ny b13 3rd watch interviews fdr- commission and team 8 bios- background 035

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  • 8/14/2019 NY B13 3rd Watch Interviews Fdr- Commission and Team 8 Bios- Background 035


    About the Commission

    Th e National Comm ission on Terrorist Attacks Up on the United States (also known as the 9-11Commission), an independent, bipartisan comm ission created by congressional legislation and the signatureof President George W . Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of thecircumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and theimmediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendationsdesigned to guard against future attacks.Commission Members

    Thomas H. KeanChair

    Le e H. HamiltonVice Chair

    Richard Ben-VenisteM ax ClelandFred F. Fielding

    Jamie S. GorelickSlade GortonJohn F. LehmanTimothy J. RoemerJames R. Thompson

    Thomas H. KeanChair

    Thomas Kean, chair, is former governor of New Jersey (1982-1990) and, since1990, th e president of Drew University. Kean also served for ten years in theNew Jersey Assem bly, rising to the positions of majority leader, minorityleader, and speaker. As governor, he served on the President's Education PolicyAdvisory Committee and as chair of the Education Commission of the Statesan d the National Governor's Association Task Force on Teaching. Whilepresident of Drew, Kean has served on several national committees andcommissions. He headed the American delegation to the UN Conference onYouth in Thailand, served as vice chairman of the American delegation to theWorld Conference on Women in Beijing; an d served as a member of the-Preside nt's Initiative on Race. He also served on the National Endowment fo rDemocracy. He is chair of the Newark Alliance and the National Campaign toPrevent Teen Pregnancy an d former chair of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Educate America, an dthe National Environmental Education an d Training Foundation. Kean is on the board of a number oforganizations including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Council of the WorldWildlife Fund. He holds a B.A. from Princeton University and an M.A. from Columbia UniversityTeachers C ollege, as well as more than 25 honorary degrees an d numerous awards from environmental an deducational organizations.

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    Lee H. HamiltonVice Chair

    Lee Hamilton, vice chair, is president and d irector of the Woodrow Wilson(international Center for Scholars. Prior to becoming director of the Wood row W ilsonCenter in 1999,Hamilton served for 34 years in Congress represen ting Indiana's NinthMstrict. During his tenure, he served as chairman an d ranking member of the House3ommittee on Foreign Affairs (now the Committee on International Relations),

    (chaired the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East from the early 1970s until]l993, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Select Committee toavestigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran. Hamilton also served as chair of theJoint Economic Committee, w orking to promote long-term economic growth an ddevelopment. A s chairman of the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congressan d a member of the House Standards of Official Conduct Com mittee, he was aprimary draftsman of several House ethics reforms. Since leaving the House, M r. Hamilton ha s served as a

    commissioner on the influential United States Commission on National Security in the 21 st Century (theHart-Rudman Commission), and was co-chair with former Senator Ho ward Baker of the Baker-HamiltonCommission to Investigate Certain Security Issues at Los A lamos. He is currently a member of thePresident's Homeland Security A dvisory Council. Mr. Ham ilton is a graduate of Depauw Un iversity andIndiana Un iversity law school, as w ell as the recipient of numerous h onorary degrees and national awardsfor public service. Before his election to Congress, he practiced law in Chicago an d Columbus, Indiana.

    Richard Ben-VenisteCommissioner

    iRichard Ben-Veniste is a partner in the Washington law firm of Mayer, B rown,j.Rowe & Maw. He served as assistant U.S.attorney, Southern District New York,^from 1968to 1973, which included service as chief of the Special Prosecution

    ^Section from 1971to 1973.Mr. Ben-Veniste was chief of the Watergate TaskForce of the Watergate Special Prosecutor's Office from 1973 to 1975and SpecialJ,Outside Counsel Senate Committee on Government Operations from 1976 to1977. From M ay 1995to June 1996, M r. Ben-Veniste was chief counsell(minority) of the Senate W hitewater Comm ittee. M r. Ben-Veniste received anLB. from Muhlenberg College in 1964, an LL.B. from Columbia University Law(School in 1967, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, and an LL.M. fromJorthwestern University School of Law in 1968 under a Ford Foundationfellowship grant. He is a member of the bars of New Y ork and the District of Columbia.

    M r. Ben-Veniste is the co-author of Stonewall: Th e Real Story of th e Watergate Prosecution (Simon &Schuster), and has been a guest lecturer at numerous law schools, including Harvard, Yale, Columbia,Georgetown and Fordham. He is a frequent comm entator on current affairs involving the intersection oflaw and politics.M r. Ben-Veniste has been listed in Who's Who in America since 1975,Th e Best Lawyers in America since1983, and Washingtonian Magazine's To p Lawyers in Washington, DC. since 1992, when the list firstappeared.Mr. Ben-Veniste is a Presidential appointee to the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial GovernmentRecords Interagency Working Group, which is mand ated to review and declassify secret documentsrelating to World War II era war crimes.

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    M ax ClelandCommissionerlax Cleland is a distinguished adjunct professor at American University'sW ashington Semester Program, where he also serves as a fellow in the Center forCongressional & Presidential Studies. A former senator from Georgia, he began hi spublic service as an officer in the U.S. Army, volunteering fo r duty in Vietnam in

    ; 1967, where he served until he was very seriously wounded in April 1968. AfterI recuperating from his injuries, he was elected to the Georgia State Senate. In 1975,vhen he was 34 years o ld, President Carter appointed him administrator of theVeteran's Administration, where he instituted th e revolutionary "Vets Centerprogram," which for the first t ime offered psychological counseling as well asphysical care to combat veterans. After serving as Georgia's secretary of state from11982-1995, Cleland was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996 where he served as

    chairman of the Personnel Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee, and was a member of theSenate Veteran's Affairs Committee. W hile in the Senate, he earned enormous respect for his work in suchareas as health care an d education reform, bio-terrorism preparedness, homeland security, an d fiscalresponsibility. Cleland is author of Strong at the Broken Places an d Going for the Max!: 12 Principles forLiving Life to the Fullest. He holds a B.A. in English from Stetson University and a Masters Degree inAmerican History from Emory University, as well as honorary doctorate degrees from both institutions.Fred F. FieldingCommissioner

    ?red Fielding is senior partner and head of W iley, Rein, & Fielding'sjovernment Affairs, Business & Finance, Litigation and Crisislanagement/W hite Collar Crime Practices. From 1981-1986, he served asCounsel to the President of the United States, as deputy counsel from 1972-1974and as Associate Counsel from 1970-1972. He also served as clearance counselduring the Bush-C heney Presidential Transition. In addition to his public serviceas W hite House counsel, Fielding ha s served as the U.S.-designated arbitrator atbe Tribunal on the U.S.-U.K. Air Treaty Dispute (1989-1994), as a member ofle president 's Commission on Federal Ethics Law R eform (1989) and as afiember of the secretary of transportation's Task Force on Aviation Disasters,(1997-1998), as well as numerous other commissions. He is a member of theDistrict of Columbia and Pennsylvania Bars, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the U.S. District Court,Eastern District of Pennsylv ania; the District of Columbia C ourt of Appeals; U.S. Distric t Court for theDistrict of Columbia; U.S. Courts of Appeals for the D.C., Federal, First, Third, Fourth, an d Ninth Circuits;the U.S. Court of Military Appeals; and the U.S. Supreme Court. He holds an A.B., with honors, fromGettysburg College and a J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law, where he served on theEditorial Board of the Virginia Law Review.

    Jamie S. GorelickCommissioner

    amie Gorelick is vice chair of Fannie Mae. As part of the four-person Office ofhe Chairman, sh e shares responsibility fo r overall management of the company,irects its efforts to reach underserved markets an d oversees Fannie Mae'seternal relationships, legal and regulatory affairs. Prior to joining Fannie M aen May 1997, Gorelick wa s deputy attorney general of the United States, aiosition sh e assumed in March 1994. From May 1993 until sh e joined thejjustice Department, Gorelick served as general counsel of the Department of'efense. From 1979 to 1980 she was assistant to the secretary an d counselor to:he deputy secretary of energy. In the private sector, from 1975 to 1979 an d.gain from 1980 to 1993, G orelick was a litigator in W ashington, D.C.,

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    representing major U.S. companies on a broad range of legal and business matters. She served as presidentof the District of Columb ia Bar from 1992 to 1993. Gorelick is a graduate of Harva rd College and Ha rvardLaw School. She also serves on several boards, including the Fannie Mae Fo undation, United TechnologiesCorporation, Schlumberger, Lim ited, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fo undation, the HarvardCollege Board of Overseers, America's Promise, the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless, theCarnegie Endow m ent for International Peace, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and The NationalPark Foundation. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American LawInstitute. Gorelick co-chaired, with Senator Sam N unn, the Advisory Committee of the President'sCommission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, and currently serves on the Central Intell igence Age ncy'sNational Security Adv isory Panel as w ell as the President's Review o f Intelligence.Slade GortonCommissioner

    f Slade Gorton is of counsel at Preston Ga tes & Ellis LL P. Prior to joining the firm, he^represented Washington State in the United States Senate fo r 18 years, from 1982-12000. While in the Senate, Gorton served on the Appropriations, Budget, Commerce,IScience and Transportation, and Energy and Natural Resources Com mittees. HeJserved as chairman of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee (1995-2001), theICommerce Subcommittees on Consumer Affairs (1995-99), a nd Aviation (1999-12000). He was a lso a mem ber of the Republican leadership a s counsel to the Ma jority|Leader (1996-2000). Gorton bega n his political career in 1958 a s a Washington staterepresentative; he went on to serve as State House m ajority leader. In 1968, he was(elected attorney general of Washington state, where he argued 14 cases before the'Supreme Court. Gorton also served on the president's consumer Advisory Council

    (1975-77) and on the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (1969-1981). He waschairman of the Washington State Law & Justice Commission (1969-76), served as an instructor inConstitutional law to public adm inistration gra duate students at the University of Puget Sound (1977), andhas served on the Boa rd of the Fred H utchinson Ca ncer Research Center since 1987. In 2001, Gortonserved on the Nation al Comm ission on Federal Election Reform .John F. LehmanCommissioner

    "John Lehman is chairman of J.F. Lehman & Company, a private equity investmentfirm. He is also chairman of OAO Technology Solutions, director of BallICorporation, Insurance Services Office, SDI Inc., Elgar Inc., and Racal^Instruments, Inc. , and a member of the Advisory Board of Paribas AffairesIndusrrielles. Lehman was formerly an investment banker with Paine Webber Inc.He was president of Abington Corporation between 1977 and 1981. He served 25pyears in the naval reserve. Lehm an was appointed Secretary of the Na vy by(President Reaga n in 1981 and served until 1987. During his tenure as Secretary of

    Ithe Navy, Lehman was responsible for building a 600 ship Navy, establishing a(Pjjstrategy of maritime supremacy, and reforming ship and aircraft procurement. He""has served as staff member to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council ,as delegate to the Force Reductions Negotiations in Vienna a nd as deputy director of the U.S. Arm s C ontroland Disarmament Agency. Lehman holds a B.S. from St. Joseph's University, a B.A. an d M. A. fromCam bridge University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently an H onoraryFellow of Gonville an d Caius College, Cambridge University. Lehman is the author of numerous books,including C om ma nd of the Seas, Ma king War, and On Seas of Glory. He serves as Chairman of thePrincess Grace Foundation USA, a director of OpSail Foundation, a member of the Board of Overseers ofthe School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylv ania, and is a trustee of LaSalle Co llege HighSchool.

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    Timothy J. RoemerCommissionerTim Roemer is a partner at Johnston an d Associates and a distinguished scholar atthe Mercatus Center at George Mason University, a non-profit research andeducational institution dedicated to improving public policy outcomes. Roemer is akey spokesperson for the Mercatus Center's Capitol Hill outreach and educationprogram, which teaches economics and policy analysis to congressional staff.From 1991-2003, Roemer represented the Third District of Indiana in the U.S.House of Representatives, where he served on the Permanent Select Committee onIntelligence, the Committee on Education and the Workforce and the Committeeon Science. Before running for Congress, he served on the staffs of John Brademasaf Indiana (1978-1979) and Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona (1985-1989).ie holds a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego, Calif, and an M.A.an d Ph.D. from Notre Dame University. While he was in Congress Roemer was recognized for hissuccessful leadership on bipartisan legislation to balance the budget, reform welfare, improve theaffordability of higher education, and reform elementary an d secondary education fo r school children. Hewa s appointed to the Intelligence Committee's T ask Force on Hom eland Security and Terrorism and servedon the bipartisan Joint Inquiry which issued a repo rt on the terrori st attacks of September 11, 2001. He wasthe key author of the legislation in the House of Rep resen tatives to establish the Nation al Commission on

    Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.James R. ThompsonCommissioner

    James Thompson, Illinois' longest-serving governor (1977-1991), is chairman of thellaw firm of Winston & Strawn, headquartered in Chicago. He first joined Winston &JStrawn in 1975 and then rejoined the firm as a partner when he left the governor's

    D f f i c e in 1991. From 1959 to 1964, he served in the Cook County state's attorney'sjoffice, where he argued criminal civil rights cases before the Illinois and US SupremeCourts. He then taught at the Northw estern La w School. In 1971, he became U.S.Attorney for the Northern District, where he established a solid reputation fo rting corrupt public officials. He is a member of the Illinois Bar. Thom pson isalso a director of FMC Corporation, FMC Technologies, Inc., the Chicago Board ofrade, Hollinger International (publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times), Prime Retailc., Prime Group Realty Trust, Navigant Consulting Group, Public Review BoardHEREIU, Japan Society (New Y ork), and MAXIMU S, Inc. He served on the American B ar AssociationCommission on Separation of Powers and Judicial Independence from 1996-1997. Thompson was educatedat the University of Illinois an d Washington University, an d received his law degree from NorthwesternUniversity Law School.

    Philip D. ZelikowExecutive DirectorPhilip Zelikow is the executive director of the National Commission on TerroristAttacks Upon the United States, better known as the "9/11 Commission." He is alsothe director of the Miller Center of Pub lic Affairs and White Burkett MillerProfessor of History at the University of Virginia. After serving in government withthe Navy , the State Departm ent, and the National Security Council, he taugh t atHarvard before assuming his present post in V irginia to direct the nation's largestresearch center on the American presidency. He was a member of the President'soreign Intelligence Advisory Board and served as executive director of the National'ommission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former Presidents Carter andord, as well as the executive d irector of the Markle Fou ndation Task Force onational Security in the Information Age. Zelikow's books include The Kenned y

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    Tapes (with Ernest May), Germany Unified an d Europe Transformed (with Condoleezza Rice), and therewritten Essence of Decision (with Graham Allison). Zelikow has also been the director of the AspenStrategy Group, a policy program of the Aspen Institute.

    Christopher KojmDeputy Executive DirectorChristopher Kojm served from 1998 until February, 2003 as Deputy Assistant Secretary fo r IntelligencePolicy and Coordination in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He servedpreviously in the Congress on the staff of the House International Relations Committee, under RankingMember Lee Hamilton as Deputy Director of the Democratic staff (1997-98), as Coordinator fo r RegionalIssues (1993-1997) an d under Chairman Hamilton on the Europe an d Middle East subcommittee staff(1984-92). From 1979-1984, he was a writer and editor with the Foreign Policy Association in New Y orkCity. He has a Masters in Public Affairs from the Wood row Wilson School at Princeton University (1979)and an A.B. from Harvard College (1977).

    Daniel MarcusGeneral Counsel

    Daniel Marcus, G eneral Counsel of the Commission, was for many years a partner inthe Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, serving on the firm'sManagment Committee from 1995 to 1998. During the Carter A dministration Mr.Marcus was Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Health, Education andWelfare, and General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture. He returned to{Government service in 1998 as Senior Counsel in the White House Counsel's office.From 1999 to 2001 he held several senior positions at the Department of Justice,including Associate Attorney G eneral. Last year he was a Visiting Pro fessor atGeorgetown University Law Center. Mr. Marcus is a graduate of Brandeis University|and Yale Law School, and was a law clerk for Judge Harold L eventhal of the U.S.'ourt of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

    About Team 8Team 8 has been charged with investigating the nature and ad equacy of the emergency response to the 9/11attacks in the immediate a ftermath of the attacks. Specifically, the investigation is to cover the emergencyresponse and consequence management of decision makers concerning New York City and the Pentagon,and the nature and effectiveness of any strategic contingency plans that were put into place.Much has been written about the attacks on the World Trade Center a nd Pentagon and the chaos theycreated and challenges they posed for emergency respond ers at all levels (excerpts from some of thepublished ac counts are appended). It is fair to conclude, how ever, that because the a ccounts to date haveeach taken a narrow perspective, the definitive account of the emergency response to the events ofSeptember 11, 2001 in New Y ork City and W ashington, D.C. has yet to be written. Team 8's work willenable the Commission to provide such an overall assessment.Although the published accounts of emergency response on 9/11 differ greatly in their particulars, they areconsistent in one important respect: all responders tended to assess the situation by thinking first about thenature of the damage to the buildings themselves, second about evacuating the people inside the buildings,and third about more general crisis response issues such as command and control and communications.Team 8 has chosen to use this consistent thought process as the organizing principle for its inquiry.

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    New York Team 8 MembersJohn Farmer George DelgrossoSenior Counsel

    Ellinore HartzJohn A zzarelloCatharine TaylorGeoffrey BrownEmilyWalkerSam Caspersen

    John FarmerSenior CounselFormer Attorney General of the State of New Jersey and Chairman of New Jersey's Do mestic PreparednessTask Force in the aftermath of September 11.John AzzarelloCounselAttorney at Carella Byrne in New Jersey. Former Depu ty Chief of the Criminal Division in the UnitedStates Attorney's Office in New ark and a former legal commentator on Court Television Network.Geoffrey BrownResearch AssistantFormerly with the Henry L . Stimson Center's Future of Peace O perations Project.Sa m CaspersenCounselFormer attorney with Sullivan and Cromw ell in New Y ork with backgroun d in international relations.Former clerk fo r Judge George Sprague in Cambridge, M A.George W . DelgrossoInvestigatorFormer New York C ity Police Department Ho micide Detective w ith expertise in investigation, intelligencegathering, research, strategic planning, case management and problem solving.Elinore Ha rtzFamily LiaisonFormerly with Coldw ell Banker Real Estate. Serves on Family Advisory Council, Lower ManhattanDevelopment Corporation, NYC.Catharine TaylorAdministrat ive AssistantFormer research and administrative assistant at Emergency Corps, an initiative sponsored by the GreaterNew York S afety Council.Emily WalkerFamily LiaisonFormer managing director and chief of staff, Citigroup. Former U.S. alternate director at the EuropeanBank for Reco nstruction and Developm ent and executive secretary at the U.S. Department of Treasury.

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