obtain keen insights with dashboards

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Obtain Keen Insights with Dashboards

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.


David CostinSolutions Architect

Denis Adeshelidze Solutions Architect

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

• What Are Dashboards?

• Why Dashboards Fail

• Building the Right Dashboard

• How Maximizer Uses Dashboards


W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

What Are Dashboards?

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• A data visualization tool that displays the current status of metrics and KPI’s for an organization

• Metrics often include sales, marketing, support and other departments

• Allows for the quick and easy digestion of the information allowing you to make better decisions faster

What Are Dashboards?

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

What Are Dashboards?

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

The Key Characteristics of Dashboards are:

• Fits onto one screen, makes it simple to view more complex data points

• Primarily used to find trends and outliers and anomalies within data

• Highly interactive and usually provides functionality like filtering and drill downs

What Are Dashboards?

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

What Are Dashboards?

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Why Dashboards Fail

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Why Dashboards FailA Dashboard Can Help You Communicate Your Data Effectively.

A Dashboard Cannot help you communicate your data effectively if you don’t know how to build it.

Typical Mistakes:• Inaccurate data• Metrics that lack relevance• Uncertain search parameters

• Lack of descriptive labels• No user training• Low accessibility

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Why Dashboards FailWill having a Dashboard make you data-driven?

No, but having a USEFUL Dashboard will!

Common reasons dashboards fail:• Too little or too much information• Duplication of metrics• Spending months getting the ideal dashboards

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Why Dashboards Fail

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Importance of Building the Right Dashboard

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Importance of Useful DashboardsA useful dashboard is designed to help you understand the data that is relevant to you.

Most importantly it needs to do this at a glance.

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Importance of Useful DashboardsUseful Dashboards have the following:

• Have a clearly defined purpose• Target audience aware• Help your brain digest data easily• Provide insights into what’s happening in your business at

any moment.• The right amount of data to make informed decisions• Time bound so you can react quickly to change• A tool for getting your team on the same page

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Building the Right Dashboard

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Building the Right Dashboard• Determining the elements of the Right Dashboard

takes time, effort and organization• There are 5 stages to accomplishing this goal

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Building the Right DashboardStep #1 - Identification

• You have realized the need to be data-driven• Identify what you need to do to become driven

by data metrics• Make a plan

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Building the Right Dashboard

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Building the Right DashboardStep #2 - Implementation

• Dashboards built• Understand what the data is telling you• Set up processes and tools• Expand your dashboards

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Building the Right DashboardStep #3 – Information Overload

• Dashboards are a success!• Teams and individuals are creating them• Hard to see the forest for the trees• Time to review and prune • Focus on your business goals

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Building the Right DashboardStep #4 - Organization

• You have identified your business goals and key metrics • Your organization is aligned to these goals• There are no clear owners for each metrics • Uncertainty as to when or how they should act upon them

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

Building the Right DashboardStep #5 - Alignment

• There is complete alignment of how data is driving your organization

• You fully understand how that data can help you achieve success

• Finally you are a data-driven organization• Remember to review your metrics regularly

W W W. M A X I M I Z E R . C O M © 2015 Maximizer Software Inc.

How Maximizer Uses Dashboards

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How Maximizer Uses DashboardsTop Level – CEO

• Health of the Business • Forward looking KPIs – not lagging KPIs• Ask intelligent questions to LOB

Multiple Levels• Director Level – Pipeline• Manager Level – Lead Conversion/ Marketing Nurture• Rep Level – Forecast/Revenue/Commissions

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Top Level KPI - USERS

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How do you find out ?• Check your leading KPIs – take actions to see if results

not what is expected.• Ask more questions and assign people to take actions.


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Marketing Top Lead Source KPI

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Further Analysis

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Manager Level

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Director Level Analysis

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Rep Level

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How Maximizer Uses Dashboards

For the User:• An economical incentive to migrate to cloud.• Recognize their original investment in Maximizer.

For Us:• Address the “churn” at the end of Year 1.• Accelerate the pace of users on subscription.• Migrate our On-Premise “Thick Client” users to Cloud.


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