october 10, 2019 president’s board report f · october 10, 2019 president’s board report...

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October 10, 2019



11-M/W Soccer, 4:00P, YC Complex

11-Volleyball, 6:00P, Gym

15– Women’s Soccer, 4:00A, YC Complex

16– Grits and Grades, 9:00A, Staff Lounge

18– Volleyball, 6:00P Gym

18– A&F Appreciation Reception, 5:00P, Library

19– Football, 1:00P, Sports Complex

22– Men’s Soccer, 4:00P, Sports Complex

25, M/W Soccer, 4:00/6:00P, Sports Complex

25– Volleyball, 6:00P, Gym

28– Autumn Instrumental Concert, 7:30P, Theatre

29– Women’s Soccer, 4:00P, Sports Complex

30– Volleyball, 6:00P, Gym


2– Football, 3:00P, Sports Complex

8– Men’s Soccer, 4:00P, Sports Complex

11– Holiday, Campus Closed

15– Career Expo, YS Fairgrounds, 8:30AM

F or six days in September, Yuba

College hosted the Vietnam Mov-

ing Wall at its Marysville Campus.

This event was in the making for almost

one year, as the College sent off its initial application to

host The Moving Vietnam Wall last September. The vision

became a reality with persistence, and an unyielding need

to bring this incredible monument to our community.

This undertaking could not occur without the countless

volunteers who stood watch over The Wall, support

from Beale AFB, and the committee who worked tireless-

ly to make this event possible: Teresa Aronson, Bryan

Epp, Joseph Stottmann, Inderjit Deol, Tammy Pack, Adam

Pharris, and Don Schrader. To repeat the quote from the

opening ceremony program, “Let us never forget that

freedom is not free.” -Unknown

Pictured top: Police Academy students stand at attention during Open-

ing Ceremonies. Pictured middle: Second semester nursing students

visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall to pay respect to "Eight US Military

Nurses who died in Vietnam: 7 from accidents, 1 from a communist

rocket, when it struck her medical facility."

The Wall was setup on Thursday, September 12, in prepara-

tion for Friday’s opening ceremony. Speakers included Dr.

Carla Tweed, CMSgt Charles Anderson, Chancellor Houston

and pictured below, Master of Ceremonies, Professor Jukes.

There were over 70 visiting col-

leges and Yuba College programs

participating in this year’s CID!

With over 800 high school sen-

iors and over 500 current Yuba

College students attending the

event—it was a grand success!

Thank you to every faculty, staff,

administrator, and Peer Mentors/

student volunteers that assisted

with this event, and to the CID

work group of Cheryl Latimer,

Tammy Pack, Jessica Gaytan, In-

derjit Deol, Irma Guzman and

Barbra Sluder. This group spent

countless hours planning and pre-

paring for this event. Director

Kandola would like to give a spe-

cial thanks to Cheryl Latimer

who serves as a General Counse-

lor and Chair of the CID

Workgroup. Cheryl spent a sig-

nificant amount of time coordi-

nating this incredible event and

worked tirelessly to ensure that

our students received the very

best for this event. Cheryl, your

efforts deserve the highest of


Please enjoy the following

slideshow of CID. https://plus.smilebox.com/play?g=4311bc73-


Culture Day 2019 at Yuba College

was held September 2 and offered

delicious free cultural food as stu-

dents and staff learned about the

diversity of our community and a

sense of feeling a culture of to-

getherness and engagement on


Thank you Campus Life for coor-

dinating this event and thank you

to everyone that participated.

“In diversity, there is beauty and

there is strength” Maya Angelou

Congratulations to the teachers in Classroom B- Virginia Ve-

lasquez (pictured above), Choya

Guild and student teachers; Jo-

sephina Zapien, Malena Cooper,

Lance Sanders, and Rebec-

ca Gharu for being nominated

"BEST in CLASS" Fall 2019. The

children were over the moon

when they found out they won

and will receive a Pizza/Ice

Cream party!

Yuba College participated in this

year’s Sodbuster’s Dinner/Dance

held September 13, 2019 in

Marysville’s Riverfront Park.

Professor Dan Turner designed

a pickup truck BBQ/Smoker for

the live auction, benefiting

Marysville Rotary Club.

In the Community

Bill Press and Jay Feldman toured

Colusa Campus on September

16, 2019 to discuss plans for film-

ing a podcast at Colusa Campus

featuring Governor Jerry Brown,

pictured below with WCC Presi-

dent Art Pimentel, YC Vice Presi-

dent Carla Tweed and Chancel-

lor Houston. The student fo-

cused project was coordinated

through the efforts of Yuba Col-

lege’s new Mass Communications

instructor, Nathan Schemel.

Nathan also shared a link to a

video segment he did on Fox 40

News for the film festival he co-

ordinates in Sacramento, which

included a shout out to Yuba

College! https://fox40.com/2019/09/17/sacramento-

F o r t h e p a s t s e v e r a l

years, Brandman University has

been one of Yuba Community

C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t ’ s h i g h -

er education partners. They offer

students in our communities as

w e l l a s o u r r e c e n t

YCCD graduates and transfer stu-

dents opportunities to continue

their Higher Ed endeavors in

many disciplines. There are a few Brandman University alumni in

our midst like Dr. Carla Tweed,

Vice President, Academics & Stu-

dent Services at Yuba Col-

lege. YCCD has two additional

administrators pursuing their

Doctoral degrees at Brandman

University. The university

has established a new Cohort for

their Ed.D program specifical-

ly designed for California Com-

munity College administra-

tors. Recently, Aman Kandola,

Director of Counseling, at Yuba

College and Donald Grady, Chief

Human Resources Officer for

YCCD, began their journey to-

wards achieving their dreams of

earning the covenant Ed.D – Doc-

tor of Education. They both at-

tended Brandman’s 2019 Fall Im-

mersion in Irvine, CA as the first

step towards becoming a

“Transformational Leader”.

-DC3 September 2019 Newsletter

The thousands who were killed

or injured in the terrorist attack

against the U.S. 18 years ago

were remembered on 9/11 dur-

ing a ceremony held in

Marysville’s Washington Square

Park, hosted by Yuba Sutter first

responders, and attended by

members of the Yuba College

Public Safety Program.

Mass Communications Public Events



You are Invited

2019 Appreciation Reception

Friday, October 18, 2019

5:00 PM—7:00 PM

Yuba College Library

The Appreciation Reception is free to most

levels of A&F membership and $10 for

guests. The reception is an opportunity to

express appreciation to the membership

(including recognition of lifetime members),

to share what the association has been and

will be working on, and to promote contin-

ued membership and participation. There

will also be silent auction items to benefit

participating programs and student clubs.

In 2019 A&F supported student programs by pur-

chasing a refrigerator/freezer for Dusty’s Pantry, 28

TI graphing calculators for the Statistics Program and

“Busker the Tusker” books written by Alumna Su-

sanne Brunner. The books will be donated to the

Childcare Center and the Library’s Children collec-


All are welcomed to attend the Alumni & Friends re-

ception on Friday, October 18th, please RSVP to

ycalumni@yccd.edu, visit the President’s Office, or

call 741-6707.

For more information on Alumni & Friends, visit


The College’s athletic programs

have the following fundraising ef-

forts in progress. Please consider

a donation to the Foundation or

follow a link below in support of

Yuba College Athletics.

Women’s Soccer eTeam Campaign: https://app.eteamsponsor.com/ETS/supportUs/176616836?



Football eTeam Campaign: https://app.eteamsponsor.com/ETS/supportUs/157974951?



Baseball eTeam Campaign: https://app.eteamsponsor.com/ETS/supportUs/176233293 Baseball is having their Golf Tournament Oct 12.

Details here: https://1osjhr1kzber15t9781hbik1-wpengine.netdna



W.Basketball is planning a Spaghetti Feed Oct. 31.

Your Community. Your College.

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