norths max potential 2011

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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Max Potential connects business and community leaders with emerging young adults (17 - 22). The program builds relationships within the community, whilst providing an opportunity for those in leadership to pass on their experience and values to younger people. After a successful 22 week program in 2010, North Sydney Leagues Club look forward to another


norths 2011


Name Jodie Hart

Occupation Title and OrganisationHuman Resources Manager - North Sydney Leagues Club Group

Brief Role Description and Work History HighlightsTo undertake and manage the day to day human resources activities, create position descriptions, advertise positions vacant and write employment contracts. I have been the Human Resources Manager with norths for almost 5 years and employed within a number of Management positions in several high profile Registered Clubs for the last 21 years.

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesI have two dogs; a German Shepherd whose name is Tache and a Maltese Terrier whose name is Milly. Milly belongs to my 7 year old son Thomas. We also have a cat named Marley. Generally, I enjoy relaxing after a busy week and also after attending swimming lessons with my son at the start of the day on a Saturday morning!

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important today?Coaching means a partnership between two people; in this regard the partnership is between my young adult and I, whereby we have the opportunity through this program to set realistic, measurable and achievable goals in order to build on a foundation of professional and personal success. I believe that personal leadership coaching is important today because it’s an important part of day to day life; it builds on personal success and also builds in the success of a business. Personal leadership is learning about one-self and others by setting goals to become effective and fantastic leaders.

From your life experience, what are the top 2 attributes of a great coach?Listening and making a connection.

Why have you chosen to volunteer as a Max Potential coach and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?I have volunteered as a Max Potential Coach because of the benefits and impact it has on the young people of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow. I will value learning about myself and learning about my young adult. In essence, we will be learning from one another whilst looking at things from a different perspective so that we can both grow. I will also value growing and developing my skills along with my young adult’s skills.

Which MAXIMSERS principle do you intend to work on in the next 6 months? What would be the resultant benefits?Of the MAXIMISER principles, I intend to work on “X” out the negatives. The benefits will be that I will be able to set goals at home, which in turn will achieve family fulfillment through believing the best and accepting that there will be problems that arise from time to time.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program to the local community?The benefits of the Max Potential program to the local community will be that there are young adults; the leaders of tomorrow, who will focus on their local community and work on ways to improve it. It also raises awareness to the people of the community as to what the program stands for, the benefits and that there are coaches volunteering their time as they have a vested interest in the youth of the community. I believe that the young adults and their community projects will have a positive influencing factor on the community.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


Name Glenn Ward

Occupation Title and Organisation Executive Operations Manager - North Sydney Leagues Club

Brief Role Description and Work History Highlights Responsible for the overall operations for North Sydney Leagues Club and North Sydney Leagues Bowling Club. Also responsible for the Facilities Management for both of these Clubs, as well as the Functions and Food and Beverage departments in the businesses. I am also the Food Safety Champion, Environmental Champion and workplace MAX Potential contact for norths. On top of these responsibilities I am the co-Chairman of the Harbourside North Liquor Accord, There are approximately 100 staff that report up through Middle Management that I have the responsibility of ensuring are fulfilling the requirements of their roles as well as ensuring their satisfaction with their working environment.

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite Pastimes I enjoy many sports, but my favourite pastime is spending time with my wife and 2 daughters.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important today? To me coaching means the passing of knowledge from someone more experienced to a person not so experienced. It is different to teaching in that coaching requires the coachee to go and practice what they have learnt as opposed to simply being able to recite back what it was they were told. The learning is re-enforced by doing. I believe personal leadership coaching is important today, more so than in times past, because many of the young people in our communities have been raised in an environment where they are rewarded for participating instead of achieving and they may be disillusioned with the fact that they will not be rewarded so easily when they get into a working career. By learning personal leadership skills now it will assist them to self evaluate when things don’t necessarily go as they’d expected and they should be able to re-focus and continue forward instead of losing motivation and spiraling backwards.

From your life experience, what are the top 2 attributes of a great coach? I believe sincerity and a willingness to give openly are the top 2 attributes that make for a great coach.

Why have you chosen to volunteer as a Max Potential coach and what do you think you’ll value most about the program? I was actually a Community Coach in the norths MAX Potential program last year and I thought the program and what I gained from it were amazing so I was thrilled to be able to do it again this year. I have a passion for community and the possibility of having a positive effect on another persons life just by sharing what I have learnt is something that appealed to me. I believe the main thing I will value from the program is the fact that 16 young adults are looking at their communities and

thinking about ways in which they can improve them.

Which MAXIMSERS principle do you intend to work on in the next 6 months? What would be the resultant benefits? I will be focusing on ‘March to a Mission’ during the program this year. I have always gone through life looking forward, moving from one challenge to another. I haven’t ever, until MAX Potential, done some self-reflection to see if the path I’m on and where I’m heading in life is the direction I thought I’d be heading and what I wanted to get out of life. I know what what I like, but MAX Potential helps to identify what your core values and beliefs are. Once these have been clarified I will be able to focus on strengthening these values and beliefs and hopefully be able to pass them on to my children through demonstrating them now that they have been clarified.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program to the local community? One of the main benefits immediately is that 16 young adults are consciously looking at their communities to identify an area where they see a gap, or something they believe needs attention. The long term benefits will be that these 16 young adults will be stronger leaders and lift up those around them as they move through the different stages of their lives.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


NameAyush Singh


School/Organisation/EmployerNorth Sydney Boys High School

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesI enjoy reading, playing guitar and playing team sports like cricket, basketball and rugby.

What are you most proud of in your life (talents, achievements, personal strengths or experiences):I am proud of my achievements at work (KFC) where I have now become an integral member of staff involved in cashier work and teaching others to do the same.

Ambitions and goals for the futureI would like to be an environmental engineer when I grow up. I am aiming for a joint Science/Engineering degree from UNSW.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important in your age group?To me, personal leadership coaching is a way to get me out of my comfort zone and get involved in new things. I think it is important for people of my age group to be involved in personal leadership coaching as our teenage years are a time of a lot of growth; both physical and mental.

Why have you chosen to be part of Max Potential and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?As a year 10 student, I realised that I’m not involved in many school-related activities. When the opportunity arose to be involved in ‘Max Potential’, i decided to give it a go.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program?I believe that there are several benefits to Max Potential. Firstly (and most obviously) it is a chance to meet and get to know new people in a way you never would otherwise. It is a chance to build up character, a sense of self and abilities you never knew you had. All in all, it is a way to build up yourself and have fun at the same time.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


NameCarlin Ngai


School/Organisation/EmployerNorth Sydney Boys High School

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesTable tennis, bird watching, science related topics.

What are you most proud of in your life (talents, achievements, personal strengths or experiences):Mostly school related awards and some sporting achievements.

Ambitions and goals for the futureStudy medicine in uni, get a worthwhile job.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important in your age group?To me, coaching is about changing the way we see and think about things, for the better. This is especially important in an age group such as ours, where we can still easily and quickly learn things, yet also take it to heart.

Why have you chosen to be part of Max Potential and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?The Max Potential program appeared to me as a perfect opportunity to become more mature, as a young adult leading his own life, instead of a teenager hopelessly stumbling along. This personal development will be the most valuable result of the program.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program?Max Potential will help me achieve my own personal goals and learn to set new and better ones into the future, making myself a better, and being able to put back into the community.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


NameJonathan Tan


School/Organisation/EmployerNorth Sydney Boys High School

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesReading, Talking to Friends, Socialising, Going on Facebook, Baking, Cooking, Playing Sport (Tennis, Squash, Swimming), Going to the Beach, Listening to music, Going shopping.

What are you most proud of in your life (talents, achievements, personal strengths or experiences):Making it to North Sydney Boys High School. Being accepted into one of the best bands in the country. That I have been able to travel so extensively around the school. Touring in Hawaii with my school band. Being able to call Australia my home. Having an awesome family and awesome friends who I can rely on and depend on. Getting a job at Kmart. Being able to call myself a passionate Christian.

Ambitions and goals for the futureAfter high school, I want to either travel the world or travel around Australia with my closest friends (road-trip!). Then, I want to go to University of Sydney or New South Wales and study a combined degree in Law and Commerce. Then, I’ll probably want to get experience by working in a big law firm for a couple years.

When it’s possible, my goal is to set up my own private law firm which specialises in human rights law. I also want to have a family with 2 children :). I want to travel the world and live abroad for one or two years.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important in your age group?Coaching to me, is a way of improving who you are as a person so that you can get the most out of what you have. I believe personal leadership coaching is so important in my age group for two reasons. Firstly, we are going to be the people who will lead our country and be future leaders in the years to come and without people who have good and strong leadership qualities, our society is bound to fail. Furthermore, I believe that personal leadership coaching is important because on a personal level, it’s not possible for an individual to lead without knowing who they are as a person and being able to identify their strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

Why have you chosen to be part of Max Potential and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?I have chosen to be part of Max Potential because I believe that Max Potential is a really constructive and organised program that will really benefit and help me to discover who I am as a person and how I can be a better leader. I think I will value the ideas, tips and different perspectives the most from the program.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program?The benefits of Max Potential is that it allows you to have one-on-one coaching with someone who really has experience in being a leader. Furthermore, it allows you to really challenge yourself and really see the areas which you need to improve on. Finally, it also allows you to really make a change in your life so that you can make a difference and change other people as well.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


NameNicolas Wales


School/Organisation/EmployerNorth Sydney Boys High School

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesSurfing, rock climbing, soccer, waterpolo, saxophone, reading

What are you most proud of in your life (talents, achievements, personal strengths or experiences):I’m proud of the range of sports I do, and managing to do fairly well in school as well as do a lot of other things such as playing the saxophone, soccer, and relaxing.

Ambitions and goals for the futureI’d like to do a course in science at university after school, as well as doing a bit of travel. Not too sure what I’m going to do after that.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important in your age group?Coaching means time to talk about stuff that I can do better in my life. As well as getting advice, it makes me think about where I’m going and what I’m doing, and most importantly, how I’m doing things. I think coaching is important at this age because it we are not too young to not be able to think deeply about things in our life and then change them, and yet we are not old enough to be deeply set in our ways - at this age, most kids are still pretty flexible in their ways.

Why have you chosen to be part of Max Potential and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?I’ve chosen to be part of Max Potential because it seems like a great opportunity to develop myself and evaluate how I can do things differently.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program?Learning how to evaluate yourself and how to set goals for yourself.

Live It I Love It

norths 2011


NameWilson Leung


School/Organisation/EmployerNorth Sydney Boys High School

Interests, Hobbies and Favourite PastimesIce hockey, breakdance, aviation, running, music

What are you most proud of in your life (talents, achievements, personal strengths or experiences):My clarinet and music, my physical fitness, my ice skating ability and my beloved hockey skates.

Ambitions and goals for the futureI aim to become a pilot.

What does coaching mean to you and why do you think personal leadership coaching is so important in your age group?Coaching to me means to teach, assist and reinforce in order to help others reach their objective. Personal leadership coaching is important to my age group in order to mold the leaders of the next generation and raise them to their full potential.

Why have you chosen to be part of Max Potential and what do you think you’ll value most about the program?I chose to join Max Potential to broaden my horizons and increases my chances for leadership opportunities in the future. I think I will most value the self discoveries I find out about myself during this program.

What are the benefits of the Max Potential program?Max Potential can raise a person’s confidence and help them discover their personal traits. This can help them to utilise their strengths and fix their weakness. Max Potential can help a person steer their life in the right direction towards success.

Live It I Love It

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