of i director of the census director of the census to the secretary of commerce for the fiscal year...

Post on 14-May-2018






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ANNUAL REPORT ;p*k -i ; j








- r ; r f t i ... - L

C O N T E N T S . P ~ P .

....................................................... The Fourteenth Census 5 Tah~~lat ion of the data ................................................... 7

Census of popu!ation ................................................. 7 I Examination of schedule& ........ ...... i ........................... ! Hand comt ..................................................... 7

Editing the schedules ............................................ i I Card punching - ................................................... I ............................................... i Machine rtarification k

. ............................................ ! Sorticg and tabulating 9 ............................................. The occupation data 11 ................................................ Census of agriculture 12

.......................................................... Scope 12 ............................................. Method of tai~ulating 12

Ce~~suses of i~i-igatian and c?raintge ................................... 1; t <.'ensuses aI manufactures? mines aacd quarr; E, w d fc:estr:- and forcrst ........................................................... i products 13

3Iethod o: tat,ulatinl ............................................. 14 ......................................... Y Census of the liiind and rlrtal 14

The mortgage inquiry ................................................ 15 .................................................... 1 Publication of rr.?ults 16

Preliminar; figures .................................................. 16 ..... .......... . . . . . . - . - . - . - . . - . - . . . . I 17inal f i~ures .. .. 17

Eullr t in~ ........................................................ 15 ................................................. I Bound volumes 16

Spt~ ia ! studir .i .......................................................... 19

1 Annusl and other inq1iiric5 not c:onn@:ted with the r!nc~nnial cenens ........... 20 . ................................................... i Vital statistics ...... 20

..................................... . I Financial tatistics 01 States and cities 20 ........................................................ 1 1-eather statistics 21

.................. ............................... i 0 t h ~ annual iuqicries .. 22 .......................................................... Offirial register 23 Biennial censn: of mannfa::turer! prodncts .................................. 23 Monthly survey cjf c l i ~ e n t bu~iness ......................................... 24

Preservation o' records ........................................................ 24 ! ~ ~ ~ o r t i o n u i e n \ of re11rewnt;r.t. , \.es .............. .:. ............................ 2.5 Census a 2 ~ i : o v committee ................................................... 25 Office force ................................................................. 25

1 u m b e ~ of emplovees .................................................... 26 Separations ........ ... ................................................ 2; Promotions nnrl demotions ............................................... 37 Special ayents ............. ... 57 .........................................

. Quarters .................................................................... 27 3lechaniral laboratory.. ..................................................... 25 Publications isenc.d ........................................................... 29 Estimates and appropriztions .................................................. 28

Financial statement. fircaI ::ears 1920 ;md 1921 ............................. 29 Recommendations ior changes in censrre laxw 2nd method? ...................... 30

Date oi the cerlsns ...................................................... 30 \ nnouncement of population 35 . .............................................. .

Xi(!-decennial enr~merstioc .............................................. $1 Official regster .......................................................... 31 Cotins used in :;,an, ?facture of cxplosire? ................................... 31



,Ipp~nrlis I--Officials and employees, by grades and c l m e s : June SO, 1921. - . . . . 32 Ctfficifil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t7lerir.al f0r.e. .. .. .. .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . Zb Sulj<!lericaI force.. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . - . 3 >lechanical latjoratory force ... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . -, - . . . . . . - . 33 :'~q<ial went force ........-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. .. -. . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fr~wman- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . . . . . . -. . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . - . . . 33

?ippr.n?is 11-Pulilicrations imueri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . 34 57i1;; 1. 19%. to June 30. 1921:

Permanent census.. .. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 34 Fomteenth Cenws .........................................-........ 34

:rrI;; I to Septemher 9; 1921: Permanent een.jue.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Fourteenth Census .--... . . . . . ... -. .-. .. . . - - - - - - - -. -. - - - - - - - - . . - - - - 36

A1t11r.n I i s III- Tahle I . 4 c e t of field ~rork for the censuses of popdation and agicui tme,

and number of versons employed, Fourteenth Cenkue of the United States, h$ States. .-. ..-.. .... ... ... ...-... - - -..-. - - -. 3s

Table 2.--Coat of field work, Fourteenth Census of the United States, b ~ - superrisorp' districts- - . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . - . - - - - . - . 40




r a s h ingfon, September 2.5, 19,?1. SIR: 1 h a ~ e the honor to submit the following report upon the

operations of the Bureau of the Census during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1921, and upon the work now in progress or shortly tit be undertaken:

During the greater part of the fiscal year the work of the Bureau %-as under the charge of Hon. Sam. L. Rogers, who had been Director of the Census since 1915. He resigned this office on April 13, 1921, and thereupon I took charge of the Bureau, serting as Acting Director until 3Iav 10, when I took the oath of officc as Director.

The office of Assistant Director, xvhich x-as made ~ a c a n t hj- nlv appointment as Director. was filled by the appointment. on June 14, 1921, of Dr. Joseph -1. Hill, formerly chief statistician for rer-ision and results.


The fiscal year ended June 30. 1921, is the secvnd of the three rears which constitute the decencial cenqus period, as defined bv the Pourteentll Census Act. Kithin this three-:-ear period the compre- hellsire statistical inquiries co-~ereci b~ the census must, if thr. pro- risions of the lait- are curried out, be completed and the results published. This limitation of the, obriou;l~ cIe:igned to pre-rent delaj- or undue prolonvation of census vork and ms~ire reasonai-il;v prompt publication of h e results. 5rst introdured at the Tnelfth Census, taken in the w a r 1900: 2nd at that censui; the rec~uirernent of the la^^ t-\-as pract~callv. if not literall.;-. carried out. But a r the nes t census, that of 1910. the -cork was far from being con;l:l~tecl n-ithin the census period: in fact. i t v-ns continued for more than a year a f t e r~~ards .

I t has been rnv detern1i:ration. 2nd s ~ a s tha t of mj- recleceiic,~ i n R office. Mr. Rogers, to complete the census \~i th in t c three-refir period, in accorda~lce ~ r i t h the requirement of the law, if i t can pos- sibly be done: and the stage of progress ncn- reenheci g i ~ e s me con- fidence that this purpose TTI!~ he realized-at least to the extent of ha-ring the manuscript fur the last of tile report; in the hands of the printer by the close of tile period. I t is, l-aoii-eyer, b - no mean.: n

4q 2. % k r l r r


-.tn;ple matter. easy of accom lisbment. Probahlv fesr persons other ! thac those connected n-ith t e cecsus realize the mag~i tude of the untlb-?taking and the diEculties of c-erring i t to completioil Ti.Lthin- thll ;ieriod prescribed b? lax. I t inrclres the printirlg-and diitri-: 177i i c e 2 of -75.005.000 schedules of rp:e=tion~: the crgardzation and' qupc.ri-icion of a force of orer 90.000 enumerator.; a11d special %ge:~ti; ~m>,iibved to make a ho119e-to-house canra.3 of the entire L nited Ststc.,--including all the outl.irrg passeqsion.; escept the PLlippiiles nrlcl the TT,irgin Islands-ni:d to fill oilt scheciules for 107,500,000 people? 6,500,000 farms. 450.000 mannfacturing establishmel~t~, and 23,000 mining and quarr-j-ing enterprises; the esamination, check- ing. and editing of the schedules when recei~ed: the punching of 300.00n.000 tabulation cards; the running of the e uiralent of orer 2.500.000.000 cards though electrical sorting an1 tabulating machines; the cornpatation of about half a ~ n i l l ~ o n percentages, averrges. find other rates: the preparntion of elaborate manuscript tables: and, finall., the printing and publication of 12 quarto so?-~mes nr~rtiging about a thousand pages each.

L 1r:iiw to the future, i t is indeed a clue.;tion whether. m-ith the .n~.r~h orthe population snd the ex ansion of inc~ustrr, it rnq? not K r c l + m c licrwiary either 16 extend tKe period for the eomplet~oi~ of the <.ensus or :o curtail the scope of the inquiries. But that question, of courv, is not preqsiilg itself :~rgen:l:- u ~ o n nur attentioil n t the prc~qen t moment .

Sr other branch of thc C~orernrnc-rlt I,: t iaes of peace has qo iif5- ruit ti problem of organizakion. ric~jid lvnrk, a d tli-br.,-1:!rnent a. thp Cart-us Bureau. Since the fall of 1910 rinre than 190.00O I)erw9- h:irc been appointerl. i!l-t:~:cted. s:~perrbed YO a- tn ruc:E, t l ~ ~ 15-ork. ~~ot\\-ithstanding the short term of emylo.;rr,etlt. znr! ther~ o1i:chorgc.l. VEcn I 75-3, pl:lr.ed in rharge the Bureau had pas-erl throi?yh D C I : ~

of th?,e stages of it.; x~ork and hsd arrix-~rl a t ~?-h.rt. ib! <om? re-pcct-. is the most diHicult pericsd, a - i t in-ro1.r~. tile c o n ~ : , l ~ t i ~ n of its repcrtq ancl the dispensi1:g with trie serriees of the heqt, mqsi aidlfcl. anci m o ~ t hiehls- trair~e:: of its temporary cxplo>-ees.

The field q-ork of the census-that is, the xi-ork of making ?-112 cu-2- rnhi of the 1-nited States and filling out and returnitlg the scrledrz1~- of qut~stio~s-ha< n o r been cornpleccrl: in fact, 15-2. nwr1:- com3ler.d hcfore the c!o=e of thc first year of the wnsus p2rir:ti. a- nspl_llnerl . . " in the Director's report for that p a r : the tnbulat~otl x*Qrii 1s is: au~:tnced towar~1 romp!r.tion, end the publicatin11 of t ? ~ rp -u l t~ i.; T~-PII under \\-a;r-.

The scope of the For~rtecnth Decellninl Cea~?is. ns clefiiled h;.- Ian-. corers population2 agricuitvrc (includi1:g irrigatirm autl dr~i i?~?e! . rnni~rrfnntures! fcreqtry i ~ i ~ c i i-rest p:.~dili.ti, n;lcl n i i x ~ alld rjanrnrs: :~ntl the crgenization of the Eurenrr ~ E C ? U ~ ~ S t h r e nlai;: i l i ~ j s i o ~ . st-hich are ongageci primarily in the wr;rk of ta!rir?o L- ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ n11(! conlpiling its result;; nnmr~l!;, :he Dicisio?ls of Po;):$:i:i~-l, ,cf A s i - lure. a7ld of I lanufatture~. The census of *pnp!:lntl!-an is 'ia:ieil hv tile Di~ision of Populatic~n: tile ec.usu?es ~ 3 - ; flgix;~itui.i.. irrigatii.111, and drainage by the Diriiion of -1gricult:;r.~: exd the cerlzu.si.; of n~anrafsctnrc;, f o r e ~ t r ~ nncl fwest pr6ciuc.tc, anc! mii ;~s and qr!;-.ri.icv I i;>i-]rldi!->,n oil gz3 ~ r c l l ~ ) bi- the Dirisio!? ?f ;_' .~?~rrii :r tur.~?,:.




Before the close of the prerious fiscal year, 1919-20, the Bureau had practically completed the examination of the schedules, the preliminary or "hand" count of the population, and the editing of the schedules preparatory to punching the cards, processes q-hrch rere fully described in the Director's annual report for that year.

Examination of schedules.-The examination of the schedules mas begun on January 17, 1920, as soon as the &st schedules had been received, and mas completed in October, 1920. The great bulk of the work, however, was completed by the end of May, a t which time th$returns for 86,158 enuineration districts out of a total of 37,234 for continental United States had been inspected; and on July 1, at the heginning of the fiscal year covered by this report, the examina- tion had been com leted for all but 300 districts.

Hand count.-?' % e hand count-, which is made direct from the schedules-a count of the number of names on each sheet, following closely upon the ection of the schedules-was begun in January, 1920, and was for 86,913 districts by the end of June, and

The preliminary announcements of population aere based on this hand count.

Editing the sched7.iZe.c.-The task of editing the schedules at this census ~t-as made peculiarly difficult because of the recent changes in the political geographr of Euro e. One of the items on the population schedule was .' place of firth. " To prerent ambiguity or uncertaintj the term had to be defined. Should i t be the country in 1%-hich the person's birthplace was located af; the time of his birth, or the country to which that place belonged on January 1, 1920, the date of the census? I t was decicled that the answer should relate to the present geography of Europe-that is, should state the country which included the person's birthplace at the time of taking the census-and the enumerators were so instructed. But i t mas evident that ths persons enumerated could not be trusted in all cases to give correct ans-ix-ers in accordance with this principle. Either from habit or from preference they might name the countries to which their birthplaces belonged a t the time of their birth. I t tr-as deemed necessav at this census, therefore, to ask not merely for the country of birth as heretofore, but for the province or city also; and a large part of the editorial 3-ork at this census has con- sisted in check~ng or verifj-ing and correcting the ansrrers to the birthplace question in order to tletermin? for a certainty whether thev related to the countries of Europe as defined a t the present time.

The editing of the schedules xas begun in January, 1920, and com- pleted, except for a fev scattered districts, by the end of August of the same rear. Fron Februar~~ to June, inclusire, an arerage force of 316 clerks was ernploye:l on this work, but early in July this force

" Tras considerably reduced. 01rd punch ing.-The punching of the tabulation cards follows the

esamination and editirg of the sch~dules. S e s t to the field work or enumeration, this is thc! greatest single task of the population


census. A card is punched for each person enumerated which records all the facts reported on the population schedule for that person except those relating to occupation, the occupation data, as ;. explained elsenhere, being punched on a se arate card. The printing.d of the punch cards is, in itself, a large $ .ertaking. The first cards were delivered by the Government Prlnting Office on January 16, 1920. At the close of the fiscal year 1919-20 there had been received a total of 101,762,000 cards, and by September 21, 124,510,000, or substantialIy the full number ordered.

The work, of punching was be n in March, 1920, and was prac- /fiically corn leted before the enrof October. The day force em-


loyed reac E ed a maximum of over 700 operatives and averaged not \. pw from 500. In addition, two night forces, one workin from 4 t o

11'30 P K . m. and the other from 6 to 10 p. m., were emp oyed for a part o the time. In August the total of the day and night forces exceeded 1,200. During that month 24,423,013 cards %ere punched, and durin August 27,734,323, making a total of 52,157,336, or an average o f 1,086,611 daily, co~ering in these tx-o months a period of 48 working days.

The progress of the punching work by months is shown by the following statement:

Average Ifonth, I9B. number IIonth, 1920. Cards 9

of punched. operatires.

- ................. ........... Idarch ................................. 113.3 Yarch ... 1,563,lL3 ................................ A ril.... .............................. 450. 3 A ril. i 6% 154

MS)ay.. ............................... 550.2 d y . . ............................... 10:i0.j: June .................................. 1 014.3 ' June ................................. 13 234 SS9

.............................. .............. ................ July.. - 11 191.0 Smly.. 2.d ~ 3 1 . 0 1 3 .......................... August ............... .. ............. 1: 2 3 . 5 .lugust... 27,734,323

......................... September.. .......................... 709.5 September.. 15,297, OM October.. ............. .... ...... ..... . 31.6 October.. ............................ i35, 734

........................... November. 1.0 Sorember.. 24 737 ......................... December.. ........................... 0.9 December ........................... 13: ST!

.......................... ............. Average for 10 months 4 . i , Total.. 10i,3aU, 23;

ilfachine ver$cation.-The nest important step in the process of tabulation is the machine rerification of the cards, in which the electrical machines are wired so as to reject automatically any card i. which lacks the required number of punchetl holes; any card rrhicll is "off gauge," i. e., not puncher1 with the mechanical exactness required for the tabulating machines; and any card on ~ h i c h the recorded data, as indicated by the punched holes, inrolve some apparent inconsistency, as, for instance, n card punched as "mar- rled" or "widowed" and "under 15 years of age." The cards thus rejected for inconsistencies or improbabilities are compared with the entries on the schedules as filled out b ~ - the enumerators, and any errors discovered are corrected. The machine rerification was begun in April, 1920, and is-as practicall~ completed in Sovember. Two sets of machines were used, the cards being run twice. a

The progress of the machine 1-erification month by naonth is s h o r n b-j- the folIowing statement:

............................................. "I":.:: 2.0

............................................. 1 ar 7. O June.. .................... .. ................... 11.11 Julv.. ............................................... l*. 6 Auiust ............................................... 12.6 September ........................................... 13.0 October. ............................................. 10.4 Korember.. ......................................... 1.0 December. ........................................... I. 0 --

Total.. ................................................... 1 I07.344,MS ........... Ir]& 710,620

1 Includes card? for -Uajiia, Hsxaii, through the first set oimwfilnes.

Porto Rieo, arid the Panam%

The cards rejected in the process of machine rerificrition h a ~ e to be examined and ~erif ied or corrected. and in some cases milst be replared bp cards properlr punched. This n-ork. xt-fiicki M--a+ br~gun in April. was suhstantiaIly completed in Sovembrr. The force of clerks employed upon it arernged 2.50 ic -4ug11-i. 445 in Stptem- ber and October, and 331 in Soremher. Thc ivhole nnmter of cards handled bj- thiq rerification fn rw t\-:ic i S.ii'3.353. of adrich number about b,rJC)l).C100 carris had to bri- r<*ptiv.i:erl or di;i.arded and replaced by others correctl; pi~~nclir*rt.

,Sorting and tnJlrZc1/ll;n?.-Fo11r~~irig tile vc:rificatil-,n t h e first s t y in the process of machine tabulation is t f ? ~ fird sort of t"n ccrrd. asnich groups them according to .cc,lor or rar.~~. and for the white pnpuiarion according to na t i r i t r 1 natlre or foreizn horn, and parentaye parents nati-re or foreign born). This T n s began in August, 1920, and completed Januaq- 31, 1921. During ti,e prcatSr part of the time from 10 to 15 machines Kere operated on this sort.

Follo~iing the first sort. after a renymnpement tlLe .arc%& by hand. is the first machine count. or tizhu?ntlon. n-kith g i ~ e s f ig~res for sex. color or race, na t i r i t t . and p:vent:,ge. for n:!to*.J tittendance and illiteracyv b_v age goups3 for d.rt--elbc,rrs find fan~ri~es. 2nd for tenure of homes; these Items being si~os~-n for ever7 cs5rzntr. erery citv OF otlier incorporated place of o-i-er 3.51~9 in:j~bir::nts. and ~7er.y %t~.:d'e! i~ 311)- c i t r of orer SO,O~JO inl~nhitants. This eo::nz is ~ C ~ C ~ E R IB S ~ Y W B I ~ ~ P . 1920, and the pncl of Februiir:-. 1921. frw?l I 7 tcr 21 me- chines being in use a o s t of the tilxc..

The second machine e 2 ~ n t is restricted 2 0 t h e !oreigr~-?)orn ii-bite population alld gives tilpir di::rikr;tir~n !)? si.1 cnd ccmntr- c ~ f birth. This count jyas beglln Dec~mber 6, ili?!. land cnli:p!~tcrl in Fei~ru- arv, 1921. I t lnav hr noted that ;h~-:* ! ir '~t ::YO Tiins O r counts g i ~ e all the populatioll detail t];at n-i!; hc - ; l c * \ ~ ~ ~ or wid1 be avaiinble for

#w i)3y.ountieS and for slnaIl cities and vi!j:i;i ;. qi???:~ in t!.e h te r rnns the arrangement of the cards h!- coyr?!j~-~;;.!o-r and rc-.dinc?; '- art> taken only for the state, the j:trger citlez ~ : , i l~ \ - r t~unt l - . l!:c -.nl:t!Icr citic. :IS

3 group, the rest of tile stztc nr rnr:?i %Tpft.


The fofioxing tabular statement shoxs, by months, the number of ear& handled and machines used on the first sort and the &st and second counts:

' First count. second count. Fist sort.

Aver- Srer- Aver- ' Mor.tEa, I9&21. ,","& Slmber ,"g- Xumber ,g- ' K'umher

of cards berof ",:%$! berof ,",'&:$. b g z f ma- ma-

the< chi~es. chines.

The second machine sort is a sort b y age, the cards be ing s o r t e d by quinrluennial age groups and t c some extent by single y e a r s of age. This strrt was begun in .January, 1821, and completed m May.

The third machine count gires, for each class of the po u l a t i o n , the distribution h r sin le years of a e, school attendance gp single rears from 5 to 2 ~ , an 8 marital con 8 ition, illiterac?: and ability to ipeuk English by quincjuennial age groups, the totals be ing s h o - n a for States and for cities of orer 23.000 population. This count J T a s begun Fobruar:- 1. 13.31. and completed June 14.

The fourth machine count corers the natire population only and .ires Stiitc or Territorv of birth by color or race, and byr p a r e n t a g e for the %\-kites. This count was begun f ebruarr 21, and a t t h e c l o s e of the fiscal Fear tj0.347.371 cards ?ad been counted out of a total of 93 .i%9.92i.

The nest step in the process of tabulation is the th i rd m a c h i n e sort, u-Itieh is restricted to the foreign-born st-hite populat ion and g o u p s it according to citizenship, distinguishing aliens, naturalized crtizens. those who hare taken out "first papers.!' and those for wElonl citizenship u-as not reported. This sort >\-as begun Apri l 32, 1021. end a t the end of June 7,344,130 cards had been s o r t e d out of a total of 13.712.73-1.

Folio~ving this is tile fifth machine count, 1s;hich g i ~ e s , for the foreign-born po ulstion. citizenship. country of birth, and y e a r of imrnlgration to t ! e United States. This count was begun in t h e latter part of 3lnrch. 1921. anci :i-as still in prcgress at the close of t h e fiscal :-ear.

The fourth machine sort and the sixth machine count, cos-erin the foreign-born white and the natire white of foreign o r m i x e z parcntiigc. @:live mother tongue and country of birth in cor re la t ion , the c:lrds bcmg sorted b_v mother tonwue and counted b y c o u n t r ~ of ( birth. The sort \\-as begun in +rip and the count in J u n e . and neitiner process. therefore, Il-as t-ery far adranced a t the c lose of the l i~e :~ l yc::r. K21e11 tile sjsth machine count is finished. ~ h i c i \\-ill probably be in Octobel., the nlaclline tabulation of the p o u r t e e n t h

" p* - '-


Decennial Census of Population will be completed x i th t l ~ e exception of the subject of occupations.

The occupation data.-The opulation schedule contains t h e e columns of mquiries under the ?I ead "Occupation" : : 11 Trade. pro-

Gession, or particular kind of work done: (21 industry. business. or establishment in x-hich at work: (3) trhether employer. salayr or rrage worker, or -ivorLi_ina on oprn account. The returns from the third inquiry, hoverer, Rare not been tabulated. their eirief ralne beh-g found m the aid aflorded h- them in the ~Iassification ef the replles to the &st and second inquiries.

Of the ~ a r i o u s tabulations required in order to make the re-rrlts i of the population census arailable to the public. none is more e!abo-

rate than that of the occupation returns, the ~ a r i e t r of occupations reported on the schedule being so great that their classifir.n:inn requires the use of a printed indes comprehending about 3rb.wi!r occupational designations ~ h i c h . for urposes of tabulation, hare to be arranged in 572poups . The c I' assiiication of the occuprition returns required the ernplo-nnent of an arerage force of abclnt 115 experienced clerks for 10 months. from July. 1920. until April. 1351.

At this census. for the first time, tbe occupation r ~ t u r n = were punched on a special card distinct froin the regular population card, *

or? n-hich they hacl been punched at preri~u. rerrsuse3. Tile mu:?: purpose of this iano~a:ion V-:I< to expedite the v--ark of r_.u~y)!.~~is~g he census bv making jt po=sible r i t h separate card. to can>- or! the

I tab~llation of occupations simultnneou-l!- S t E that nf the (,:Ear PO ulation data: and a ~ -e ry considernbl:? s d ~ n n c ~ i? ihc* dat- C' x . . pu 1ic.a tion ssill be efff~c+tr,rI in thi; Tray ~%-ith(~nt :xi:- fll::tcr~:il iEF.T ...-&'

of e:<pecse. Tne punch card carries, i : ~ :idditian ta the orcupsttian (In?::. uli ri:tr-

facts as to sex. age, race. ec,lor, etc., reporred ri:1 the pr~p~;latiri:i schedule esce t mother tc;:igue and birthplace of p::xnts. Tile I-:: ck E of pnnching t e card5 %-:IS bognn in September. 102r?, n:ltI prr!t+< I!;: cor2pleteci In May: 1921. Dririr-!g the grenrer part of t t r . tin(! :li*cr 1.30 opera t i~es 11-ere emp1.::-rd. The number of etrrrl~ r,iiii~l:~d s7;;lL

42,169,769, one far e:;ci-: piir.;c.)n l i ? .-oars of ~ 1 . r ~ .- or ~ i r e ; rc~srlc:! a; hnring a gainfal occupati:~:i.

The tabulation . . of i!::. cj;.c.c.jparEtin c a r d :!e*mnrice+ r: ri~::r!!i!:i: TI::.!-

fication-srmldar to thrit pri.+mslr- descrihcrl $ 2 ~ tkr rcgul:!r - r "* - - . '~- C- :'+~".-

tion cards-one s..-lrt. nr:d ~.t-:s-o countj, one cai i~-TJcll ie rc:strir.ieii t i 8

cities of from 25,000 to 109.c9iiO. xvhile the cather corers ecvh S t n ~ t : - i ~ i I

each city of orer 100,000. The =ort is hv oceilrtntir~n z~o1.1~)- - . ;t::tF

in~ol-i-es the p:tssnge of the ~-uarris three time; tErOuY~ ~ k @ ~:IC~:!I:E'S.

,at the close of the fi~c:,! ;;ear the machine ~c.siEcat;ctn. commen:~ec! eai.1~- in 36areh. n-as about t!;rec-fifths conrpleted: the sort. 6ii.h l.v:-ac begun :i little later. v;as zbrsut tu-o-fifths completed: ~i-hile the 5r.t count: that o r cities ~f 23.I1GYQ ;u 190.000. V - ~ S :lot mcch mow t h i : : i

b e r m . -4t t he presei;t .time !Sept. 151 tiic sort ha.: been <:c,~~ij>let&, ':i;ta

count is \%-ell adrn:;cerl, nriil t!xc*rc is crcr?- procprc; - . ?'ix:tit h>- il~!' i . l f*Ft . ."* of the present I%c::l . 7e:rr . tizcr r~pcart I oc.r3i1y,:?:lor!c; :vill Ec: in ti:t I:;::!:I+ of the p r i i ~ t ~ r , if 1: i; no: :.ictunIl.~- p:'i>lisH;c~tl. . This - :.~+ul: n-ill b t h e sp~ci~: l j~- grg'ci!>-ii~g! ~ ~ , ? : . + ~ ~ u : ~ ~ K I I ~ irk lgl[l : i l ~ t ] 7:; iPi](:l t l > c ~ c ) r - c ? ? ; c c -

t io ;~ repart \\-as :lot is^^:.':! t::i;il XI: .re :I rt!;ir sftry t he ti.rmi;;::- tion clf tile census rej-io:l.

12 854



.scop~.--The lati- prorides that the schedules relating to agricul- turf shall cam>- inquiries as to the name, color, sex, and country of. birth of operator of each farm: tenure; acreage of farm; acreage o~JIC ~ - ~ o d l a n d : ralue of farm and improvements and the encumbrances thereon; ralue of farm Implements and machinerr; number of lire stock on farms, ranges, and elsewhere; and acreage and quantities of crops and quantities of other farm roducts. I n order to obtain this information a rery elaborate sc g edule is necessart; and the schedule adopted for t h s census, though less elaborate than the one used 10 years ago, prorides spaces for more than 400 items. -4s a rule. ho~ei-er, only a small proportion of these spaces need to be filled in for any one farm. d Inr e part of the space on the schedule is required for the enumcr-

ation o f farm products. The census distinguishes 13 different ha? and forage crops; 19 grain and feed crops: 8 other field crops, includ- ing such mportant cro s as potatoes, cotton, and tobacco; 11 rarip- tie- of ~egetahles: 16 ? ruit crops: and the sugar, nut, and misc~lla- neous crops not specifically mentioned on the schedule. In addition, there are the rarious dairy and meat roducts of the farm to he accountecl for-the poultq and eggs: t R e milk, butter. and cheese: the pigs, lambs, and calves slaughtered, etc.

In most cases the information securecl concerning each crop includes the acreage harrested. the quantity har~esteci. and the quantity sold and to he sold. At former censuses the ralue of the crop was : t l ~ ~ vallecl for. but at this census that item of information h i been omitted. the d u e of the crops ha~i:lg been eqtimated os the h2.i- of a~erage prices ob taineci from the Dopartmen t of z\gric~lture. d new .s-jubject of inyuirv introduced at this census is that relaring

to farm facilities, que-tions being included as to the numbers of trnc- tors, automobiles. and motor trucks on each farm, and vhether the farm has a telephone, water piped into the house, or gas or elc~ctric lioht. a-- -

The number of farm scheclules iilled out at this census xvas 6,46.7,160, ractical1;t- all of which had been receirecl and edired hy the close 0?~1ugust. 1920.

3fefhod oJtabu1ating.-For the first time in the history of the census the agricultural data ham been completely tabulated b~ the use of punch cards and electrical tabulating machines. I t is obvious that no single punch card can pro-ride for all the items on the compre'ken- s i ~ e Irtrn~ schedule; and it was found necessar?. in fact, to use 17 sets of cards, each covering a different portion of the scherlule. In the aggregate, 142.649.804 cards m-ere punched for the agricultural schedules, not including 1,317,836 cards XI-hich xi-ere punched for pure-bred lire stock as a se arate piece of work. The card punciling for the general agricnlturnfdata. rrhich IT-as begun in Uarch. 1920. hncl been completed bv the follo~i-ing December.

The clcctrical tzihulating mnchines used for the a.gricultur;il c.ih:r-us diBcr essentiallj- from those used in the ~opulatlon cm;oE. ijci!lg & de<ig;>ed to meet a clifferellt requirement. In one case i t is :lccr.;-ar.; to cnu~lt units, in the other to add numbers: therefore the :nnrbhIires used for the population census are essentially unit-counting rntlciiinea. w-hile most of those for the agricultural census are in t~grating : I ~ T C > - matic arlciing) machines. Still, n certain aalount of unit coullting

( 1111 1111)(%r or ~ ~ I I ' I ~ Z S ) is Ilecessnr-y in the agricul turt~l cens~s. Sorting nlti(+i i i II(VI t\r(\ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ( ~ s s a s y in both branches of the census. While the tJ t \ \ ) t t l t~6t ing I L I ~ ( ~ s o ~ t ~ i l ~ g r n ~ ~ c l ~ i l l ~ s used on the population census were rxllr~lllfactt~rvtItl b.v t11o Ccns~~s Burcrtu, those used on the census of

wrgric*l~l lr~rt.s .ivt*~*r loc~,~c~(X. Who11 tho tabulating work was a t its peak 111(\ X:;ric:~~lt~~vt~l I')ivisioll Iutd in usc 55 integrating tabulators, 5 uni t8-chol~~~ tirlg ttl~l,~ilntors, and 69 sorting machines.

( )f t 1 1 ~ 17 scxt;s of ot~scls which, t ~ s ttlretidy explained, are required for rtvortl i t ig c~)nipl(~tcl;y tlze dtstn on the agricullural scllcdule, some were ruil llllrot~gll sorting tiud tabulating mnchiucs screral times. For ( % S ~ I I ~ I } > I ( \ , sotj No. 1 , trivi~lg ftlsrn acreage ancl farm value, underwent six s0l.1~~ ancl eight in*hulntion runs; and, since most of the data on the scblicvfrilc~ .vvrrci l~nhultitc\d, by tenure and by size of farm, practically rill 1 1 1 ~ cv~rcls w o r ~ sortctl once by te~lure arid again by size. In all, t,u liil kg 11s t311c unit tho pnssage of 0116 card once through one machine, tdlr 11i11nl)rr: or c.~lrds sorteil. was equivalent to 1,020,663,633 and the nu rn I r u 11 tllrougll t,he babulnting machines was equivalent to ! 7 'J'lu? work of sortirig nnd tabulating was in rogress soi~~r\vllilt, marc than otlc year, having been begun in ~ a r c g , 1920, r ~ t l t l c~o~~iplctc*cl in Jmlc, 1921. The force engaged on mnchine tabu- Itttioli 1.ettc:llotl its m t ~ s i m ~ i n ~ , 1,211, on September 14, 1920; and the t~v(~txgc for t31le pcriocl from March 1 to Deccmber 31, 1920, was 770.


'I'llct soopck of tJlc cc~nsns of agriculture, :IS defined by law, includes i~lquiriils o ~ i il~rignt~ion and drainnee. As regards the organization t111d ( ' 011 (111~ t of ttho work tllese inqu~sies are, however, largely distinct fro111 t8111\ nl:tin ccrlsus of ogriculturc. Thc subject of irrigation was i~lc:lutlod ill tilo tlcce~~nittl ccnsuses of 1890, 1900, and 1910, but drailla~ccb is 11, nrw iilcluisy. The tabulation of the data for these two irrcluisicis llirs 1 ) i ~ 1 complctcci, and the results arc bciu?g -published i t 1 (1 schricls of bulletins covering thosc States in which ~rrlgation or ct~.:lirlrlgc~ c.~itcrpris~s wcre reported.


'I'l~r csc>llsnsc.s of m~nulnctures, mines nnd quarries, and forestry t111(I I ' o~~~s t . I ) I ' O ( ~ U C ~ S i n ~ o l ~ c d the collection and tabulation of data for :3;i 1 , I A!) (.st t~t~lisl~nrcuts. The organization and the method of con- c l ~ i c ~ t ing 1 I i ( s lic~lrl ~vosli of t.he manufactures census are described in ttlct r.c\port of t,tle 1)ircctor of the Census covering the last preceding lisc*:~l jvc.rlr. 'I'llis worli was pri~ct~ically completed by the 1st of No\~c~lnl)c~r, I!)%), although n few agents were retained in the field iilif~il ~ 0 1 1 1 ~ ~ titnc in I>ccc?xnber. Tlle peak of the canrap was reached iri p l l ~ ~ i ( ~ , 1~11(>11 1,207 persons were engaged on this work, including 1,00:! locnl spccittl t~gents, 191 clerlrs and special agcnts detailed f'roln i l i ~ b IYasllington olIice, and 13 whose names were carried on the rolls of' tile llnitcd States Geological Survey but by a cooperative asrn~lgonlcnt wit11 Llmt office wcre temporarily employed on census "" s o . 111 all, 1,212 local special agents were appointed and entered on (lu t J. nrlt2 211 clcrlrs nnd agents were detailed from Washington; trut t8l1c vntirc ilunlber were not employed at any one time, and tlic sc.r.viccs of about 200 of the local agents were limited to very

14 f PPBIJ


short periods. Xore than 200 persons who took the examination and were duly instructed and given appointments as local agents resigned without entering on duty, and many others resigned after a few dars' emplopent. This, of course, caused the office consid-. erable inconveruence and was a source of delay and expense. N e v e r ~ d theless the time consumed in the canvass was not longer than it was at the census of 1910.

Originally about 472,000 schedules were received, the difference between t b s number and the number &ally tabulated being due to duplications and the rejection of establishments which were found not to come within the scope of the census. Of the original number of schedules, 309,740 were filled out and returned by local special aoents temporarily employed for this purpose or by permanent em- yovees detailed to field work from this office, 137,000 were received gr mail directly from the establishments, and 26,260 were filled out b - the reoular population enumerators, these last relating to more or less kokted establishments located a t considerable distances from the industrial centers.

Each schedule as received has to be assigned to some one of the 667 classilications or subclassifications of industries distinguished in the census and must then be edited and reviewed for inaccuracies and inco~~sistencies. This work; which was begun February 24, 1920. required the employment of about 150 highly trained clerks for approximately 12 months.

Jlethod of tabu7ating.-Tn the census of manufactures the tabula- tion of the data was for the first time made by the use of the punch card :lnd electrical tabulatin machines. To coter completely the data 7 on the manufactures schedu e for the purpose of tabulation, 12 sets of punch cards were necessary. The total number of cards punched was 4.21 4.929. of vhich 3.793.562 were for manufactures. 26 1.6'71 for mines and quarries, and 156,696 for forestry and forest products. The punching work was begun October 1, 1920, and completed June 16, 1921. The number of operatires emploged on this work ateragect about 44 and reached a ma-simum of 80. I n the rocesses of sorting.

!I tabulation, and rerification the machine work will e equiralent to the lassage of approximately -19.11 7,000 cards once through one machine. Eor manufactures, this aii i be accomplished in t a o sorts of all cards. fire sorts of certain groups of cards, and four tabulation runs, corn- prising '.States b3- industries." "States by counties," "cities within the States." and industrial zones, with a total equitalent to 47.545.000 card.;. For mines and quarries there \\-ill be several runs ~5-itil a total eyui~alent to 1,101,000 cards, and for lumber and timber prod- uers, one sort and one tabulation run of 471.000 cards. At the elow of June 30 the equiralent of 16,008,316 cards had been tabulated and ~erified, comprising 15,087,052 for manufactures. 60T,S72 for mines and quarries, and 313,392 for lumber and timber products. During a part of the time a night force was employed. consibting of 1 .? operatires with two clerks to superrise the work.

The tabulation work is now (Sept. 15) about three-fourths corn- pletetl.

CESSUS 01- THE BLISD AUD mar. Q As explained in the Director's last annual report, the names and

addresses of blind or deaf persons are reported b~ the enumerators in the population census, and schedules to be filled out are then nwileci


from the Census Bureau to the persons so reported. I t was to be expected-and was, in fact, inevitable-that in a considerable number of cases no responses would be received, owing to negligence or igno- rance on the part of the persons addressed, or to chanaes of residence,

?y or to deaths, or to errors in the addresses reported. But second and third requests were sent out in all cases where t.he previous request had elicited no response; and the canvass, \rhich has now been ter- minated, is believed to have been as nearly complete as it was prac- ticable to make it. The number of schedules received was appros- imately 49,000 for the blind and 47,000 for the deaf. The esamina- tion and editing of the schedules hare been completed in the case of the blind and nearlt completed in the case of the deaf. The cards have been punched for the blind and the tabulation begun.


The items of information to be secured by the Fourteenth Census as defined by law include "tenure of home and the amount of encum- brance thereon." The subject of tenure has been corered in previous censuses to the estent of ascertaining whether the home x~as o m e d or rented, and if oxned, whether encumbered; and in the case of omed farm homes srhich TS-ere mortgaged, the amount of the mort- gage was called for by a question on the agieultural schedule. But, as regards homes other than farm homes no inquiry since 1880 has '

been made regarding the encumbrance or amount of mortgage. In order to secure this information as to encumbrance, the Bureau

has sent out letters of inyuiq- to the owners of all homes, except farm homes, reported in the opulation census as mortgaged. asking for the ralue of the home, t 7 le amount of the mortgage or encumbrance thereon on the census date. the rate of interest, and the original amount of the mortgage. For farm homes the corresponding in- formation is obtained from the agricultura1 schedules.

In all, 4,569,298 letters of inquiry \.;ere sent out. Replies hat-e been receired to 1,972.395: or about 43 per cent of the total number. Second and third requests were sent in all cases of failure to reply to the pre~ious request; and the result is probabl~ as nearly com- plete as can he obtained through a canrass b~ mail. TTe shall, therefore, have to rest content nith data corering about 43 per cent of the total number of mortgaged homes escluslve of farm homes. The aggregate amount of mortgage indebtedness on all homes can, of course, he estimated on the bass of the arerage for those homes for ~~ihich returns were secured.

Tihe inclusion of the mortgage ijus.stictn on the po ~dation schedule .ir;ould prohabir hare sccurecl no bezter results anc l? 11-odd certainly hare great1.i- de!a~-eci the progress of the census and endnngerecl its success. Iniomation of tlis kind can not be obtained in a hurried h~use-to-house canr:i>s. ronductecl b;v untrained enumerators who addrezr the cluestions t o the ~r-ife of tile head of the fanil:-. or a child. or n serrnnt. or n IancIlac1:-. or a loclger. or 1{hoerer happens to be at home. 2% successful e a n r a s could cloubtlrss he rzade by specially

' 'W truincd :lge~.,is rislting ni: I-iomes nncl taking all the time necessarF to secure complete tlatn. This. hov-e~-er. ~ ~ o u l d be -i-erv espensire- pxkibltirel~ so. if if cul-ered the e:rfirc r_'niied Siates. But a de- . . . . tailed m ~ t l co:llp:ete inrcs.ig:ttron of wis sort. confined to ,z f ey trpie:i! I~,~:i!iii=. mipll: :',c. prac:ic.t.,bTe and ;~or th 11-liile.




I t has been the aim of the Bureau to publish the results of the census as promptly as possible, gi-ring out preliminary figures, subject to resision, in advance of the .final figures.

The first ~ublication is through press summaries 0: announcements, u s u d mimeographed but sometlme~~ printed, whch are gi-ren out or ma 5 ed to ehtors, newspaper correspondents, Members of Congress, and others who may request them. A more general and effective use of this method of ublishing results has been made at this census than ever before. &e preliminary population figures .ring the total for each city, rillage, toanshp, or other minor cirfdinsion, were announced by counties while the hand count of population Kas in progress and as rapidly as i t was completed. The total for each city was published separately without waiting for the completion of the count for the county, and was later included in the countv announcement. Thus during the period of about seven and one-half months from February 21 to October 5, 1920, the Bureau announced the population of 2,102 cities, towns, and villages and of 3,033 counties, showing also in most instances the population of e-rery township or similar subdirision and every city or incorporated rillage or borough within the county.

The first announcement, made on February 21, 1920, was for the cities of Washington and Cincinnati. The relirninary fi ures giren in this announcement, i t may be noted, di 8 i r from the $la1 figurer by only 157 in the case of Washington and on1 89 in the case of Cmcinnati. I n general, the difference between t K e preliminary and the h a 1 figures was not greater than in these instances.

Other announcements of population rapidly followed, and on October 7, 1920, the preliminary total for continental TJnited States was announced as 105,683,108. ,An announcement made December 17, then considered as hd, gaTe a total of 105,708,771. Ts7-0 or three slight changes, however, were made later to correct omissions not premously discovered, with the result that the actual final figure was 105,710,620. Adding to this the population of ,lJaska. Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, -4merican Samoa, and the Panama Canal 7one, and the number of Americans stationed abroad in the military, na-ral, Red Cross, and consular ser-rices, gives, as the total popul a t- lon enumerated at the Fourteenth Census, 107,482,S04; and adding also the population of the Phili pine Islands as enumerated in 1918 (10.350,640) and of the Virgin Is 7 ands as enumerated in 1917 126.0511 gives a grand total, for the United States and its possessions. of 117,859,495.

The preliminary announcements for cities and counties were mailed to the local officials, thus affording them an opportunity to make complaint if they beliex-ed the census to hare been incomplete. ,is explained in the Director's annual report for 1919-20 there Trere. in fact, a large number of cases in svhich cities and tomns were dissatis- fied ~ i t h the census fi,mes and filed protests alleging inaccuracies. I t was pro-red on investigation, howe-rer, that only a very few- of

t11cs.lc p ~ ' t o s t ~ were jus tified. In most cases these complaints repre- I I

sorzllc~tl sinlplg the disnppointment of ambitious cities and towns l)ocln~lso t1llo cNclnsns (lid not credit them with as large a population as tlllcy llt~ti briin clttinzing. Census returns are never satisfactory to ,, tllc\ " 2)ooslcr ' hc l c~~~e t~ t , .

As t,lw aiu~c)lmc:itinc~~'~t of the populatiorl had to wait for the com- plotion of t l ~ a lumd count, sovernl wccllis or even months elapsed in so~no chases I)t.rt3woon t11.c. clato of tile onurneration :tnd the date of the nnllo~lrlc.c~llot~t,, wit11 tlic result t1l:~t rlulllerous changes took place in tll~ct i~~t(+~.t.n,l, many- pcrsons llnving beconle rcsidcnts of a p;~rticular city tl4Flcr tlio thto 01 t l ~ cmnsus, wllilo many otllsrs had died or ~uo\rc\tl I L W I I ~ . Such ctJ1:tng:r(3s grcntly incraased the difficulties of t:llocking up tllc cbc?nsus returns. It, js believed. tlzat at another census IL d(v*i(lo(E I I ~ I ~ ~ O V C ~ I ~ ~ O T L ~ can bo efl'cctecl by Ilaving the local super- visol9s t\elulounrc\ Iho population ns soon as the enumeration is prac- tic:dly ro~xl )lrtr. The figures would, of course, be subject to change, \ b11t ri~s I% ru c t1111.y would ba a very close approximation to the final oorsc?clt t ott~l; nnct il itl~ero werc ally local dissatisfaction with the rrsults, tjha tn:tt,tcr could br investigated at once by tlze supervisor and his ttssistz~nts. A l s it is, unclc?r the present arrangement, the super- visol. irlrhy ht~vo cmnplctcd his work and disbanded his office force 1)cd'osa tllo popalntion is tlnnounced, in which case if an investigation is ~toc~osst~l~y n specitil t~gciit or rcpresentahive has to be sent from the VITt~sl\i~lgton ofiic'o. Another ndvant,sgc of this change would be that tho rt~sults of thc. cxqnsus, so far as population is concerned, would 1)tbcotrlc.r known much earlier than is the case at present. Further- morel, ill is bc~lies~ccl thnt the practice of having the supervisor announce tho popnlution would act as an incentive for him to clo his work t,lrol*ougIlly ixud to complete it promptly.

I3c.sitlcs 6110 announccmcnts of total p~pulat~ion, ot,her series of ross I L I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I I ( ~ C ? I ~ O ~ ~ S covering race, sex, nativity, country of birth

&r t , l ~ n fowign-born white, illiteracy, age, occupational classes, nun11)c~r of fjtrn~s, far111 acreage, farm values, crops, domestic animals, nurnhc.1. of manufacturing establishments, number ot u-age earners emj)loycd, cost of principal materials, vdue of roducts, and other

of the dt~ttr permitted. P subjrcts, wel.c issucd from tinze to time as rapid y as the tabulation


Rtrl1rtins.-1x1 the final and permanent census ublications, most R of thc, sttttistics are first issued in bulletins, whic are later bound I together to form -rolumcs of the final reports. The scheme of pub- I" lication at this census provides for six series of State bulletins, comprising two for population, one for agriculture, one for manu- factures, one for drainage, and one for isr~gation.

The\ Iirst series of population State bullctms. gives the number of

i I

inhal>it,:mts by Stntcs, counties, cities, townships, or other munici- palities or minor civil divisions, without classification according to

I sex, r;~c.c, nge, etc. The first bulletin in this series, thnt for Porto

5w IZico, was issuocl in k4ay, 1930, and the series was completed in ilpril, 1921, al)out six months earlier than Lhe date of colnplction for the corrcspontiing scrips at the census of 1910.


%s31 rg


TI^,, .zspnr,rl sEiriec of population Sti:te bulletins, entitled " Composi- tilJa .--< C'h2vneteri.tics cjf the Popdaticn," classifies the population &.- ,,, . - -- is.-. *:.:i t i? 1 zroups. rare. and nctiritj-, ard giyes statistics as t . 6. :r:r.i- t , f tJirth for the foreign-born xhite, Illiteracy, school - iLf l , a r ,:,iT.!Cn. r , u ~ r r of ds-ellings, and number of families, the figures '3 1.' ir- ~i.! '~~x fcr all counties and all cities of over 35,000 population, ar!d in Ips detail for all cities of from 2,500 to 25,000. The first hullPtin m this series, that for Delaxare, Ivns issued on April 27, 1921, and tlte nr?mb~rpublisEed up to the present time (Sept. 15, 1931) is 26.

Thp State bulletins for agriculture present statistics for counties rorePing number of farms: acreage; ralue of farm pro pert^; farm animals: value. ncreage, and production of crops; mortgage debt; and expenditures for labor, fertilizer, and feed. Altogether approxi- mately 300 items are shown for every county in the United States, some rariation in the number naturally resulting from the fact . that not all ifarieties of cro s are represented in erery county. On the subjects ~ E i c h these ta ! les cover the Bureau does not contem- plate pl~hlishina any further details for either States or counties, szr!, ?"lrsr~:forr.. -.) fzr 35 the subjects in question are concer~ed-and t h q c., ':stitutc. "he main part of the ao+cultural census-the statis- tivr \$-ill dl be puMished as soon as tk ; series of hulletirs is rom- eleted. The 6rst bulletin, that for Xew Hampshire, a peared on September 22. 1920, and up to this date (Sept. 15) 41 d e t i n s in this series h a ~ e been published.

E 'I"11e Ytnte b5:llctins for manufactures @.ire totals for the States and

for thp principal cities by industries, and in the case of cities of 10,000 to 50.000 opdation. for all industries combined, covering substan- P tiall.; all t le topics coning Prithin tEe scope of the census of manu- f'tctures. includi~p capital, wage earners and other emplo~ees, principal expenses. value-and in some cases uantity-of roducts, B power used. and fuel consumed. The first ulletin in tBis series ap enred in April. 1921, and up to date (Sept. 15) 16 have been pu fi lished. -1 :( r i , s of illc!il~tr~ b~~lletins is also issued in connection with the

een- ;- of manufactures, errch &iring all the figures for R particular intl~ls-r:-, covering the entire Laited States by States azd cities.

Or *j.e z~r ies cbf State bulletins on irrigatio~, which \rill cover 19 Stat .;. I 4 In::rc been issued thus far; and of the series on drainage, C O ~ i::g 29 .ij:n",~s, the number issued to dste is 13.

Bovnd col?tmes.-The k a l reports of the Fourteenth Census, aceorcling to the present plan, -wil l corn rise 12 quarto volumes- 4 rolwries for population, 3 for agricu !i' ture, 1 for irrigat,ion and drainage, 3 for manufactures, and 1 for mines and quarries. octa-i-o abstract will also be prepared.

The pirin of these reports is similar to that ado ted for the Thk- ttezth Ccrlsus publications, although differing t ? lerefrom in some imp:rt:ult particulars. Broadly speaking, ~t e~nbraces tx-o methods of ,jsse~nhling and presenting the statistics-one by States m d the other I>?- ~ ~ h j e ~ t s .

Tire Erst :-olume, gis-ing the population b~ States. counties, cities, 4 I tf)~n~sLips. etc., and the total urban and rural population of each

I 5ts-s t x r ! c : i ) ~ ~ l i ~ . has already been published. This yolume presents

I dl t!:. <t:::i~ti~> . contained in the first series of population bulletins,

I :'J c Ct'Z::Lr ;;-:"_:i explanatory test, summarj- tables, and maps and


diawams. Of the other t-olumes, four will consist essentially of State buffetins bound together, and each of these will therefore be ready for publication Tery soon after the corresponding series of bulletiris 1s complete. The presentation by subjects will comprise one ~olume

% on population, one on occupations, one on agriculture, one on irri- gation and drainage, two on manufactures, and one on miaes and quarries.


The reports of the F0urteent.h Census, as planned, rrill contain only a r e ry small amount of test, hardly more than will be necessary to i explain the terms used and to pret-ent misunderstanding of the 1 figures. This reduction in the amount of the test, which was decided ! upon zfter due consideration of the cluestion in consultation with the


dd-risory Committee, d l expedite the complet.ion of the reports, and # i

.still not, it is beliet-ed, appreciabl~ lessen their usefulness, because the i usual censl-ls test, being hastily prepared in the rush of gettL~g out :l the reports, is almost unavoidnblj- perfunctory, h a e g little ralue as " 4 an interpretation of the statistics or as t?xrowing hght upon their I si,~ificr,nee-hardly doing more. in fitct, than repeat figures from the tables. Xevertheless, census statistics need to be interpreted, or, a t any ratae, studied and analyzed to make theif meaning and 1

signi;ficance dear. What do the census Ggures show? m a t do thes mean? Tney should be studied in relation to economic and i socisl questions, on which, pro e d ~ interpreted, they may throsr- much light. Fey people hare t rt e leiwre and at the same time the I ability to study the census tables carefully and to reach correct con- s

elusions rezarding their significance. In the press and on the plat- I

form census statistics are qaite eommod;r misapplied or misicter- preted. sometimes ~tiUfklll~, but more often through carelessness or ignorance. 1

Belierhg that there thus exist n great opportunity and a great I need for the adequate anal~sis and interpretation of census figures I

a ~ l d their application to the lit-e questions of the d a ~ , the Bureau, acting upon the earnest recommendation of the adnsorr comrnzttee, plans to prepare and publish. after the close of the decennzal census period i h n e 30, 1922), a series of interpretatire special studies or monographs on rarious subjects withill the scope of the census: and

E I he l ie~e that this project: if it can 52 successfullr carried out so as to realize qr approach the stnncisrd of excellence s-hieh Ke hope to

1 attain. sri!l greatly increase the ~ a l u e n ~ d utilit;r of the census to the public.

I" v p g..,




For more than 20 years the Bureau has been fostering the adoption 4 .dration of by State go~ernments of an approved law for the regz-

births and deaths. As ra i Q as the States enact this law and 1 P satisfactory eridence of a equate enforcement of its provisions, t ey are included in the Federal registration area. Largely through the efforts of the Bureau, this area has been extended from year to year until for deaths it no-w contains 52.2 per cent of the population of the entire count r~ , and for births 65.1 er cent. Since the last annual report of this Bureau was issued tge State of Sebrasba has been added to the rqistration area for deaths, maliing a total of 34 States. and 3lisslsslppi, Sebrasba, and S e a Jersey hare been added to the birth-registration area, making a total of 26 States. Each area includes also the District of Columbia, and the death- registratinn area includes Hawaii and 17 cities in nonregistration States.

The collection of vital statistics is one of the mcst importazzt of the Bureau's regular annual inrest igations, and not 115th~ tandinw the great mass of ~rork inrolred in the decennial cerisils it has &en carried on v,-ithnut interruption during the censns period. I t is ho ed that throngh the instrumentality of the Bureau all the States

1 ex-entually a d ~ p t the model la^ for the registration of births 9 and deaths and .itill p r o d e roper machinery for its enforcement.

The Bureau hiis pubiishe$ 20 annual reports giring detailed statistics of deaths. 5 nnnual reports containing detailed statistics of births: and a rolume of Life Tables showing expectation of Life and other data for the population of certain States. In addition, it has completed the copy for a secorld rolume of Life Tzbles, n-hick will comprise the original tables, together uith tables for foreign countries ancl a detailed explanation of the methods em loved m computing the American tables. The Bureau also pub l!? ishes the 'CTeeMj- Health Index, i~hich shows the total number of cleaths, number of deaths of infants, and the infant-mortality rate for 6 6 larwe cities in the death-registration area.

6 n the basis of the occupation data obtained by the opulation census, a bulletin is being prepared which will show desZ rates by occupations, including for comparison certain rates for 1900 and 1910-


Because of the heary demands upon the resources of the Bureau in connection ~xith the ?~-orli of the decennial census, the r egu lu nnnuzl compilation of statistics for the financial transactions of States and cities n-as omitted in 1920 ancl no report pub!ishcd for that Fear. but the work hns nois- been resumed and data arc being collected for the fiscal gear 1921.

The compilatil~n of "official" statistics of cities bj- the Comrnis- sioner of Labor it-as authorized by act of Congress in 1898; and in 1903 this work xas tmnsferred to the Bureau of the Census. It h a s been the practice to have special agents -visit each State and c i t ~

and compile tllosa statistics from tho books 01 t11o autlitors, tax colloct30!;s, tmtl otlnor financial olIicors, ~lltllougll wlmn 1,lw tmt 11,llthor- ixing ttus itiqtiixy wtts passcd it scorns to liavo bcc~t tlto cspoctahion tllnt tile cltata could bc compiled or thstrnctcd frotn IJle! published rcports OF cbity dcpt~rtincnts. I3nt t'his tvils fonntt ituprn~t~icnble l,ccb:tr~,ro oC t l ~ o lack of uniformity in t l ~ c reports t~lttl ill llmtly C:~SCS t h o 1r~c:lc of t~rly roports wllntovcr.

111 t1 . r~ 2 ~ ~ 1 , o f 189s i11crc i s no ~p(?ci)ll mo~ltion of Jilltt11~itiZ statistics ns clisi.i~~ji~~isllc~tl from otillcr ol1ic:itxl s t t~ t i s t i~s , but tho rcgulnr nnnual ro opt i%r 111t11ay yor~l-s hns brcw ~rulrict,ctl t o filzt~nc-iiil ~l~ntistics, ot I? Ic?r olIic.itll stt~tistics httving hc?on collcctotl v111.y occt~sionl~lly.

'Chis work ILOS now beell cnsriotl on i)y 1Jlo 13urct~u for txl)out; 18 rc:trs, nnt 1 28 t l clI,nilcd tulnunl rcports 1lt~vr.c bot>n pu't)lislu~d. Thcy co.\-cir tjhr nnilu:~l lint~ncictl trnxlstlclt,ions of 1111 Slt~,t,os :u.rcl ol' all cities miill a, popultition of 30,000 or ovor. '1Ym citics firitl tllt~t the reports 111.0 ol' grottt vt~luo to tJicrr~, boilkg of spoc.i:~l t~ssistnnce in t,l~cb (lrt t\c+tio~l of antic l~atcci nu?tllt)ds anrl o s t l~ :~v t~gn~~ t , prncticcs, rind ilia st;lfisti(;# 11tw-0 bcen i~sr( l c~st(~i~si\-ciy in t l i v dis(~sssion of systc~ll~s o l f nstl tion : ~ n t l Jan\-(! 1,c.c.n of \.t~ 111~ in pr.c)rtlot,irlg l t lc adoption of iruprovotl rnt.tliods of accourlti~!g.

.'I'll0 iinixilvi~xl st:ttistics boing of such valuo .to tllc oit,ios, it ~voulld see111 ftiir that, tllo cities slioulil, he:tr ILL lonst a p n ~ t of tllc esperrse of tllc pl,ep:~~.tition of the ro ort2s; tilid, acting otr your i~isl,rucat,iotis, 11 rndi- c,al c.llil,rlgo l~tis I )CCT~ IIZ:I P e in the orvt~llix:~tio~l of this work i,y tirranc7- mg to ila\-e tlio cikios fmnislt t,Llo Si\tt~, tIluts otlovtila~ 11, i.oi~ide*i~bTe t i i t 1 i t s ~ i i t ~ c s of 1 1 1 c . 'l'hc u i n t t cr has bccil tt~lil\ll up wit,ll tlle city oliicids :111(1. t l ~ y Ilt~vcl 1)c'chn :~skcti to lill onl the scllrdulcs, wllicli, ill ortlcr io lt~sst~x~ IJI.(\ cliliicullic~s of tho tns!c, I I : I Y ~ I)c\cn itl:~tlc muc:h Icss clnbort~,l,c t lltl,n t 1 ~ ~ g II~II-c IICCII

9 hprctc~i'orc. 'Plte (w~lipil t t t io~~ t~~ici puhlic:~,i ion of' tJi(1 ( l t t t :I so col l (~~t~(d

I)(. cb:l,rl*ic>ci o:1 1)y tllc ('cnsus 13urc~il, ;~,nci n.tlilc t11? sl:ltistics %-ill 1c.s.: tlc.titilcd t,11;111 l'onucrly, it, i s i)rlic\vc~d t,lltl,t lllcir v:~lue .i\-ill not 1 ) ~ qrc.:~ t Iy innpniretl. RIt lal j* oS $111. ci t,y oflic.it~!s ~ ~ : L Y I > c\prossed tllciir \\-illir~gncss to i u n ~ i s l ~ tlw rct,r~rns; n ~ l t l Il~osc (:itios t,lrat tlo not attt~c$Il saflicsittnt irl~portancc t,o i.llc ~I~:~t is l i (*s t,o jllslii'y Z l ~ o ~ i l in suppljjl1g ill(. clui:~ will bc o ~ ~ i t i t v l froin ill(. rcbpo~~t. IYhilc suchh o~nissioils will ~ m f o r t u u i ~ t , ~ , 1 Eccl l i l t ~ t tllr c3itics ~lollt\ will 1 ) ~ rrspc~nsii)lc>, :\s I l l c rc~porls :tre pri~nctrilp lor tl~cbir i)cwc.lit.

'I'l~c ::l~i~u:il c ~ p ~ n t l i t u r e s for the fir \ l r i \vt-or'k on this iir(l\liry now anloli~n t i o : L ] P O I I ~ $50,000. 'l'lw cii iCs ll:iv(l 11:1d :~~j~plcb ti~n(> 1'0 aclop: :t sl:t!rll:~n.tl rl:~ssi fic:xtion of scvenuca : ~ l r t l c . spc~~ l t l i t urc:; as reihn~~ljllc~~rtlcd h y th i~ 13ilr(>:~u; :111(i 1 :~211 inlornlctl iililt Illorc is no aiffrrcneo of op ;n in i~ :J>oub tllc clrsil.nl>ilit;y of t11c. ntlol)t>ion of such a classilir.ation. Its ,ncloption nnd t,hc pronlpt rrbspoilrc of tho cltics to the r'cqucst of the Burcau lor' annu:ll reports \vill inwrc tlia continuance of these valu:xble publications.

An act of Con~rcss :ipproved June 5, 1020, :~utdloriacs :trlcJ. eiirccts the Director ol thc Consps to compilc slid p ~ l ~ l i s h ~ ~ ~ ~ l l t l l l y stntistics of hides, skitzs, :and Icathcr.

r 1 I h c Bureau had previo~zsly beet1 collccti11g, :is ;L p:trt of the corn- Prellensi\re c c ~ s u s of war commodities, quarterly st,:~tisticb;; 011 stocks


of leather and leather goods, but this inquiry xas di~cont~inued after June 30, 1919. The first collection of statistics under the above- mentioned act of June 5 , 1920, covered the month of September, 19%. and statistics hare been compiled and reports issued month17 since then.

There has been a great demand for these statistics, not o n l ~ by 4

persons immediately connected with the indus t r~ but by ind i~ idua l s and industrial organizati~ns outside the trade. The report of June 1 , 1921, issued under date of July 8, related to the production and conqumption of leather during Ma? and the stocks of hid&, s b s , and lcnrher on hand and in transit on l lay 31. These figures were contpifed from returns mede b3- 4,s 17 establishments, distributed as follnsn: Three hundred and fifty-four packers, 511 tanners, 1?258 dealers and importers, 888 shoe manufacturers, 211 g l o ~ e rriaxldac- turerc, ~ n d 1,335 manufacturers of other good-;.

I n r i e ~ of this pea t amount of detail required to comply wi th the rnri:ioss of the act of June 5, I cluestion the desirability of col-

Err ing these statistics at so frequent intervals. It is imposing a con-iderahlz burdm on the industry to ask nearlx 5,000 concerns to mal;r mc;rtt7dj- renorts on t h ~ schedule for hides, sliins: and leather; am~d it is r o small task lor i'ilis Bureau to handle that number of seher!ul?: and conpile f5e data for publication. I belfe~e thzt all praciip:i! D U T D ~ S P S n-culd be serrecl if the reports were compiled ter!:;. :izd t&ii rl:e scope of the census might be restricted met I.?-""" oui detrcrtic? from its ~ali2e. Of course, a chano-e in the perioct o! corn- pilnti.3- r - o d d repire an amrltdmetit of the LIT. In rhe meal t ime, nr,\\-err.r. 2 r e r i d scher!nle carrying much less clc-tail thail tile form no:\+ I!-erl x-0111d re~ul t in ohtaicing more prompt reiurl1.j azld TV-ould al-ll eri,edite the t3bdating of the data: and a coliference is to be h d d at ::I. early date ~ ~ t 1 . I representatiyes of the rarious i n d ~ ~ s t r i e s


ir,r.~lrr.d, nt 15-11ir.h the subject of a simplified sehed;lle .is-ill be dis- cusied.


Tile 11sunl cornpilatiofis of st,atistics of cott(li11 and cot t~nseed , ~:c~rX.s of leaf tohaccc: fats mcl oils, and acti-re ancl idle T~CJOI zna~hiliery hzre iiicn carried on daring the past rear rriihent an:- ~1r~ler ia1 cluen.gi~;. The scope anti nature o these i11cjuirir.s hcl-e bee5 .t'ulir cir&il-teri i!: the prerioils annual reports of the D i x ~ t o r of the cey.<lls.


TTsbrk :In tile Oacinl E!_egistr.r, v~hich uncici. tlis In\\- ?m;ist :>e pub- ji,;. .:>. r - .>r it

- ., :D-- Detemher i oi :hi5 ;;ezr> TI-as started e,.:" i i ~ dux?, c2::d a1-;~::13 3C.iQ.OG0 aelled.elies. ir, card form. for c~' l leet i l2~ t11e i.?qiG~?d data, . . F :IS t:-: D~\~!~:CI!I. corn , ~ ~ l a . ~ t i a ' l ? ‘birthplace, ctc.. of the G o ~ e r i l r n s n t I-:' -p . cz~.-!f-,..'c:zs. 1;-crc c'!iszr:"nutcd amr_;r;S t h e ec~erzl >t;rcnzs :~::i! c:fYiv:r.. of 1 A -_.

+ &..P :- 2 c-dzai Goi-cri~r.cct. &st c-f these cards Erx-c fis~~- been re- tcr.:l~--d. :?:;:'; a f e r ~ ~ oS &FV3~t 1 2 cler!is is c2gaued is editir2z them


fi.*;' ;;yt.r,:;~i:l~ .CcJpa- fO; tJle j7f'inier. T;.. i..i: . c.:ertntlnuance i . of this biennial publjcation has bee9 rccom-

~ ~ i . ~ ? c l c ~ : - ! in eac!~ annual r ~ p o r t of the Director of the Cepsas begin- nIcc. , .--- $ \ ;'dl that for 191.5, for reasons ~~hic11 seem to me ralld. I h a r e -. a~:r..:r.il!~c~i;i-- rene-ii~d this recornendation in the preseck report. E r e ';R~corilr.iei~datioris for Changes in Census L a r s mid. Ueihcds.")

'I'11(\ ~~nlil-tocrlth ( ' ~ I ~ S U S t ~ t * ~nrtkes provisi011 for 11 biennial collec- ki0tl sttlt isiichs of 2;h p~.,)duc.ls of nla1lufuc,turing industries, to 001 ('r 1110 )'('l.\l.S 1!)31, 1923, pic. ?'h(> first cpnsus of this kind, " t d l ~ ~ * ( ~ k ) ~ ~ ~ . 311 I I S ~ 1'~l~ki 0 1.0 ill^ ~ ~ r r ( \ l ~ t ( ~ l d ( l ~ l d ~ r yefir, and tlli~ work of ?oll(~.titl!: I ~ I P tltlttk I ~ I U S ~ > f)e begun soon :lfi;er Januar>r 1, 1922. l'lnrls fol. lhis 1 1 0 ~ undcrtnking art? being (*arefully considered rind 1 Wif 11 f ~ , \ ~ i c ~ v \\'o t:lllisting tho interest and cooperahion of f ~ l t t l ~ t ~ f ~ i c ~ l IYI'(\I'S, 111i~~l~it1g Enr ns possible their needs, and siyurjIlo t,l1(1 I~c.rlct[il, of tlic.il. opi~tion tlnd adricc, tho J3ui.e:lu has correspondo$ T s ~ ( l l 1 hii o!li0ck1's of ~ ~ l l l l f n c b ~ l l i s ~ ~ ~ ~ ' associrktions, rind on A ~ g u s t j 8 tl C'Ollf('I'~11('(~ of 1 ' ( h 1 ) ~ ' ( ' ~ ( i 1 1 ~ t ~ 1 8 i \ * ~ ~ ~f VIIY~OUS ~ll:ln~facturing interests wrts 11(41 Ii~r.(* in 'iVtisl~ingt on to considcr ihc srrbjcct of the ccnsus.

1 1 is :I cllicslioll nlnirily of t11c scope of this inquiry, first, us regards Ill(% l( 'pi ixto l ) c b i n c ~ l ~ ~ d ~ t i , a n d swond, :is rc.g:lrds 1h class of collcerns to I)(' t+ztrr\.r~ssc~cl. Tlw law sprc~ifies " 1,llc produyts of nlanufactnring ind-c~st ~.icbs " us i l i ~ su1)jtir.t mat tcr. 'I'hcirc seems. to be, liowe~er, a .r.c>x?. gel 1(~1':\1 (3esir(\ n111011g t 1 ~ : r~pt't>sc~)t ; ~ I j w s of t he manufacturing inl crosi,.: 1 0 i i ~ c ~ l ~ ~ t l r othtlr srihj~cts, 511~31 US ~apit,:~I, 1111mbcr of x-nge (la r*notqs, cws t of pri1ic.i j ~ l l ~lint~(\riills, :1ti(1 mot ive pow(lr; and a tents- ti\.(% s(*ll(~tfiil~ of i~i(lilil.j(~s whi(*li Ilt~s bwn prc.pu~.etl tind is being cbirc.illat t o t l SOI* vrit icuis~li :~ntl snggcbstions czovcrs these sabjccts. If t;li~ls l)!.o:T(lc~rictl, l d ~ ~ prop~sct l vorisus will :~pprotirslt in scope a i d 112ag- nil 11tli. I l r t h ~vig;!litr cbc\ilrws of snt~nufiictuscs, wllich herct ofore has been I tlIi('11 (>\.c1ry 111 111 ;vcl:ir 2ii1d is an unc?crtnliing 1.cquirjng nearly two ;\.ti:11.s f o v c ' o ~ ~ l l ~ l ~ ~ i ioli :111d cost ing :lbout $2,00O,O00. I t is a question I I I 1n.v r l l i ~ i t l I\ I i ( . t 1 1 ( ~ :I (>PII::IIS of slrh scope :tnd chaructcr should be tttrI\(b~i o r i ( * ~ ~ ( > r t11:lii iiver>- fifth >(:txr, t~iid \d~et~lwr ih ~ ~ o u l d not 13e 1 ) ( $ 1 1 ( ~ i(, l i ~ i l i t ~ tlic i ) i ( i~~~) i t~ l i~l(li~iry t,o t,lle ollc subject of pl.oduct.s ~uc>tt t ior1c. i l i 11 1111. l:t\\ , 1hcrrl)~- iti:;ln.ing n rltorc prornpt p~zl)lii.tltion of t , l t ( \ r s c $ s r r l f s :111d :1 ~ l i i r l eri:ll rctluction jr l cost as compnred \vi-ICh a c ' o r t ~ ~ , r ~ c ~ l ~ c ~ r i s i \ ~ c ~ ( B o ~ ) ~ : ~ ~ ~ of xntli~~~ft~(~t,llres. I1ooki11g to the futupc, if. I l ~ i s I \ i c l ~ i r l i ; r l i11c1iril.y c n n 1)c nij~dr l~on~partzt i~-clp simple, easy of ( ~ x o ( ~ I I ( ~ o I ~ , : l ~ i ( l ~ ~ ( ~ t ~ : i ( > ~ i : \ l ) l ~ cxpc>(jit,io~~s tis ~scg~ir(ls the ct31npil:~tion n n t l pi~l)lic.:tt ion (11' flic rtis~~lts, i t ruig1;~lI 1)o fcxsiblc ultimately to ~nnke i t 1 I : I I . 7Vr shoultl illon 1131-c a ccnsus of production I l i l \ c ~ i r itii~rrl:llly t t r i t l supl)lclnrntiltl by n coll~pletc census of manufac- tut*cas (.i PI.^ li-l't 11 y(>:tr. 'I'llis, I billjcve, \:-auld be an approach to tho i ( l ( > : \ l .

So S:II* ;1s j)ossil>l~ ( I I V I 'CSIII~S of n ccr~sus of production should be P X ~ I ~ ~ ~ S S S ' I i l l rinils or clu~nntit,y. T'nluc is o1)viously uns:~lisiac'tory t\s :I I ~ I ~ ~ : I S I I I . ~ . of Iyro~\-lll. 01. 1):lsis of c . o I ~ ~ ~ : I I * ~ s o ~ h t f ~ v c ~ ~ n clil":,'c.rent y(vi1.s O I * pt\rio(is. 'PI!(> i~~<*~-(\:ts(> ot' I ~ ( ~ : I I . ~ J - 1 50 pc~. c ~ n t in the total ;~:t111(1 (,f' i , ~ c , t f l r c . t ~ 1 1 , ( ~ 1 1 !)I I : I I I ~ fozn. :IS S!LOKII by t.lle ~ ~ a n u - f t i c b l ~ ~ i . c h $ c.c.rtqtt:: o!' l !ILPO, (]oc:-: iiot, of (>OIII.S(~, T.~T)TCSCI'IL any cnrrc- sporitIi::(: iiic+vcb:tsc in tiit. volnlllc of pl.oduttiorl. So fnr as thesu y:llilti ;i(2;1il-fys ~ ~ t ~ ~ l p , ~ r l ; ( (1, : ~ ~ t ~ i : > l i l ~ ( ~ r ~ ~ : > s ~ ~ prt~il11~t~~m :I,,) f t t b ( l J 'q ( y l , ss, t l l c cjuosi iorl hcbi?lg oor~c 1s-liic.11 1l:e c~.I :sU~ !1?-~ llot nt!s\\ I L : . ~ , : ! . 1 :m irl~'l'i~:isaqcf' 2s par c~pnt in tile number of t(311~ .of

+I pig in t l ! I V Y ~ ( ~ I N ~ ~ V ~ , for vs:~ !nplc, is t:in$gi 1)lc n n t f d(,finite. U~~for tu - ll:ll~~I!-, S o r s(: ifisl i t ' ; l l ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I O S : Y X ~n<~auur.cmcant bj- llnits of qunn!.ilty c.:trl 1101 :1!,1~lic~al in :ill li1-tc.s of intlustrj., biit is :~;>plicable only ~vhere :I ~woti~ac~t~ Is st :lntl:lrt lixctl : l r d thc 7,-aricty of products is nof too great. It is, T X ~ O ~ C ~ O V C ~ , i~npossiblc to esprcss xggrc~nte product~on, or the


j P C t r all industries. or e-ien for more than one industry, in terms E .ti.:-. fca the obvious reason that units of one product can not

be :rl~,lr.il to of another-the number of pairs of shoes can not be c,jljitd tn the number of automobiles. For purposes of Summa- . tion, therrfl?re. resort must be had to the calue of products, expressed 4 in doi!rtr unlts.


average force of about 10 clerks in this Bureau is now employed on thp compilation of statistics and preparation of copy for the rnonthlli- Surrev of Current Business. This publication, which was inaugurated upon your jnitinti~e as Secretaq of Commerce and has bcpn cnrrieq out along the lines rhich you plamed, has attracted mtrch xttentron and has been received m t h general approval by the busincw 3s-orld.

It iq a puRIication in ~rhicli statistics that were already being gathitr~cl ind~pendentlr bp various Gorernment bureaus and trade organizations or przblications hare been brought tooether, s ystema- tized. aLrl reduced to a common denomnator by h e use of index nurnhi r-. sc ;LS to indicate on a comparable basis the mo~emen t of ditfltrrnt lines of business or commercial actixity from month to . P ~ r t oi tlie (]at% incorporated in this publication are, how- ever. (ti~tained l , ~ the Census Bureau directly from the manufacturing inelti.-rtich. and this collection of original or first-hand data may he estr:?r!etl :IS t;he goes rtn to include more of the basic or key industries of t h n ~,C)UII t7->-.

Thi- montM!- report corers much the same field as the biennial cpti-rrl c r f ~)r~irl;~ctic+n n-kiich. as explained elsen-here (see . 331, \\ill 1~ in;rtrcur:rtr4 nest Tear. Looking to the future. it woul c? seem that ~ ~ L P - c ' ir~.x-~) I ~ I ; ( ! P P ~ D ~ ; ~ ~ S might adrantageoudy be combined or so r:I.i t * ~ I ;:; to furnish r, continuous current index of production supple- m ~ ~ A L s , ~ ~ l h?- mr>rc compretensire annual censuses.

li: tile rne~tntime the n~onthly S t ~ r ~ e v is an erfectire and economical ! 1 : f : a . Ever? effort d l be macle to adrance r!,e :; ' :*c of its pul-11'cn:inn. and in the future the sale of copies a t a SII I I r ~ i -.e. :la prop6 )%e-l. \\-ill probably fully reimburse the tiorern- I i iCl ' rE : c ' - s the ctr5t r , f prorjuetion.


-i. "'1.0 in t h r t D ~ ~ ) i ' ~ t m ~ n t of Comzzerce Building destroyed a ortion (if -1. t1sr2-rr- rc.i.r\rdc, nr-d 3 1:irge part of these recorcls are stil ?' stored in ~iir~*proc)f hl~iitlings. Their destruction, especially if it included ti:.' -+.: l~rE:.lr; nf ti c e ~ - u s not ~ e t completecl, \r;ould result in a loss of m:,..:,- ?:ii;iiow to t h e G o ~ e r n m e n t - ~ ~ ~ that it ~\-ould be impo4sihle

. The 19-5 of the scherlules of previous censuses can not, 0% (" 1'-7-(.. h~ ? ~ I ~ ' : L ~ : W F L ~ in terms of monev, but in Tien- of their value

1 .

;I- c,-ff)ricn! r (>e~nl$ it ~ o u l c l he a great and irreparable misfortune. -i JI;!~! ( b f rrf!ords in ~hihith these clocments can be stored and con- ~ i . r ~ i ~ ' ? ! ~ ~ - c.sar11inod iq mo5t urgcntlr needed. At present a large , Ij"" . '9 '"' 1 ire census schetlules are stored Tl-1lere they are illaccessible :*:if1 :'I ,tl!(!itio.rl ::re esl)osed to the danger of fire. 1' I ' (' ' l--lI- -r'll,~tlules cotitnin a rast amount of un ublished in-

f t r " : ! j : : f i r ' ! ? tj!t!t is cd .-r~:it rnlue in sttzd_ving the agricu ? tural, indus- :!'it ". . 2i*"J:li eonditio~l~ in various Statej and cities. The State

governmants of New York, Pennsylvania, and Arlransas, as ~voll as the governments of some of our im ortant cities, have a t different times maintained cor s of clerks in t e Bureau to copy special mate- B g rial from those recor s. The Secretary of Agricnlturc has requested

+ mo to malro a numbor of spacial tabulations nncl to furnish other I

mntcrinl that will be of great nssistnnce in tho condxlct of the various invc~stigations of agricultural conditions now in progress in his de- purttncnt. The Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Bureau of Pensions, and otllcr Fedora1 offices are constantly calling on the Ccnsus Bureau for information from its schedules; and inciividuals and societies inter- ested in gcnealogicnl and other research work are frec1uentl-y recluest- ing information contained in the returns of the ettrlier censuses. To satisfy t l los~ dcmnnds a corps of clcrks is continually employed in searching tho records.

At the snnlt? time the accumulation of papers which have vcry little or no probable vt~luc should be avoidcd; nlid the Bureau, endetzvorlng to carry out tllis policy due discriminntion, obtained from Con- grcss nutliority for the destruction of the ttgricultural sclzcdules of the census of 1010. Accordingly, in the last Gscnl year, tllcsc schedules, weighing n prosimat,cly 100 tons, were sent to the Government Printing Of P icc, ~vllerc they were niutillttcd and solcl as xvasto paper.


Tho c~~umerntion of the population lor the purpose of estnblishirig thc nmnhcr of Iicprcsentatives each Stnte slxnll have in Congrcss IS tlzc nlnin purpose of tllo census referred to in the C'onstitution. The Stat,e totals for. use as a basis for the apportionnlent were furnished to Congress in ample time to meet all its requirements. The Consus Rnrcnu txlso :issisted the committees of tllc Sciiato nnd I'louse of IZeprescntntires i11 forrnulati~lg -r;~rious metlzocts of :zpportion~uent th:~t could he usetl and in pl.cpnring :~ppol*tionment t:~bles. Two n,ppostinnment bills liare heen introducecl by the ('ensus Cionlnlittee ol thc llouse. The first, 1%-hich wa,s' intrortuced in the Sistpsisth Congress hut failecl ol ennctnleut, fiscd the number of Ileprescntntives a t a$:<. The second, recelzt1-y introducccl at iEle speci>~l session of the Sixt-7-scventh Congress, ~)so~ides for 460.


I t:~lcc this occahion to express my appreciation of the r:~luable assist:~ncc I have received from the Census Aidvisory Gommittec,l whicll -\v:~s estt~blis11cd about thrcr years ago a s reprcscntiiig the American Econon~ic ancl ihlnerican Stntist.ica1 ~issacintions. The eonilllittee l~clcl sc-r~rnl rncetings in Washington during tho last fiscal year, ancl has d ~ v i y s promptly responded to every rccluest for confcrerzce and counsel. I t s activities hare not been conlincd to census matters, but by your invitation hare becn estcndcd to cover questions of broader scope relative to the m-ork of thc de artment.

,It the recluest of Senator Sutherlnnd, chail.man of the i! 'enato Com- mittec on the Census in the last (Sixty-sixth) Congress, thc Advisory

'* Committee investigated the qucstion of the proper methocl of appor- tioning representnti~es nmong the States and submitted s report thereon. -- -- -- - - - -- . --

1 This comnlittee consists of Jlr . XI-. R. Rossilor (rhnirmnil) XIr. E d w h ~ P. (:a?., Dr. TVc;leg C. ,\iiichell, and Profs. XV3.lt.c~ F. Willvos, Edmin R. A. Seligm:~u, cnrrdil-TV. Dotell, aud Allyll A. Y o u ~ ~ g .




The Bureau's statutory ofEce force a t the beginning of the decennial census period. Julr 1, 1919, numbered 609. By August 31. 1920, through the ap ointment of temporar employees, as authorized under R r the Fourteent Census act, the tota office force in Kashinaton had been ex anded to a. maximum of 6,301. Since that date itBas been gradua 8 y reduced, following the completion of certain branches of the q-ork. the number of employees on the rolls on December 31, 1920, being 3.076, and on June 30. 1921, the close of the Escal year, 2,388.

The foUo~ring statement gires the number of employees in Kash- ington on the rolls on J u l ~ 1, 1919. a t the beginning of the census period, and the number on the last day of each month from that date until the close of the last fiscal year:

Month, 1519-20. SL-.her. XontI~, 192'3-21. Sumber.

July 1,19iS .......................... .... End of-

.Tuly. ........................... ... . liICJSt ............... .... ..... -.

........................ September.. Octoiteg.. ........ .... ........... .... N o r e ~ w r . . .................... ... . Dezexiber.. ......... .. .............. .Tanonr~-. ................. .... .....

.......................... February. .\Larch ............ ... ........*...... ...: dpril.. ............ .. ............... , May.. ............................... June. ............... .. ..............

603 End of- . r u l ~ . ...............................

rjjl August (msimum) .......... ....... 963 September ..........................

1,lSG October ............. .. ............. 1 2F1 Sorem:~er ............ .. ........... 1: 252 December.. ......................... 1 , 3 a ~ 1 a q ......... ... ................ 1,731 Febrasry.. ......................... 2,STO 3Larcb ............... ... ............ 3,493 April ................................ 3> ,%4 ?,fay.. .............................. 5 222 ?me ................................ e: 1.52

At the present time S~ept . 15) the total force is about 2.100. Within the nest 93 ~nonths, orb^ t,he 1st of Jnly: 1922, it nil1 h a w to be reduced to about. 925.

The total number of appointments, insluding reappoint,ments in cases s~here the tern~s of the original appointments had expired, from the beginning of the census period to July I , 1921; %\-as 13,852? of which number 5.Q3.3 were appointments of clerl.;~, &49l of inachine operati~es, and 323 of suhclerieai emplo::ees.

The fo!lon-ing table shov-s the appointinents in detail from Julv 1, 1919, to June 36, 1921, iaclusice:

.. - -~ - . .- - .. - .... .. -- ........- - --.---.

Class oi anpoktment. ~olz:. C:erks. ' 0~erati:ei. ,.:a!;: ,. .t,.

-- - -- Proba?i?znl :heri?.,n rer=..rr.e:i: 5:2:us). ................. 9:: Eii? i 3 125 Reins! ctementz-. ........................................ ,3 ............ -- ,

61 : 1

3 ............ Transfers ::cm o':tcr b'irc.-,u= s: i1e:ar:mer.t:. 8 ., <.............

? 0 22

Census nerioc? o-iy.. ..................................... 1, 4Ct4 I; 479 " z - - 2.2

r .201 2

... pmitecl:1.2?3. o r 7 ~ 7 r t h i ., ir?il-i!if:reilr,?3i~:z~ents) - - ?. ? ? L> , ,J> 162 ...................................... ,-hour n;?h: f~ r r e . . l, x;; 7% 1,436 4 - .......... &hcur cightfcrce.. ...................................... ,-_.. .._....._.__ 9 5

In accordance n-it5 t!;e pro~ision of la:$- ggiring pderence in nppoint- ment to persons 21onorabl:- 6dlsc!:?.z.~~c-l from tke rnilitar5- or. ~:aral s en i ce . the Bcreeu appointed ox itFoEc:e force during t h e first t7,\-o pews of the census period 683 perso:ls , . entitlied to sech prefcrecce and ogcred appoiritn~ent to JET oi-iler ei:gi'nles: of ~ h o m 150 dee!ined ancl the remainder, 317: failed to reap~3d.


'FXlu tn tnl nttnlhor of persons separated from the force during the lz~st, lisclil yon,r N I I ~ 5,712. 01 this number, 2,848 resigned, 1,503 were rlroppt~l I)cc\tl,.cist! of tllt3 ncccssity of reducing the force and 55'7 fo ot,llrtr rottsotls, 35 wcre .t8rcl7ksferred to other bureaus, and 476 held liluitic~tl r1 )j)oirlt nitmts vllicl~ ox ired. Of tlle total number of em- I pitry c*rs ti, t'othi otl, 4,016 woro ~ n a c !' line opcr a t' ~ves.

111lri1jg t110 j)rt?~t~dilig Jisctxl yew there hnd beer1 1,805 separations, nluliill:: I ' t t o t,olC:i,l for tho trvo yanrs from July 1, 1919, to June 30, I!ISl, 7,517.


i r t o~xit'l* i o ~ l l i f ~ i l i ~ o t110 force nncl nxlintnin its morale, i t was tlr~cll~ttbtf ndvist~t)lo to givcl rc1ntivcl;v frequent promotions to em- ployivs nllo cx~ll(l~'~til 011 duly fit 8900 or $960 per tlnnunl and u-hose st~r.\.ic.cw 1)ro\"%tl s : ~ 2 isf'nc.iol*y. 'I'llcse promotions ranged from $60 to $IS0 pch1- ' : l t r ~ l ~ n i rltltl wcrc bnscd upon the relative efficiency of the c>~~iploychc~ in t 110 vrwiuus salary classes and the nature of the vork nptuk wlric4\ t lwy wrc. cngngcd. During the fiscal year 1921 the 1311rt~st1 ti11 I l~or.ixc~(l 7,752 p~bomotions and 1,227 demotions, and clur- i!lg I l l ( & 1~0.-).1~:1r pci!'iotl bcgun July 1, 1919, n total of 12,628 promo- 1 1ti114 :I I I ( I I ,:is!) tltli~lot~io~ls rvic-crc matlc. blost of t,11e de~notions were ( I I I ~ ~ ~ l l c \ i ' r l l ~ 1 1 ) O I I ( ~ s c ~ l ~ i t ~ ~ o ~ ~ t l ~ l y rcltlc-ljnst~nents of the p , z ~ of ma- cl1il1i1 olwr:i t ivcts.

i n c ) t * c l i $ r . t o c>r~nblr t11c I3urenu to utilize tht? ser~iccs of the more t\iiichitwt ii~nc~l~iiic ctpc:.alires on othcr n-orlc after the completion of t llct r~lnt.flinc~ n*oi*li, t l ~ t i CYi vil Scrvicc Comn~issinn, upon recommen- t l l ~ t i o t ~ of t11(\ lE\~rc?:~n, Iicld 11 first-gradc promotion examination to wilic.11 : \ I 1 opc~t.:~ti~c~s tlcsiring t o col~npcte Twrc admitted. Of the :300 ctligil)lrs t ~ ~ t ific'(1 [I-ont this csnmination, 2'74 were selected and pl.or~lolod 1 0 cI(\ricb:;l positiorls.

I rl : ~ ( l \ l i l i( ,I! 1 (, t l i t > o J l i c * ~ fo~'~tb d~scsih~cl abtbo~~e, 2,477 special agents \ \ i 5 i - t % : r l ) t ) t ~ i r l i : v l I)c(nt>c\ri pluly 1, 1910, and dune 30, 1921, most of t I I f i t I . O I illis ~tnmbt~z., 1,212 tvcre appointed as local :I*:IIII~S f ' r , ~ I l : u l ( 4 ~ I l ~ ~ c ~ f i o ~ ~ of st::tistjcs of mnnufnciurcs and 338 were :~~yi,c<it~(t~tl I'oI. f i l t h c b , , i i c 1 c * t i o 1 1 ol' thotion statistics. Most of the manu- I.:li'f 111.0~ : 1 p 8 t l l % :~II ,! :t 11 t (wt,t 011 ngcnis I\-ere rcsicfcnts 01 the locali- 1 ivs i l l ~ v ! i i ( ~ l i ( . ~ I ~ ~ > I ( I > ( \ t i -

.\ cl t . l : l i !c~t l sf:!: \ r ; l c> l~ t s!lo\\.i~~g t h ~ distribution, by grades and chl:i~s:ls. 01' t I t ( , 1 ? I ) i-c*:~tr's !'o~c.c on ,June 30, 1921, is gircn in Appendix I.


i n .\lwil. 1 !I:.' E , l i t t l I bi~~isiol: of Vital Stnitistics was morcci from the I i i l i I . * i t t1hc close of the fiscal Fear all IH.:I llc+l,t\s o I t l l , . 1 ;irlbk):tu of t,llt. Census wcre housed in Building D v x v v ~ ~ i t 11,. l Ii: ihic'ti of A~:II~UC~CIII~CS, the ~l~echa~lical laborato~y,

+ :1510 :I sivlilll sc\r'lio~l of t3w GCO~;~:I~~ICI"S Division. Since then a part of 1 I di , isif ,!I 01' ~\ln~t~~f:rcinl.cls has been m o ~ e d to that building till( l :I r s r % ; r ~~!:r~licbrit s 1111 ve bccn made for moving the mechanical l : l l )o~?it ory.

In accordance ~i-itith instructicns from the Public Building C o r n i s - sion, 14.689 square feet of fioor spacae in i3':uildi?= D 11-as turned orer to the General Supply Comrnistce 2nd ar~pros:satcly 1.500 square feet to the Congressional Joint C'on~raisaion on Rccl:~s~ificrttio of Salaries.

Because of the fire n-hich ocel;r.reci in the C r ~ ~ l z ~ ~ e r c e @ui;ding. in r January of this -ear, it xf-as necessarj- tg more s;ii~ 1590 populat~on schedules from the basement of that hciltli~g 12 GuilriSng D. This work n-as especially difficult because a large number L.I. xhc schedules were burned or n-ater-soaked, and tke corers c ~ f ~ 3 1 2 ~ - TA-e:.e hraken.


During the Fear the force cJf the rnc.rl;anicnl Iab:?rrt<jr.; has hcen engaged on the maintenance of the. 35 niitvma tic tiabc5nrors. 26 sort- ing machines: and 3 card counters in use in the Dix-ision.5 cf Popula- tion and Trital Statistics.

K o r k on the de~elopment of an Intezrating coilnter. -it-ltirh ~s-t.as suspended early in 1919 in order to relez:sc the fwce for the work of constructing and maintdining the panroqrtlph p::;-r.i-~~ useci in the population census, has no%\- been resrarfieci. Tn? Integrating cour~tfir. it rnay he explained, is one that r-ii:l udel rlumber; instead of unlts only> thus proliding a tvpe of machae greot1~- ,rli.eded for the work of this Bureau. Machines of this trpe a r t heretofore been lensed.

-4 list of the puhlieatiocs issuer] durlr,? :he Esecl !-par and since its close is sicen in Appendix 11. In aciciti~~n, a considerable number of multigraphed or rnimec?,orctp!irrli xpo:.Ls and rl,ur?sancls of press summaries have been puhlisiieri.


The estimate for taking the Fourteenth Decr-nnkI : ' ~ r s u s and for carrying on the annual and r~thpr ir?ril-stip:~tions oi' die B u r e ~ u for the three-year census period enrl;cg JUW 20. . 1T122. . xils $33,765.000.

P Congress appropriatecl. $Df iQ,OrJCI in the leg~s!:~;:r~, cxecu tire, and judicial act upprored March 1. 1919, %.5:jrJ.OOh? in the urgent tle6-


C ciency act approred March IF:. 1 Y Y r . S . O f l O : l i ~ f i ;;I the legislnrire. esecutire. ancl judicial approprintion i;ct appr~rer l list>- 29. 1920. zncl 51.000,000 in the legislative. c.securi\-e, and jt;dir.ial act approved

%eh 3, 1921, making a tor:~l of S23.558..0i). The deficiency act approred June 16. 152:. trs:1:s5rred $250.000 of

the appropriation made on March 3. 1921. to the. Bureau of Stand- ards, and the Census Bureau has authorized the Director of the Budget to transfer 5400.000 to the general r e s ~ r ~ e fund. These items make a total of S650.000 of the appropriations tha t the Bureau will not use, learing a balance of $23,YrJO.UOO to carry on its ~ o r k during the Fourteenth Decennial Census period, J~dy 1, 1919, to J u n s 30, 1952.

T h e estimates for the 6scal year ending June 30: 1923. amount to $2,263,490, exclusive of contingent expenses and printing, which will be paid from the appropriations for the Department of C'ommerce. This amount is in excess of the appropriations for preTi~us years

I I I i t I . 'I'hc i~t~rcttse is ncc.essitnted princi- 1:~11! 1 1 ) t l i ~ . j ) r i ~ \ i . i o l l ~ I I 1110 k ~ o ~ l r t ( ~ t ~ ~ ~ t l l ('C~IISUP nct, approved

I . ! ! . f1 . i - :I 1 l i t ~ n l i i ; i l c 0 ~ ~ i ~ \ i , s o f in:lonfnc~xlrps; bv ilic act of r , l t ~ l t t t .-I, !!l:'ll. \\ / h i t * I l t l i ~ . t $ ( . t c: I 11t' i t ~ o ~ l t Illy c.ollcction of ststistics of

I l i 1 1 c . s . . . i \ t r t - . ! I I I ( I ? i ~ : l l l i c h r : : i l l 1 1 t)y 2111' gronlth of ttlc nnnu:ll illves- tig:~t 111!i-,

i : , t t l l ~ \ , i11:1, i~ 1 / ! I & ~ ; I I I -~YI I I ' s ~ ~ I I : I I I ( ~ ~ : I ~ s t ? l t ( \ ~ ~ ~ t > n t ~ lor tjho fisctil ?cam I!,:!~I : t t ~ b i f : t . . ' i : :[!I i i i t \ i ) l ~ ( ~ n ~ l i x I I I :\rtb ~ ~ r t ~ s r n t c d t w o tnbles giving t11,- ( * I I \ ~ C I S I I I ~ , I ~ I I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ * : I ! ~ ~ I I ~ i i ~ O I I ( \ I~ :LSV 1)y si.:~i~s ~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 in the ot411er by s t ~ ~ ) l ~ i - t i S > t t i . - ' t l i . , ~ ri13t.

111111\! ' . ' i t , , .' , , i i : ! \ ! . a . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!.-t,S!i!l.:j7 . 2:i95:iL. :IS 11:s : & I ' . . . . . . . . . . :I 1,7:~!l. lili 23s. l l i

. . . . . I ' t ~ l l i t 1114 . . t:'ti.!l';l. :i: 2 l',l. 511 l * i . i l l , ........................... I ,?:ill.!lo ............... ' , I t l S ~ * I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i:>Il. llil : l ' . l : ~ t , l , * I , , , ............................. Y X . I10

.-- -. --- .I:%:{, .$ IS. 8"

. . --- -.- .- - -. - .- - .............. - .

Fisec: resr T;resi yezr c-ntle*l 3 i n ~ 91?; e3Ced 3 : s ~ - 30, ' Totai.

1020. :9?1

Co~lpiiirz rcco:iii: for C'~mrr?iit.?e 6s Wars arir? ?It?ar.~. ................. 7C,7?%. 55 7r;,7%.55 JIontb11- ?*DO::> on I~rol-ritior. r,ri:.i:~ ax.? t o l : ~ . . .................... 1.311.73 I. 541.73 ~ e t h ; : ' j i o ii~;~-?:r",e:.t of ~omrr?;:rrc-..'. ................................. 3,147.02 3.16.03 Amo,u:t :roz:frq-red to c:r;l-serrice retireLrl;.rl a::&

dbaLiEt3 58x4 .................................... ... ................. FJ2,500.00 62, 30. CD

Grzn-i rota:.. ............................... ; E; 2*l,Ij?. :;a : ->,b55,;:,,. 10 19,C?9:%;i. 72

1 I~elil?:; p2;- rui?; Iur Jix:e it;Z,, GYJ, amoxt ing t o 5225,5!83.54, not esterel on books of dis?,xrsizgr office on . Ice $1, 1U:.

In~.f!Yi?: pay roil.; for Jil~le 1630, 1921, arnollzting to !?i21_,533.76, rot entered on boohs of disbxji-: office or; ;;ne ;iD, lb21.

Total appropriations for the Fourteenth Decennial Census, period- July 1,1913. to ,June 30. 1922. ................................. $23.550.000.00

.................. Repayments to the appropriations. recoveries, etc 10. ,566. SR Total.. .................................................. 23.560.566.59

..... Expendites. JuIy 1,1919, to June 30,1941.-. $19; G29.667. 72 .............. Amount tramfemd to general reeerve 400.000.00

Amount transferred to Bureau of Standards by defi- .............. cbncy act approved June 16,1921. 450.000.00

Total- ................................................... 20.279.667.72 ............ Bdance available for &a1 year ending June 30, 1922.. 3,280.898. 87



I am of the opinion that, so far as the statistics of population are concerned, it was a mistake to ad~ance the date of the enumeration from April 15 (the Thirteenth Census date) to January 1. This change m the law was made at the request of the Department of Agpculture and of the various interests making use of agricultural statistics, the idea being that more nearly accurate statistics could be obtained concerning farm activit.ies if the canvass were made shortly after the end of the ear to which i t related. The weather during Janua , however, is E 'kely to be a, serious handicap to the enumera- ton. Tt was BS w i d y severe in 1920, and in many instances i t delayed the wor E and necessitated unusual precautions to insure s * complete canvass..

I n the section "Puhlica:ion of rcyl!:s" I ilsc:ti zjr.i.I1 :.,r,:-6,% - . , . for believing that j t ;$-ill be a;.!.;i~:i!,i,? 2.: r'<t:;rt. r:~,r;..::+~; ; , i,.:, .. 5.e 8 supers-isors announce the ~ i > ~ l ~ ] a r i o n f ( , ~ ~j:~j:' 8 s : . ' ~ ' ; , . - . . . * ... *..: * . ? ? ", ..3

' - their xt-i-ork is colzlpletedt iz:teac.i of \i-T;.t.,::i:;.;.. :,; :: :!;e pi., c.1 . .,1 ..I- " - - tice, until the scheilrnies :i%i-g been essmi:iet.j &:!*I ~ : j i ~ ~ : : ; t ~ . . ~ it:- : :!ita

naaes counted here in ;T2~h3r;~tair.

. . There IWS such a shiftillg of the pr~p~d:~:;~.!:; .7,:,: pri3,r. :,: :,*. ; :'-.a;- . . ~ o T x * ~ ~ the censns date &-JL tl:ere hc-cr; ,:, ,:. :; . i :.L.lti;. s :::. : ~ . ~ * : : c . - - . * ~ - tion xx-ith the rcsl-ilt ~f the e;,zp:. ll:~$ :ri2~::4:!1:.-7 .<.byb ,, . ::: .: , j . - that rhe ciistribiltion of tke ~)cpp;.~lari:jy :?p ffli:xl: !j-: :;.: :,.::, .:"I. .,I

. Y =. rhe Fourteenth Cezsus 1: ;j3::~jrr.:~1: &:;I ;jrj::z. ;.I e5:,-;:~.+ -- a< T; - . . . - % + irtJy~ r:.iTal : t j :.ire>y.:~ h.::.:~+;:< 7eq- .A. !- .,: : : there Tas a great ~ lo -b -eme-~~

the enumeration has betz2 Ca3;1:y2!1Zc. : if ~ : , F J - :~;,!...--:~iA ; - - -, - - A

$8 2 . . 6 % . . . . . . mo7-eInent; :iz(j th:;: ~h:< ~ ~ ~ : ! : ~ : : z Q! :::(: :;#;:;x;A::::,-~:. ,.:: :$.;#::, ~ . . , - L - for certain Sttilo:;. :jir:s i . = ' , j i a ~ ~ ~ i ~ ; ~ lze aoo, -ztjcsli::ic::: '.,j r,. 5,:. :. !.. .- -. > . . tires in Congress. ' 1 : : 4 . 1.- . - - . . . ;. . .

sldering the m~ro;!l;ction of :I hilI prr~;-:urxta .- i'!..r . ..?.t.,.rl.l,r v:.-,..-.. :. : . r; of the population in 1525 or some ~ i l ~ i ' ~ r e ~ r pIe:..r ?*J r:,.: -~-I-:X: :-.-:'I-

, . -- nial census. This proposed lez:~lat:iiri 1:::- x i ~ ~ ;:ppro\-u!.

" . Since 190'7 the Burenl; of the Cc.r,sci. ti.;: r;:f,l:~r~,: . - . ! , J - : ;:r. id.:: , E L -

piled and published tiennioii-,- ,- . ~-,.,i,.i~lle . gi;-i:iz j .;;): r:,;:i,l.- . ' , . ' : . lnforrnation c o n e e r ~ i q LII ~ i ; ~ c::-i!i';:l , - . iiGir,:'.v:-i;:- * . , . . 1' riil

q-- Gorernment except liiose ia ; % i 1 P:;:r;:? zC3'.i.;.ic:j-. it. jr:, t, .I.,:. .L and publication of &is 0:tic:frl 1ieglsti.r L:~;v I::**. ..l!-J uri ;::::,:r!: .: irt: of approsimatelS 350,090. seeri~s :?> ::x :k.i: i: '.r...?>r.:;'- ;EJ-

1 -i . ." portsnt purpose: certair?Jr iz5 v&i;;e ii"j;r+ a(?'. . < ;i:j.l::; i;:~ cX-

pentliture. I accordingi~ reeomxit.cd fi,;; i: i ~ t s ,. l i t! 4 rjn+-tral . c :< : d ! i - - ,

continue the preparation <)I ihe iiiIie5d Rf:zi-T"; ;.l . ..:i!+::. I::{: T I ; ; i..:., ., ,. $2 of the erlition for J u l ~ 1: 1921, aotl to n I.,, J A ~ L P : i , ~ r.i,rr:ri.ii:: A:. ~ ~ 2 . i l i

pub]jeatjon biennia]]- br the Bureau r:'':;; ;-r:i:;:; of *.>;..i:i,-:;,:; vf the. c i d i a n personnel of the Federlil C;c~t-er::x~rlr.


The act of lugust 7. 1915. prorilles :Irr:tt ".the h):rfc,: jr Census shaU. collect and publish statistics ~f raw :1n4 prr-p .:a- i a ::#a and linters, cotton waste. anal hull &rr cor;=;imc i in rii,-~1i?h. txre of guncotton and .esplosi~es of all kinds, tin i af ..J~~rir;,r'ri; dl?;!? Iig. 11- cat& cotton, dufmg the ?ear 1915 ant! quar:c.r.lj- t :" ,~r~~~!rir ~ r , ? :;e -.

uitntitS held in such estahl~bpenrs at the poi uf e'ier. r,e;yrturr. the time this law ass pajied the eoilii lrnp~b~c t i ! ratl::>n i~ :lie

manufacture of explosires was so greax tila: it Lilli AT; ca3c~:: . . 11:~ :LP price, it was, therefore, mportans to kat*iv tlie c j ~ r r r t ~ : ~ e ~ s trans " cons-ed. Such iaformation, howerer is nu ii~n,rr+*s E,!' rali:b.. Anr: I rem-end that this prorision of the law be r+.pt-d~A.

IT. Sf. STEC.II:T Z d ' ~ e c ' f i ~ -,* ff.+ 1-r ~i

To Hon. HERBERT HOOZR: Secretary qf Lbrrirr.ti.ee.

oFA77:I.:L,5. T7-:7,:m Director.. ................................................ ,tA.: n ...

....................................... :\ssis~ant 1)lrec~or.. J.^Icc?;~ -. .............................................. Chief c~lerjc. i :ic::rn Chief stst~sricians: .......

Po~uiatirin. .......................................... ' G , ::.;;i:. ---... . ....................... I$icnrt-r;re, crjt+on and to?;zccc.. i::ilr;lr

..... ................................ ~ f ~ ~ u f 3 c t ~ r e s . .. zlL!?Ei ... O ..; Eratisties of cities.. ..................................... '.,.:.i:

...................................... T'ital stat,ijtics.. .5Til:1z: .............................................. Gec,~a$~c-r.. c.'!-ar:i-! ? - -

........................................ I)ist~urs~np clerk.. .:.re<! -1 ..................................... Appgintment clerk.. .IT70:rrIr

Expprt chiefs of di.,-isio~: .-.. ....................................... icL~inistrative.. ~xc>:E

Ippointment .........................................- ic:l.i:: s.:r,.-*:x Igriculture.. ......................................... 1. -... 'J-hc?:~

.......................................... Populatinn. .Ed:"nr u-i:iia: c!li..-e G E C T ~

.................................. Re'i~ion and results.. I!arr: ................................... Statistics of cities.. .H.rl-n:uc

....................................... S'ital statistics.. J c t n I .............................. Ghief, mechanical lal->oratory .E. 11.

..... Secretary to Director, $2.250. ....... Statistical experts, 52;UOO.

Stenographers: . S1.Soo.. ................... ... $1,500 .......................

Clerks : ....................... $1.800

$1.680.. ..................... $l,6 00

....................... $1.560 $1,440 ....................... $1.400 ....................... $1,380 ....................... $1,320 ....................... $1.260 ....................... $1.2 00 ....................... $1,140.. ..................... $1.080 ...............-.....-.


1 ' Clerks-Continued. 10 P1.020.. ...........

$1 .OOO.. ........... 4 $960.. .............. 7 I

Total.. ....-..--. 74 ' Operatives: .j.j $1.3~9.. ........... "4 $1.3". ............ 32 S1.960.. ...........

401 Total ............ 407

If!'> :,<.-! $3 IIICPOET 011' TIIli: DIRECTOR O F T H E UEKSUS. %L*f



Photostat operators, $1,400. . . . . . . 2 Skilled laborers:

$1.000.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 $900 ..................... ... 7 $sao ........................ 1 $720 4

L~nslrilled laborers, $720.. . . . . . . . . . 17 &fessengers, $840.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Assistant messengers, $720.. . . . . . . 6 Messenger boys, $480.. . . . . . . +. . . 8

Total ..-............... .... 69


Esperts: $4,500.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $2,250.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 $1,500.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Electricians: .$l,SOO.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . ... 1 $1,600 ... . . . . . . . . . - - - - - . * - - -. 1 $1,400.. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - -. - 7

Mechanician, $1,800. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Tabulating mechanicians:

SI.,SOO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 2 $1,000 ....................... 2 $1,400.. . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . -. - - - 2

Pressman and machinist, $1,600.. . 1 Carpenter, $1,200.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 General mechanic, 51,200. . . . . . . . 1 Machinists, $1,200.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shop apprentices:

$1,200.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $1,050.. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - . - 1 $840 .................... .... 3

Electrician's helper, $840.. . . . . . . . 1

Total ..............----.--- 31


Sperial agents of "known 2nd tried experience in statistical work". . . . . . . . . . . 43 Esperts. and for general field \i~orlr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . -. . . . -. -. -. -- . . -. . .- 69 Employees of ot,ller (iovcnlment bureaus ~ ~ l i o ;vre serting without compenxtion

(o%ce, 140; field, I]).. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .... . . .-. -. . - - - . .. -. . . . . 131 Spezial agents, a t $1 per anuunl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - . - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spe:~ial agents, v i t d statistics, checking incomplete returns of births and deaths. -- 29

Total ......... . .. .. . . . ..-- -- . . . . - . - * . - . . . . . . 2C0

Officials.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - 29 3fechanical-laboratory force. . - . . . 31 I Clerical force.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 1,948 , Special agents.. . . . . .. . . - -. - - -. . - 260 Operatives.. .. ........ ......---. 229 / Srlbclerical force. . . . . . . . . . . - - - -. 69 i Total.. . . . . . . . . . . - -. - - - - - - - 3,866

I n addition there are employed throughout the cotton belt approximately 750 local special agents to collcct statistics of cotton and -cottonseed. These agents perforn~ their work only a t intervals and are p a ~ d on a plece-price basis.


Class and title. Date issued. Pages.

Permanent Cfnras. Reportc (quarto size):

Rirthstatistics for the resi5tration area of the United State<: 1915 (papar). ............................. .... ..........................

Birth statistics for the registration area of the Cnited States: 1919 (paper). .................. .-.... .................................

Financial statistics of cities haTing a population of 03-er 30,WO. 1919 (cloth and paper). ..................................... ... ..

Finlncial statistics of states: 1919 (cloth and paper).. .............. Mortdity statistics: 1919 (cloth and paper] .................... ... .. Central electric light and power stations, Kith summary of the

electric industries: 1917 (cloth and psper). ....................... --- .............. Total ... ....... .............................................. 1 . 1 26.569 -- --

Bulletins [gaper): So. IdZ-Keli5oust1o?ies: 1816 (quarto) ........................... -Lila. 6 1920 :a 7 .00 So. 143-Stocks of leaf tobacco: 1919 joctaro) ....................... Fmt. '29'1020 54 IS, O~X) So. 144-Jlort3lity statistics: 1919 (quarto;. ....................... 1;ic. 15ll<~33 $4 2, So. lr.S+otton ~roduction and datribution: pcason of lOlS20 ' - .

(octaso! .....................................-................ ;en. a91921 la5 3 3 , m -- Total ........................................................................ 5 E4,3M) -- --

Jiisceliarcons publication?: ~innrlal rerort of the Director of the Censr!a to the i'eeretary of

Commerce, fiscal year 1920 :octaro).. ............................ S o r . d, 1820 51 . z7 5~ Ph.vsicians' pocket reference to the international list of causes of

death, 19l!%-Efth editjon (size 3 by 5 ) reprint.. .................. :far. ?3. 1%1 2s 2 ; , m Censusp~~l~licat~onsz~aiIabIefor distrihutioo Feb. l.l(?l 'o?taro~ .. I!rr. I . l9?i 16 500 Animal and rezetable fats ncd oil.;, production, consumption in-

ports, esports, and stock, by qoarters, calpndar gears 1916anrl : 1020!octaroi ..................................................... :.el,. 2fi.1011 15 1 0 . ~ ~ 1 Advance tables 01 cotton production in the United Etalei., crop of

1913 (octavo). ................................................... .\ST. Y.ln?o 59 :jy, 250 Thi r t~four report=, in card form, relating to cotton and cotton- June 14.1820

seed !size 1 bj- 6) .-................... ... ... ..................... j to 34 : 1,360,0130 [:use ::.I931 j

Ten reports to postmasters, in sheet form, relating In cotton iik- c: qt. li.lCi2O ning(qize a by 101). ............................................. . I b e t to 10 I~ .S ,~XJO

lunr. 21,1~421 .[ - ~ J G I , Y ?(J,l$?O r our reports, in card form, relating to stock? of leaf tobacco.. .. .'. .. tr, ' d :fi,rm

[.lpr. 23,1!121 j Four reports to postmasters, in sheet tom, relatine to stocks rjf Tulr 29.1920

leaftotacco ................. ... ....................... . . . . . . to 1. 4 . :cJ,mi) [.\;:r. 29,1020 j

Total.. ..................................................... .;. .............. 202 . I , 6.w. p g ~ - - Fcurirtnth Ccnslis.

[Quarto, except ss other;~ise i11dicated.1

Topulstion hdet inr : F i s t series-Xurnhcr and distribution oIinhal.itantc 1-

Alnbamz ............... ... ........... .. ....................... 3!3r. l .?C1 1; Xrizon3 ........................................................ .,Inr. 2.1121 i Arkansas ...................................................... l.izr. 1.:!CI 20 Califomis.. .................................................... Te;:. ?i. :52! 11 Colorado ....................................................... T 5 . 1; C m a d i c ~ t . . ................................................. 1w. 5. Yels~~r..re.. .................................................... -\:I?. '>,I','LG 5 Cistrict of Colilx?.ia.. ......................................... .71:1:- 2:. l35J 1 i lorida.. ...................................................... ?.i~r. ?.;.!!421 1; Geor "i3... ......................................................... . I ?i

....................... Idaho ............... ...... ........... ... Irh. 2 ' 3 1 11 1llii:ois ................... ... ................................. Mar. 31,1321 20

...................... Indiasa ................... .. ......... ... Fe!,. 1 iVI 13 - . Iom. ....................................................... re,,. 3:3:;j41 25 . Kansas ............ ........ ................................. .ipr. 1,~9~1 2:;

Iicntuch3- ............ ...... .................................. Irlar. 5 El21 17 Louisiana ........ ...... .................................... 1 . 1 0 1 1 12

....................... 3laine ................................ .. Jan. 7,1921 11 3farylsnd ............. ....... ...... .... ........................ Oct. 2.5.1:rYJ C!' l\Iassachusetls ..... .. .... .................................... ;lee. f;1933 ' 9

........ ...................................... 3lic'hi~an ...... 3Iar. 1J,1921 ??

: Entire series publishel durina fiseal year escept bnlletin for Porio fiico, issue-? Saj* 26, 29".


Class and title. Date issued. Pages. Edition. -. --

JULY 1,1920, TO JUNE 30,1921-Continned.

Fourtc~ntfr Cens~s-Continued.

[Quarto, except 3 5 0ti1~Trri~e indicated.]

In bulletins-Contirued. .=cries-??umber and iiistrihution of inhabitants-Continuerl. :innesota ................................................... Ipr . 7 1921 25 3 r ~ ~ c l [ississigoi ............ ... ................................. >far. 15'1921 15 2'mo [issouri-* ...................................................... Yar. 11:1921 22 5:$00 :ontana ....................................................... -lor. 7 1021 1 2,w

..................................... . . lebraska.. .. I . 3 1 2; 2, W,UJ ........................ ...................... erada ... Jan. 25,1921 1,40!)

.............. .................... . :ew Hampshire .... Oct. %j,192n 1,m1 ............ .......................... ew Jerser ............ Afar. 3 1921 12 2,.w0 .......... ................................ :err 3fexexi'co ... Apr. 8:19?1 11 I,%Y~

............ ................. . . . . . . e%- lTork ..... .... Ipr . 15 1121 3 4 WPI .... ....... ....................... :orth Caroiina.. ... .... Mar. 11: i921 20

orth Dakota. ........................... ...... .............. Apr. 21 1921 22 Y 106 'hi0 ............... .... ..................................... a . i 26 : 3 : a 3 0 ,k:ahorna ..................................................... dpr. 1,1921

20 3rd 'regon. ............... ...... ................................ Ip r . 7,192: 13 knns:-!~:ania ........ .... .................................. a . 2 , ::2 4' -;D :hone Island.. ................................................ Sov. "0 IBr) 4 outh Carotina.. ................ ........ .............. r . " 1 9 1 13 2,100 011th Dakota.. .......... ... .................................. Apr. 271 1921 22 2 ?0r> ennessee. ........... .................... ..................... Jan. 4,1921 I7 212m exas.. ................... .. .................................. J 1 2 1 % :3,:3m t ah ................................ ... ....................... 3 c : b, 1<?20 if, 2,31% eimont ........................... ......... .................. Dee. 6, 1Zm~ S 1.Vo . . . rrmra ....................................................... r . 9 1921 15 2,C.w~ ,-S.hinoton. .......... ... .............................. a . 1 1 17 2,2w :est Vii.inia.. ........................ .. .............. jan. 11:1921 11 136W .. .b . isconz1n ....................... .. ........................... I p r . 1 1 22 2,503 - . . >-0ml1.g.. .......... .. ........ ... ........................... .J33. " 5 131 4 1,4(KI Iaska .................. .. .................................. Feb. ;$* 1621 4 I>:?; . . . .ax7an ...................................................... J ~ T 12:1.1m 3 ,q,n.f

anal Zone. -............. ... .... .. ............................ a . 23 .11 13 2,MP-l ......................................................... uam So;. .' ljl23 2, WPJ

imoa.. ..................................................... 3 3 : ~ 4;im r i,~m -- Total.. ........................ .. .. .... ................................... 521 12.5,23! -- --

tn bul!etini: d series-Cornyosirion ailrfcharacteri;tic.s 0: the popti!a:iox-- iabama.. ............... ....... .............................. Apr. 29 152! i b 2,:W rizona ...................................................... e i 11 1,7@1

............. ....................... rkansas .................. ?Lsr 23,1fQI 13 2,Yfi efa$~are. ................ ...... .............................. 27. lrE: 5 1 irf! ... .................. istriet of Co!um:-da.. ......... ..... ... ?#fir ?3.1:*21 F, 1i.j1?0


1 i Class and title. Date issued. I Pages. 1 Editioit. &

- -

JCLY I, 1921, TO J i m ~ 30, 1921-Continued.

Fo*~rfefrtth Census-Continued.

[Quarto, except otherwise indicated.] 1 Agricufture bulktiins-Continued.

-4iaska ............................................................ Apr. 4,1921 5 i 2 , 0 0 0 ........................................................... Hawaii , Bpr. 7 1921 ) 10 I 2 000

P d o R~eo.. .................................................... Xrtp 9:1921 ! 38 ; 1: 500 I- '-

. - . . - . . . . ...--...... Total ........................ ........ . . . ./ 760 ' 77,100

Manufactures bulietins: I ................. .................................... Arizona ..... dune 2, 1921 1 1.5 1.fiO3

. DeIan-are .......... ......... ...................................... >fay 31 $921 19 1, SDO District of Coiunbia ............................................... Apr. 4 1921 i 13 I. IXXI Serarla ......... ........ ......................................... 1Ia-c Ic 1921 a 11 1, 70(7 3e;r 4ferico .............. .. .................................. 3 1 1 11 I, Xorth Dakota ........... .. ................. .. ...................... June 17,1921 1 1.5 '' 100 South Dakota ........ ... .................... May 31 1921 i IS 5: 20q TTyoming.. .....................................................~ J I a r 4' 1921 I 13 1,700 E a ~ a i i ............. ...... .................................... Map 9: 1921 1 16 1. .j00 Port0 IZico.. ........................ ... ....................... ..; Yar 12.1921 ','11 14 I. --

.......................... Total. .................................. ....... ...: 142 16 .9M -- 1nfi:ation bulletin.;: . Co!orado .......................................................... ' Jrine 22 1921 1S 2 , K l

~ d a h o .............. .... ............................................ -&pr. 13; !%I 15 2 . 6 ~ ~ ) Kansas .............. .... ......... ...... ...........................i J fav Z3 1!,11 . 10 :!. 2 M 3Iontana .......... .... .. ....... ..... A Jun'e 20: 1931 ; 14 2, :m . Serada ............... .... ...................................... - .Tulle 1% 1921 13 2,300 Sea ffe-iico.. ..................................................... .itme 3rl, 1921 15 2. :m . Sorth Dakoia ...................................................... Jlme 11,1921 S :s, ?*I Orezon ............................................. ... ............ .lane 22,1911 . 14 2 , 5 M Utah ................ ... ........ ......... .......................... Jnne 4,1831 14 2,..3:q TTasbingon.. .................................................... Mar. 1,1921 , 13 2.33g

Total .................................................................. , 6 Zi, 7430

Dr~inaw bulietir,=: I Colorado.. ....................................................... ..I Irlnho ............................................................. - / Iiansas ............................................................ i 3I01:iaca ........................................................... .:

......................... ......................... Sorth Dakota. .. ., ............................. Tennessee.. ...................... .. .I

.............................. Tiah ............................. .. 1 tYa~hin$o:~. .......................................................

Total.. .................................................... Yisceil:~ncril;s p:~blimtions: I

Srlmbrr of farms bi- Ststei 3rd cou~lties. 1920. 1910. and 1900 , , . :w:ta-GO- ....................................................... .'

Popuiat~on of cities haring 23,1103 inhabitants or more, 19'3, 1910, ........................................... and l!#ir~ '9 br 10: i . . .i

Popu!?.tion of cities ton-ns viiIages, an? boro:~ahq ha\-i-= from ...... ?i.b.:?;KJ to 2.5,W)rl ingabitant;, 1929, 1910, and 1900 lr1,i)?.

Popgla:.ion of citier;, to!%-ns, vil!azes. and boronxhs ha~ in : from ' 5.r:;!i, to :O.C191 inhabitants, 1920 1010, and 13Xl (3 by lo:? ......... :

Pop~;!o:ion of p!ace; harinx 2,330'to 5,W0 iz~habitnnts, 1320 (8 by : l;!;! .............................................................. 1

3fa-c Apt. June Jane Juue Mar. Xnr. Apr.



S o r .


Fe5. I

Total. .................................................... .!. ............... 71 4<, 5&2 ! -- --- - -.-

Tota! T:erinznc:lt censtii: reports, bnlletins, and ~r.isce!lsneons public~- / ti025 ............................................................................... 2,.iiS 8 1, T2Z. 3 1 9 ... Total Foiirteeilth Ce:lsss bulletins and misce:lsneons publications. .:. .............. 2,fii3 ::t'3,3.5(3 --

Grand total .Till? 1: 1921, to .June 30. 1921.. ................................ 4.640 ?,(lfi3,4~,3

J ~ L Y 1 TO SEPT. 9, 1921.

Permanent Censu~. I

Jfis:c&%nenxs publication-Sarroy of csrrent business, Joly 1, 1 0 1 / ('ssrio;. ............................................................. Aug. 6,1921 / 55 1,500

.-- -

%+.. Closs : ~ n d titlo . .............. . ....

Jtlr , ' 1 TO SKI,,^ . 9, 102l-.Co11ti1~~io~l . Fol~rtc c.rtth C ~ ~ i e r ~ s .

[Qut~rto, oscol)i. as otl~orwiso iildicntod.]

I ~ o I N ~ I ' I . I~ol)~llniitr~i, Vo l . 1.-Nmubor and distribul. ion oE i~ihubitonls (1.11, 111 :Illli Il:lf)t!r) ...................................................

, , . 1 ot.nl ..................................................... Aug . 90. 1921

.............. ................ l~llllo!~llls: $<s~:tltf srrirs--~~Conl~~osit.ioi~ and c!huract.erialics of tho ~~ol:ulat.ioii- .............................. . ('l~lltc~rlli:~ .................... .... SO ~t 6 1V21 .............................. ('olor.140 ..................... .... Juiy 23: 1'321 . ('oi~~ic:~!.ic'~~!.. .................................................. Ang 31, 1921

1rlorid1~ ........................................................ July S, 1821 .. .............................. t:ltl,tgI:~ .............. ..... ..... July 1, lO2l

........................... .......................... 11l.~lio .. July 12 1921 ........... .......... 111dia11a ...................... ...... ..-.-. Jul? 27: 1821 . .......................................................... I on n h u g 16, 1621 ............................ . I ~ ~ I I I S R S ......................... ... Bug 10 1921 . lio~li.ltcky ..................................................... hug 18; 1921 . t,oltisia~la ..................................................... Aug 51 1921

........................... hltl.il~o .......................... ..-. Sopb . !): 1'321 . BI:]rvl:u~d ...................................................... 8opb 2 1921 .................................................. . hi i.~si!.sijrpi hug I( 1 ~ 2 1 ............................ . sloilt.i~ln .................... .... opt 0: 1921 ........................................................ N ovirt1.r Aug. 19, 1021

Nortlr ('oro1il1.c ........................... .... ................ Sclbt . 6, 1921 .. s1\11(11 1..et'tili11n ................................................ Srpl 2 1% 1

..................................................... ' L ' C ~ I I I I O S X C ~ C ~ AUK 31: 1931 .......................................... . 1'0i.f.o Rii'o (ICnglirh) Aug 19, 1821

. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I v 1~1111eti11~: ........................................................... .\rix1)11.~ July 20, 1921 ........................................ . ................ .I l.k.111s.1~ --- S e ~ t 1, 1!121 .......................................................... c ' :~liforuia Julv 0 1!?21

. .. ........................ I,trt~ir;i.nn~ ....................... Auk 1~.1921 ......................................................... \ l i ~ ~ ~ i c ~ s o l . t ~ h u c .1, 1931 . .. \lis:.isri!~l)i Sopt 2 1921 ....................................................... N IP\Y \.hicbsi<.o July 30: 1921

......................................................... . Nt'\\ I'osl. July 20, 1921 .................................................... . Nor1 t~ ('al.olilln Aug 10 1921 ..................................................... Nor111 1)illcol~:c July 26:1021

............................................... 1'tri.l o 1Lic.o (Sl1nlliX11) July 20 1'321 ........................................................ \\' i.e.tr~~!.l~~. Ju11y 26: 1921

IT :~ ~ I I I ~ : I ( ~ ~ I I ~ ( ~ : ; I ) I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ s : \1.~sl. .............................................................. Aug . 3" 1031

................................... . ..................... !1k1110 .-.-. XUP ?1021 . ............................... ......... ~ 1 1 , i l r . 1 1 1 . e -.- .......-... -.-- h u g ii:1021 . ........................................... ................ 1.i.111 -.-. ......................... 'iug 4, 1921 \ . F n ~ ~ , > t ~ L . ...................... -- July 20, 1921

1ryiz::l ~ O I I l)~ill~'lill?: . irin1il.1 .. ............................................ July 6;1011 .......................................................... i t i ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ JUW 30 ~B"I . I,,JII isi.111.l ................................................. 1 S~I<)ZI ~ I ~ I : I I I ~ I I I : ~ ......................................................... 1 ~ e p t . ~:1021

T>r.$il~.~qt. 1111llc~ti11~: ............................... ......................... f?l.~rlll.> -- July 18. 1921 . .............. r:t~r)s~i3 Sopt 1, 1921 ........................................................ jic:nl 111.k);. July 12 1921

.................................................... S ~ r l h C.!rolIlln , Jully 11: 1021 . \Yi;rw11~111 .......... ...................................... 1 dug 31, 1021

r 1 ..................................................................... .Lola1

Grand tot. 31 July 1 lo Fept 0,1921 i I............a.. ..........................


2. .5 00 3. 000 3500 3: 000 3900 x' a00 2' COO 4: ROO 3000 ~ 'L 'OO 2'000 3: 500

2. GOO 3500 3: 200 3. 0n0 3. 500 ..

14 eon 128, 300

" t'Ub



?he Szlre: in t!li: t3b:c corer ihs crist of the field ~ o r k of the enuIIleration of population farms, and Lire merazors :or aQ.JrLcqdi)rta on m~oulactures,irng~lion,anddrainapr in remote~ud syar~elFse~tledloni- 4 l i 3 nnt corer the main field work of the census of manufactures, n-nich n-as carried on dunng h e eecsus nor do they COT-er the m3in field vork for irrigat~on and dramage, costlng t107.402.U.1

- - -- -- I

STATE. Total. Compensation. Office e x ~ e n s ~ ; . -- - - -

Clerlrs 31i~cella-

J Super- ;nspecto;s risois. and inter-' Rent' nroll:.

preters. 1 --- -- -- -- -- -- . .

. 1 ' rriite.1 States.. S9,10i,j01.20 %l,SS3.7KJ.OS Si&l,gS1.63 diS8.637. OO F3S,723.66 Si7.29:1.F13 - -- ---- 2 . .'L13bama.. .......... 214! 325.30 3.' '41 GI) I7 343.00 113 319.25 0 X . iii5.77 3 .iri?nna.. ........... 50.272. 5 5 3::331.00 rim. 14 I . 522.63 4 . .ir::ansas ............ lil,256. . 24:2"1.43 12,253.M S.Si9.11 14LX -!:.2.35

- 5 California. ........... 331,b33.I? 70 iiS.91 16,925.00 .ii.i2?.6'; 3,974.4'; 6 : Colorado.. .......... 4 7 20:~52. 48 6,940.60 !O.RSS. 20 371.43 1.1; i.9.l

7 : Connecfieut.. ....... 77,313.13 12,930.16 S Delav:ar~ ............. I6 675.69 4 JQ3.06 ' 9 District of Colcmhia. 23:2il.3:! -1:515.26 '

I0 filodda .............. 78, 133.50 . 12: 185.53 i 11 ' Gi:orzia. ............. 259,131.12 41:351.71

12 13a:lo. .............. S2,3€0.37 ;:,23L$ 1 13 ' i1li:ois.. ............ .126,6;i0.03 14 L~diana.. ........... Z32,63%00 ~.~:YzI.~.cB 1.7 lo ra.. .............. 207,iS!.3R 33,923..57 :

............. I9 Ii3:1135. 19i, iT ! I . 42 25:973. LO

37 Orczon.. ............ 1 3 9 15.272.1.s . 38 l'e~fii-1~:;h~.niz.. ..... 4 . 9 . lOi.S2:. 6'2 ' 38 Khoie !s!snd ........ 33.riX2.14 6.t1'9.i.5 4C4 Sol;th Car3iina.. .... i . . 6 24.43. 15 4i ::'clt!l C3;;0t3. ...... 12f,.5.52. U 1 11.6?3.03 ;

3. S.X.02 270.62 .-:53. 3.7

1. SIC. 2s Dr,5.9C,

........ .................. ............... FPc . T. . L,XC::~?~TP ~ ; f romppnsntion I::~:.co:~.~cI:, of oEA:,c.i2!p '~7,: ~7:71076-: of t;i!s C'CT.~:~S I i t i~~z:: :.:!I: i.~::,!- r!::o-.;crz at IT*as1:i1:vtt31:, 2. C.! Cetniler! to i!;atri:tt n:ld z':sict :iipc:-:i:c:-s p:.io:. to nnil -1srir.g Zrrir,:! r :

~~xi :r~?3t~oz . : ~ > C C . S nor inc!:lde !~or;.;ine CXpti.;?3 i83:).370.13: 0: o:EcIa!s ar.1 c n i n l o ~ ~ r ~ 0: the Censi~s ?lilrr.;lq xi-::I:

i;ea.;qiiar:crs a t iYsP?.i~:!.o!?, 2. C., fic:siie,l?3 iiistrue: ezd asis? suprl::i.i'ors prior 3 0 :lr;rf dnrir.2 pzrio-: ,,f eni~mnra:io::.

AND AQBICUUPURE, A N D N U ~ I B I C I E OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, FOUI~TEENTH STATBB, BY STATI.;~. stock not 011 farrils, arid inr111dc i l l addition certaiil small amoulits aggregating $7 729.36 paid to mu- ~bics which were 11ot coreieti I)y the agorlts appointed especially for b o ~ e c t l n ~ that &ass d data. They

'+ yoar by spocinl ajiOliLS wtio xere rik)L uridor the direction of the census super?-isors, sild cost $1,090,910.71;

"rlc111rlc.- in additioll to the items showil se3arate:y in the columils headed "Population". and "Agri- call.ure " c&sin snloil paynlonts (sggregstin"i7 729.36) made to the enumerators for sec~ulng data on msnnl~cl,urcs irrigation and drai11.i-e in rc$olo'and sparsely settled localities which IT-ere not cowred by tllc agcnts'spcciaily aiipointcd fo;&!lccting that class of data.




1The figures in this table corer the cost ,o[ the field xork of the enumeration of population. farms. and l i r st& not on farms. and mclude In addit~on certam small amounts. azgregatmg $7,729.36, paid to enumera tors for sewring data on manuCactures. Irr~gatlon. and dramage in remote and sparsely settled localrties which were not corered by the agents appo~nted especially for collecting that class of data . They do 1 not corer the main field work of the census of manufactures. wh~ch as came4 on dunng the census n year by special agents who were not under the direzt~on of the census ~~~~~~~~ors, and cost 81,090,919.71; nor do they corer the mam field work for irrigat~on and dranage. costmg Sl0i.XJO .: I.]

I I I -I- .-......A United States .. a3,198,501.20 1 ~ 1 , 9 % . 0 3 ' $ 7 ~ , M i . 09856, C0-i . 2 ~ ~ ~ 7 7 , 1% . i 0 87, 614,721.12 105,710, 620 8 . 7

-===-- = .4!abama ........ 214 525.30 17 349.00 13,549.26 1,1% . 31 2,410.03 lm 033.70 2.518.17. 9.1

first .......... I 21)OGll i.727.00 2 054 . 1A 79 . 79 3% . 41 16 80.574 226, 504 9.3 Second ........ ' 2 4 13.94 1) 802.00 1: 873.79 330.53 412 . E4 23'737.48 302 002 9.3 Third ......... ' 24 7% . 94 1'559.00 1 0iS . 66 165.61' 202.09 21'531.58 2.54 616 9.6 Fourth ........ 10' 252.72 1 0 7 00 9 . 00 242.36, 223 . i 2 I.< 900.61 206, 7;l 9.3 Flfth .......... 2 2 S59.12 I) 731.00 1.275.~). ....... - 1 20.00 19 R73.12 231 453 9.9 Sixth .......... 17 0% . 00 1 1: 6iO . 00 1 239.66 21 . IX) 300.40 I .. 0 17$ IS3 ! 1 ~ . 0 Seventh . . 21) 609 . I2 1 ili . 00 1.- . 1 i0.N : a 0 5 1d579 . 40 211 187 t 9.9 Eighth ........ 9) 452.63 I) 755.00 1 069 . 67, . 190.61 4 6 9 . 6 1 20 968.68 ' ~ $ 5 2 9 / 9.6 xmth ......... i d . 5 3 2 . ~ 1 1.s10.w 1; js0.0, 32.00 30.24 d 1 ~ 0 . 4 1 5ld03 1 6.0 Tenth ........ 1%: 756.07 j 1,671.00 1,13X . 82 53.00 171.61 1.7: i21.61 170: &i, 9 . S


Arizona.. ....... 50,372.80 1 3.334.00 4 261- 141 941.68 3 V . 83 41 505.15 33i 112 15.1 E ~ a t .......... 3 1 . 5 1, 673 00 $3~0: 361 450.57 j9 . 00 24:99? . 92 173 010 17.7 Second ....... 19, r31.25 1,661.00 523.75 .I6 1. 11 328.83 19,5436.53 161; 132 12.3

Salaries I of clerks .

DLETRICT . inspec- . tors. and

I ~nterpre- I

I/ ters . .

Arkansas ........ 172.266.59 11 253 . 00 8 ~55.11: 6% . 92 2.356.12 119.065.14 1. 752 204 9.5 F ~ 3 t ......... 3 01 2: 830.00 3: 3 2 . [)9 2z7 . 66 9% . 3 23 258 . 73 330) 292 10.4 second ........ 32, 133.78 1 iZl.00 $7.50 (8.95 152.85 19.315 . +5 220'511 10.0 Thrd ......... 19,417.30 1: 630.00 794.50 10.00 335.26 16,597.54 1sd3-15 10.6 Fourth ......... 22,005.53 1 73% MI 1 01 6 33 12 . i S li9.51 1 4 027.48 235 6% 9.2 Flfth ......... 23,633 . h6 I 76'3 . 1 4 . 4 6 233.10 557 . I1 19 515 . 89 262: a 2 9.0 S l ~ t h ......... 25 l iS . 52 1, i i f . 00 35.1. X4 12.40 2% . 97 23: 298 . $1 2i3, S.50 9 . 6 Seventh ...... 3.1: 353.39 1,749 .MI 1,236.13 ........ I 261 36 21,141 . il 245, 627 10.0

I OGce . Tra~e l - t r

espenses.' lnS

California ........ First .......... Sscond ........ Third ......... Fourth ........ Fifth .......... Sixth .......... Seventh ....... Eighth ........ Sinth .........

Colorado ......... 143.616.3i 6.910.00 10.656.20 1.715.37 709.91 123 593 . 59 939 629 15.3 F l r ~ t ......... 17.540.45 4. S I N . 31 491 70 ........ 1 4 476 . $3 2.54891 6.5 Second ........ 45.226.2i 1. ~ s 7 . 0 0 1. 35%. 13 195.41 61.39 41.925.38 256 ' i0~ 15 . S Thud ......... 48.431.63 1. ,.,Q.OO 2.01-1.49 460.32 ?;U . 16 14.050.66 25f 775 19 . S Fourth ....... 3 5 243.02 1,639.00 5 503.57 461.94 297.36 4 1 4 1 3 i 525 ?3.3

.. . Cocnect~cut ..... r I, 3'3.13 I. 3S0 . OC) 6.8;1.4! 1.106 .SO $72.22 64.612 67 1.3% 631 5.6 First.. ........ 32.952.46 2. ffiS . 00 2. iO9.75 32.39 252.27 Oi. 560.02 56~:219 5 . S Second ........ 44,590.67 5 312 . 00 4.261.66 1.074.41 153.95 36.732.65 S12.412, 5 3

District of Co- lumh~a ...... 22.2il . 35 1.938 . Tfi 2.767.171 24.60 SO . 19 17: 452.12 437. 571 5.1

Florida .......... 78,133 .SO. 6,96i . 00 4.970 . i 0 777.41 I S G3.94i.E %S. 470 8.0 First ...... ..... 19. fi'29 . 4 3 1.713.00 11: 24i.52. 32.65 139.51 16.401.45 245. 03-1 7.9 Second ........ 17.395.39 1.636 . 00 1.415 . .50. 11.5. 53 232.59' 12. S33.72 1Si. i7. i . 9.2 Third ......... 19.110 . N . 1 7 . 0 S02.67 139.01 503 . 78 15.857.34 217. 670 . S Fourth ........ 22.057. 18 . 1.815.00 1.511.011 490.17 3% . 64 . 1 5 . 3 6 315.2021 . I . 0

1 Esclucire of comnensation (SU.609.20. and t~aveling espenies (SZ0.979.!3) of officials and emy,io:.ee.- of I the Cenzus Bureau with headquarters at TVashington. D . C., detni:ed to ;!l$tr~:ct and assist su~:er\-i-isors prior to and duri:ig period of enumeration.


~ ~ l i l z ~ 2.---(!0E4l7 OF 1 ' 1 1 % ~ ~ WORK, FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, -.. nS S 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 s o R s ' DI~TRICT~-Continued.


I tlon-Corn- pensation

rtl ld traveliig

expenses of enrunera-

tors .

Salaries 1 I

Super- of clerks, I inspec- Office ' zz~,":. tors, interpre- and eapenaes.i ters. I



. - -- .-

Travel- ing ex- penses.

31 9%. 00 4 202.00 1,926.00 1,768.00 1,75Q. 00 1, $70.00 1,698. 00 1,716.00 1, iA5.00 1,675. 00 1, 726. 00 1, i50.00 1, 6lj9. 00 1, 737. 00 1,790.00 1, 723.00 1 GSO. 00 1: 766.00/

IS, 902.00 1,057.00 1 711 00 1:747: 00; 1,702.00 1,703.00/ 1 669 00 1' 761' 00' I' 6si : on1 1: 698.00I 1 773.00 1: 795.001

* %3* A " " - ,-



FIELD SLTSRFISION. Enurnen- tion-Corn-

ST ITE . ~ N D Salaries pensation sCPEP.TTSOR'S Total. of clarlrs, 2nd Po?clzi- 2:

DISTPZCT. , ,"31~pe;; , Ofice Travel- trarelin: tmn. :c

tors and mg ex- erpenses of 2 i - salaries. , penses. enumera-

tors. b

ters. I - - Kansas.. ........

First.. ........ Second.. ..... .; Thlrd. ........

...... Fourth.. Fifth. .......... Sixth.. ........ Seventh.. ..... Eighth.. ......

Kentuch~. ....... First. .......... Second.. ...... Third.. ........ Fourth. ....... Fiith. ......... , Sixth.. ........' Serenih ....... Eiehth.. ..... ., ......... Sinth Tenth.. ....... Eiesenth. .....

Lo'xisiarn ....... First.. ........ Second. ....... Third. ........ Fourth.. ...... F~fth.. ........ Sixth. ........ 8e1-enth. ...... Eighth. .......

Jf aine ........... First. .........

........ Seconfi Third. ........ Fourth.. ......

Xan'lar,d. ...... Fcrst.. ........ 8

Peeanrl ........ , Tbird .......... Fonrt:;. ....... Fifth. .........

Uas;aohusetts. .. Flrat. ........ Second.. . . . Third.. ....... Foarth.. ....

33,786.66' 1.979. 66! 2; 652 01; 2,, YJ4.03' t 927.31, .5:s25. (I:! 9,613. no; 4.393 621 4,661. OG'

Fifth. ......... Sixth.. ........ Serenth.. ..... Eighth.. ......

Yichiqan.. First.. .. Second.. Ti3L.d. ... Tnizrtb.. fifth.. .. Sixth.. .. Sere?.ih. -. ,-.1;h+h. . Sinih.. . Tcnth -.. i?l~venl!?

20,lCS. 0s 2,673 Oi! 1,7(!7. f',i I, 726. Cr) 1 inn. or: 1: 731.00 1; S15.3n :, ZL?. ''0 . ' 3 , . 09 1.7T.3 no 1; si1.00 1, S3l. 01.

w - b..' en m t a - l o c r + W O I + N r - ~ r ~ ~ l r - " - l r r u + w w % r - r r r ~ r u Z -WN,.,li)NrrrNrg , ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ g F , ~ - & ~ ~ ~ ~ . $ %vEF , ? J - ~ ~ ~ - 0 . ~ ~ ~ u - J 3 ~ cy;-,-CC J ~ ~ ~ ~ C I - I - + C ; ~ ~ - ~ U ~ N ~ ~ W ~ W , C * J O - L ~ , P I _ 7 - l = ? ~ W ~ ,N-W;~p~~m~fi-=~~~o_m~

N O - l ' l i o O l J i

C n ~ h ~ O O O ~ ~ l O 1 - 1 0 , ~ %s2 - ~ W ~ K $ & N ~ 0 ' ~ - z W - ~ ~ ~ O N N - W U ' C ~ ~ L J , X (OCaCa(DDI ~ l i l ) ~ 0 1 ~ - 1 ~ ) - l 0 ~ ~ ~ w w N ~ D ~ N C O O . - O C W . . . -. .- . w e , . + & ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ ~ + r ~ . ~ . ~ i i i i 0 - 1 5 - 1 ~ ~ ~ ~. - 1.2 ..... u o or CI-N r rn m-3 -


................ . . . -- --

x I f G % .., - - .I .. - . ;I;c$

= 4 " * 5 5 6- I

- +l 0 C


- 0

4 0 $ -ti D 1

E % 0 A a

O g R h,ga - 2 ' $ g & , z m z 3: 8 g&9

" W D "'om Y %T? SF?

- . - ... --

-2 Z'e ? $

. --A- . --. .- - --- I'er enpita 'cost-


xew Hexico.. ...I Pirst ......... .I

...... Second. .!

s e a ~ o r k . . .... .I First. ......... Second.. ...... I Third.. ....... i FourLh.. .... ..I

......... Fifth. I

Sixth.. ..... ...I Seventh :..... .' Eighth.. ...... Ninth.: ....... Tenth. ........ Eleventh.. .... Taelfth.. ..... Thirteenth.. .. Fourteenth.. .. Fifteenth ...... Sixteenth ...... Se~enteenth.. . Eighteenth.. .. Nineteenth.. .. Twentieth.. ... Tvent~-first.. . Tventk-second

Xorth Cardins.. Fist. ......... Second. ...... Third.. ....... Fourth. ....... Fifth.. ........ Sixth.. ........ Seventh.. ..... Eighth.. ...... Ninth. ........ Tcnth ......... Ele~enih. . ....

Sorth Dakota. .. Flrst.. ........ Ssclnd ........ Th:rd ..........

Ohio.. ........... First.. ........ Ssemrl. ....... Third.. ........ : Foarth. ....... Fifth.. ........ Sis:n.. ........ Eevcnth ....... Ei-hth.. .....: ~$1: h ....-.... Te;:th. ........ Eiey:enlh.. .... T,se:it h.. ...... 'rh: * Lr.eent:~..... Fourteenth ...: Fi:!centh ....... Sixteecth ...... Serentecn';~. .. ~

.. Eirhteentil.. Sine!renth. ....

i, dl


-~.PPERDIX 111--Continued.


PIELD SUPEBFISIOX. Enumera- - tion-Corn-

i pensztlon - and Populs- 2

a Travel- , lrareilng iior . .E? Office 1 mg ex- expenses of + -

1 penses. enumera- - tors. - -

43,353.00 3 734.00 2' 232.001 3'635.00 1'967.00 1' 7%. 00 1: 00 1 768. 00 1'6% 00 1: 6%. oo 1 750. 00 1: 716.00' 1,707.00 1 i l i 00 1' i4< 00 1; 7%: 00 1 771 Oa I' 70s' 00 I' 719: 00 1: 852.00 1 752.00 2' 175. 00 1: 724.00

I0.3,5.5,?27 6.2 2 . 2 s . :11:3 ' 5. p*

732, I 5.4 2,134.>% 5 . i

ll"jg:(= 2. G 335.3'3j , . , 3.g. 43, : fj. 2 Y~7.941 7 .3 i943i71 5.7 19j. I G 7. .? 249. 71s Y? 3iY:l~: 7 .1 29;. 421 10. '3 216r.:34 G. 2 247.795 7'. :3 237:5;1.7 <. 3 271: I.%? 6.:1

205.07G < .S 219.1B4 5.7 332. ?34 .5.. 2.32. $44 7.4 *;34.5.. :. 6 z3; 51;; .. 4

3. X.?. 56 342. 39

i 6 . P l 37.3.35

42. 10 .50-I. 1 f, SO. 71

224.70 51.2.5

231.20 137. 3; !IT. I) L

!-1i.SL 90. 53 SS. 0.5

124. .5(i 02.57

3\1. 37 4 i i . 22 2%J. 49

2 . 7 i 9 . i 4 1. - 4 1 ) 31. .j3

ljt.5. 42 5:. ;.i 67.49

277.51 ;2!. 25 .,>I. 5.i

'J!. 4. 161.!11 9 2 . v

4. 0i; 72.0;

104. .40 lo;. $0

76.41 4:;. s.5 \I.?; t J . 00

1 . :L





SCPEBVISOB'S / Total . D m m .


I , ters . 1 I

Texas ........... I First .......... I Second. ...... -1 Third .......... l Fourth ........ 1 With .......... I ... Sixth.. ....... -! Seventh ....... i Eighth ........ ' Ninth ........ -! Tenth ......... j Eleventh .....: Trelfth ....... l Thiieenth .... j Fourteenth .... Fifteenth ...... l Sixteenth ...... I seventeenth ... i Eighteenth .... ,

Utah ........... - 1 49 65423 3.449.00' 3.030.72 456.68. 243 62 42 3% 23 .W3 396 11 0 . . .......... First 2i1879 543 1 7% 00 1 13267 11.25 151 F1 24.879.95 204'137 17: 6 . Second ....... .I 2 1 4 7 1: 745.00 1: 948.05 475.431 132.01 17,474.26 245: E 9 3 9

. ......... Vermont 33,201.83 3,353.00 1 995.50 7 1 329.91 2 4 5 . 9 752, 4% 25.4 . . . . .......... First 18,355.91 1,67! 07 1:31867 67 12 276 73 13,016.54 175, 332 9 3 . ........ Second 15. Si.5.95l 1.67,. 00 675.6: 20.39 53.16 14419.57 176, 596 9 j

Virqida .......... F~rst .......... i Seoond ......... Third ......... j Fourth ........ 8

Fifth .......... i Sixth ........... Seventh ....... 1 Eighth ......... Ninth .. .......I Tenth ......... !

Washington ..... First ........... Second ........' Third .......... Fourth ........ 3

Fifth .......... ! Vest Virginia ....

First .......... Se-ond ........ Third ......... Fourth ........ Fifth .......... Sixth ..........

wisasnsin ....... , First .......... Sezond ......... T ~ r d ......... Foluth ........ Fifth .......... Sixth .......... Seventh ....... Eighth ......... Sinth ......... Tenth .........

ITvorning ....... First .......... Sezond ....... - l

17. aos . oc 1 7.50.00 1: 812.00 1 762 . M)' 1'.il0. 00 1,741.00 1.63i . 00 1.668 . M: 1,670.001 1.7B.DO 1.702 . Ool

3 193 . j 3 0 . 43 5!7 . 9 ~ 1 130.65 1'6Oi.Wl 1,131.60 lbi . GS 31.13 1; 5% . W 1.692 . S3 3% 36, iO . j0

101,570.43~; 1. 463.701 ' S . 3 12,526.51 2'29. 45 i 6.9 18,228.14, 231. 655 9 . G 20.631 . 58 230 255 lf! . B 14 985 . 88 21?:930 5 . 5 19: 101.20: 27s. 301 7 . 'j 1 . 1 . ' 273. 072 6 .

top related