nsu environment analysis

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  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    North South University(Bengali: ) or NSUis the first government-approved private university of Bangladesh.[1]The university, where the language of

    instrution is !nglish, offers a num"er of undergraduate and masters degrees in the fieldsof Business #dministration, $omputer %iene, !letrial and Teleommuniations

    !ngineering, !letrial and !letroni !ngineering, &ife %ienes, 'harmay,

    !nvironmental anagement, !onomis, !nglish, #rhiteture, et. t also offers oursesfor general and ontinuing eduation. #"out 1*,*** students are urrently enrolled at

    +orth %outh niversity. n its 1th $onvoation $eremony in **, 1,*/0[]students

    were awarded degrees in undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

    illur 2ahman,'resident of Bangladesh, is the $hanellor of the university. 3r. 4afi56.#. %iddi7i is serving as 8ie $hanellor. +% urrently has around ** full-time and

    19* part-time faulty mem"ers, all of whom, as a re7uirement, [citation needed]possess

    postgraduate 7ualifiations from a"road: most of them from the nited %tates, nitedingdom and $anada.[citation needed]


    +orth niversity $ampus ;ront 8iew

    The first ohort of freshman inta had 1>/ students[>]enrolled in threedepartments: Business #dministration, $omputer %iene, and !onomis. The

    departments of !nvironmental %tudies (3!%), !nglish and 6eneral and $ontinuing

    !duation (6$!) were founded later.

    The asters 'rogram in !onomis was introdued in 10. The B# 'rogram waslaunhed in %ummer 1/. The asters in 3evelopment %tudies and Bahelor in

    $omputer !ngineering were introdued in **. #n % in $omputer %iene was

    introdued in summer **>. Bahelor in #rhiteture was introdued in fall **0.asters in !nglish was launhed in spring **9. 'harmay (undergraduate) and

    !?eutive B# (!B#) program launhed in spring **@ and asters in

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    Biotehnology and asters in 'u"li 4ealth program launhed in summer **@. B% in

    Biotehnology, B% in iro"iology and B% in Biohemistry programs were introdued in

    spring **/. B% in !letrial and !letroni !ngineering (Bs.!!!) was introdued inspring **.


    The 'resident of the 2epu"li is e?-offiio $hanellor of the university. 8ie $hanellor

    is the $hief !?eutive of the niversity.

    !ah aademi department has its own head. !ah aademi department has a program

    diretor for every aademi program.

    An top of the administration, there is the Board of 6overnors (Bo6), headed "y a

    hairperson who oversees poliy matters.[0]


    +orth niversity ampus, inside view

    School of Business

    The %hool of Business has the largest num"er of students. t is onsidered one of the

    largest "usiness shools in Bangladesh. The shool offers degrees in Business#dministration having onentrations in ar

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    The department offers speiali5ed degrees on !letrial !letronis !ngineering,

    $omputer %iene, $omputer !ngineering, $omputer %iene !ngineering,!letronis Teleommuniation !ngineering.[@]

    Department of Architecture

    The arhiteture department pivots on loal tradition, ulture, "uilding materials and

    modern means. The 3epartment of #rhiteture offers a five-year Bahelor of

    #rhiteture degree in arhiteture.[/]

    School of Life Sciences

    Department of Environmental Science & anagement

    The 3epartment of !nvironmental %tudies (3!%) as a multi-disiplinary program wasesta"lished in spring 10. pon 6$Cs approval the name of 3!% was hanged to the

    3epartment of !nvironmental %iene and anagement (3!%). nstead of the earlier

    degrees of B.# and B.%, 3!% now offers the degree of B% either in !nvironmental%iene or in !nvironmental anagement. The sylla"us has "een hanged to reflet the

    hanging urriula in the field over the last deade.[D]

    Department of !harmacy

    The Bahelor of 'harmay offered "y the 3epartment of 'harmay is a four-year degreeprogram. The total redit offered is 199. et.[]

    Department of Life Sciences

    The department offers Bahelor of %iene in iro"iology, Bahelor of %iene in

    Biohemistry and Biotehnology, asters in Biotehnology.[1*]

    Department of !u"lic Health

    This department is onduting a asters in 'u"li 4ealth ('4) program.

    School of Arts and Social Sciences

    Department of English

    The 3epartment of !nglish offers graduate and undergraduate programs in !nglish. ;or

    asters, andidates may speiali5e in !nglish &iterature, !nglish &anguage and

    &inguistis or T!%A&(Teahing !nglish to %pea

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    +orth %outh niversity esta"lished the 3epartment of !onomis the department is

    offering Bahelor of %iene in !onomis aster of %iene in !onomis,

    3evelopment %tudies.[1]

    Department of #eneral and Continuing Education

    ndividuals who have not partiipated in formal eduation for some time or who do not

    intend to "eome andidates for a degree may register for redits in undergraduate

    ourses in this department as non-degree students. #ppliants are admitted as non-degreestudents on a semester-"y-semester "asis without any o"ligation to ontinue. %uh

    students may apply at any time for transfer to a degree program with or without the

    redits earned as non-degree students. The department is offering a asters program in'u"li 'oliy and 6overnane (''6).[1>]

    Academic programs at a glance

    chool of


    Department of


    Engineering and

    Computer Science




    Department of


    Science &






    of Life



    of !u"lic



    of Engli

    helor of



    B% in!letrial


    !ngineering,$omputer %iene,



    $omputer %iene !ngineering,

    !letronis Teleommuniation


    Bahelor of#rhiteture

    Bahelor of

    %iene in


    %iene(B% in!nv.)

    Bahelor of


    (B. 'harm)

    Bahelor of

    %iene in


    asters in




    #rts in!nglish (B

    in !ng.)

    ter ofness



    % in $omputer

    %iene !ngineeringand



    Bahelor of#rts in


    %tudies(B# in


    Bahelor of%iene in




    aster of#rts in

    !nglish (

    in !ng.)


    asters inBiotehnology


    !nglish nstitute

    nstitute of 3evelopment, !nvironment and %trategi %tudies (3!%%)

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    $enter for nformation $ommuniation Tehnology ($$T)

    $onfuius nstitute: The $onfuius nstitute at +% was esta"lished in ;e"ruary

    **@, the only language institute in Bangladeshwhih offers only $hinese&anguage Training . %ome @** students have "een enrolled and nearly 1**

    Bangladeshis are learning $hinese at the nstitute now.[10]


    !ermanent campus

    %#$ and #dmin Building

    Bridge "etween %#$ and +#$

    +% 2eeption &o""y

    The universityCs ampus is in Bashundhara, 3ha*, **> "y Begum haleda ia.[19]$lasses started in the permanent

    ampus from =une , **.[1@]

    This ampus is apa"le of serving 1,*** students with modern amenities and failities.t omprises si? "uildings with > "asement on @ ares of land having 19,***s7.ft. of


    The units are #dministrative "uilding, +orth #ademi Building (+#$), %outh#ademi Building (%#$), Apen Theater Building, &i"rary and the #uditorium. The

    %hool of Business and the %hool of #rts and %oial %ienes are loated in +orth

    #ademi Building (+#$) and the %hool of !ngineering and #pplied %ienes and the

    %hool of &ife %ienes are loated in %outh #ademi Building (%#$).

    %ld campus

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    Ald ampus of +orth %outh niversity was at 1, emal #ttatur< #venue in Banani,


  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    4istory of arhiteture is the history of ivili5ation. $reative arhitets dealing with

    vision an analy5e pro"lem, innovate solution, rationali5e proess, and optimi5e

    resoures. n Bangladesh there is an inreasing awareness of the value of arhiteturalheritage versus the needs of a modern soiety and the soio-eonomi and ultural

    onte?t of the "uilt form. #rhitets, the leaders of the "uilding setor, influene the

    soiety "y shaping the ha"itat. Gell reogni5ed and in good demand, they also e?elledin other reative medias through an eduation ena"ling them to "e self-employed.

    !rogram The arhiteture program at the +orth %outh niversity with strongphilosophial grounding pivots on loal tradition, ulture, "uilding materials and modernmeans. t presents a great e?petation and promise, harnesses pedagogial learning, and

    responds to the soial and professional needs "y aiming to produe a "rand of thin

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    'Framing the Nature'at Jahangir Nagar University Campus

    'Proximity to Greatness'outdoor sketch class in front the National Parliament Building

    Curriculum ni7ue in struture and ontent in Bangladesh, the urriulum is"ased on the "est #merian model transformed to ater for the loal onte?t. t gives

    ogni5ane to the re7uirements of the nternational nion of #rhitets, +!%$A,

    $ommonwealth #ssoiation of #rhitets, +ational #rhitetural #rediting Board of%# and #r#sia.

    The ontent of the professional B.#rh. program "lends reative and ommuniative,

    theoretial and professional, humanisti and sientifi, and artisti and tehnial ourses

    and their soial, tehnial and environmental appliations. t provides a foundation onwhih individuals would develop their arhitetural intellet and professional values. The

    "alaned urriulum, foused on relevant s

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    The dynami and fle?i"le 9 years program progresses from general su"Fets at the Funior

    level to su"Fets instilling speifi professional and aademi ompetene at the senior

    level. The year-wise su"-themes are- 1. development of s

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    investigative nature. ;or e?ample, students would "uild a heliodon themselves and

    measure sunpath and shadow pattern on models that they would design in the

    orresponding studios.

    The ore faulty at the +orth %outh #rhiteture %hool- a "unh of 7ualified,e?periened and dediated teahing staff, has "rilliant aademi results (mostly

    B!T toppers, 6old edallists and winners of prestigious sholarships and

    fellowships li

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    othonis a regular dialogue session where renowned personalities from various areas,

    "oth loal and foreigners, ma

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    ,here the switching costs are high e.g. Switching #rom one so#tware supplier to another.

    ower is high where the brand is power#ul e.g. %adillac" i++a -ut" Microso#t.

    here is a possibility o# the supplier integrating #orward e.g. /rewers buying bars.

    %ustomers are #ragmented 0not in clusters1 so that they have little bargaining power e.g. Gas2etrol

    stations in remote places.

    The threat of su#stitutes

    ,here there is product3#or3product substitution e.g. email #or #a& ,here there is substitution o#

    need e.g. better toothpaste reduces the need #or dentists.

    ,here there is generic substitution 0competing #or the currency in your poc$et1 e.g. Video suppliers

    compete with travel companies.

    ,e could always do without e.g. cigarettes.

    $ompetiti%e &i%a"ry

    his is most li$ely to be high where entry is li$ely4 there is the threat o# substitute products" and

    suppliers and buyers in the mar$et attempt to control. his is why it is always seen in the center o# the


  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    Go%ernmenta" Po"itica" and ega" $ha""enges

    The higher-education system, as well as individual academicinstitutions, is affected by politics and government. The U. S.constitution stipulates that education is a responsibility of the states,and thus the fifty states have basic responsibility for higher education.

    As noted earlier, the states provide the bulk of funding for public highereducation. They are also responsible for organizing and regulatingpublic university systems, providing a legal structure for these systems,and in most cases providing charters and legal recognition for all higher-education institutions, both public and private. The state governmentsdetermine tuition charges, sponsor loan and grant programs, and in

    some cases determine admissions policy for the public colleges anduniversities. State authorities appoint governing boards although in afew cases these boards are elected!.

    "ead more#$igher %ducation in &onte't - %conomic (actors, An %ra of&ompetition, )emographic "ealities, *overnmental +olitical and egal&hallenges, "eligious(actorshttp#education.stateuniversity.compages/01$igher-


  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    6oalNorth South University , the first private university in Bangladesh was established in 1992 with the

    goal of providing high quality education and research and producing enlightened graduates capableof holding national and international positions in a globalized world

    Development %"(ectives and !lans

    Aur development o"Fetives and plans onsist of 0 points:

    1. &oali5ation of the teahing materialso The 6reat Gall $hinese in Bangladesh

    o $reation of teahing materials

    . Teahing through the internet

  • 8/12/2019 NSU Environment Analysis


    o $reation of the materials

    o Teahing online

    o nteration online

    >. $om"ination Teahing with $ultural #tivities

    0. $enter oduli5ation ( Teahing $enter, 2esearh $enter, Training $enter)

    Aur o"Fetive: Try our "est to "uild the $onfuius nstitute as the model shool in thesouth #sia to ma