a great series, so

please plan to join us.

Coming up for Communion

If you find the use of stairs difficult but still want to come

up to the Communion Rail to receive Communion, we

have a suggestion for you! Please use the side aisles at

the chancel steps as they have handrails.

Or please know that one of the priests is very happy to

bring Communion to you in your pew. Thank you.

Blue Christmas Service

A special service for those who find Christmas a difficult time will be held

at St. Mary’s Kerrisdale on December 21 at 7:00pm. It is designed for those

who are experiencing grief or loss or sadness at this dark time of year.

Please help get the word out to those who would appreciate this service.

Christmas Day Service

A quieter and more contemplative sung Eucharist will be held at 10:00am.

Please note that there will not be an 8:00am mass on Christmas Day.

Please Help!

We have created a small post-card size poster for our Christmas Services

(they are available in the Narthex and in the pews). We would really like

people to take these and deliver them to homes in your neighbourhood. Or

give them to friends. Or give them to people you know who once attended

St John’s. Let’s get the word out about our Christmas Services and events!

Evensong for Candlemas

Candlemas is the day that we celebrate the child Jesus being presented in

the Temple, the Feast of the Presentation. The official date set aside for the

Presentation is February 2 but we will transfer our celebrations to Sunday,

January 29 at 4:00 and have a beautiful service of Evensong. Traditionally

this was also a day to recognise the light of God in our midst and was a

time to bless all the candles of the house (hence the name Candlemas).

Please plan to join us!

Monthly Pre-Authorized Donations - Thank you!

We are thrilled that so many parishioners are switching over to the pre-

authorized donation program. It makes things a lot easier for the church

with this program - much easier than envelopes. If your donation comes

off your credit card each month, please keep us posted if you get a new

expiry date on your card. Many thanks!

Care Packets for the Homeless

This Christmas season, St. John’s Shaughnessy is collecting a variety of

goods that will be packed up and distributed to our homeless and needy

neighbours in the new year. Please join in this outreach initiative by

bringing some items from the list below to church this

month, and watch our offering pile in the Narthex

grow! The goods will be distributed through the

Neighbourhood Ministry program, a Westside street

outreach ministry led by Deacon Pitman and offered

through parishes in our Archdeaconry.

If you prefer to donate money, please make a note on your cheque “for

Christmas Care Packets” and we will spend the money buying in bulk.

Care Packet Wish List

winter-weight socks toothbrush/toothpaste kits

Boost or Ensure nutrition drink hand lotion

juice boxes small shampoo/conditioner

fruit cups & plastic spoons lip balm

soft nutrition bars small bar soap

stretch gloves Q-tips & disposable razors

Did you know that an Outreach interest group has formed at St Johns? We

are discerning how our passions for helping those in need can best be used.

Supporting refugee initiatives, joining Neighbourhood Ministry efforts, and

several other great ideas are under exploration. If you are interested in

being part of Outreach, please see Father John or Deacon Pitman.

MOTET Chamber Choir Concert - 2pm Dec 31

Eight voices. Twelve days. Experience the fullness of Christmas with a

concert of beautiful choral and organ music. From the sounds of Orlando

Gibbons to favourites by Sir David Willcocks to a new carol by Thomas

Hewitt Jones, join us as we celebrate this most wonderful time of year and

take you on a musical journey to Epiphany. Admission by donation.

Sts. Peter & Paul Church, 1430 W 38th Ave. All ages.

Builders Without Borders – Help needed with website

Builders Without Borders, registered in 1999, is a leading Canadian

volunteer based humanitarian organization that works internationally with

the poorest communities in teaching the design and construction of safer

homes, community and health facilities.

BWB is located in Vancouver. We have recently updated our website and would like help in managing and

updating the site. This is a volunteer position and within a year could pay a

modest honorarium. Please contact Neil Griggs at 604 738 7516.

Artist’s impression of a soon to be completed buildingto hold a trade school in Haiti

The buildings above are currently under construction with Builders

Without Borders providing the project management services for the

project. Local Haitian companies are largely carrying out the construction

work with Canadian volunteers providing on-site support and “transfer of

knowledge” to the local workers. The project has also benefitted from two

weeks of on-site work by six volunteer workers from the Ironworkers

Union Local 97 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Builders Without Borders

has also received interest from other B.C. Unions wanting to volunteer on

this project.

St John’s Shaughnessy Anglican Church

1490 Nanton Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6H 2E2

Telephone (604) 731-4966 (ex 11 for office)

email: web:

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm

Rector The Venerable John Stephens

Curate The Reverend Liz Hamel

Deacon The Reverend Dr Pitman Potter

Rector’s Warden Robyn Woodward

People’s Warden Louise Hadley

Treasurer Donald Wood

Vestry Clerk Karin Fulcher

Music Director Michael Dirk

Assistant Choirmaster Ann Chen

Children’s Ministry Spencer Britten

Parish Administrator Janet Hamilton

PWRDF Rep Doug Symons

Sacristan and MC Paul Bunnell

Verger/caretaker Amy Thorogood

Sunday services

8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10:00am Sung Eucharist

Wednesday service

9:30am Holy Communion

Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings and Confessions are by appointment

with the Rector. Please contact us if you would like to have

our weekly newsletter emailed to you.

Please contact the office if you are interested in participating. Cover: Artwork by

John Stuart

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