nwp activities at inm bartolomé orfila estrada area de modelización - inm 28th ewglam & 13th...

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NWP Activities at INM

Bartolomé Orfila EstradaArea de Modelización - INM

28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings

Zürich, October 2005

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings



Operational activities. Computer resources Hirlam as operational model. Wave model. Verification.

Research in NWP: Hirlam project.

Data Assimilation Dynamic in Hirlam Physical parameterizations


October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Computer resources

Cray X1e 15 nodes, 8 MSP’s each node 4 SSP’s each MSP 320 Gb memory 2.3 TF peak performance

Official acceptance: June 2005

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Cray X1e MSP

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Hirlam operational model

ONR 0.16 deg latxlon, 40 levels 72 hours forecast, 4 times a day 3DVAR BC’s from ECMWF

HNR and CNN 0.05 deg latxlon, 40 levels 36 hours forecast, 4 times a day 3DVAR BC’s from ONR

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


ONR integration area

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


HNR – CNN integration areas

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Verification 2006

Standard verification against observations.

Verification against Spanish High Resolution precipitation network.

Monthly comparison ONR-HNR models for Spain.

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Geopotential June-August 2006

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


MSLP June-August 2006

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Precip. by thresholds POD-FAR

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Wave operational model

WAM 4 for Atlantic and Mediterranean

High resolution shallow water model

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Wave operational model

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


High Resolution Wave operational model

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Hirlam Project – Data Assimilation

3DVAR in operational models. Assimilation of GPS data (TOUGH project). Test of Hirlam 4DVAR in the Cray X1e. Soil moisture analysis comparison

between Hirlam reference system and 1DVAR version (ELDAS project).

Mesoscale Rapid Update Cycle of analysis of surface parameters.

Assimilation of VAD winds from INM radar network.

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Spring period: 15 April-15 May 2004

Impact of introducing 31 new GPS sites

ETS and TSS show that increasing the number of GPS sites improves model precipitation.

Verification with INM Climate stations (upscaled to 22km).

PP thresholds (0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10., 30., 100. mm in 24 hours)

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Hirlam Project – Dynamics

HIRLAM contribution to ALADIN dynamics: Improvement of the treatment of the map factor in the

ALADIN semi-implicit scheme. Testing of the rotated Mercator coordinate options, with a view to efficiency for large domains.

HIRALD System: Testing together the three major parts of the physical

parametrizations from HIRLAM Model: turbulence, condensation/convection and radiation into ALADIN Model

Validation of mesoscale model on test cases

ESEOO Project: Development and Implementation of a Spanish Operational Oceanography System



Spain (11 km): ALADIN

Spain (2.5 km): ALADIN-NH

Nesting of the grids HIRLAM / ALADIN:

• A double nested system is used over Spanish region, with the centre of the high resolution domain over Spain.

• The outer model (11 Km grid size) is hydrostatic.

• The high resolution domain (2.5 Km grid size) runs in non-hydrostatic mode.

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Spanish Operational Oceanography system definition and design

2 Data3 Meteorological modelling

4 Oceanographic modelling

• Data inventory• Data format homogenisation• Quality control• Homogeneous data processing • Data protocol for emergencies

• Limited area models• Non-hydrostatic high resolution models• Study of ocean-atmosphere fluxes parameterisations

• Global scale circulation• Regional scale circulation• Local scale circulation• Relocatable local circulation models• Comparison and validation• Data Assimilation• Wave and sea level modelling (regional and local scales)

Oceanographic data and modelling R&D

5 Dispersion modelling

• Forcing definition and optimisation• Regional scale modelling• Local scale modelling• Relocatable models• Comparison and Validation

6 Pre-operational systems implementation

1 System definition

• Creation of a users group • Operational requirements definition.• Emergency procedures definition

• Integration of Teledetection data in the system• Benefits and requirements definition of a future permanent inter-institutional national operational oceanography service.

Operational Phase

• Analysed data service• Real time data directory• Regional modelling systems• Local modelling systems• Simulated emergency system co-ordination exercise •Transfer to operational Phase

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Hirlam Project – Physics

Convection: New moist scheme based on Kain-Fritsch

convection and Rasch-Kristjannsson large scale implemented into the HIRLAM reference system.

Vectorized code available. Forecast 10-20 % more expensive and even

more on vector computers (vector optimization in progress).

Improvement of precipitation over Iberia.

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


SREPS - Multi-model Multi-boundaries

Models: Hirlam. HRM MM5 UM LM


October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings



72 hours forecast two times a day (00 and 12 UTC).

Characteristics: 5 models. 4 boundary conditions. 2 last ensembles (HH and HH-12).

20 member ensemble every 12 hours Time-lagged Super-Ensemble of 40

members every 12 hours.

October 2006 28th EWGLAM & 13th SRNWP Meetings


Road Map2003-2004 Research to find best ensemble for the Short


Jun 04 – Jun 05 Building Multimodel System

Jun 05-Dec 05 Mummubn/16 members

Daily run non-operational

Mar 06 Mummub 16/16 members

Once a day

Jun 06 Mummub20 members

Twice a day

July 06 Obs verfication

September 06 40 member lagged Super-


Twice a day

October 06 BMA Calibration

January 07 Broadcast products Experimental

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