one room living - futon & · 8 cm de...

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One Room LivingCollection 2014


Inspiration:04 Coz 12 Match & Mix20 Hello26 Metropolis34 Innovation Kids

Toolbox: 40 Innovation Cotton mattress concept 54 Special sofa beds60 Beanbags & Floor cushions 62 Cushions 65 Textiles 66 Designers


Coz Coz04 05

Coz Rollo Wood frame 80 x 200 cm / Optional Rollo mattress / Coz Rollo cover and bolster cover dess. 610 / 405 Coz Cushion, Coz Rollo frame cover and Coz Deconstructed dess. 610

Coz Coz06 07

Page 06: Skater frame 140 x 200 cm / Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress / Coz cover, Coz Roll cushions and Coz Deconstructed dess. 610

Page 07: Spider frame 140 x 200 cm / Optional mattress / Coz cover, Coz Roll cushions and Coz Deconstructed dess. 611

Coz Coz08 09

Page 08:Dulox DIY sofa bed80 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cm dess. 527 / Deconstructed dess. 527

Page 09: Colpus frame 140 x 200 cm / Spring 23 Button mattress dess. 521 / Ellipse cushions, frame cover and Deconstructed dess. 521

Coz Coz10 11

Page 10: Vitta sofa bed 137 x 190 cm / Only available as shown dess. 216, 217 and 218 / Deconstructed dess. 216

Page 11: Xerxes Wave sofa bed137 x 190 cm / Only available as shown dess. 227 / Dapper cushions and Deconstructed dess. 227

Match & Mix Match & Mix12 13

Match & Mix

Shuffle Puck beanbag dess. 225

A selection of Sofa beds, cushions, beanbags, chairs &Floor cushions

Coz Player beanbag dess. 610 Coz Deconstructed dess. 611 and 610

Minimum frame 140 x 200 cm / Spring 23 Button mattress dess. 388 / Roll cushions dess. 388

Persian DIY sofa bed 137 x 190 cm dess. 522

Deconstructed dess. 225 and 227 Deconstructed dess. 522 and 525 Dapper cushions dess. 525

Match & Mix Match & Mix14 15

Butt beanbag dess. 521 and 227 Dui cushions dess. 521 and 227 Dulox DIY sofa bed 80 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cm dess. 360

Special Dapper cushions Panda, Replace and Today

Deconstructed dess. 360

Xerxes DIY sofa bed 137 x 190 cm dess. 521

Deconstructed dess. 521 and 527 Super Light sofa bed 100 x 190 cm dess. 227

Match & Mix Match & Mix16 17

Shuffle Puck beanbag dess. 522 Dui cushion and Uni cushion dess. 521

Sly DIY sofa bed 140 x 200 cm dess. 525

Ikko chair dess. 523 405 Cushions dess. 523 Deconstructed dess. 522 and 525

Rollo Wood frame 80 x 200 cm / Optional Rollo mattress dess. 523 / 405 Cushions and Rollo frame cover dess. 523

Butt beanbag dess. 523 Dapper cushions dess. 525

Match & Mix Match & Mix18 19

Shuffle Puck beanbag dess. 227 Dapper cushions dess. 227

Fuji frame 140 x 200 cm / Optional Kyoto mattress dess. 215 / Zap armrests with Zap cushions dess. 218

Ikko chair dess. 746 Uni cushion and Dui cushion dess. 215 Ikko chair dess. 521

Uni cushion and Dui cushion dess. 225 Deconstructed dess. 521 and 527

Butt beanbag dess. 226 and 521

Alvis frame 140 x 200 cm / Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress / Sharp cover dess. 527

Hello ! Hello !20 21

Hello !

Skater frame •140 x 200 cm

• Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress • Istar cover

• Deconstructed dess. 388

Xerxes DIY sofa bed • 137 x 190 cm• Dess. 388 • Special Dapper cushion Replace • Deconstructed dess. 388

Hello ! Hello !22 23

Dulox Ijack sofa bed • 80 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cm

• Only available as shown • Deconstructed dess. 388

Lob sofa bed • 137 x 190 cm • Only available as shown dess. 216 • Deconstructed dess. 227

Hello ! Hello !24 25

Rollo Wood frame • 80 x 200 cm

• Optional Rollo mattress dess. 227 • Special Dapper cushion Today

• 405 Cushions, Rollo frame cover dess. 227• Deconstructed dess. 227

Fraction frame • 140 x 200 cm• Optional mattress• Ijack cover • Roll cushions dess. 388• Deconstructed dess. 388

Metropolis Metropolis26 27

Colpus frame 140 x 200 cm / Optional mattress / Sharp cover and Roll cushions dess. 527

Rollo Wood frame 80 x 200 cm / Optional Rollo mattress dess. 527 / Dapper cushion, 405 cushions, Rollo frame cover and Deconstructed dess. 527

Designs for compact urban living


Metropolis Metropolis28 29

Xerxes DIY sofa bed 137 x 190 cm dess. 525 / Deconstructed dess. 525

Persian Fire sofa bed 137 x 190 cm / Only available as shown dess. 225 / Dapper cushion dess. 225 / Deconstructed dess. 522

Sly Nice Price sofa bed 140 x 200 cm dess. 522 / Dapper cushion dess. 522

Loop sofa bed140 x 200 cm / Skater-Loop-Alvis Mattress / Kyoto cover dess. 360 / Zap armrests with Zap cushions dess. 746 / Deconstructed dess. 360

Metropolis Metropolis30 31

Metropolis Metropolis32 33

Puzzle Pipe sofa bed 110 x 200 cm / Only available as shown dess. 227 / Deconstructed dess. 525

Super Light sofa bed 100 x 190 cm dess. 226 / Deconstructed dess. 527

Innovation Kids Innovation Kids 34 35

Innovation Kids

Page 34:Trilox in lounger position

Trilox in sofa position

Trilox in bed position

TriloxA very compact, flexible and playful furniture designed for kids and souls who fancy the simple and unpretentious.

Trilox Water sofa bed 135 x 195 cm / Only available as shown / Special Dapper cushions Panda ,Today and Replace / Deconstructed dess. 388 and 527

Trilox in soft play position

36 37Innovation Kids Innovation Kids

Sofa position

A soft platform for play

The perfect soft playground for small kids

The perfect safe bed solution for small kid

The shown sofa:Dulox DIY sofa bed 80 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cm dess. 521 / Deconstructed dess. 527

The shown sofa: Tvedel Fire sofa bed120 x 195 cm / Only available as shown

Bed position

Dulox A classic design for kids and adults. Daybed, playground, bed, guest bed all in one.

Tvedel Designed for kids. A nice soft design that offers comfort as a sofa as well as in bed position. Is very easy to operate.

38 39Innovation Kids Innovation Kids

Rollo kids:80 x 200 cm / Optional Rollo mattress dess. 225 / 405 Cushions and Rollo frame cover dess. 225

Rollo Adult:80 x 200 cm / Optional Rollo mattress / Rollo cover and Rollo bolster cover dess. 521 / 405 Cushions and Rollo frame cover dess. 527 / Deconstructed dess. 521

Rollo A small multifunctional comfortable furniture , that will be able to follow your family for a full life cycle _ or even in generations. A modular flexible design easily maintained and refreshed.

01: Small kids: • Put the sofa to the wall backwards, flip the ends to sofa position and create a soft cradle for your small kids. • As the kids grow older, flip down the ends to make the bed longer and more easy to access

02: Older kids:• A nice compact flexible daybed or sofa

03: Adults: • Change the cover and move the sofa to your living room, hall way, kitchen. Rollo will serve as a small multifunctional resting place in your home , as well as a one person guest bed

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept40 41

Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept At Innovation we have been working with the cotton based mattresses since 1989. It started out as a classic FUTON mattress concept, but over the years we have developed what we call the “Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept “.

A system of sofa bed frames, covers and accessories built around the handmade mattresses produced at our factory in Denmark.

Our aim is to offer durable multifunctional sofa beds with an exceptional high comfort.

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept42 43

01 Classic Mattress

GB_ The Classic is the best-seller among cotton mattresses. A comfortable, classical mattress with three layers of carted cotton on top of a 8 cm freon-free polyether foam core and one layer of carted cotton underneath. It should be aired and beaten regularly to prevent the cotton from compressing.

D_ Classic ist die meist verkaufte Baumwoll- matratze. Eine komfortable und klassische Matratze mit 3 Lagen Baumwolle oberhalb des 8 cm starken Kern aus FCKW-freiem Polyether Schaum und einer Lage Baumwolle auf der Unterseite. Sie sollte regelmässig geschüttelt, gerollt und geklopft werden, um zu verhindern, dass die Baumwolle komprimiert.

DK_ Classic er kollektionens mest solgte bomuldsmadras. En komfortabel og klassisk madras med 3 lag kartet bomuld på oversiden, en 8 cm kerne af freonfri polyeter-skum og et lag kartet bomuld nederst. Bør luftes og bankes med jævne mellemrum for at undgå at bomul- den komprimeres.

RU_ Модель Сlassic является самой популярной среди хлопковых матрацев. Это классический комфортный матрац, сердцевина которого выполнена из пенополиуретана высотой 8 см и не содержит фреона. Верхняя сторона матраца покрыта трехслойным хлопком, а нижняя – однослойным хлопком. Для того, чтобы хлопок не спрессовался, матрац должен регулярно проветриваться и взбиваться.

F_ Classic est le matelas en coton le plus vendu de la collection. Un matelas classique et con-fortable avec trois couches de coton cardé, enveloppant un noyau de 8 cm en mousse polyéther sans FCKW et en dessous d’une couche de coton. Il convient de le secouer et de le battre régulièrement pour empêcher le coton de secompresser.

E_ Classic es el colchón de algodón más vendido. Un colchón cómodo y clásico con tres capas de algodón cardado sobre un núcleo de 8 cm de espuma de poliéter libre de freón y con una capa de algodón cardado debajo. Ventilar y golpear con regularidad para evitar que se comprima el algodón.

NL_ Classic is de meest verkochte katoenen matras uit ons assortiment.Een comfortabele en klassieke matras met 3 lagen gekaarde katoen aan de bovenzijde, een 8 cm kern uit freonvrij polyether schuim en 1 laag gekaarde katoen aan de onderzijde. Moet regelmatig worden gelucht en geklopt om te voorkomen dat de katoen wordt samengedrukt.

FIN_ Classic on puuvillapatjojen myyntimenestys. Mukava perinteinen patja, jossa on 3 kerrosta karstattua puuvillaa 8 cm:npaksuisen freonittoman polyeetterivaahtomuo- viytimen ja yhden karstatun puuvillakerroksen päällä. Patjaa tulee säännöllisestituulettaa ja tampata, jotta puuvilla ei painu kasaan.

02 Latex Mattress

GB_ The Latex is a fusion mattress with a 12 cm high-resilient latex core surrounded by a layer of carted cotton. A supple natural mattress of high quality and longevity.

D_ Die Latex ist eine Fusions-Matratze mit einem Kern aus 12 cm Latex, von einer Schicht ge- kämmter Baumwolle umgeben. Eine elastische Matratze höchster Qualität und Lebensdauer.

DK_ Latex er en fusionsmadras med 12 cm højelastisk latex kerne, omgivet af et lag kartet bomuld på hver side. En spændstig naturmadras af høj kvalitet og med lang levetid.

RU_ Latex – это интегрированныйматрац, состоящий из упругой латекснойсердцевины высотой в 12 см, окруженнойслоем натурального хлопка.Высококачественный мягкий матрац изнатуральных материалов с большим сроком службы

F_ Latex est un matelas « fusion » constitué d’un noyau en latex de 12 cm de haute résilience, enveloppé dans une couche de coton cardé. Un matelas naturel et souple de qualité supérieure, à grande longévité.

E_ Latex es un colchón de fusión con un núcleo de látex sumamente elástico de 12 cm, rodeado de una capa de algodón cardado en ambas caras. Un colchón natural, flexible de alta calidad y una vida útil muy larga.

NL_ Latex is een fusion-matras met een kern van 12 cm zeer elastische latex, aan weerszijden omgeven door een laag gekaarde katoen. Een fl exibele, natuurlijke matras van hoge kwaliteit met een lange levensduur.

FIN_ Latex on yhdistelmäpatja, jossa on 12 cm paksuinen erittäin kimmoisa lateksiydin, jonka molemmilla puolilla on kerros karstattua puuvillaa. Laadukas, taipuisa ja pitkäkestoinen luonnonmateriaaleista.

03 Spring Mattress 04 Skater, Loop, Alvis Mattress

GB_ The Spring is a fusion mattress with 12 cm pocket spring surrounded by two layers of carted cotton on top and one layer of carted cotton underneath. A high-resilient luxury mattress of high quality and longevity.

D_ Die Spring ist eine Fusions-Matratze, deren Kern aus 12 cm Taschenfedern besteht. Dieser Kern ist an der Oberseite von 2 Lagen ge-kämmter Baumwolle und auf der Unterseite von einer Lage gekämmter Baumwolle umge-ben. Eine druckausgleichende Luxus-Matratze höchster Qualität und Lebensdauer.

DK_ Spring er en fusionsmadras med 12 cmposefjedre, omgivet af 2 lag kartet bomuld påoversiden og et lag kartet bomuld på under-siden. En fjedrende luksusmadras af høj kvalitet og med lang levetid.

RU_ Spring – это матрац с пружинами карманного типа высотой 12 см, верхняя сторона которого покрыта двухслойным хлопком, а нижняя - однослойным. Мягкий и эксклюзивный матрац высокого качества и с большим сроком службы.

F Spring est un matelas « fusion » avec un noyau composé de ressorts ensachés de 12 cm. Ce noyau est enveloppé au dessus de 2 couches de coton cardé et en dessous d’une couche de coton cardé. Spring est un matelas de luxe de haute résilience et de qualité supérieure, à grande longévité.

E_ Spring es un colchón de fusión con muelles ensacados de 12 cm rodeados por tres capas de algodón cardado, dos por encima y una por debajo. Un lujoso colchón de gran resistencia, alta calidad y mucha duración.

NL_ Spring is een traditionele pocketvering matras met 12 cm pocketveren, omgeven door 2 lagen gekaarde katoen aan debovenzijde en 1 laag gekaarde katoen aan de onderzijde. Een veerkrachtige luxus matras van hoge kwaliteit en een lange levensduur.

FIN_ Spring on yhdistelmäpatja, jossa12 cm:n pussijousien päällä on kaksi kerrosta ja alla yksi kerros karstattua puuvillaa.Laadukas, kimmoisa ja pitkäkestoinen luksuspatja.

GB_ The Skater-Loop-Alvis is the latest among cotton mattresses. A comfortable, classical mattress with two layers of carted cotton on top of a 7 cm freon-free polyether foam core and one layer of carted cotton underneath. It should be aired and beaten regularly to prevent the cotton from compressing. For Skater, Loop and Alvis frames only.

D_ Die Skater-Loop-Alvis Matratze ist eine neuentwickelte Baumwollmatratze.Eine komfortable und klassische Matratze mit 2 Lagen Baumwolle oberhalb des 7 cm starken Kern aus FCKW-freiem Polyether Schaum und einer Lage Baumwolle auf der Unterseite. Sie sollte regelmäßig geschüttelt, gerollt und geklopft werden, um zu verhindern, dass die Baumwolle komprimiert. Nur für die Gestelle Skater, Loop und Alvis Verwendbar.

DK_ Skater-Loop-Alvis er kollektionens nye bomuldsmadras. En komfortabel og klassisk madras med 2 lag kartet bomuld på oversiden, en 7 cm kerne af freonfri polyeter-skum og et lag kartet bomuld nederst. Bør luftes og bankes med jævne mellemrum for at undgå at bomul-den komprimeres. Kun til Skater, Loop og Alvis stel.

RU_ Модель Skater-Loop-Alvis– новейшая среди хлопковых матрацев. Это классический комфортный матрац, сердцевина которого выполнена из пенополиуретана толщиной 7 см и не содержит фреона. Верхняя сторона матраца покрыта двухслойным хлопком, а нижняя – однослойным хлопком. Для того, чтобы хлопок не спрессовался, матрац следует регулярно проветривать и взбивать. Модель подходит только для рам Skater, Loop и Alvis.

F_ Skater-Loop-Alvis est le nouveau matelas en coton de la collection. Un matelas classique et confortable avec deux couches de coton cardé, enveloppant un noyau de 7 cm en mousse polyéther sans FCKW et en dessous d’une couche de coton. Il convient de le secouer et de le battre régulièrement pour empêcher le coton de secompresser. Seulement pour les armatures Skater, Loop et Alvis.

E_ Skater-Loop es el colchón de algodón nuevo.Un colchón cómodo y clásico con dos capas de algodón cardado sobre un núcleo de 7 cm de espuma de poliéter libre de freón y con una capa de algodón cardado debajo. Ventilar y golpear conregularidad para evitar que se comprima el algodón. Sólo es adecuado para los estructuras Skater, Alvis y Loop.

NL_ Skater-Loop-Alvis is de nieuwste katoenen matras uit onssortiment.Een comfortabele en klassieke matras met 2 lagen gekaarde katoen aan de bovenzijde, een 7 cm kern uit freon vrije polyether schuim en 1 laag gekaarde katoen aan de onderzijde. Moet regelmatig worden gelucht en geklopt om te voorkomen dat de katoen wordt samengedrukt. Speciaal voor het model Skater, Loop en Alvis.

FIN_ Skater-Loop-Alvis on puuvillapatjojen uusinta uutta. Mukava perinteinen patja, jossa on 2 kerrosta karstattua puuvillaa 8 cm:n paksuisen freonittoman polyeetterivaahto- muoviytimen ja yhden karstatun puuvillaker-roksen päällä. Patjaa tulee tuulettaa ja tampata säännöllisesti, jotta puuvilla ei painu kasaan. Ainoastaan Skater-, Loop- ja Alvis-runkoihin.

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Frame44 45

01 Choose a frame_ see page 45

02 Choose a Mattress_ see page 42

03 Choose a Textile_ see page 65

04 Choose a Cover style_ see page 50

05 Choose Accessories_ see page 62

The “Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept” is a modular concept that will enable you to combine mattress, frame, cover stylings, and accessories as you like.

This will enable you to create your own customized sofa bed, optimized to meet your taste and needs.

At the same time the modularity creates a product with a nearlyendless life line. You will be able to re-new the cover of your sofa bed at any time. You can re-new the mattress when it is worn down after many years of daily use, and you can main-tain the frames, as we guarantee supply of spare parts.

Design Your personal sofa bed_ and keep it forthe rest of your life

Design by Per Weiss & Peter Henriksen 2003Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic, Spring & LatexFunctions: Sofa position, relax position and bed position with 4 step head elevationFrame finish: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBedding box: Included – mounting is optional

Shown Combinations Minimum frame /Optional mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 521

Minimum sofa bed frame

Design by Per Weiss 2013Original Innovation / All rights reservedMattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic, Spring & LatexFunctions: Sofa position, relax position and bed position with 4 step head elevationFrame finish: Light stained wood and mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBedding box: Included – mounting is optional

Shown Combinations Colpus frame /Optional mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 527

Colpus sofa bed frame

Optional frame cover

Optional frame cover Zap arm rest

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Frame Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Frame46 47

Design by Flemming Hoejfeldt 1988Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic, Spring & LatexFunctions: Sofa position, relax position & bed positionFrame finish: Mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBedding box: Included – mounting is optional

Shown Combinations Fuji frame /Optional mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 225

Fuji sofa bed frame

Design by Per Weiss 2004Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Special Skater-Loop-Alvis mattressFunctions: Sofa position and bed position with 4 step head elevationFrame finish: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBedding box: Included – mounting is optionalBack support: Included

Shown Combinations Skater frame /Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 221

Skater sofa bed frame

Design by Per Weiss & Peter Henriksen 2003Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Optional frame cover

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic, Spring & LatexFunctions: Sofa position, relax position and bed position with 4 step head elevationFrame finish: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBedding box: Included – mounting is optional

Shown Combinations Spider frame /Optional mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 361

Spider sofa bed frame

Design by Per Weiss 2008Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Optional frame cover

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cm Mattress options: Classic, Spring & Latex Functions: Sofa position, relax position and bed position with 4 step head elevation Frame finish: Mat black powder coated steel Slats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glide Bedding box: Included – mounting is optional

Shown Combinations Fraction frame /Optional mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 363

Fraction sofa bed frame

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Frames Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Frames 48 49

Design by Per Weiss & Flemming Hoejfeldt 1993Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Optional frame cover Optional cushions Optional bedding box

Optional frame cover Optional cushions Optional bedding box

Mattress size: 80 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic and SpringFunctions: Multi functionalFrame finish: Mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-woodBedding box: Optional

Shown Combinations Rollo frame /Optional Rollo mattress dess. 523 / 405 cushions and frame cover dess. 523

Rollo sofa bed frame

Design by Per Weiss & Flemming Hoejfeldt 1993Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 80 x 200 cmMattress options: Classic and SpringFunctions: Multi functional Frame finish: Light stained wood and mat black powder coated steel Slats: 9 mm laminated beech-woodBedding box: Optional

Shown Combinations Rollo Wood frame /Optional Rollo mattress dess. 527 / 405 cushions and frame cover dess. 527

Rollo Wood sofa bed frame

Design by Per WeissOriginal Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Special Skater-Loop-Alvis mattressFunctions: Sofa position and bed positionFrame finish: Mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBack support: Included

Shown Combinations Loop frame /Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 215

Loop sofa bed frame

Design by Innovation Design officeOriginal Innovation / All rights reserved

Mattress size: 140 x 200 cmMattress options: Special Skater-Loop-Alvis mattressFunctions: Sofa position and bed positionFrame finish: Mat black powder coated steelSlats: 9 mm laminated beech-wood with anti-glideBack support: Included

Shown Combinations Alvis frame /Skater-Loop-Alvis mattress / Detachable Sharp cover dess. 227

Alvis sofa bed frame

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Cover styles Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Special Cover styles 50 51

Non-detachable cover Optional choice of textile

Kyoto Cover

Special non detachable cover style with black buttons Only available as Spring mattress Size: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction and Fuji framesStyle by Per Weiss 2014 Go to page 65 and select your textileShown on: Minimum frame with a mattress in dess. 525

Detachable special cover Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji, Loop, Alvis and Skater frames Style by Per WeissShown on: Minimum frame

Detachable special cover dess. 388 Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji,Loop, Alvis and Skater framesStyle by Per WeissShown on: Minimum frame

Spring 23 Button mattressSpecial Mattress

Buffalo Special Cover

Denim sport Special Cover

Detachable cover Optional choice of textile

Non-detachable cover Optional choice of textile

Sharp CoverDetachable cover Optional choice of textile

Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Special Cover styles Toolbox Innovation Cotton Mattress Concept / Special Cover styles 52 53

Detachable special cover dess. 611 Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji, Loop, Alvis and Skater frames Style by Per Weiss 2014Shown on: Minimum frame

Detachable special cover dess. 610 Only available as shown Size: 80 x 200 cm Recommended for Rollo and Rollo Wood framesStyle by Per WeissShown on: Rollo frame with Coz bolster cover, 405 Coz Cushions and Coz frame cover dess. 610

Detachable special cover dess. 611 Only available as shown Size: 80 x 200 cm Recommended for Rollo and Rollo Wood framesStyle by Per WeissShown on: Rollo frame with Coz bolster cover, 405 Coz Cushions and Coz frame cover dess. 611

Coz Special Cover

Coz Rollo Special Cover

Coz Rollo Special Cover

Detachable special cover Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji, Loop, Alvis and Skater framesStyle by Per Weiss 2011Shown on: Minimum frame

Detachable special cover Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji, Loop, Alvis and Skater frames Style by Per Weiss 2011Shown on: Minimum frame

Detachable special cover dess. 610 Only available as shownSize: 140 x 200 cm Recommended for Colpus, Minimum, Spider, Fraction, Fuji, Loop , Alvis and Skater frames Style by Per Weiss 2014Shown on: Minimum frame

Istar Special Cover

Ijack Special Cover

Coz Special Cover

Toolbox Special Sofa Beds Toolbox Special Sofa Beds54 55

Design by Per Weiss 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Design by Emil Hoejfeldt & Per Weiss 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Puzzle Z20 sofa bed

Lob sofa bed

Design by Innovation Design Office 2006Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Bed Size: 140 x 200 cmComfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Mat black or grey powder coated steelTextile options: See page 65

NEW OPTION _ RE-STYLE YOUR SLY SOFA Purchase new covers for your Sly cushions or / and new cover for seat and back. Choose between all the One Room Living textiles

Sly sofa bed

Sly nice price 361 Sly nice price 215

Sly nice price 522 Sly nice price 218 Only available as shownBed Size: 137 x 190 cmComfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steel

Special style: Only available as shownBed Size: 120 x 200 cmComfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steel

Design by Per Weiss 2014Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Puzzle Pipe sofa bed

Special style: Only available as shownBed Size: 110 x 200 cmComfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Mat black powder coated steel

Toolbox Special Sofa Beds Toolbox Special Sofa Beds56 57

Design by Emil Hoejfeldt & Per Weiss 2012Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Choose any textile: See page 65Bed Size: 137 x 190 cmComfort: Freon free foamLegs: Mat black powder coated steel

Xerxes sofa bed

Xerxes, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 525

Xerxes MistOnly available in dess. 217

Xerxes WaweOnly available in dess. 227

Design by Emil Hoejfeldt & Oliver Weiss 2012Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Choose any textile: See page 65Bed Size: 137 x 190 cmComfort: Freon free foam Legs: Mat black powder coated steel

Persian sofa bed

Persian, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 522

Persian, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 521

Persian FireOnly available in dess. 225

Design by Per Weiss 2013Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Textile: Only available as shownBed Size: 100 x 190 cm Comfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Mat black powder coated steel

Shown in: Dess. 227

Super light sofa bed

Design by Per Weiss 2012Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Vitta sofa bed

Special style: Only available as shown Bed Size: 137 x 190 cm Comfort: Pocket Spring mattressLegs: Combination of chrome and mat black powder coated steel

Super lightShown in: Dess. 225

Super light Shown in: Dess. 226

Super light Shown in: Dess. 238

Toolbox Special Sofa Beds Toolbox Special Sofa Beds58 59

Stylings by Emil Hoejfeldt & Per Weiss 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Bed Size: 80 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cmComfort: Freon free foam Choose any textile: See page 65

Bedding bag: The roll comes without filling and works as a bedding bag. Always one bedding bag included

Extra: Cushion for Dulox bedding bag, Ø 30-72 cmBedding bag

Dulox Sofa Bed

Dulox, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 527

Dulox DuoOnly available as shown dess. 588 and 218

Dulox StripeOnly available as shown dess. 216, 217 and 218

Dulox IjackOnly available as shown

Design by Emil Hoejfeldt 2012Styling by Innovation Design Office 2012Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Bed Size: 120 x 195 cmComfort: Freon free foam Choose any textile: See page 65

Tvedel sofa bed

Tvedel, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 746 and 360

Tvedel FireOnly available as shown dess. 227 and 225

Tvedel WaterOnly available as shown dess. 227 and 226

Design by Emil Hoejfeldt & Per Weiss 2012Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Bed Size: 135 x 195 cmComfort: Freon free foamChoose any textile: See page 65

Bedding bag: The roll comes without filling and works as a bedding bag. Always one bedding bag included

Extra: Cushion for Trilox bedding bag, Ø 25-130

Trilox sofa bed

Trilox, DIYAvailable in all textiles / Shown in dess. 521 and 746

Trilox WaterOnly available as shown dess. 226 and 227

Trilox FireOnly available as shown dess. 225 and 227

Styling by Innovation Design Office 2012 / Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Ikko chair

Seat and back cushion size: 108 x 56 cm Seat and back cushion filling: Freon free foamFrame finish: Mat black powder coated steelTextiles: Available in all textiles. See page 65

Toolbox BeanbagsToolbox Beanbags 60 61

Design by Innovation Design Office 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 200 litre EPS BeadsSpecial styles: Only available as shown

Istar Player 200

Design by Innovation Design Office 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 200 litre EPS BeadsSpecial styles: Only available as shown

Ijack Player 200

Design by Innovation Design Office 2011Original Innovation / All rights reservedVolume: Inside 300 litre EPS BeadsTextiles: Available in all textiles. See page 65

Player 300

Design by Innovation Design Office 1999Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 200 litre EPS BeadsTextiles: Available in all textiles. See page 65

Shuffle Puck

Design by Innovation Design Office 1999Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 200 litre EPS BeadsTextiles: Only available as shown.

Ijack Shuffle Puck

Design by Innovation Design Office 2014Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 300 litre EPS Beads

Special styles: Only available as shown dess. 611 and 610

Coz Player

Design by Jesper Elg 2002Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 100 litre EPS BeadsTextiles: Available in all textiles. See page 65


Design by Innovation Design Office 1999Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Volume: Inside 200 litre EPS BeadsTextiles: Only available as shown.

Istar Shuffle Puck

Toolbox CushionsToolbox Cushions 62 63

Design by Jesper Elg 2000Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Size: Ø 50 x 20 cmFreon free foamOnly available as shown dess. 610 and 611

Coz Deconstructed floor cushions

Design by Jesper Elg 2000Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Size: Ø 50 x 20 cmFreon free foam Available in all textiles: See page 65

Deconstructed floor cushions

Size 65 x 65 cmInside freon free foam On one side one big button in the same textile as the cushionOn the other side one medium button in blackAvailable in all textiles. See page 65

Uni Cushions

Size 80 x 35 x 10 cmInside freon free foamOn one side two big buttons in the same textile as the cushionOn the other side two medium button in blackAvailable in all textiles. See page 65

Dui Cushions

Size 55 x 25 cmInside cottonAvailable in all textiles. See page 65

Roll Cushions

Design by Innovation Design Office 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Size 55 x 25 x 13 cmInside cotton Available in all textiles. See page 65

Ellipse Cushions

Design by Innovation Design Office 2011Original Innovation / All rights reserved

Size 50 x 50 x 11 cmInside cotton and freon free foamAvailable in all textiles. See page 65

405 Cushions

Size 50 x 50 x 11 cmInside cotton and freon free foam Only available as shown dess. 610 and 611

405 Coz CushionsSize 50 x 50 x 11 cm Inside cotton and freon free foamOnly available as shown

405 Ijack / Istar Cushions

Size 55 x 25 cmInside cottonOnly available as shown dess. 610 and 611

Coz Roll cushions

Toolbox Cushions 64 65

Size 50 x 50 cmInside duck feather Detachable coverOnly available as shown

Design by Per WeissOriginal Innovation / All rights reserved

Dapper Ijack / Istar Special

Dapper Special




Size 50 x 50 cm Inside duck featherDetachable coverAvailable in all textiles: See page 65

Dapper Cushions

Two sided cushionSize 50 x 50 cm / Inside duck freather / Detachable cover / Only available as shown

582Black Leather Look

217 Light Grey Flashtex

588 White Leather Look

Leather Look

461 Brown Vintage Leather Look

521 Grey Mixed Dance

525Light Blue Mixed Dance

522 Brown Mixed Dance

527 Natural Mixed Dance

523Black/Brown Mixed Dance

226 Aqua Flashtex

225 Orange Red Flashtex

221 Olive Green Flashtex

218 Black Flashtex

216 Dark Grey Flashtex

227Graphite Flashtex


IdenimBasic textiles

215 Red Flashtex

388 Dark Blue Idenim

746 Black Basic

738 Imperial Purple Basic

360 Geometry byVerner Panton

361 Grey Texture

363 Black Texture


Mixed Dance


Uni colour scale 1:1One room living textilesOriginal Innovation / All rights reservedPrinted colour and texture samples might varyfrom actual colours


Designers 66

Per Weiss Creative Director Innovation design Office

Flemming Hoejfeldt Founder and owner of Innovation

Emil HoejfeldtHead of product development

Peter Henriksen Industrial designer / Former member of Innovation design office

Verner Panton

Andreas Lund Format Design

Jesper Elg Owner of V1 Gallery in Copenhagen / Former member of Innovation design office.

Oliver Weiss KroghOwner of Nordic Works

Produced by Innovation Design Office 2013. All rights reservedThanks to all the models and

Please visit our website for further information.


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