nutrition and health our physical health relies on getting a proper balance of : 1. food and...

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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Nutrition and Health

Our physical health relies on getting a proper balance

of :1. Food and nutrients2. Sleep3. Exercise

Nutrition and Health

Food we consume contains over 50 different nutrients essential for our body to function normally:

Carbohydrates Macronutrient - energy

Fats Macronutrient - energy Proteins Macronutrient - energy Minerals Micronutrient Vitamins Micronutrient Water Micronutrient

Carbohydrates (60% diet intake)macronutrient

Carbs are our primary source of energy. They are found in most Fruits, Vegetables and Grains. The body converts carbs into a sugar called glucose which is easily used to fuel physical activity.

Simple Carbohydratesmacronutrient

Simple carbohydrates are also called sugars give quick energy because the body can turn them to glucose quickly.

Complex Carbohydratesmacronutrient

These carbs contain fibre,minerals and vitamins as well as energy. The body breaks the carb down slowly into glucose providing energy for longer durations:

Fibre (roughage)micronutrient

A type of carbohydrate the body can’t digest and is not a source of calories but it helps absorb unwanted toxins out of the body. They also help to prevent build up of cholesterol fats that increase heart disease.

Fats (30% diet intake)macronutrient

Fats are high in energy but harder to break down. The body uses them after depleting the carb sources. Fats are also needed for absorbing certain vitamins.

Good Fat / Bad Fatmacronutrient

Unsaturated Good

Saturated and Trans Fat Bad

Good and Bad Fatmacronutrient

Good fats are unsaturated. They help in our metabolizing and have HDL a type of fat molecule that lowers blood cholesterol

Bad fats are saturated or trans fat and increases LDL a type of fat molecule that raises our blood cholesterol.

Increased blood cholesterol is linked to higher risks of heart disease

Proteins (10% diet intake)macronutrient

Proteins while an energy source are not used for energy. Proteins are mainly important for building tissues. They also play roles in digestion, senses and immune systems.

Vitamins and MineralsMicronutrients

Vitamins are needed to build and maintain our cells and to release energy from macronutrients

Minerals are inorganic and found in food but are useful in maintaining our body’s systems. Calcium hardens bones, electrolytes (salts) are used to transmit nervous signals. Iron is needed in the blood to help carry oxygen.

Vitamins and Mineralsmicronutrients

Vitamins and Minerals can be supplied by eating a balanced diet of the major food groups. However vitamin supplements can be taken in powder and pill form too.

Water (8 cups daily)micronutrient

Water is essential to our metabolism. It is needed by every system and cell to function properly. It contains no energy or nutrients. Water is water. Without water our performance and health deteriorate rapidly.

Healthy Diet

By eating a balanced diet you can receive all 50 nutrients needed to be healthy and proper weight. See the Canada Food Guide for recommended servings.

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a measure of energy found in our food.

It is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree C.

How many calories do I need? Your daily intake of calories will

depend on many things like: Your age Gender Level of daily exercise Your body size Lean or fat

Too many or too few caloriesOur weight is affected by our calorie

intake. If we burn more calories than we take in, we lose weight. If we take in more calories than we burn each day we will store the excess energy as fat in our adipose cells…

An average teenage boy (15 -18) needs about 2500-3000 calories /day

The average teenage girl (15-18) needs about 2200/day

Find the answer to this:

Find out what you could eat or drink that would add up to about the same amount as

2200 calories if you are a girl Or3000 calories if you are a boy

List the items by name and amount

Exit Pass

Show some of what you learned by writing at least one fact you learned from today’s lesson on each of the following: (Write or print neatly, use sentences please)

Carbohydrates MicroNutrient vs MacroNutrient Minerals Water Calorie

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