#oneof15m social media tool kit

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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#oneof15m Social Media Toolkit

What is #oneof15m all about?

15 million people in the US have ADHD. With your help, we can:

• Confront the stigma of ADHD by owning our ADHD & participating in CHADD’s #oneof15m campaign.

• Send a message to others that ADHD does not have to prevent you from achieving your dreams.

• Learn about CHADD, the leading organization supporting the ADHD community.

Anatomy of your first #oneof15m post:

1. Take a photo representing your take on being part of #oneof15m (see next page for more ideas)

2. Tag your photo with 3 people and challenge them to do the same.

3. Copy the text provided or make up your own challenge.

I’m #oneof15m. I own my ADHD. Get the facts & pass it on! http://bit.ly/oneof15m


Getting involved can be as simple as owning your ADHD by posting a photo with the #oneof15m hashtag and challenging your friends to support you.

#oneof15m Posting Tips!

• Tell us your story - Take a photo or short video that represents your experience with ADHD.

• Add #oneof15m to the photo. You can write it on your hand, hold a piece of paper, add it afterwards with a smart phone photo app, or use a free graphics website like Canva.com.

• If you don’t have ADHD but want to get involved, you can say instead: “I love #oneof15m” or “I <3 #oneof15m”

• Don’t forget to tag 3 friends in your post and ask them to get involved.

• Post Again! Your friends aren’t on every social media account every day are they? So don’t be afraid to put your message out there again, and again, and again.

• Be creative! After all, having ADHD is all about coloring outside of the lines.

Take the next step: Join TeamCHADD!

Social media is a lot more fun when you have a lot of people involved in the discussion, so start a team and boost the impact of your efforts.

Contact oneof15m@chadd.orgor check out https://bit.ly/oneof15mto learn more about how easy it is to involve your friends and family as a team to support CHADD & people with ADHD.

Want to do still more?

• Like other people’s posts. Search for #oneof15m posts, like them, comment, and reshare them with your community.

• Join CHADD – each membership gives more weight to our voice as we work with legislators to ensure children with ADHD receive equal access to education – and with your membership you get Attention Magazine delivered to your door to keep you abreast on the latest developments for understanding and treating ADHD.

• Donate to the #oneof15m cause

• Challenge your friends and family to sponsor your CHADD activities.

• Follow CHADD on your favorite social media site.



• The world’s premier provider of accurate, science-based information & support for the ADHD community.


• An effective agent of change successfully achieving inclusion of ADHD as a protected disability under the law.


• A voice for people with ADHD that educates policy makers, educators, and the general public about the facts concerning ADHD.


• 12,000 families strong. You can help reach the rest of the 15 million people in the US who have ADHD.

WHAT IS ADHD?• ADHD is a real, brain-based

disorder characterized by developmentally inappropriate impulsivity, inattention, and in some cases, hyperactivity.

• ADHD affects children, teens, and adults across all walks of life. It does not discriminate.

• ADHD affects the way a child learns in school and also impacts those around them.

• ADHD makes it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with spouses, co-workers, or friends.

• ADHD can cause low self-esteem, feeling excluded in groups, and is disruptive to one’s personal and professional lives.

CHADD: 25 Years as a champion of the ADHD Community• National Resource Center

help4adhd.org, a program of CHADD, is funded by CDC and provides science-based information about ADHD

• Parent to Parent Programtraining for parents to help them be more effective education advocates for their school-aged children with ADHD.

• Educators Manual authored an and distributed to every school district in the US to provide accurate information about ADHD.

• Attention Magazinethe latest developments in research, diagnosis, medication, legal, advocacy and public policy issues for children and adults with ADHD.

• Local & Regional Chapterssupport groups for people with ADHD and those who love them.

• Legislative Advocacynotable accomplishments include achieving the inclusion of ADHD in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and leading a national coalition to successfully support Mental Health Care parity legislation.

And don’t forget to follow CHADD on




Questions? Email oneof15m@chadd.orgFind us on the web at CHADD.org & Help4adhd.org

Join us! Together we can make a difference

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