ocd presentation

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment.


OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder

What is OCD?

OCD is an Anxiety Disorder Those who have OCD suffer from

uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts, as well as “rituals” that are repeated.

What is OCD?

ObsessionsUncontrollable, recurring thoughts

○ Thoughts of harming oneself/others○ Socially inappropriate sexual obsessions

People with severe OCD’s obsessions can become illusions

What is OCD? Compulsions

Performing rituals because of an inexplicable need to, or to reduce anxiety○ Skin picking and similar “habits”○ Counting (Footsteps, repetitions, etc.)○ Clearing throat

Similarities to Other Disorders

OCD compulsions have some resemblance to Tourette’s syndrome, but are different due to the repetitious nature.

Simulating an urge

Symptoms Excessive

cleaning Extreme hoarding Repeated

checking Obsessive sexual,

supernatural, violent or religious thoughts

Nervous Rituals


Studies show that altered states of Serotonin contribute to OCDSSRI’s are the best medical treatment

Cognitive Behavioral TherapyExposure with response prevention (ERP)Exposing the subject to a stimulus until

there is no longer any anxietyOCD brain is usually more active

How It Feels To Me

I have always struggled with OCD. The following slides will tell about my experience with the symptoms.


I have several compulsions that I can’t control.

Many people don’t understand. It’s like there’s something in your body that makes you do it, even though you don’t want to, or know you shouldn’t. You just do it.


I had an issue when I was younger with knocking on door frames whenever leaving or entering a room.

When I run, I have to brush my right shoe against my left leg once per step , and repeat it several times per(until it feels right).

It feels like an itch that you cannot scratch. It’s all internal, and can’t be satisfied.

Imagine trying to resist brushing off these bugs, and they won’t go away until you do it several times.


I have had issues with recurring thoughts about harming my loved ones

Once again, I just think them, even though I know that it’s wrong.


One of my obsessions is a concern for evenness and order.

If one thing is out of place in a list, then I get anxious.

What obsessions feel like

It’s almost as if someone says, “Don’t think about potatoes”. You have to think of potatoes in order to not think about them. This is similar to what it’s like with an obsessive thought.

What obsessions feel like

It can also be described in the way that, if you don’t do something (organize) then something bad will happen. If you don’t fix that one section of bad handwriting on the project, all of the handwriting is bad, and you will literally get a 0%.

Bad Handwriting

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