nibm 1st sem

Post on 14-Oct-2014






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NIBM,How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objective in your organization(target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communicationprocess towards attaining your specialized goals?,The present state of recession in the IT industry – as a Human Resource Manager howare you going to under take Human Resource Planning at Macro level to tide over thiscrisis?,What will your out look towards maintenance of liquid assets to ensure that the firm hasadequate cash in hand to meet its obligation at all times,If you are working in supermarket, what techniques /tools you will use in datacollection. How are you going to analysis the data and make inferences? How will youfinally apply your market research to improve sales and win over customers?,05. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHEVIOURIf you are made the campaign leader fro a particular political party. How will your useyour leadership skills to motivate your party men to ensure success if the party nomineein election? (Focus on the individual, motivate and apply leadership style)?06. PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMICSSuppose the price elasticity of demand for text books is two and the price of the textbooks is increased by 10%. By how much does the quantity demand fall? Inter theresults and discuss reasons for the fall in quantity demand?


MBA assignments


How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objective in

your organization (target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal

influence through communication process towards attaining your

specialized goals?







Stating Objectives

OBJECTIVES  are something that you will try to make happen in the

future. Since that's a ways down the road it's good to get some

check-points along the route. Once your  OBJECTIVES  are approved,

it's important to make a plan to reach them.

Taking one step at a time is best. Reaching each step shows you're

making progress and can give you a feeling of success. This will help

keep you going even though there may be problems.

Your plan works like a map and has specific statements (objectives).

Objectives describe short term steps which must be reached along the

route to your OBJECTIVES. Objectives tell who is responsible to do what

by when and how it will be done.  Email :  Email :

It's also important to identify ways to find out if progress is being made

on objectives. State things in a way that permit you to know when

they've been accomplished.

Write down your   objectives, and the steps you plan to take to reach

them. It doesn't have to be a big deal. It's been found that you are

more likely to follow your plan if you have it written down. Also, it's

important to check your plan with your superior so that you are sure

it's okay. By doing this you also can get your superior's support in

carrying out your objectives.

OBJECTIVES can be of great value in day-to-day efforts. If your goals

are not clear you may get blamed or punished for not doing something

you didn't know you were responsible for. You also might spend time

on low priority tasks or work that you enjoy doing instead of things that

are important to your superior and your organization.

The Role of Expectations

What you expect of your employees  and what your people expect of

themselves has a great deal to do with how they perform. Low

OBJECTIVES  mean low expectations and low achievement. Low

expectations result in individuals having lower expectations of

themselves in their ability to reach  OBJECTIVES.

How hard someone will work to reach a goal depends on how

important that goal is to them. It also depends on whether or not they

believe they can achieve it. People have expectations of themselves.  Email :  Email :

Others also have expectations for them. It's been proven that people

rise or fall to the level set for them by people who are important to


To get the best from your employees  you need to expect the best. You

must be reasonable and keep your expectations in line with their

ability to produce. Since people are different, you will have to take the

strengths and skills of each individual into account. Goals should be

high enough to challenge the employee but not so high that they can't

be reached. People should be encouraged to stretch, but only as far as

they can be successful. Once challenging goals have been set your

workers will need your support, help, encouragement, and coaching.

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The present state of recession in the IT industry – as a Human

Resource Manager how are you going to under take Human Resource

Planning at Macro level to tide over this crisis?


Right number of people with right skills at right place at right time to

implement organizational strategies in order to achieve organizational

objectives In light of the organization’s objectives, corporate and

business level strategies, HRP is the process of analyzing an

organization’s human resource needs and developing plans, policies,

and systems to satisfy those needs Setting human resource objectives

and deciding how to meet them Ensuring HR resource supply meets

human resource demands.

Interfacing with strategic planning and scanning the environment

Taking an inventory of the company’s current human resources

Forecasting demand for human resources

Forecasting the supply of HR from within the organization and in the

external labor market

Comparing forecasts of demand and supply

Planning the actions needed to deal with anticipated shortage or


Feeding back such information into the strategic planning process.  Email :  Email :

1.Basic Human Resources Planning Model

2.Organizational Objectives

 3.Human Resource Requirements 

4.Human Resource Programs 

5.Feasibility Analysis 

Strategic Human Resource Planning

HR objectives are linked to organizational objectives and planning

-Designed to insure consistency between organization's strategic

planning process and HRP.

-So objectives of strategic plan are feasible and 

-HR programs are designed around what organizational objectives and

strategies require in terms of human resource goals 

Operational Human Resource Operation  Planning  model. 

-Ensure HRP programs are coordinated and allows the organization to

meet its human resource requirements. 

Determine Demand (labor requirements)

How many people need to be working and in what jobs to implement

organizational strategies and attain organizational objectives.

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Best Regards, Admin


What will your out look towards maintenance of liquid assets to ensure

that the firm has adequate cash in hand to meet its obligation at all

times ?

Ans :



A common problem for small business owners is the struggle to

maintain adequate cash flow levels. Without cash, a business must

eventually close its doors. Understanding and managing the

company’s cash flow will help to measure the amount of cash on hand

and prepare for cash flow shortfalls in the future.

[a]       Do the Math

Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of a business. Cash

inflow is the movement of money into your business, and most likely

comes from the sale of goods or services to your customers. Cash

outflow is the movement of money out of your business, and is

generally the result of paying expenses. By projecting the inflow and  Email :  Email :

outflow of your businesses cash, you can determine the amount of

cash that will be available during a designated period of time.

[b]       Prepare Your Profit and Loss Statement

Your business plan should contain several financial statements. If

you’re a start-up businessman, base your estimates of cash inflow and

outflow on the revenues and expenses listed in your profit and loss

statements. Complete your profit and loss statement before

completing your cash flow statement. Over time, you will be able to

base cash inflows and outflows on actual historical data.

[c]       Develop a Cash Flow Statement

A cash flow statement measures cash flow over time. During your first

year in business, you should include a month-by-month cash flow

statement in your business plan. If you’re seeking a loan, an important

feature of your cash flow statement is that it will show the lender

exactly how you’re going to afford loan payments.

In order for a business to stay afloat, it must maintain an adequate

level of cash. These are some which we can apply to improve the cash

flow in our organization. Adequate cash means that you can meet your

obligations. It is to remember that cash is king and life blood of the

organization. The following points help make it easier to maintain the

adequate cash level and an improvement in cash position can be seen

sooner rather than later:

1. Check Customers’ Credit Histories

Decide the type of customer to whom you want to extend credit. Do

you want to have a particular cut-off credit score? If you extend credit

to customers with questionable

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Best Regards, Admin


If you are working in supermarket, what techniques /tools you will use

in data collection. How are you going to analysis the data and make

inferences? How will you finally apply your market research to improve

sales and win over customers?

The new technique in the fast growing world. We can introduce door to

door service by issuing a advertisement. the customer will call and

give the order. you can deliver the material to their door steps. this is

tool to collect the data and you can  improve the sales also Marketing.

Several definitions have been proposed for the term marketing. Each

tends to emphasize different issues. Memorizing a definition is unlikely

to be useful; ultimately, it makes more sense to thinking of ways to

benefit from creating customer value in the most effective way, subject  Email :  Email :

to ethical and other constraints that one may have. The 2006 and 2007

definitions offered by the American Marketing

Association are relatively similar, with the 2007 appearing a bit more

concise. Note that the definitions make several points:

  - A main objective of marketing is to create customer value.

  - Marketing usually involves an exchange between buyers and sellers

or between other parties.

  - Marketing has an impact on the firm, its suppliers, its

customers, and others affected by the firm's choices.

  - Marketing frequently involves enduring relationships between

buyers, sellers, and other parties.

  - Processes involved include "creating, communicating, delivering,

and exchanging offerings."

Delivering customer value. The central idea behind marketing is the

idea that a firm or other entity will create something of value to one or

more customers who, in turn, are willing to pay enough (or contribute

other forms of value) to make the venture worthwhile considering

opportunity costs. Value can be created in a number of

different ways. Some firms manufacture basic products (e.g., bricks)

but provide relatively little value above that. Other firms make

products whose tangible value is supplemented by services (e.g., a

computer manufacturer provides a computer loaded with software and

provides a warranty, technical support, and software updates). It is not

necessary for a firm to physically handle a product to add value--e.g.,

online airline reservation systems add value by (1) compiling

information about available flight connections and fares, (2) allowing

the customer to buy a ticket, (3) forwarding billing information to the

airline, and (4) forwarding  Email :  Email :


If you are made the campaign leader fro a particular political party.

How will your use your leadership skills to motivate your party men to

ensure success if the party nominee in election? (Focus on the

individual, motivate and apply leadership style)?

I don't know much about political but if you want to motivate people,

first they need to have passion about what they are doing. Second

they need to believe that the candidate is the best

person for the job and will support the candidate 100%, third there

needs to be excitement about how this person

will impact the future if elected. Assign tasks to various people

based on their skill levels be selective so that you use their strength's,

some people are natural motivators find

one on your team to be the example.

A positive attitude is a must at all times one negative person or

comment will spread like fire through your team. Have weekly

meetings to share progress and any issues facing the candidate or

team, let them brainstorm for solutions. This will make all team

members feel valued and more connected to the process and each

other. Do some fun things to keep the stress levels

low and keep the team bonded and supportive. Treat people like

you want to be treated and that alone is a great motivator.

If you are working in a super market, what techniques/

tools you will use in data collection. How are you going to

analysis the data and make inferences? How  will you

finally apply your market research to improve sales and win over

customers?  Email :  Email :

datawarehose is d best option for data collection and analyzing the

data ..u can predict wht ur biz gonna b. der r many tools available best

1 is informatica d o/p which u ll get 4m dis can b used 4 research

The new technique in the fast growing world. We can introduce

door to door service by issuing a advertisement.

the customer will call and give the order. you can deliver

the material to their door steps. this is tool to collect

the data and you can improve the sales also.

Marketing. Several definitions have been proposed for the term

marketing. Each tends to emphasize different issues. Memorizing a

definition is unlikely to be useful; ultimately, it makes more sense

to thinking of ways to benefit from creating customer value in the most

effective way, subject to ethical and other constraints that one

may have. The 2006 and 2007 definitions offered by the American

Marketing Association are relatively similar, with the 2007 appearing

a bit more concise. Note that the definitions make several points:

  - A main objective of marketing is to create customer value.   -

Marketing usually involves an exchange between buyers and sellers or

between other parties.   - Marketing has an impact on the firm, its

suppliers, its customers, and others affected by the firm's choices.

  - Marketing frequently involves enduring relationships between

buyers, sellers, and other parties.   - Processes involved include

"creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings."

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Best Regards, Admin


Suppose the price elasticity of demand for text books is two and the

price of the text books is increased by 10%. By how much does the

quantity demand fall? Inter the results and discuss reasons for the fall

in quantity demand?

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