operation management ch. 1

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  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1




    Overview of Operations Management

    Features of Production Systems

    Operations Strategy and CompetitivenessProductivity Issues

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Overview of Operations Management

    What is Operations Management?

    Product / Outputcan be goods or services

    Productionis the creation of goods & services

    Operations Mgtis the set of activities that createsvalue in the form of goods and services bytransforming inputs into outputs.

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Organizing to produce goods & servicesa) Marketingb) Production/Operationsc) Finance/Accounting

    Why study OM?

    a) study how people organize themselves forproductive enterprise.b) want to know how goods & services are

    produced.c) understand what operations managers do.

    (Planning, Organizing & Controlling)

    d) it is such a costly part of an organization.

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    10 Strategic OM Decision

    a) Goods & Service Designb) Qualityc) Process & Capacity Design

    d) Location Selectione) Layout Designf) Human Resource & Job Designg) Supply Chain Managementh) InventoryI) Schedulingk) Maintenance

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Difference between Goods & Services

    Attributes of GOODS Attributes of SERVICES

    Product can be resold Reselling a service is unusual

    Product can be inventoried Many services cannot be inventoried

    Some aspects of quality aremeasurable Many aspects of quality are difficultto measure

    Selling is distinct from production Selling is often a part of the service

    Product is transportable Provider, not product, is oftentransportable

    Site of facility is important for cost Site of facility is important forcustomer contact

    Often easy to automate Service is often difficult to automate

    Revenue is generated primarily fromthe tangible product Revenue is generated primarily fromthe intangible service.

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Features of Production System

    Inputs(4M; manpower, machine, material, money)

    Transformation Process

    (Factors; capacity, efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility)

    Outputs (end-result of a production)

    Feedback(actual vs expected)

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Operations Strategy & Competitiveness

    Global Competitiveness:

    a) Qualityb) Variety

    c) Customization

    d) Convenience

    e) Timeliness

    f) Cost

    Reason for globalize:

    a) Reduce cost

    b) Increase supply chainc) Understand market

    d) Provide better goods and services

    e) Learn to increase operations

    f) Attract and retain global talent

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Develop Mission & Strategy

    Visionis what organization want to become.

    Missionis the purpose or rational for an organization existence.

    Strategyis how organization expects to achieve its mission orgoals. (action plan)

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Achieving Competitive Advantages

    Competitive Advantageis the creation of a unique advantages

    over competitors.

    Competing on Differentiation

    Differentiation is to distinguish the offerings of the organization in any

    way that customer perceives as adding value.

    Competing on Cost

    A low-cost strategy means having the companys resources and facilityeffectively utilized.

    Competing on Response

    Response is a range of values related to timely product development anddeliver as well as reliable scheduling and flexible performances.

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Productivity Challenge

    Productivityis the ratio of outputs divided by one or more inputsSingle Factor Productivity = Unit Produced

    Input Used

    Multifactor Productivity = Unit Produced

    4M + etcTo Increase Productivity:

    a) Reduce input, output constant

    b) Increase output, input constant

    Productivity Variable:

    a) Labor

    b) Capital

    c) Management

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1


    Exercise: Collins Title wants to evaluate its labor and multifactor

    productivity with a new computerized title-search

    system. The company has a staff of four, each working8hours per day (for a payroll cost of RM640/day) andoverhead expenses of RM400 per day. Collins processesand closes on 8 titles each day. The new computerizedtitle-search system will allow the processing of 14 titlesper day. Although the staff. Their work hours and payare the same, the overhead expenses are now RM800per day.


    Calculate both single-factor and multi-factor productivityusing old system and new system

    If the overhead expenses goes to RM960 (rather thanRM800), what is the multifactor productivity?

  • 7/29/2019 Operation Management Ch. 1



    Product selection & development

    156 - 164

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