nottinghamshire computing framework 2014

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Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 1

Education Improvement Service Computing Framework 2014

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 2

The National Context In September 2013 the DfE published the new National Curriculum which is to be taught in all maintained schools from September 2014. The programmes of study should be used by schools to develop their own curriculum. In the new curriculum the subject of ICT has been replaced by Computing. The introductory paragraph of the programme of study for Computing describes three aspects of the computing curriculum: computer science (CS), information technology (IT) and digital literacy (DL). 1The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Background to the Nottinghamshire Computing Framework The Nottinghamshire Computing Framework is a revision of the Nottinghamshire ICT Framework which was created in 2008 by the Nottinghamshire Curriculum ICT Team. It has been produced at the request of many schools who were using the ICT Framework. Although the emphasis of the new curriculum has moved towards the Computer Science aspects, many of the key ideas and skills included in the original framework remain as important. The new Computing Framework takes account of this change in emphasis as well incorporating new technologies now available to schools such as tablet technologies and cloud based computing. The document represents a framework and not a scheme of work. With the increasing range of digital devices and the increased freedom schools have in developing their school curriculum it would be very difficult to produce a scheme of work which would meet the needs of all schools. It is anticipated that schools will develop their own approaches to implementing the framework. The Curriculum Framework The Curriculum Framework consists of a progression of key concepts and skills broken down into three strands Communication, Finding Out and Computing. In addition to these three strands there is a section on e-safety. We feel that this should not be seen as a separate strand but should be embedded in all aspects of the Computing Curriculum Each strand is presented as a progression from Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two. It offers a clear picture of how skills and concepts in each strand progress. This will support differentiation and the development of personalised learning. The strands are also presented in phases to support a school in their medium term planning. Early Years has not been included in the progression as EYFS has a separate Framework and does not follow the National Curriculum . However a section on EYFS has been included and follows the three strands of the KS1 and KS2 curriculum. The framework may be used independently, broken down and integrated into the wider curriculum or in conjunction with the school’s own units of work for ICT. No time allocation has been given to each strand.



Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 3

Computing programmes of study:

key stages 1 and 2

National Curriculum in England

Purpose of study

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


The National Curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation

can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems

can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems

are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology

Attainment targets

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.

Subject content

Key stage 1

Pupils should be taught to:

understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions

create and debug simple programs

use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs

use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content

recognise common uses of information technology beyond school

use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 4

Key stage 2

Pupils should be taught to:

design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

use sequence, selection and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output

use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs

understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration

use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked and be discerning in evaluating digital content

select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information

use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

DfE Computing Programme Of Study: key stages 1 and 2 National Curriculum in England 2013 Reference: DFE-00171-2013

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 5



Digital Wisdom

and ICT Capability

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 6

Communicating Producing, editing and sharing information and media

Key stage 1 Lower key stage 2 Upper key stage 2

Key ideas Events can be recorded using text, sound, still and moving images.

Images, text and sounds can be combined using digital devices.

Text can be entered and corrected.

Text, images and sound may be changed to suit a purpose.

Video is composed of a series of still images.

Still images can be combined to make a stop frame animation.

Text, images and sound may be sourced from a variety of places including the internet.

The internet provides a wide and accessible range of images, sound and video.

Digital devices may be used to create musical. sounds, and these might sound like real instruments

The internet can be used to share information via e-mail, online comments.

There are a range of modes of communication including text, audio, video.

Digital texts may be non linear.

Technology can be used to redraft more easily than traditional methods.

Electronic communication can take a variety of forms eg email / blogging / instant messaging / Skype / facetime .

Media can be sourced from a variety of places including the internet.

Text sound and video can be edited and recombined to create sequences.

Digital media can be shared via the Learning Platform and the internet to reach a wider audience.

Digital media may be enhanced to achieve a desired outcome.

Technology allows individual and collaborative editing.

The internet enables multimodal text to be shared with a wider audience.

Films use and other techniques to create a desired effect.

Editing, camera angles, lighting techniques can be used to achieve a desired effect in a digital text.

ICT enables you to create music with a range of input devices eg electronic keyboards.

Software can be used to create and edit complex digital texts, with elements from a variety of sources.

Skills Use a keyboard to enter and edit text.

Explore a digital text.

Combine images, text and sounds to create a simple presentation using appropriate software or app on an appropriate digital device.

Use digital effects to change the appearance of text, sound and image to suit a purpose eg font, alignment and formatting.

Take a photograph. Video record a sound using a digital device.

Create a simple stop frame animation.

Know how to save copy and paste images from the internet with support from an adult.

Sequence, delete and crop images with adult help.

Transfer digital resources between devices.

Interact with icons in software and apps to create musical sounds and phrases.

Arrange a musical sequence where musical phrases are represented by icons.

Contribute to a class email or blog.

Create a digital text which includes making choices.

Find media and download it from the internet.

Capture still images from video independently.

Capture video using a range of devices.

Create a stop frame animation which includes a soundtrack.

Make use of effects including transitions and animations to enhance their digital texts.

Use simple photo and video editing tools to change the appearance of images.

Import video and sound into editing software and combine clips to make longer sequences.

Manage digital resources on a range of devices.

Create and edit music and sound tracks using music apps or software.

Share digital outcomes with a wider audience on the internet through a range of methods eg learning platform, blogs, podcast.

Communicate via email.

Use video to communicate as a class.

Create a digital text which includes a range of elements for a specific purpose.

Evaluate the design and layout of digital texts and use their findings to support the planning and design in their work.

Use text, sound, image, video camera angles and framing editing tools and techniques to create a desired effect.

Produce content for a web page.

Use a range of devices to create music .

Work collaboratively on an online document.

As a class make use of video technologies to work collaboratively.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 7

Digital literacy Use their own username and password to get on to the school’s network.

Develop an understanding of the need to keep their information private.

Begin to understand online identities and differences between private or public presence.

Develop an understanding of what is acceptable online behavior.

Start to make choices about the way they communicate.

Understand online identities and differences between private or public presence.

Know what acceptable online behavior is.

Make choices when and when not to use ICT.

Select the most appropriate way to communicate ideas.

Technology in the real world

Explore digital content on the internet.

Explore digital media and show preferences to media in different forms.

Develop an understanding of where web content comes from.

Identify forms of digital media and show preferences to media in different forms.

Critically evaluate web content.

Evaluate forms of digital media and the impact its form can have.

Resources 2 Create a story 2 Animate PowerPoint Photostory Puppetpals Morfo

PowerPoint Audacity Photostory Windows moviemaker Puppetpals Morfo istopmotion imovie Prezi Garageband

PowerPoint Audacity Photostory Windows moviemaker Puppetpals Morfo istopmotion imovie Prezi Garageband

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 8

Finding Out Collecting, analysing and evaluating data

Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2

Key ideas Data represented graphically can be easier to understand than tables or text.

ICT can be used to create graphs from data.

ICT can be used to create a database.

Both traditional and digital methods can be used to find useful information.

Web pages can be viewed using a web browser that lets us look at web pages and navigate around them sites can be bookmarks as favourites.

Digital media accessed from a variety of sources on a range of devices can provide information on many different topics.

Everyday devices like automatic doors, car park barriers, street lights etc can be controlled by simple sensors.

Our senses allow us to find out what is happening in the world and some machines can do the same.

A computer can be used to view a visual representation of external conditions like sound levels and temperature.

Databases exist in a variety of forms and provide a means of storing information that can be searched.

A database is created by collecting and inputting data into a prepared structure.

When answering a specific question some graphs are more appropriate than others.

Web pages have a unique address or url (unique resource locators).

Although keywords can be used to search for information, results may not always be useful.

Web browsers allow you to keep bookmarks and keep a history of sites visited.

Although search engines can locate information on the internet, results may need to be skimmed to save time.

The copyright of images and sounds should be considered when downloading them from the internet.

Information may be accessed and shared on a range of different digital devices.

Conditions such as light intensity, temperature and sound level can be measured by devices attached to a computer.

Different conditions will be measured by different sensors.

Tables and graphs can show more than one variable allowing one to look at relationships and trends more clearly.

Information contained within databases may contain errors and that this can affect results.

A spreadsheet can be used to organise, sort and analyse data and produce graphs and reports.

Data held in a spreadsheet can be sorted and filtered using software tools.

Searches can be refined through the use of advanced search operators.

The accuracy of information on the internet should always be checked.

Cloud based technologies provide a secure environment where information may be gathered and shared.

Understand that cloud based technologies enable people to work on a range of devices.

There are advantages in using computers to monitor and log data such as accuracy and reliability over long periods of time.

Software can be set up to control devices that respond differently to different inputs.

Skills Use ICT to create pictograms and use them to answer simple questions.

Input data into a simple database program and use it to answer simple questions.

Complete a table eg a simple spreadsheet and then create a graph to answer a question.

Search a database.

Use a database to produce bar charts.

Access information on a range of digital devices.

Navigate through websites, apps, information on a range of devices.

Use simple navigation tools including hyperlinks, menus, index, forward and back buttons to explore pre-selected digital information sources purposefully.

Select programs and apps, navigate screens and menus.

Use a search engine.

Open a prepared database, and identify the main features: records, types of fields etc.

Use the search tool on a simple database to find out the answers to questions by ordering records by a key field.

Create a simple database with different types of fields and records.

Use a variety of graphs to display the information, including pie charts, and discuss which type of graph works best for different kinds of data.

Realise that information needs to be collected and entered accurately.

Access a website by typing in the url, selecting from favourites or from the history.

Find images and text relating to a specific topic by using keywords to search.

Skim and scan search engine results and look at their web address for clues as to their usefulness.

Choose when to search when to sort and when to use a graph to answer questions.

Create tables and graphs with more than one variable.

Create a database using more complex setup tools (eg Keywords) to answer specific questions.

Recognise when data is implausible by checking data for accuracy against predicted or expected outcomes.

Use the features of a spreadsheet to answer questions by producing graphs using sort and filter features.

Refine search techniques.

Download files from websites.

Use the web based tools to ask a question, find out information or submit information or opinion.

Find specific information by searching an online database.

Analyse information by transferring it into an appropriate data handling package eg Spreadsheets.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 9

Begin to identify and talk about how everyday devices with sensors work.

Compare photographs they have taken which show change eg clouds on different days.

View data and on screen measurements eg sound levels, temperature, precipitation collected in school and beyond through sensors and websites and apps.

Answers specific questions on a topic by creating a report or presentation.

Share information on a range of devices using cloud based technologies.

Take readings as part of a science or humanities activity using a simple sensor(s) attached to a computer or data logger.

Use appropriate sensors attached to a computer or data logging device to take readings to investigate a specific question or theory.

Create a presentation for a specific audience by gathering information from a selection of websites.

Use a moderated website, video conference, forum, or learning platform to ask a question, submit information or offer an opinion.

Use software to analyse and interpret data collected locally and remotely to investigate specific questions or theories.

Build up a system that controls events in response to changing conditions.

Digital literacy Use information collected to show what has been learned.

Recognise incorrect data.

Use information collected to show how they solved a problem.

Discuss how information is put on the internet.

Find ways of validating information.

Identify ways of solving problems and finding answers using ICT.

Find ways of validating information.

Understand how information is put on the internet.

Be discerning and select appropriate information from the internet to use in their work.

Technology in the real world

Discuss how people use the internet to help them with their work eg selling, research, communicating, sharing information.

Explore how research and collecting information has changed over time.

Discuss how simple sensors in the environment control devices.

Know that companies use the internet to encourage people to buy things.

Discuss how technology is used extensively in people’s working and personal lives eg selling, research, communicating, sharing, managing information.

Discuss the impact of ICT on society.

Understand how sensors in the environment control devices.

Identify ways in which companies use the internet for marketing.

Understand the implications of having inaccurate data in the real world eg doctor, police, school commerce.

Understand how scientists make use of data which has been measured digitally.

Understand how companies use the internet for marketing their products.

Resources 2count 2graph 2question 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather, commercial companies Data loggers

2count 2graph 2question Excel itunes 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather, commercial companies Data loggers

2count 2graph 2question Excel itunes 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather, commercial companies Data loggers

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 10

Computing Models, simulations, control and programming

Key stage 1 Lower key stage 2 Upper key stage 2

Key ideas An algorithm is a sequence of instructions which can control a device.

Algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices.

A digital device may be used to simulate a wide range of environments and situations.

Software and apps can be used to create and edit images.

Digital simulation allows users to explore options and make choices.

Digital devices aid the drawing of more complex shapes and designs.

Devices are controlled by a repeated set of instructions.

A procedure is a set of instructions which may be repeated in a program.

Digital simulations allow users to solve problems and test ideas.

Variables can be changed within a digital simulation to achieve a specific outcome.

Graphics software can be used to select, copy, cut and paste areas of a picture and to automate some tasks.

Digital devices need to be programmed to make them work.

Control systems have a number of distinct components that combine to work effectively eg Inputs and outputs.

Devices can be controlled through direct instructions or from sensing equipment.

Control programs can be written to respond to circumstances flexibly eg – if this…then that.

Technology allows people to play games and access simulations on a range of devices at the same time.

Digital games and simulations are written using a programming language.

Spreadsheets can be used to create a simple model, perform calculations and are useful when numbers change to explore outcomes and what if scenarios.

Graphics software can be used to create and edit an image for a specific purpose.

Graphics software allows layers to be created within and image and that this allows complex images to be created and manipulated.

Skills Control a digital device by giving it a instructions eg a beebot.

Predict the behaviour of a simple set of instructions

Write an algorithm refining the instructions to achieve a desired outcome.

Create and debug a simple program to control an on screen object.

Use an art package on a digital device to create an image.

Select purposefully and use a variety of tools in a painting package eg the straight line, geometric shapes and flood fill tools.

Open a digital image from a file and add effects.

Explore the effect of changing the variables in simulations.

Create a program which includes sequence, selection and repetition.

Create a program which responds to various forms of inputs and outputs.

Write a program to achieve a specific goal.

Use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.

Create and manipulate graphics within a graphics package, move, rotate and re-size graphic elements.

Use tools to explore the effects of cutting, copying and pasting areas of an image.

Explore the effect of changing the variables in simulations and use them to make and test predictions, changing the variables in a simulation to achieve a given outcome.

Record the outcome of choices in a simulation systematically to help achieve an outcome.

Solve a problem by decomposing into smaller parts.

Produce a program to accomplish a specific goal which includes variables and a range of inputs and outputs.

Use logical reasoning to explain how a simple algorithm works.

Enter labels, numbers & formulae into a spreadsheet.

Design & create a simple spreadsheet model using information from experiments and real life situations eg predict shadow length at different times of the day from initial measurements, convert one value to another.

Change data in a spreadsheet to answer ‘what if...?’ questions and check predictions.

Select appropriate graphics tools to fulfil a design brief eg create an image for an advert.

Use the layers tool in graphics software to create a complex design with several graphical elements.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 11

Digital literacy Discuss favourite games.

Discuss how simulations are used to help us.

Evaluate an onlinegame.

Evaluate games and design their own including rules.

Technology in the real world

Discuss ways in which technology is used to control the real world.

Who creates games? What’s involved eg design and programming.

How do computers help in the design process.

Discuss how games have evolved.

Consider how technology is used to control the environment in which we live.

Resources Beebots Programmable toys 2go 2 Create a story Powerpoint Daisy dinosaur 2DIY

2go MSW logo Daisy dinosaur 2DIY Cargobot Powerpoint Scratch Kodu

2DIY MSW logo Cargobot Powerpoint Scratch Kodu Flowol

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 12

e-Safety Content Contact Conduct



Tell an adult if they see something on a digital device they don’t like.

Know not to give out any information about themselves. Know that care need is needed when using technology.



Know the SMART rules.

Know what to do if they view content they think is inappropriate or upsetting (school policy) eg know how to minimise a screen if they see something inappropriate on a website and tell a trusted adult.

Begin to evaluate web sites by giving opinions about preferred sites.

Know that anyone can create a web site and it is sometimes difficult to know if information is true.

Know to keep personal information private when communicating online (This could be discussed when sending a class email).

Know that online communication is not always confidential and that it can be monitored.

Identify some risks presented by new technologies inside and outside school (eg online games, mobile phone texting, cyberbullying).

Learn to respect the work of others that is stored on a shared drive of a network or presented online.



r K


Be aware of the school Acceptable use Policy and the SMART online rules: Safe/Meeting/Accepting/Reliable/Tell.

Know what to do if content is inappropriate or upsetting (school policy) eg know who to report to and talk to.

Be aware that taking text or images from some sites may be stealing other people’s work.

Understand the Internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them.

Know when an email should not be opened or messages ignored.

Know that the aim of many sites is to sell something or gain personal information.

Know to keep personal information and passwords private when communicating online (including email, blogging and instant messaging).

Know they can create an alias or avatar when online.

Know when an email should not be opened or messages ignored.

Understand that online communication is not always confidential and that it can be monitored.

Know that anyone can create a user showing any age or gender and people you meet online may not be who they say they are (social networking, chat rooms and instant messenger).

Know how to respond to unpleasant communications via mobile phone, text, IM or email, chat rooms. (Save the message and show to a trusted adult).

Know there are writing conventions for electronic communication (language, tone, accuracy).

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 13

e-Safety U





Use a range of sources to evaluate information found online, consider plausibility and develop strategies to make judgements on the sources used eg cross-referencing a number of websites.

Understand the impact of an individual sending or uploading inappropriate content to a wider audience.

Understand wikis are multi-authored and can be hard to verify (eg Wikipedia).

Have an awareness of the need to check a resource has copyright or can be legally downloaded free of charge from the internet and whether it can be re-used.

Check the validity of a website, eg look for the author via the ‘Contact us’ or ‘About us’ area of the website, or through ‘Who is’ sites that list the author’s details.

Understand the need for privacy settings on any social networking sites (and that those privacy settings may not be observed by online ‘friends’ who can use/share/download your images/content).

Know the importance of not uploading other people’s images or content without their permission

Know that many commercial providers have sophisticated ways of trying to sell on the internet (eg hoax ‘You have a virus’ message box to sell antivirus software).

Demonstrate safe practice when selecting images or content for uploading to an online space.

Understand some malicious adults use the internet to make contact and “groom” young children. Know how to report any suspicions (Think You Know REPORT ABUSE page).

Understand the need for privacy settings on any social networking sites (and that those privacy settings may not be observed by online ‘friends’ who can use/share/download your images/content).

Know when to reply to a group email using ‘reply all’ and when to ‘cc’.

Understand the importance of appropriate online behaviour and that online bullying is unacceptable. Know to whom to report any incidents

Understand the different audience of a school Learning Platform and an online social network.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 14

EYFS e-Safety Content Contact Conduct

Tell an adult if they see something on a digital device they don’t like.

Know not to give out any information about themselves.

Know that care need is needed when using technology.


Communicating producing, editing and sharing information

and media

Finding out collecting, analysing and evaluating data

Computing models, simulations, control and


Key ideas ICT may be used to communicate information electronically.

Digital devices can present information in a variety of forms.

The internet may be used to find things out.

Information may be stored and sorted using a computer.

Information may be stored on digital devices.

Devices have controls which make them work.

A digital device can simulate things which happen in real life.

Skills Use a range of devices to record information in a range of formats ie text, image, sound.

Interact with multimedia software.

Make marks on a digital device to communicate their ideas ie art package, IWB, painting app.

Use a shortcut to access a website.

Explore a website.

Collect and sort information using ICT.

Produce a simple pictogram.

Interact with simulation software.

Use an art package to produce a picture on screen.

Operate basic electronic equipment.

Control a programmable toy.

Digital literacy Digital devices let people communicate. Digital devices can give you information. Explore real life situations through onscreen simulations.

Technology in the real world

Identify everyday technology.

Identify how technology is used to share information.

Recognise different types of information on a website.

Start to see how information stored on a digital device helps us.

Talk about how everyday technology is controlled.

Resources 2 Create a story 2 Animiate Photostory Puppetpals Morfo


Beebots Programmable toys 2go 2 Create a story Daisy dinosaur 2DIY

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 15

Key Stage 1

Communicating producing, editing and sharing information

and media

Finding Out collecting, analysing and evaluating data

Computing models, simulations, control and


Key ideas Events can be recorded using text, sound, still and moving images.

Images, text and sounds can be combined using digital devices .

Text can be entered and corrected.

Text, images and sound may be changed to suit a purpose.

Video is composed of a series of still images.

Still images can be combined to make a stop frame animation.

Text, images and sound may be sourced from a variety of places including the internet.

The internet provides a wide and accessible range of images, sound and video.

Digital devices may be used to create musical sounds, and these might sound like real instruments.

The internet can be used to share information via e-mail, online comments .

Data represented graphically can be easier to understand than tables or text.

ICT can be used to create graphs from data.

ICT can be used to create a branching database.

Our senses allow us to find out what is happening in the world and some machines can do the same.

Both traditional and digital methods can be used to find useful information.

Web pages can be viewed using a web browser that lets us look at web pages and navigate around them.

Digital media accessed from a variety of sources on a range of devices can provide information on many different topics.

Web sites can be bookmarked as favourites within a web browser.

Information may be accessed on a range of different digital devices.

Everyday devices like automatic doors, car park barriers, street lights etc can be controlled by simple sensors.

A computer can be used to view a visual representation of external conditions like sound levels and temperature.

An algorithm is a sequence of instructions which can control a device.

Algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices.

A digital device may be used to simulate a wide range of environments and situations.

Software and apps can be used to create and edit images.

Digital simulation allows users to explore options and make choices.

Digital devices aid the drawing of more complex shapes and designs.

Skills Use a keyboard to enter and edit text.

Explore a digital text.

Combine images, text and sounds to create a simple presentation using appropriate software or app on an appropriate digital device.

Use digital effects to change the appearance of text, sound and image to suit a purpose eg font, alignment, formatting.

Take a photograph. video record a sound using a digital device.

Create a simple stop frame animation.

Know how to save, copy and paste images from the internet with support from an adult.

Sequence, delete and crop images with adult help.

Transfer digital resources between devices.

Interact with icons in software and apps to create musical sounds and phrases.

Arrange a musical sequence where musical phrases are represented by icons.

Contribute to a class email or blog.

Use ICT to create pictograms and use them to answer simple questions.

Input data into a simple database program and use it to answer simple questions.

Complete a table eg a simple spreadsheet and then create a graph to answer a question.

Search a prepared branching database.

Create a simple branching database using a collection of objects.

Use a database to produce bar charts.

Navigate through websites, apps, information on a range of devices.

Select programs and apps, navigation screens and menus.

Use simple navigation tools including hyperlinks, menus, index, forward and back buttons etc to explore pre-selected digital information sources purposefully.

Make use of the tools within internet browsers to save a useful website.

Control a digital device by giving it instructions eg a beebot.

Predict the behavior of a simple set of instructions.

Write an algorithm refining the instructions to achieve a desired outcome.

Create and debug a simple program to control an on screen object.

Use an art package on a digital device to create an image.

Select purposefully and use a variety of tools in a painting package eg the straight line, geometric shapes and flood fill tools.

Open a digital image from a file and add effects.

Explore the effect of changing the variables in simulations.

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 16

Use a search engine.

Access information on a range of digital devices.

Begin to identify and talk about how everyday devices with sensors work.

Compare photographs they have taken which show change eg clouds on different days.

View data and on screen measurements eg sound levels, temperature, precipitation collected in school and beyond through sensors and websites and apps.

Digital literacy Use their own username and password to get on to the school’s network.

Develop an understanding of the need to keep their information private.

Use information collected to show what was been learned.

Recognize incorrect data.

Discuss favourite games.

Technology in the real world

Explore digital content on the internet.

Explore digital media and show preferences to media in different forms.

Discuss how people use the internet to help them with their work e.g selling, research, communicating, sharing information.

Explore how research and collecting information has changed over time.

Discuss how simple sensors in the environment control devices.

Know that companies use the internet to encourage people to buy things.

Discuss ways in which technology is used to control the real world.

Resources 2 Create a story 2 Animiate PowerPoint Photostory Puppetpals Morfo

2count 2graph 2question Excel itunes 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather , commercial companies Data loggers

Beebots Programmable toys 2go 2 Create a story Powerpoint Daisy dinosaur 2DIY

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 17

KS1 e-Safety Content Contact Conduct

Know the SMART rules.

Know what to do if they view content they think is inappropriate or upsetting (school policy) eg know how to minimise a screen if they see something inappropriate on a website and tell a trusted adult.

Begin to evaluate web sites by giving opinions about preferred sites.

Know that anyone can create a web site and it is sometimes difficult to know if information is true.

Know to keep personal information private when communicating online (this could be discussed when sending a class email).

Know that online communication is not always confidential and that it can be monitored.

Identify some risks presented by new technologies inside and outside school (eg online games, mobile phone texting, cyberbullying).

Learn to respect the work of others that is stored on a shared drive of a network or presented online.

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Lower Key Stage 2

Communicating producing, editing and sharing information

and media

Finding Out collecting, analysing and evaluating data

Computing models, simulations, control and


Key ideas There are a range of modes of communication including text, audio, video.

Digital texts may be non linear.

Technology can be used to redraft more easily than traditional methods.

Electronic communication can take a variety of forms eg email / blogging / instant messaging / skype / facetime.

Media can be sourced from a variety of places including the internet.

Text sound and video can be edited and recombined to create sequences.

Digital media can be shared via the Learning Platform and the internet to reach a wider audience.

Digital media may be enhanced to achieve a desired outcome.

Databases exist in a variety of forms and provide a means of storing information that can be searched.

A database is created by collecting and inputting data into a prepared structure.

When answering a specific question some graphs are more appropriate than others.

Web pages have a unique address or url (unique resource locators).

Although keywords can be used to search for information, results may not always be useful.

Web browsers allow you to keep bookmarks and keep a history of sites visited.

Although search engines can locate information on the internet, results may need to be skimmed to save time.

The copyright of images and sounds should be considered when downloading them from the internet.

Information may be accessed and shared on a range of different digital devices.

Conditions such as light intensity, temperature and sound level can be measured by devices attached to a computer.

Different conditions will be measured by different sensors.

Devices are controlled by a repeated set of instructions.

A procedure is a set of instructions which may be repeated in a program.

Digital simulation allows users to solve problems and test ideas.

Variables can be changed within a digital simulation to achieve a specific outcome.

Graphics software can be used to select, copy, cut and paste areas of a picture and to automate some tasks.

Skills Create a digital text which includes making choices.

Find media and download it from the internet.

Capture still images from video independently.

Capture video using a range of devices.

Create a stop frame animation which includes a soundtrack.

Make use of effects including transitions and animations to enhance their digital texts.

Use simple photo and video editing tools to change the appearance of images.

Import video and sound into editing software and combine clips to make longer sequences.

Manage digital resources on a range of devices.

Create and edit music and sound tracks using music apps or software.

Share digital outcomes with a wider audience on the internet through range methods eg learning platform, blogs, podcast.

Communicate via email.

Open a prepared database, and identify the main features: records, types of fields etc.

Use the search tool on a simple database to find out the answers to questions by ordering records by a key field .

Create a simple database with different types of fields and records.

Use a variety of graphs to display the information, including pie charts, and discuss which type of graph works best for different kinds of data.

Realise that information needs to be collected and entered accurately.

Access a website by typing in the url, selecting from favourites or from the history.

Find images and text relating to a specific topic by using keywords to search.

Skim and scan search engine results and look at their web address for clues as to their usefulness.

Answers specific questions on a topic by creating a

Create a program which includes sequence, selection and repetition.

Create a program which responds to various forms of inputs and outputs.

Write a program to achieve a specific goal.

Use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.

Create and manipulate graphics within a graphics package, move, rotate and re-size graphic elements.

Use tools to explore the effects of cutting, copying and pasting areas of an image.

Explore the effect of changing the variables in simulations and use them to make and test predictions, changing the variables in a simulation to achieve a given outcome.

Record the outcome of choices in a simulation systematically to help achieve an outcome.

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Use video to communicate as a class. report or presentation.

Share information on a range of devices using cloud based technologies.

Take readings as part of a science or humanities activity using a simple sensor(s) attached to a computer or data logger.

Use appropriate sensors attached to a computer or data logging device to take readings to investigate a specific question or theory.

Digital literacy Begin to understand online identities and differences between private or public presence.

Develop an understanding of what is acceptable online behavior.

Start to make choices about the way they communicate.

Use information collected to show how they solved a problem.

Discuss how information is put on the internet.

Find ways of validating information.

Discuss how simulations are used to help us.

Evaluate an online game.

Technology in the real world

Develop an understanding of where web content comes from.

Identify forms of digital media and show preferences to media in different forms.

Discuss how technology is used extensively in peoples working and personal lives e.g selling, research, communicating, sharing , managing information.

Discuss the impact of ict on society.

Understand how sensors in the environment control devices.

Identify ways in which companies use the internet for marketing.

Who creates games? What’s involved eg Design and programming.

How do computers help in the design process.

Resources PowerPoint Audacity Photostory Windows moviemaker Puppetpals Morfo istopmotion imovie Prezi Garageband

2count 2graph 2question Excel itunes 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather, commercial companies Data loggers

2go MSW logo Daisy dinosaur 2DIY Cargobot Powerpoint Scratch Kodu

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Lower KS2 e-Safety Content Contact Conduct

Be aware of the school acceptable use policy and the SMART online rules: Safe/Meeting/Accepting/Reliable/Tell.

Know what to do if content is inappropriate or upsetting (school policy) eg know who to report to and talk to.

Be aware that taking text or images from some sites may be stealing other people’s work.

Understand the Internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them.

Know when an email should not be opened or messages ignored.

Know that the aim of many sites is to sell something or gain personal information.

Know to keep personal information and passwords private when communicating online (including email, blogging and instant messaging).

Know they can create an alias or avatar when online.

Know when an email should not be opened or messages ignored.

Understand that online communication is not always confidential and that it can be monitored.

Know that anyone can create a user showing any age or gender and people you meet online may not be who they say they are (social networking, chat rooms and instant messenger).

Know how to respond to unpleasant communications via mobile phone, text, IM or email, chat rooms. (Save the message and show to a trusted adult).

Know there are writing conventions for electronic communication (language, tone, accuracy).

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 21

Upper Key Stage 2

Communicating producing, editing and sharing information

and media

Finding Out collecting, analysing and evaluating data

Computing models, simulations, control and


Key ideas Technology allows individual and collaborative editing.

The internet enables multimodal text to be shared with a wider audience.

Films use and other techniques to create a desired effect.

Editing, camera angles, lighting techniques can be used to achieve a desired effect in a digital text.

ICT enables you to create music with a range of input devices e.g electronic keyboards.

Software can be used to create and edit complex digital texts, with elements from a variety of sources.

Tables and graphs can show more than one variable allowing one to look at relationships and trends more clearly.

Information contained within databases may contain errors and that this can affect results.

A spreadsheet can be used to organise, sort and analyse data and produce graphs and reports.

Data held in a spreadsheet can be sorted and filtered using software tools.

Searches can be refined through the use of advanced search operators.

The accuracy of information on the internet should always be checked.

Cloud based technologies provide a secure environment where information may be gathered and shared .

Understand that cloud based technologies enable people to work on a range of devices.

There are advantages in using computers to monitor and log data such as accuracy and reliability over long periods of time.

Software can be set up to control devices that respond differently to different inputs.

Digital devices need to be programmed to make them work.

Control systems have a number of distinct components that combine to work effectively eg inputs and outputs.

Devices can be controlled through direct instructions or from sensing equipment.

Control programs can be written to respond to circumstances flexibly eg – if this…then that.

Technology allows people to play games and access simulations on a range of devices at the same time.

Digital games and simulations are written using a programming language.

Spreadsheets can be used to create a simple model, perform calculations and are useful when numbers change to explore outcomes and what if scenarios.

Graphics software can be used to create and edit an image for a specific purpose.

Graphics software allows layers to be created within and image and that this allows complex images to be created and manipulated.

Skills Create a digital text which includes a range of elements for a specific purpose.

Evaluate the design and layout of digital texts and use their findings to support the planning and design in their work.

Use text, sound, image, video camera angles and framing editing tools and techniques to create a desired effect.

Produce content for a web page.

Use a range of devices to create music.

Work collaboratively on an online document.

As a class make use of video technologies to work collaboratively.

Choose when to search when to sort and when to use a graph to answer questions.

Create tables and graphs with more than one variable.

Create a database using more complex setup tools (eg Keywords) to answer specific questions.

Recognise when data is implausible by checking data for accuracy against predicted or expected outcomes.

Use the features of a spreadsheet to answer questions by producing graphs, using sort and filter features.

Refine search techniques.

Download files from websites.

Use the web based tools to ask a question, find out information or submit information or opinion.

Find specific information by searching an online database.

Analyse information by transferring it into an appropriate data handling package eg Spreadsheets.

Solve a problem by decomposing into smaller parts.

Produce a program to accomplish a specific goal which includes variables and a range of inputs and outputs.

Use logical reasoning to explain how a simple algorithm works.

Enter labels, numbers & formulae into a spreadsheet.

Design and create a simple spreadsheet model using information from experiments & real life situations eg Predict shadow length at different times of the day from initial measurements, convert one value to another .

Change data in a spreadsheet to answer ‘what if...?’ Questions & check predictions.

Select appropriate graphics tools to fulfil a design brief eg Create an image for an advert.

Use the layers tool in graphics software to create a complex design with several graphical elements.

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Create a presentation for a specific audience by gathering information from a selection of websites.

Use a moderated website, video conference, forum, or learning platform to ask a question, submit information or offer an opinion.

Use software to analyse and interpret data collected locally and remotely to investigate specific questions or theories.

Build up a system that controls events in response to changing conditions.

Digital literacy Understand online identities and differences between private or public presence.

Know what is acceptable online behavior.

Make choices when and when not to use ICT.

Select the most appropriate way to communicate ideas.

Identify ways of solving problems and finding answers using ICT.

Find ways of validating information.

Understand how information is put on the internet.

Be discerning and select appropriate information from the internet to use in their work.

Evaluate games and design their own including rules.

Technology in the real world

Critically evaluate web content.

Evaluate forms of digital media and the impact its form can have.

Understand the implications of having inaccurate data in the real world eg doctor, police, school commerce.

Understand how scientists make use of data which has been measured digitally.

Understand how companies use the internet for marketing their products.

Discuss how games have evolved.

Consider how technology is used to control the environment in which we live.

Resources PowerPoint Audacity Photostory Windows moviemaker Puppetpals Morfo istopmotion imovie Garageband

2count 2graph 2question Excel itunes 2investigate Web based databases eg Amazon, Argos, M&S, BBC weather, audio networks Apps – weather , commercial companies Data loggers

2DIY MSW logo Cargobot Powerpoint Scratch Kodu Flowol

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 23

Upper KS2 e-Safety Content Contact Conduct

Use a range of sources to evaluate information found online, consider plausibility and develop strategies to make judgements on the sources used eg cross-referencing a number of websites.

Understand the impact of an individual sending or uploading inappropriate content to a wider audience.

Understand wikis are multi-authored and can be hard to verify (eg Wikipedia).

Have an awareness of the need to check a resource has copyright or can be legally downloaded free of charge from the internet and whether it can be re-used.

Check the validity of a website, eg look for the author via the ‘Contact us’ or ‘About us’ area of the website, or through ‘Who is’ sites that list the author’s details.

Understand the need for privacy settings on any social networking sites (and that those privacy settings may not be observed by online ‘friends’ who can use/share/download your images/content).

Know the importance of not uploading other people’s images or content without their permission.

Know that many commercial providers have sophisticated ways of trying to sell on the internet (eg Hoax ‘You have a virus’ message box to sell antivirus software).

Demonstrate safe practice when selecting images or content for uploading to an online space.

Understand some malicious adults use the internet to make contact and “groom” young children. Know how to report any suspicions (Think You Know REPORT ABUSE page).

Understand the need for privacy settings on any social networking sites (and that those privacy settings may not be observed by online ‘friends’ who can use/share/download your images/content).

Know when to reply to a group email using ‘reply all’ and when to ‘cc’.

Understand the importance of appropriate online behaviour and that online bullying is unacceptable. Know to whom to report any incidents.

Understand the different audience of a school Learning Platform and an online social network.

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Appendix 1 Glossary Algorithm

An unambiguous procedure or precise step-by-step guide to solve a problem or achieve a particular objective

Computer networks

The computers and the connecting hardware (wifi access points, cables, fibres, switches and routers) that make it possible to transfer

data using an agreed method (‘protocol’)

Control Using computers to move or otherwise change ‘physical’ systems. The computer can be hidden inside the system or connected to it Data A structured set of numbers, representing digitised text, images, sound or video, which can be processed or transmitted by a computer Debug To detect and correct the errors in a computer program Digital content Any media created, edited or viewed on a computer, such as text (including the hypertext of a web page), images, sound, video

(including animation), or virtual environments, and combinations of these (i.e. multimedia) Information The meaning or interpretation given to a set of data by its users, or which results from data being processed Input Data provided to a computer system, such as via a keyboard, mouse, microphone, camera or physical sensors

Internet The global collection of computer networks and their connections, all using shared protocols (TCP/IP) to communicate

Logical reasoning A systematic approach to solving problems or deducing information using a set of universally applicable and totally reliable rules

Output The information produced by a computer system for its user, typically on a screen, through speakers or on a printer, but possibly though

the control of motors in physical systems

Program A stored set of instructions encoded in a language understood by the computer that does some form of computation, processing input

and/or stored data to generate output

Repetition A programming construct in which one or more instructions are repeated, perhaps a certain number of times, until a condition is

satisfied or until the program is stopped

Search To identify data that satisfies one or more conditions, such as web pages containing supplied keywords, or files on a computer with certain properties

Selection A programming construct in which the instructions that are executed are determined by whether a particular condition is met

Sequence To place programming instructions in order, with each executed one after the other

Services Programs running on computers, typically those connected to the internet, which provide functionality in response to requests; for example, to transmit a web page, deliver an email or allow a text, voice or video conversation

Simulation Using a computer to model the state and behaviour of real-world (or imaginary) systems, including physical and social systems; an

integral part of most computer games

Software Computer programs, including both application software (such as office programs, web browsers, media editors and games) and t he

computer operating system. The term also applies to ‘apps’ running on mobile devices and to web-based services

Variables A way in which computer programs can store, retrieve or change simple data, such as a score, the time left, or the user’s nam e

World Wide Web A service provided by computers connected to the internet (web servers), in which pages of hypertext (web pages) are transmitted to

users; the pages typically include links to other web pages and may be generated by programs automatically

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 25

Appendix 2 Progression in Programming

Progression in Programming Controlling devices Animation Control

Creating Games



Remote control toys Ibot Everyday technology

Puppet Pals Sock puppets

Playing games



Beebot Daisy dinosaur alex 2go

Create/follow instructions to navigate other children and programmable toys around a course.

Explore outcomes when individual buttons are pressed on a robot.

Type instructions to create a simple shape on screen.

Make predictions when controlling devices (actual or on screen) estimating distances and turns.

Have experiences of controlling other devices such as MP3 players, sound recorders, CD players, video.

Recording equipment and digital cameras.

2 Create a story Photostory

Add animation and sound to pages.

Change timings, motion paths.

2diy Design and make simple games using software which supports this.

Customise an existing game by changing images, audio and actions.

Dress the teddy Placing

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 26





On screen turtle Logo Move the turtle Cargo bot 2 code

Solve open ended problems with floor robot, screen turtle and other programmable devices.

Use more advanced Logo programming (penup/pendown, repeat commands and procedures) to create more complex shapes/patterns. Test and modify procedures.

Create simple flow diagrams to control physical devices (real or screen simulations) using outputs only.

Use some basic features to change or move a character in a programming environment. (eg Scratch – see 'Getting Started' guide).


Use of hyperlinks

Animation settings





2diy Games

Adjust settings within an existing game.

Design a game which would include scoring.

Select which keys control a character on screen. eg 2DIY 3d, collecting, journey, platforms, maze, snake.






Logo Scatch Flow go External devices 2 Control NXT – Lego Mindstorms

In Logo and/or control work develop more complex flow diagrams/procedure to make things happen. Refine procedures to improve desired outcomes.

Write control sequences which use outputs and inputs (using if … then … type commands) to control events in response to conditions.

Scratch Programme sprites

to talk and interact

move and glide,

change the appearance of sprite

change the background

respond to inputs

control timings

2 diy (flash)

Change action script Scratch

Design own game, simulation or app and use a programming tool to create it for use by others (eg Scratch, Kodu and Appshed - apps don't have to be published).

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 27

Appendix 3 Maths links to computing PoS Year 1 Geometry position and direction Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

Describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils use the language of position, direction and motion, including: left and right, top, middle and bottom, on top of, in front of, above, between, around, near, close and far, up and down, forwards and backwards, inside and outside. Pupils make whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns in both directions and connect turning clockwise with movement on a clock face. Year 2 Geometry position and direction Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences

use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise).

Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils should work with patterns of shapes, including those in different orientations. Pupils use the concept and language of angles to describe ‘turn’ by applying rotations, including in practical contexts (for example, pupils themselves moving in turns, giving instructions to other pupils to do so, and programming robots using instructions given in right angles). Year 3 Geometry – properties of shapes Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them

recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn

identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle

identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils’ knowledge of the properties of shapes is extended at this stage to symmetrical and non-symmetrical polygons and polyhedra. Pupils extend their use of the properties of shapes. They should be able to describe the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes using accurate language, including lengths of lines and acute and obtuse for angles greater or lesser than a right angle. Pupils connect decimals and rounding to drawing and measuring straight lines in centimetres, in a variety of contexts.

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Year 4 Geometry position and direction Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant

describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right and up/down

plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils draw a pair of axes in one quadrant, with equal scales and integer labels. They read, write and use pairs of coordinates, for example (2, 5), including using coordinate-plotting ICT tools. Year 5 Geometry – properties of shapes Statutory requirements

know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles

draw given angles, and measure them in degrees (o)

identify: o angles at a point and one whole turn (total 360o) o angles at a point on a straight line and ½ a turn (total 180o) o other multiples of 90o

use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles

distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides and angles. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils become accurate in drawing lines with a ruler to the nearest millimetre, and measuring with a protractor. They use conventional markings for parallel lines and right angles. Pupils use the term diagonal and make conjectures about the angles formed between sides, and between diagonals and parallel sides, and other properties of quadrilaterals, for example using dynamic geometry ICT tools. Pupils use angle sum facts and other properties to make deductions about missing angles and relate these to missing number problems. Year 5 Geometry – position and direction Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation, using the appropriate language, and know that the shape has not changed.

Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils recognise and use reflection and translation in a variety of diagrams, including continuing to use a 2-D grid and coordinates in the first quadrant. Reflection should be in lines that are parallel to the axes.

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Year 6 Geometry – properties of shapes Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

draw 2-D shapes using given dimensions and angles

recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shapes, including making nets

compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons

illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius

recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils draw shapes and nets accurately, using measuring tools and conventional markings and labels for lines and angles. Pupils describe the properties of shapes and explain how unknown angles and lengths can be derived from known measurements. These relationships might be expressed algebraically for example, d = 2 × r; a = 180 – (b + c). Year 6 Geometry – position and direction Statutory requirements Pupils should be taught to:

describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four quadrants)

draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils draw and label a pair of axes in all four quadrants with equal scaling. This extends their knowledge of one quadrant to all four quadrants, including the use of negative numbers.

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Appendix 4 Resources

Strand Hardware Software Apps Useful Websites Communicating Digital Still Camera

Digital Video Camera Scanner MP3 Sound Recorder Microphones Headphone Talking Photo Albums

Windows Movie Maker IWB Software Sound editing software e.g Audacity i-tunes MS Word MS Publisher MS Powerpoint PhotoStory 3 2 Create a Story 2 Animate Clicker 6

Puppet Pals Sock Puppets Book Creator Story Creator Our Story Morfo Garageband Imovie Istopmotion Prezi

Finding Out

Data loggers 2Count 2Graph Excel Database software e.g 2Question 2 Investigate Information Workshop i-tunes

Weather Pro


Remote control toys Programmable toys e.g Beebot, Probot, Roamer Control Hardware e.g. Flowgo

2go 2 Logo 2DIY 2code MSW Logo Kodu Scratch Flowol

Daisy the Dinosaur A.L.E.X Beebot Kodable Tynker Hopscotch Cargobot Move the Turtle 2DIY

Scratch – Kodu –

Nottinghamshire Computing Framework 2014 Page 31

Appendix 5 Support

Programmes of study and links to resources: –

Computing at school (CAS) network : –

Expert group resources:

– – –

Code Academy Resources


The Royal Society, Shut Down or Restart? The Way Forward for Computing in UK Schools (London, 2012),

– uploadedFiles/Royal_Society_Content/education/ policy/computing-in-schools/2012-01-12- computing-in-Schools.pdf

Code Club provides detailed plans and resources for extra-curricular clubs, which might be adapted for use within the school curriculum.


CAS Primary Master Teachers; for example, one teacher has shared detailed lesson plans for computer science and digital literacy topics via his

website at:


Digital Schoolhouse project, a large collection of lesson plans and other resources based at Langley Grammar School:


Naace (the ICT association) and CAS have developed joint guidance on the new computing curriculum:


Childnet – E-safety


Think u know – E-safety


top related