okra mucilage as adhesive in paper recycling

Post on 09-Jan-2016






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Okra Mucilage as Adhesive in Paper Recycling

Okra Mucilage as Adhesive in Paper RecyclingAn Investigatory ProjectNathalie D. PineroPearly Queen B. AshKyle Peter Josh B. DeluvioRationale of the ProjectThis investigatory project aims to use the mucilage as an adhesive in order to recycle paper. Mucilage, as researched, refers to the thick, gluey, glutinous substance produced nearly by all plants but is abundantly found in some, like in the Okra plant. In this project, the researchers will be able to recycle paper as a way of helping the community diminish pollution that are partly caused by papers. This is also an easy and affordable way of recycling papers.Methods1.) Gather all the materials needed.

OkraUsed papersWaterBlenderScreenContainersKnivesSlicing PlatformCloth(Strainer)Cooking ContainerMethods2.) Prepare the okra and used papers.

*Note: Their preparation could be done simultaneously to save time.Methods* For used papers

a.) Shred the used papers into bits and put it into a basin of water. The water should only be enough to soak the paper bits.

b.) Soak the paper bits thoroughly into the water. Mix it until it becomes pulpy. Squeeze out the water from the paper pulps and set it aside in a clean container.Methods

Methods*For okra mucilage a.) Slice the okra.

b.) Boil the sliced okra until it has produced enough mucilage.

7Methodsc.) Place the boiled okra in a piece of cloth(it serves as the strainer). Squeeze out the mucilage and put it in a clean container.

Methods3.) Pour the mucilage in the blender and blend it there for a minute.

4.) Then add the paper pulps into the blended mucilage. Mix it well.

Methods5.) Spread the mixture into a flat screen and flatten it out.

6.) Let it dry under the sun for a few days.

LimitationsThis investigatory project only focuses on the use of mucilage of okra as adhesive in recycling paper. The strength, flexibility, and other qualities of the paper produced are not included.Results

The results show a rough and brownish colored recycled paper which can be used as card or any other way you want.ImplicationsThe investigatory project on recycling paper using okra mucilage will help diminish pollution by having an easy and affordable way of paper recycling.Time TableActivityTimePreparationShredding and pulping paper45 minutesObtaining mucilage from okra1 hourBlending/mixing the okra mucilage and paper pulps.45 minutesSpreading and flattening the mixture on a screen.30 minutesDrying it off under the sun.1-2 daysBudgetMaterialPriceTotal8 bundles of okra5Php/bundle40Php*Note: Other materials need not to be purchased.Thank You & God Bless!!!

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