nsu life edition 3

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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issue 41 jan/feb 2015









Student Recruitment A5 with marks.pdf 1 15/01/2015 12:11



With Christmas far behind us and the New Year having just begun, I’m already looking ahead into what looks to be one hell of a semester! It’s exam season, and the same as every year student’s campus wide are cramming everything into those energy drink fuelled all-nighters. Don’t worry, on the day it will all be fine.

As with all of my editorials, I like to add a personal note – I hope this one isn’t too much of a surprise to you all. I had a really difficult time in parts of last semester struggling with depression and anxiety and generally finding my feet in this role. But, with the help and support of some incredible colleagues, friends and family I’m back to my old self, and whilst that may be slightly grumpy, I’m ok with that.

Mental health and wellbeing is important, and it’s ok to admit you need some support – don’t struggle on your own.

Tom Bromwich














Editor’s words


The Sabb Team – Thanks for keeping me going!























Student Recruitment A5 with marks.pdf 1 15/01/2015 12:11


C is for:

Candy Crush Soda Saga

Do not download if you would like your life to be even remotely productive! You’ve been warned…

D is for:


Get 50% off with code NEW50STU - as if you needed any excuse anyway..

E is for:


Don’t miss the food and drink events happening around Newcastle between 20 Feb - 1 March.

F is for:

Funk it up Fridays

Get down to Habita for Soul and Funk Fridays - cheap drinks and cool music!

G is for:

Get yourself there

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory extravaganza at the Students’ Union is something you really don’t want to miss out on!

H is for:

Headspace app

Relax and get some headspace with this popular mindfulness and meditation app.

A is for:


by Fence ft Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - Macklemore’s back!

B is for:


If you haven’t been keeping up with the second series, proceed to ITV Player immediately!

a b c d e f g h



I is for:

I newspaper

Keep up to date with the latest news with this concise newspaper and at 30p, do it without breaking the bank!

J is for:

Jimmy carr

His brand new stand up show ‘Funny Business’ is coming to Newcastle City Hall on 27th


K is for:

kaiser chiefs

Don’t miss them at Metro Radio Arena on 5th February.

L is for:

Loads of amazing websites

From Bustle to The Debrief, you can never be bored on the internet.

M is for:

Maybe not a 1 hit wonder after all?

Meghan Trainor is back with new song Lips are Movin..

N is for:

Not good for the waistline

If you like cake (who doesn’t?) then get yourself down to The Great British Cupcakery parlour on the Quayside immediately.

O is for:

Omg it’s back

Game of Thrones. Season 5. April. Be there.

P is for:

Perfect viewing

Don’t forget Super Sports Saturday football at Habita!

j k l m n o pi


S is for:

Stand Comedy Club

Try something different with a night of comedy, music and performance at ‘Bright Club’ for just £4.

T is for:

the script

With special guest Labrinth, make sure you grab tickets for 23rd Feb at Metro Radio Arena.

q r s t u v w x

Q is for:

Queen G’s back

Gwen Stefani is back in 2015 with brand new single Baby don’t lie!

R is for:

Royal baby is due!

Will it be a prince or a princess?

U is for:

Unbelievably useful

Don’t waste hours referencing your essays, let RefME do the hard work instead!

V is for:


Have you registered to vote? General elections are in May and it’s so important that you do!

W is for:

World Cup

ICC cricket world cup starts in February - get the coffee at the ready to follow the action down under!

X is for:X


good show

If you haven’t ever watched The Good Wife, put this magazine down immediately and go and watch it…

zy Y is for:

You won’t to miss out On this amazingly pointless app, Dubsmash

And finally Z is for:

Zadie Smith

Relax and kick back with a book from one of the best authors out there! Try White Teeth or N-W too


Semester Two is upon us – and here at Northumbria Students’ Union we’re ready to make some more memories!

See in the new term in style with our Refreshers Week, packed full of daytime and night time events with everything from silent movies to hypnotists – so if you want to re-live those first few weeks at uni, this is definitely for you!

Our Welfare officer and his brand new SWAG (Sexual Wellbeing Advice & Guidance) team are in the process of setting up a completely new sexual health service – so you can get checked out right here on campus.

February will see this semester’s biggest volunteering weeks, ECO NSU & Volunteer Northumbria. Students will have the opportunity to volunteer in projects ranging from IT Classes for the elderly to Tyneside beach cleans.

This March for the first time ever, we will be holding our very own ‘Diversity Week’ to celebrate our fantastically diverse student population at Northumbria, including a few food treats from around the world!

Also in March, we have our annual Sabbatical elections, where Northumbria students will vote for the next leaders of the Students’ Union, as well as our part-time and equality reps!




Fact: Running to be a sabbatical officer and President of Northumbria Students’ Union was the best decision I have ever made.

In my final year at University I had no idea about what I wanted to do next, but all I knew was that I wanted to do some travelling (It is still part of the plan, just slightly delayed!) Almost two years later and I am still at Northumbria, working in the Students’ Union doing a role which I honestly never expected to be doing.

If someone had told me at the start of my time here at Northumbria that I would be President of the Students’ Union I would have laughed in their face. In fact I think that was my initial response when one of the sabbatical officers floated the idea to me at the end of an Academic forum meeting.

However, I think for me what I lacked was the confidence to even think about running in the elections and actually if that sabbatical officer hadn’t mentioned it to me I honestly don’t think I would have ran. Sometimes we all need that boost to our confidence or others to see our potential in order to realise it for ourselves.

Even right up until the last minute I was debating, should I run in the elections? Should I do this? Not because the role didn’t sound like fun but because I honestly didn’t think anyone would vote for me and what I was standing for.

One of my other concerns was that I wasn’t a well-known name in the Students’ Union; my involvement in the Students’ Union had started in my first year when I joined Dance Society. I hear this all the time, people saying “I don’t know enough people” but why should that stop you there are thousands of students at this University and nobody knows everyone.

Almost eighteen months into the role and I have loved every second of it. There is never a dull moment and no two days are the same. Yes, the role has its challenges but I have I had the privilege of representing thousands of Northumbria Students every day and managed to make changes which do and have changed the student experience here.

I have also learnt huge amounts about myself and my capabilities as a leader.



My confidence has soared; I have a much stronger sense of myself and what I can achieve. I have also had some incredible experiences in this role, I have abseiled down the University Library, had lunch with royalty, spoken in front of hundreds of people and represented Northumbria Students at countless events across the UK. I have also campaigned and lobbied the University on countless things, such as securing extra buses for Coach Lane, water fountains on campus, longer opening hours, more funding for student activities and cheaper food on campus.

So you might be reading this thinking that’s great but that’s not really for me. Ask yourself this, why couldn’t it be you? What could you achieve as a Sabbatical Officer? If you want to find out more - Come along to one of our sessions in the Students’ Union for more information.

Training Room 1 & 2 Friday 16th January 12pm-1pmTraining Room 1 & 2 Tuesday 20th January 2.30pm-3.30pmTraining Room 3 Wednesday 28th January 11am-12pmTraining Room 1 & 2 Friday 6th February 5pm-6pmTraining Room 1 & 2 Tuesday 10th February 12.30pm-1.30pmCoach Lane Café Monday 16th February 10am-11am Training Room 1 & 2 Thursday 19th February 4pm-5pmTraining Room 3 Tuesday 24th February 12pm-1pm

Nominations open 2nd February at 10am. Pick up a pack at the welcome desk. Voting is open 9th-13th March.



At the end of last semester was Volunteer Northumbria’s Christmas Week. A massive, massive THANK YOU to everyone that came along. We carolled, wrapped shoe boxes, spread some magic at the Coach Lane Christmas party, ate a lot of mince pies (thank you so so so much Claire) and much more. The Christmas spirit was incredible and our volunteers shone like stars !

Now, we have another great opportunity to make your mark on the community of Newcastle. *X Factor announcer voice* VOLUNTEER NORTHUMBRIA WEEK 2015 ! We’re planning a massive week of events around and off campus. We guarantee

there will be something for everyone. It’s happening from the 21st February to the 1st of March. It coincides with Student Volunteering Week, a national initiative so loads of other Universities around the country will be making a difference too. We had over 100 students take part last year. Please help us make 2015 bigger and better!

So that’s 21st February to the 1st of March

Any other information please ‘Like’ us Facebook (just search Volunteer Northumbria) or email su.community.volunteering@northumbria.ac.uk


WeekFrom an Urban Farm trip, Beach Cleaning, to Environmental Events and Films…It Must be Eco NSU Week! From 13 – 20th February, Northumbria Students’ Union is turning the union turquoise with a week packed with free eco fun.

Eco NSU is the Union’s environmental volunteering programme ran by students for students. From getting down and dirty on a local farm, sharing your passion for vintage fashion to creating a cutting edge climate campaign...Eco NSU support students with funding, training and mentoring to run eco projects. Sign up for more information about Eco NSU Week by emailing su.eco@northumbria.ac.uk


The 2014-2015 academic year has seen Northumbria Students’ Union launch a brand new Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. This is a national programme which gives young people aged 14-24 the opportunity to gain rewards and recognition for volunteer work as well as personal skills which they undertake during their spare time. Now you can become part of it. The award is highly valued by employers and education institutions and looks great on your CV, whilst also allowing participants to develop a wide range of personal skills and qualities through their involvement, which can have a massive positive impact on their ability to succeed in later life.

Activities performed by students can also have a huge positive impact in their local communities so you can also feel good about benefitting others in the process.There are three different levels of award which can be achieved; Bronze, Silver and Gold. Higher levels requiring a longer period of time to complete, although they require the same four sections to be undertaken: Physical Recreation, Skill, Volunteering and a group Expedition (although Gold also requires participants to complete a Residential trip).Our current group of Gold participants are well underway with various sections of their awards and look forward to carrying out a mountain walking expedition early in Summer 2015.


FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE SCHEME, OR TO SIGN UP: Visit the Students’ Union Welcome Desk, go online to mynsu.northumbria.ac.uk/studentactivities/dukeofedinburgh or contact kevin2.edgar@northumbria.ac.uk.


There are so many opportunities for you to get involved in at Northumbria, from your first year onwards. You can get work experience from some of the countries leading firms, or study abroad and develop your language skills or create your own professional network. All these opportunities can help you to plan your next steps, whether you’re planning a career abroad, in the UK or embarking on a masters or PhD. The process of deciding what you want to do after graduation really starts at day one.

The Careers and Employment Service can help you identify opportunities which

equip you with the new knowledge, contacts and experiences to help you explore what you want to do. Coupled with this, we will give you advice and tips on how to improve your confidence and sell your University experiences in the recruitment process.

Kick start your career plans in 2015 by speaking to an adviser who can help you put together an action plan. Drop-in and visit the Careers Zone, ground floor of the library. For 1-1 support go the Ask4Help desk.

Keep in touch to find out how we can help, like us on facebook or follow us on twitter.

/NUCareers @NUCareers


Stuck on what to ask us? Read some of our typical drop-in queries:

What opportunities are available in my first/second year to improve my employability?

Could you advise me on how I can improve my application form, CV and covering letter?

What help can you give me with how to make a decision about what to do after graduation?


It’s surprising how many times medical professionals have drawn this comparison. I’m of the nature, for all its flaws, to care too much and get too involved in other peoples’ problems, which often makes it difficult to work on my own.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change it for the world but it can be quite challenging. Before you read on please note that the following article may be triggering.I’m very open about my own struggles with anxiety and depression (such as in my previous blog with Time to Change last year) with the hopes other people will feel comfortable

with who they are and not be pressured by the stigma and discrimination within society, and thought it was about time I gave an update.

This has been a progressive year with many things but ultimately I have to say mentally I am much in the same place, and each day can be entirely different from the last.Unfortunately my grandfather was recently diagnosed with cancer, which has caused

a lot of struggles for my family and me. It can really put things into perspective and make you re-evaluate the importance of spending quality time with your loved ones. I also split up with my partner, which has sent me into ‘self-destruct’ mode, so I doubt my health in general is very good at the moment! Generally on a daily basis my mood is pretty low and I

struggle with concentration and sleeping.If you, like me, have a ridiculously busy lifestyle it can be really difficult to find time to actually reflect on your thoughts. My therapist has advised me that this is the core of my issues - I don’t actually have time to learn to handle my emotions, which has been a similar problem throughout my life. Instead of relaxing, my obsessive tendencies take over which means while I have a very tidy house I certainly don’t have


You Can’t Always Be Superman...Said the therapist to the patient.

“...each day can be entirely different from the last.”

a tidy mind to go with it! I hope in the future this is something I can learn to handle better, and ensure that my work/life balance

is handled well to let me look after my health - if you can, try and find time in your day to meditate or relax, it can work wonders.I’m currently taking Venlafaxine (75mg per day) through no other reason than a friend recommended it. The thing with any medication is it is next to impossible to monitor its effectiveness - I wouldn’t say it has made me any worse, certainly compared to Fluoxetine and Mirtazapine which I have tried in the past, which made me a zombie! When it comes to medication, I struggled to switch over once I started one as my GP told me to be patient and let it run its course but I am so glad that I stood my ground and insisted on changing – my advice would be that you know yourself better than your GP, so be true to yourself if something isn’t

working for you.I have however, after 27 months of waiting following an emergency referral, finally got my start date for Psychodynamic Therapy with the NHS, which will be once a week for as long as one year, to discuss the emotional issues which trigger my anxiety. It’s going to be a rough ride but I’m quite excited to finally (hopefully) get a grasp on some of my issues and if nothing else gain some understanding that may help me in the

future.My best advice for anyone struggling is not to be afraid to speak out. So many students compare themselves to others who “have it worse” and don’t think their problems are big enough. This couldn’t be more wrong - when something hurts you or puts pressure on you that emotional reaction is unique to you, and what may seem trivial to one person can be earth

shattering to the next. Speak up and get the help you need.Circumstances change, friends move on, relationships end - at the end of the day the one person you need to be able to rely on is yourself - take charge and make sure you are okay.

If anybody reading this does need support, Northumbria has its own confidential listening service (Nightline, 0191 2273737 8pm-7am) or anyone can also call the Samaritans on 08457 909090. Alternatively, visit Student Support and Wellbeing to register for Counselling or Mental Health Support during your studies.

“try and find time in your day to meditate or relax, it can work wonders”




It’s that time of year again – if you can see past the commercial hi-jacking of what was traditionally a religious feast for St Valentinus it’s a great opportunity to impress the significant other in your life with your culinary skills. Why spend a fortune for a set menu and a rushed eating experience at a restaurant when you can do it yourself?So today we’re keeping it simple with a romantic theme – namely a natural aphrodisiac theme.



INGREDIENTSIf you’re after convenience you can pick up all these ingredients from your local high street supermarket however you get much fresher and often at a similar price at Grainger Market, just make sure you buy them yourself – you’re flatmate told me to tell you they’re fed up of you stealing their food.

• 2 Salmon Fillets: Preferably fresh, go see the Grainger Fishmonger!

• 1 pack of Asparagus: Remove the tough ends.

• 2 Avocados: Peeled and diced into small chunks, choose avocados which are ripe.

• ½ Lemon: Juiced.• Salt, Black Pepper: To taste• Salted butter: 2 Tbsp• Extra Virgin Oil

SPICE MIXGrainger Market boasts an excellent little cheese stall with an excellent spice counter called Matthew Cheese Shop in the eatery section by the Clayton St entrance. You can buy your spices by the gram and they are quite reasonably priced for a student budget.

• Spanish smoked paprika – 2 Tbsp• Chilli Powder – 2 Tbsp• Ground cayenne – Tbsp• Garlic Powder – Tbsp• Basil – Tbsp

METHOD1. Preheat oven to 200° C.2. Mix well the avocado, lemon juice and add

salt and pepper to taste – set this aside.3. Mix all the spice mix ingredients in small

bowl.4. Set the salmon on a large plate and cover

both sides with a generous amount of the spice mix.

5. Warm 1 ½ tablespoons of extra virgin oil in a pan then sauté the filets for 2 minutes each side.

6. Move the fish to a baking dish and place in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

7. While you’re waiting for your fish to cook, add your salted butter to the pan with a tbsp of oil. Add asparagus to pan, cover and simmer on a medium heat for 4 minutes – allow an extra minute if you are using thicker asparagus.

8. Increase the heat on the pan and sauté until the asparagus are browned on one side.

9. To serve, form a bed of asparagus spears placing the salmon on top. Spoon a generous helping of the avocado mixture on top. Season as desired – with a slight drizzle of lemon juice.

And you’re done! Salmon is naturally rich in fatty omega 3 acids proven to boost libido in both men and women, asparagus has been used in cooking for centuries along with avocado to increase testosterone production as well as general wellbeing. Garlic has been in use as a ‘natural Viagra’ due to the plant’s chemical allicin as well as its improvement of blood circulation. Grilled salmon has a meaty taste so you can forget the conventional fish/white wine combo and enjoy with a bottle of red if you prefer – with ingredients like this who needs dessert?


Like most of us, now that Christmas is over, you might find yourself a bit strapped for cash. A month of buying presents, going out and generally overindulging can take its toll and by the time January comes around, the weeks can stretch ahead with only a shoestring budget to manage on. So what can you do to make those pounds go further?

Firstly, it is important to make sure that, as a Northumbria student, you’re getting all the funding you’re entitled to; for example, you may be eligible for a bursary, scholarship or non-repayable grant. The University also has a discretionary means-tested Access to Learning Fund (ALF) to help those in genuine financial hardship so if you have accessed all available sources of funding, tried to budget and are still struggling financially, this might be worth looking into. For more information on all types of funding, visit: www.northumbria.ac.uk/financialsupport

Secondly, remember when looking ahead, to control your spending – there are many different things you can do, from drawing up a budget, shopping around for best-value products, switching utilities’ suppliers and having a meal in with your friends rather than going out to expensive pubs and restaurants – visit: www.northumbria.ac.uk/budgeting for more information.

In February, Student Support and Wellbeing are teaming up with the Students’ Union to run ‘National Student Money Week’. This fantastic event will take place on: Thursday 12th February, 12-3pm in Library, City Campus and Friday 13th February 10am - 1pm in Library, Coach Lane Campus. It will give loads of advice and money-saving tips to help you to access any funding you’re entitled to and manage your finances, while studying. Don’t miss it!

FOR MORE INFORMATION AND ADVICE ON FINANCE:Visit the Student Support and Wellbeing Centre in Northumberland Building to speak to a Welfare and International Student Adviser – no appointment needed: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (10.00am – 4.00pm), Wednesday (1.00pm – 4.00pm) or telephone: 0191 227 4127. Visit the Ask4Help desk in Coach Lane Library or telephone: 0191 215 6590.



The Universities’ Scheme was set up in 2005 to ‘establish and/or enhance arrangements and opportunities for undergraduates and other university members to enjoy Freemasonry.’ The Duke of Connaught Lodge joined the University Scheme in 2010 to promote it in the University of Northumbria. and accordingly were represented at the Northumbria Freshers’ Week on 17 September this year. Bro. George Laws PProvJGW, a vastly-experienced Mason led the Team. He was accompanied by Bro Tom Clifford, who joined the Craft through the University Scheme, and Bro Mateusz Winter, currently a Student of the University and founder of the University’s Masonic Society which promotes the Scheme on the Campus and keeps members informed about Lodge events. The Team had quite a busy day, meeting diverse students and answering questions ranging from those who were merely curious, to those with a real interest in the Craft. There were myths to dispel, as ever, which were readily

disposed of, and also a genuine surprise at the charitable and sporting / social aspects of Masonry. Particular interest was shown in the Widows’ Sons motorcycle club and the recent international England / Scotland Rugby Match (see match report elsewhere on this site) A number of students expressed an interest in joining the Craft, with two subsequently taking the opportunity to visit the Wallsend Masonic Hall on 20 September. The Duke of Connaught Lodge will develop contact with all those interested students so that if considered suitable, they can be initiated into the Duke of Connaught Lodge at the right time. The Lodge is similarly developing links with the Student Society, to ensure that every opportunity continues to be taken to promote the Craft and the Scheme within the University.I am delighted to announce that a number of students and staff members have inquired about joining the Craft. We are now in the process of interviewing them to see if Freemasonry is for them and that they will feel at home.

If any of you are interested in becoming a Freemason contact me on mateuszwinter@gmail.com.




YOURIt’s cityYOURhave say

Contact detailsTelephone number(s)

Email address (if you have one) in CAPITALS

You don’t have to give us your contact details, but if you do it will help us if we need to contact you about your registration.

Your nationalityIf you have more than one nationality, please include them all. You can only register to vote in the UK if you have leave to remain. We may check your immigration status

include you on the electoral register.

DeclarationTo the best of my knowledge, the information in this form is true. I understand that the information I have given on this form will be used on the electoral register.I understand that if I do not make an application for registration when I understand that it is an offence to knowingly give false information six months in prison.Signature Date (DD MM YYYY)

Now sign and return the formSend the signed form to the Electoral


The open register I don’t want my name and address to be included in the open register.

There’s more information about the open register on page 3 of this form.

Page 2

Can’t vote in person?If you are unable to go to the polling station in person on polling day, please choose how you would like to vote and we will send you a form.

By post

By proxy (someone voting on your behalf)

You can also download an application form at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk.

Your National Insurance number If you cannot tell us your National Insurance number, we may need to ask you for proof of your identity. We will contact you about this, and it may take longer to deal with your application.

Don’t know your date of birth, nationality or National Insurance number?Please tell us why.


Page 1

Your date of birth (DD MM YYYY)

If you don’t know your date of birth, please tick if you are: Under 18 18–70 Over 70

Your name and addressForename(s)


Your address

PostcodeDo you live at another address? No Yes If you also live at another address don’t give us the address now, but we may ask you for more information later.

Moved in the last 12 months? No Yes

If yes, please give any previous address where you have lived during the last year.

PostcodeIf this address was overseas, were you registered in the UK as an overseas voter?

No Yes

Changed your name in the last 12 months? No YesIf yes, please give us your previous name.

Please tell us the date you changed your name (DD MM YYYY).

For example, you may have got married.

Go online www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Individual Registration Form

Register to voteOnly one person can register to vote using this form. Use black ink and write in CAPITALS or go online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Don’t know your exact date of birth? Please give the date of birth you put on your passport or driving licence) or tick one of the boxes.


IT’S GENERAL ELECTION TIMEWe checked, and we couldn’t find your name on the register. Thousands of students just like you are missing from the electoral register, which means they don’t get a say in who decides how things are run for the next 5 years.

In the last General Election, we saw students turn out in force when fixed higher education costs were promised and we made a huge impact on the result - it’s just they didn’t keep their promise.

Students make up a huge part of the Newcastle population, make sure your voice is heard both nationally and locally. It’s your city, have your say.

February 5th is Nation Voter Registration Day, and the Students’ Union staff will be out in force. We’re making it our priority this year to make sure you’re registered to vote in the 2015 General Election.

We are holding a series of events around GE15, including movie nights and a candidates hustings. These are a great chance for you to learn more about politics and shape your opinion on who to vote for come May.

It’s really easy to register, all you need is your national insurance number. You can fill out a form with us - or you can do it online right now! www.gov.uk/register-to-vote


YOURIt’s cityYOURhave say

Contact detailsTelephone number(s)

Email address (if you have one) in CAPITALS

You don’t have to give us your contact details, but if you do it will help us if we need to contact you about your registration.

Your nationalityIf you have more than one nationality, please include them all. You can only register to vote in the UK if you have leave to remain. We may check your immigration status

include you on the electoral register.

DeclarationTo the best of my knowledge, the information in this form is true. I understand that the information I have given on this form will be used on the electoral register.I understand that if I do not make an application for registration when I understand that it is an offence to knowingly give false information six months in prison.Signature Date (DD MM YYYY)

Now sign and return the formSend the signed form to the Electoral


The open register I don’t want my name and address to be included in the open register.

There’s more information about the open register on page 3 of this form.

Page 2

Can’t vote in person?If you are unable to go to the polling station in person on polling day, please choose how you would like to vote and we will send you a form.

By post

By proxy (someone voting on your behalf)

You can also download an application form at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk.

Your National Insurance number If you cannot tell us your National Insurance number, we may need to ask you for proof of your identity. We will contact you about this, and it may take longer to deal with your application.

Don’t know your date of birth, nationality or National Insurance number?Please tell us why.


Page 1

Your date of birth (DD MM YYYY)

If you don’t know your date of birth, please tick if you are: Under 18 18–70 Over 70

Your name and addressForename(s)


Your address

PostcodeDo you live at another address? No Yes If you also live at another address don’t give us the address now, but we may ask you for more information later.

Moved in the last 12 months? No Yes

If yes, please give any previous address where you have lived during the last year.

PostcodeIf this address was overseas, were you registered in the UK as an overseas voter?

No Yes

Changed your name in the last 12 months? No YesIf yes, please give us your previous name.

Please tell us the date you changed your name (DD MM YYYY).

For example, you may have got married.

Go online www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Individual Registration Form

Register to voteOnly one person can register to vote using this form. Use black ink and write in CAPITALS or go online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Don’t know your exact date of birth? Please give the date of birth you put on your passport or driving licence) or tick one of the boxes.


GE 15 FILM NIGHTSTEAM AMERICA 20th January // Stage 2, SU

INVICTUS5th February // TR 1&2, SU

MILK12th February // TR 1&2, SU

PRIDE19th February // TR 1&2, SU

ELECTION26th February // TR 1&2, SU

19845th March // TR 1&2, SU


COULD YOU HAVE DYSLEXIA?Did you know that last year there were over 1000 students with dyslexia at Northumbria across all subject areas; many of them didn’t know that they had dyslexia before coming to university.

Dyslexia is a learning condition that can have an impact on reading, writing and spelling, along with other things such as time management, memory and concentration. There are strengths associated with dyslexia, such as creativity and good problem solving skills, but it can also cause concerns with academic work such as difficulties with understanding, reading, getting a good structure in essays and assignments and running out of time for completing assignments and in exams.

If you think you might have dyslexia there are a number of indicators to look out for.

Do you:• Find you are able to speak about a subject

more effectively than writing it down?• Work hard but take a lot longer than

other students to read material/produce assignments?

• Have difficulty with personal organisation and time management, such as missing appointments or deadlines?

• Find it hard to follow a series of instructions?

• Have difficulty concentrating?• Find it hard to make notes and

understand what is being said at the same time?

If this sounds like you, the British Dyslexia Association website has a checklist that you might find useful on www.bdadyslexia.org.uk At Northumbria, we have a specialist Disability and Dyslexia Support Team who are here to help students with dyslexia.

Please contact us to book an appointment to find out about being tested for dyslexia and the support available for students with dyslexia.

“A 1st! Thought I would let you know that I received my mark back and it was 72%! Thank you for your help. The mark would be nowhere near as high if it wasn’t for the dyslexia study skills tutorials I had with you.” Student, Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences

Contact the Disability and Dyslexia Support Team on 0191 227 4127

Visit Ask4HelpStudent Support and Wellbeing, Ground Floor, Northumberland Buildingand at Coach Lane Library or visit: www.northumbria.ac.uk/dyslexia




issue 41 jan/feb 2015

top related