norwich october 2013

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Session designed for Church of England in Norwich.


Social Media StrategyDr Bex Lewis, Digital FingerprintURL:

October 2013 for:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Published by Lion HudsonFebruary 2014

Let’s “tweet” each other…

SOCIAL media

"If you want to build a presence in the social media platform, then you need to be

present." - @unmarketing

What is strategy?

A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal.

Social Media: More than the cherry on the cake!

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

The Big Questions

•Why•Who•What •Where•When

•To achieve what?

•How do the digital tools help achieve this?


The Church Front Door?• For many churchgoing is no longer the

‘cultural norm’. People don’t actively ignore the church: they don’t even think about it. Matthew 5:13-16 calls us to be salt and light in the world, and for thousands in the ‘digital age’, that world includes social networks such Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. With literally billions in the digital spaces, the online social spaces presented by churches need to be appealing, welcoming, and not look like they are just an afterthought: they are now effectively the ‘front door’ to your church for digital users, and you ignore those spaces at your peril.

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• We are not selling something to the world that will make more people like us, believe in our story, join our churches. We are trying to be something in the world that invites connection and compassion, encourages comfort and healing for those in need, and challenges those in power to use that power in the service of justice and love

• (Drescher, 127)


Who is your audience?

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DISCUSS: Your audience

• Turn to person next to you.

• Who are you interested in reaching/listening to?

• What ‘problems’ are you seeking to solve for them?

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Push/Pull Media…

Image Credit: Stockfresh

Who are you?

• What are your values?• What do you stand for?• What is your ‘tone of voice’?• What can you contribute to the

conversation?• Locally?• Nationally? • Globally?


•What do you have in place now, and what tools are you already using?

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A Clear Plan

• Avoids• Wasted Time• Wasted Effort• Backlash from those

who don’t see social media as ‘working’

• Social Media fatigue• Missed

OpportunitiesImage Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

“Call to Action”

• Those were the more creative ones. But the majority read like this:• Do mail your acceptance to me today.• So act right now. The postage is paid and you’ve got

nothing to lose but a great garden to gain!• SEND NO MONEY NOW! But please mail your card today!• So if you’re looking for knowledge, a rewarding

adventure, and the advantage a future perspective can offer, mail the enclosed card today!


“Call to Action”

• Don’t make it too complicated to participate• Define an (easy) action• Define the (simple)

benefit(s)• Give a (short) time frame

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh


• Knowing• Your Audience• Your Values

• What motivates you to share? • Funny?• Poignant?• For a particular


Sermon Soundbites

Networks of Networks

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Source: Netcasters

Source: Netcasters

The Visual…

The Power of Pinterest

Will people join #ChristmasStarts?

RT: The Power of the Retweet

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You may also commonly see….


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COPYRIGHTReally important to be aware of…!!

Image Sources, e.g. • FREE• Flickr Creative Commons:••• • • PAID• (Christian)• •

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Don’t look to “publish” but engage in a CONVERSATION


What’s in the toolbox?

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Facebook: Profile

Choose Who to Share With

BigBible: Page

Facebook Insights

BigRead: Group


Pastoral Care: Facebook

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Community: Facebook

•Use the 160 character bio well… •Who•When•What

Manage Expectations

Hashtags Explained

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Join Pre-Existing Conversations

Tweeting in Church?

• Good Thing?• Bad Thing?• Why might/might

not people tweet in church?

• What might encourage more ‘engagement’?

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Train Tweets

The Story of @BibleSummary

Local Papers…



Blogging? Think About

• Who are you blogging for?• How often can you blog?• What style of blog will you use?• What content can you produce?• What do you want Google to find?• Who else can you bring on board?

Ideas for Content?

• “See what we’ve been up to”• Thoughts & Reflections• Reviews (Books, films, websites, etc)• Challenging ideas for debate• Interviews (Text, Audio, Video)• ‘Best Of’ Content• ‘How-to’ Posts• 10 things you can… • Guest Posts

Image credit: RGBStock

Need a Tool?

Simple ideas for Video: • Set up a channel, e.g.

mybigbible• Think of the STORIES you have to tell, and how

you might tell them – no need for BBC production values • Events: Before/After• Sermons: Quick Overviews/Responses• People & Their Lives• What can you “How To”?

• Engage with other’s videos:• Comment (no flaming)• Blog about them• Add to favourites/playlist

Audio or Video?

Problem Solving

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When? It takes TIME…


Discuss: Keywords

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Hootsuite (Manage Multiple Accounts)

Hootsuite: Pre-Set Tweets

Google Docs

What is required?

• Back to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE?• What feels ‘acceptable’ as a starting point?

• Platform?• Frequency?• Personal/Organisational?• Shared?

• What will your “KPIs” look like? Can such things be defined in numbers?

• Sustained is better than ‘energy burst’ followed by ‘dead space’…

Don’t forget…

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Agree a (flexible) Social Media Policy

Image credit: SXC.Hu

• The principles applied to this are:• Be credible. Be accurate, fair, thorough and transparent.• Be consistent. Encourage constructive criticism and deliberation.• Be cordial, honest and professional at all times. Be responsive.

When you gain insight, share it where appropriate.• Be integrated. Wherever possible, align online participation with

other communications.• Be a good representative of the Methodist Church. Remember

that you are an ambassador for Christ, the Church and your part of it. Disclose your position asa member or officer of the Church, making it clear when speaking personally. Let Galatians 5:22-26 guide your behaviour.

• Be respectful: respect confidentiality. Respect the views of others even where you disagree.

Don’t overthink. Running through committees, endless drafts and approval processes to get a response out there can cause far more damage than good. As long as you have taken the time to assess the situation and can take a rational, respectful tone in your response, even an awkward response is OK to start with, and buys you time to continue to respond to the problem.

Principles of Good Engagement•Be interesting•Be encouraging•Be active•Be helpful•Be authentic

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“AMPLIFY” aka Share!

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Youth Leaders: A Few Thoughts!• Look for the opportunities for

discussion and connection• Build into policies about e.g. dealing

with pastoral issues.• Establish accountability procedures,

e.g. another youth leader in Private Message conversations

• Ensure your groups understand you can’t give counselling and may have to pass on the information they share if at harm

• Define curfews and acceptability of what can be shared – publically or privately

Advice from Paul Windo, Urban Saints

Youth Leaders: A Few Thoughts!• Permissions/Consent

• Seek permissions from parents for contacting young people via email, mobile or other platform.

• Establish consent for the use of photographs for publicity, on group websites, or placing on Facebook.

• Consider creating a catchall statement to place upon registration forms, which assumes these permissions unless parents opt-out.

• Language• Use clear, unambiguous language, avoiding

abbreviations that can be mis-interpreted. For example LOL typically means ‘Laugh Out Loud’, but can also read as ‘Lots of Love’.

• Take care how you sign off in communications. Avoid e.g. “luv” or “xxx”

Advice from Paul Windo, Urban Saints Image Credit: Stockfresh

@drbexl @digitalfprint @bigbible

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