p a g e | matthew 24:9-28 the messiah reveals the future ......p a g e | 1 matthew 24:9-28 the...

Post on 31-Jul-2021






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Matthew 24:9-28

The Messiah Reveals The Future Part 3

Good morning, it is great to be with you this beautiful



When Jessica, my beautiful wife was pregnant with our

first child Sofia we were truly clueless to what birth


Every pregnancy I get so anxious in that last few


I always want to know what is the earliest our baby

could be born and still be healthy.

Jess will tell me any time after 37 weeks if I remember


All the way up to that time, I am always asking so could

we have the baby today, and everything be okay.

We hate waiting for anything in our house.

Whenever we get to that 37-week mark, I am getting

Jess every secret remedy from every culture that has

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ever been concocted to try to get the birth process


With all that effort not one of our 3 babies came as

early as 37 weeks, all the remedies were worthless,

those babies came when God was ready.

But with Sofia our first, it was about a week before the

due date, I had Jess eating 3 pineapples a day because I

heard somewhere that initiates the birth.

Well it was February 27th 2012, I just got a ministry call,

someone was broken down on the side of the road,

and needed me to come pick them up, as the person

was telling me this Jess said “oh my gosh, my water


I hung up on the stranded young man, it was Sean

Tesch, and Jess and I were a basket case, we had no

idea what to do, I was so filled with excitement.

So I did what any man would do, I sat down real quick

to pay the bills; Jess looked at me and said “are you

serious right now!”

I didn’t know how long this process would take.

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And I wanted our bills to be paid.

So we headed down to Kaiser Fontana, now her water

breaking was the first sign that our little girl was


We knew to get ready!

Jess immediately called my little sister on the way

down, and Jacquie asked Jess are you having


Jess never had a contraction before, she replied I think

so, there is some pressure.

My sister laughed, and said “You are not having

contractions, you would not be saying I think so.”

I told Jess you just have a very high pain tolerance, this

is going to be a piece of cake.

We made it all the way down to Fontana with smiles

on our faces.

I thought, “this is way easier then everyone makes it


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Jess has not had any pain, not enough to even flinch a


By the grace of God, we were able to get checked in,

all her little wires all hooked up.

They got her to the second room, where they told her

she would be until she was ready to deliver and they

would take her to that final room.

They asked if there was any pain, “we are good,” I told

the nurse she is a tough woman.

I assured Jess this was going to be a piece of cake.

The nurse kind of smirked, and said “call me if anything

happens,” it was as if that nurse knew what was


And something happened in that second room that

Jess nor I was ready for, it took the smiles and

excitement right out of us.

Jess tensed up, and the fear, and terror in her eyes is

something I will never forget, as tears immediately

began to come up in her eyes.

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(Hands slam pulpit) Bam!! Just like that! The very first

contraction hit.

Jess screamed, and dread and darkness came over us

like I have never felt.

I have never seen Jess in so much anguish and stress as

I did in that moment.

I was a basket case, being a man, I want to help stop

the pain, and the hopelessness of not being able to

help her overwhelmed me.

And as the night went on, the pain increased, the

frequency of those cursed contractions became closer

and closer to one another.

Now, with each birth, I have learned that those things

are all signals that an event is coming, namely the birth

of my child.

The more intense the and more frequent these

warnings are, they tell me that soon my baby will be


These signals tell me to get ready, changes are coming

very quickly to our lives.

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Now last Sunday, we discussed some signs of the times

that we are in currently.

Jesus described this age as the Beginning of Sorrows, in

this Age we will see false christs, wars and rumors of

wars, in this age nation will rise against nation,

kingdom against kingdom.

There will be famines and diseases, and even

earthquakes in various places.

These things make up the age we are in.

Now Jesus said these things are the Beginning of

Sorrows, and that word Sorrows is odin in the Greek, it

literally means a pang or throe, especially of childbirth.

Now last time I was very careful not to sensationalize

these events, as many do today, making big book deals

and movie deals playing on people’s emotions and


We cannot look at these things in themselves as a sign

of the end, Jesus said Himself, “the end is not yet” in

verse 6 of Matthew 24

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However, we can look at frequency and intensity of

these things in terms of birth.

When these things, like contractions get more and

more severe, closer and closer to one another, then

that should trigger an awareness that something is


Now we do not know when the time of Christ’s return

to this earth is, but we do know there will be events

and signs that lead up to His return.

One of these signs as we discussed last week is the

rapture of the church.

From the disciples all the way to the modern church

era, the church is expected to live as if at any moment

Jesus will snatch us up in the clouds.

We are to look at the Age we live in, the turmoil and

travail; all of the Sorrows of this Age are there to point

us to the hope of a future Kingdom.

Paul uses this same concept in describing this Era, to

point the church in Rome to this blessed unseen hope.

He says in…

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Romans 8:18-25 For I consider that the sufferings of

this present time are not worthy to be compared with

the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the

earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for

the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation

was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of

Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation

itself also will be delivered from the bondage of

corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of

God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans

and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not

only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the

Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,

eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of

our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope

that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for

what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not

see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

The whole earth is groaning and travailing with those

contractions and warnings that redemption and

reconciliation is coming.

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And as we approach this time of the revealing of

Christs Kingdom, the birth pains grow increasingly

louder and the intensity is more frequent.

And even we within ourselves have this uneasiness and

awareness that soon the event will be here.

These are the days of Sorrows and Travail, and soon it

will all culminate to our Kings return to earth in the

Glory of His Kingdom.

By the end of our text this morning, we will see the

fulfillment of this event.

You know when a mother holds her baby for the first

time, all of the pain and travail of childbirth is almost

all but forgotten.

So in Jesus’ Glorious Kingdom, Creation rejoice in its


But before this, as the birth pains increase in our Age,

we will look at the Seven years after the Rapture of the

Church, and prior to the Coming of the Son of Man, the

labor pains will be like nothing this world has ever seen


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And this morning as we continue in Jesus’ Olivet

Discourse, we will enter the time of the Tribulation,

also known as Jacob’s Troubles, and like I mentioned

last week, this is immediately following the departure

of the church from the earth.

This will be a worldwide event, and here in Matthew,

Jesus will be speaking to the Jews specifically, and

what they can expect during this time.

So let’s continue our study of Matthew 24…

And Jesus says in Matthew 24:9…

The Tribulation

24:9 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation

(affliction) and kill you, and you will be hated by all

nations for My name's sake. 10 And then many will be

offended, will betray one another, and will hate one

another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and

deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will

abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he

who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this

gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world

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as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will


Now that the church as we have previously determined

is not here on the earth for this time, we must then

determine who the “you” is that Jesus is talking too.

Now, in this present age, the Church Age, we are

promised persecution and hardship.

Jesus made this clear on the Sermon on the Mount

earlier in His ministry.

But Jesus is not addressing those trials we have in this

age here.

He is talking to a people group, who in the future will

be hated very specifically by all nations.

Now Christianity is right now experiencing persecution

at levels never seen before in History, but we are far

from being qualified by this statement of being hated

by all the nations.

Now as we discussed last time, here in our Age, the

spirit of Antichrist is already at work.

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Satan’s agenda, as the birth pains increase, is getting

more and more desperate; he knows very well, his

time is getting short.

He is now setting the stage for the revealing of the son

of perdition, the Antichrist.

Now, as we discussed last time, there is something in

this world, in this Age, that is restraining the full

revelation of this satanic system.

The Holy Spirit working through the church is this

restraining force against this full-uncontrolled

expression of evil that will be seen in the tribulation.

Now remember, Matthew is an evangelist to the Jews,

he is recording Jesus’ warning to the Jews here.

Jesus is pointing them to a time when the whole world

will come against the Jews.

There will be worldwide antisemitism.

This could never happen with the church present.

All true Bible believing Christians have a supernatural

love for the Jewish people.

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The Jews themselves do not completely understand

why, but we do, we know that God has chosen that

people group for special purposes, and has great and

wonderful promises for them.

God chose them to bring the Messiah through, and He

entrusted them with the Oracles of God.

The first Christian church was Hebrew, and spread to

the rest of humanity from the Jews.

God loves the Jews, and because our God loves them,

the church has an unwavering love for them.

Our Christian Nation is one of the greatest protectors

of the Nation of Israel.

Our president right now, so far has been a great

supporter of the Jews.

Now this worldwide persecution of the Jews has not

taken place, even though the spirit of the Antichrist is

at work in this age and we have seen very satanic

attempts at destroying God’s special people.

There has always been the church to stand against

those evils, the true church anyway.

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Even the evils of Nazi Germany were eventually


And the refuge for many Jews was this Christian

Nation, the United States.

So, in the tribulation there will be worldwide

persecution of the Jews, every nation will turn against


Notice Jesus says they will be persecuted in the

Tribulation for His Name’s Sake.

In this dispensation or age, the Jews on a whole do not

view Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah.

But in the Tribulation, God will turn His attention back

to the Jews, and in the midst of this time period, there

will be a national revival as the Jews turn to Jesus as

their Savior.

They will be persecuted for His Name’s sake.

Then Jesus says here in verse 10…

10 And then many will be offended, will betray one

another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many

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false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And

because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will

grow cold.

The Apostle Paul speaking to the church in

Thessalonica, trying to correct their ideas that Christ

had already raptured the church, and the second

coming was about to happen.

He describes to them what the Tribulation will look

like… And he describes to them what Jesus is talking

about here.

And although there will be a great revival among the

Jewish people and others, there will also be a Great

Falling away from Truth in the Tribulation.

Paul says it this way in…

2 Thess. 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for

that Day will not come unless the falling away comes

first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of


You see the gospel of Jesus Christ will do the same in

the tribulation period as is does today.

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Remember Jesus said this in Luke 12:51-53

51 Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth?

I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 52 For from

now on five in one house will be divided: three against

two, and two against three. 53 Father will be divided

against son and son against father, mother against

daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law

against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law

against her mother-in-law."

The Gospel has always been a dividing factor in

households; it will do the same in the Tribulation.

This great revival will also be met with a great


And many will be deceived as they are today, so much

so that households will be divided.

Pride will be so set into the hearts of the people that

their love for one another will grow cold, and division

and lawlessness will sweep across this world like never


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This great deception will be so powerful Jesus will later

say, if it was possible it would even deceive the elect.

Now I have theories of what it could be.

Now I want to draw your attention to the spirit of

Antichrist already at work in our world, and we see this

type of divisions already in the homes of believers.

False prophets today deceive the gullible in heart, and

whole households are divided by the pride and

arrogance of one’s belief, the love, the supernatural

bond and strength of the family unit and the

household is ripped apart by this deception already at

work in this world.

Truly Satan is readying this world for the time the

church is removed out from its midst.

So this rebellion can fully be unleashed.

This last election, in this spirit of the lawless one, we

saw the differences in the home actually ripped the

bonds between parent and child right in two.

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The disagreements in families across America have left

our nation divided, and hatred is boiling over in our


Many have taken to the streets to voice their

frustrations; children have left their households

because the divide is so sharp, forsaking the nurturing

love of their parents.

And as bad as the lawlessness is today, it will be

nothing like the tribulation, even the law enforcement

agencies will not be able to keep the peace.

And in verse 13 Jesus declares those believers in the

Tribulation who endure to the end will be saved.

It is the same promise to the believers in any age, to

hold onto their faith, even through enormous trial and


All throughout the New Testament the Christian is

encouraged to endure and hold onto the hope of what

is to come.

Your faith will see you through.

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We are instructed to not grow weary while doing good,

due season we shall reap everlasting life.

And the instruction for the believing Jews in the

Tribulation is the same here, endure.

Then in verse 14 Jesus declares this gospel of the

Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness

to all nations, and then the end will come.

Now this has been a very misunderstood verse in

church History.

And many very noble and genuine attempts to

evangelize the whole world have been spurred off this


The belief that every nation must be evangelized

before Jesus can come back has pushed many

missions’ movements to the ends of the earth.

Now the church must never relent in its mission from

taking this Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.

That was Jesus final instructions to His disciples and to

us as a church in Acts 1:8 right before Jesus ascended

to His throne.

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And really, there are very few places today this gospel

has not gone to in our modern time, we as a church

still have much work to do, however the ends of the

earth are being reached.

But the context of verse 14 is not the mission of the

modern missionary.

This is taking place in the Tribulation, where there will

be 3 very powerful presentations of the Gospel of the

Kingdom in the Tribulation time.

The Book of Revelation tells us in Revelation 11 there

will be two witnesses that will testify for three and half

years, the Antichrist will kill them and for three and

half days they will lay dead for all the world to see in

Jerusalem, then after those days are fulfilled God will

breath His breathe into the two witnesses.

And they will rise, and ascend to heaven, everyone will

see, and the nations will be accountable to the Gospel

of the Kingdom they presented.

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There will also be 144,000 Jewish witness that go forth

supernaturally protected and sealed by God

proclaiming this Gospel.

And if that was not enough of a testimony to the

Nations, in Revelation 14:6-7 There will be an

undeniable, supernatural presentation to all the

nations with this Gospel.

6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of

heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to

those who dwell on the earth — to every nation, tribe,

tongue, and people — 7 saying with a loud voice,

"Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His

judgment has come; and worship Him who made

heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."

At the end of the tribulation, no person will be able to

stand before the judgment seat of God, and say, “I did

not know.”

God will go to great lengths to extend salvation to the

Nations, and they will be responsible for how they

respond to the Gospel.

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Then Jesus declares the end of the Tribulation will


Now Jesus just gave a picture of the seven years on a

whole, and now as we often see it in scripture, He will

go back through and give even more detail of this time


The tribulation is the whole seven year time period,

but within the Tribulation time, the last three and half

years will be known as the Great Tribulation.

This will be where God’s full wrath is unleashed on this

Earth, and Jesus will give special warning to the future

Jews who will be reading this account.

He will take pictures from the siege and destruction of

Jerusalem in AD 70, and from those vivid images that

the Jews would understand, He gives instruction on

how to endure to the end of the Great Tribulation.

Now remember they will be turning to Jesus, and they

will be reading the very Words we are reading today to

understand more clearly, as their eyes open to who

their Messiah is.

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There instructions will be very clear as we read next…

The Great Tribulation(Mark 13:14-23; Luke

17:23,24,37; 21:20-24)

15 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of

desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing

in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),

16 "then let those who are in Judea flee to the

mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go

down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let

him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.

19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those

who are nursing babies in those days! 20 And pray

that your flight may not be in winter or on the

Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great tribulation,

such as has not been since the beginning of the world

until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless

those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved;

but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

23 "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the

Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it. 24 For false christs

and false prophets will rise and show great signs and

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wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See,

I have told you beforehand.

26 "Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the

desert!' do not go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner

rooms!' do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning

comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also

will the coming of the Son of Man be. 28 For wherever

the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered


Now, again Jesus is talking very specifically to the Jews


He is talking about an event that will take place in

Judea, where the Jews specifically are too flee to the


This eye opening moment for the Jews is when the

prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled.

Now I inserted a timeline of Daniel’s Seventy weeks

into your bulletin this morning.

This will give you all the details of this prophecy.

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Follow the timeline in order from Daniel chapter 9, and

you will understand with more clarity what this

triggering point is.

In short, Daniel was given a prophetic timeline in

regards to the Nation of Israel; all of this prophecy has

been fulfilled except one week.

The Hebrew word for weeks literally means sevens,

speaking of seven-year periods.

There is one set of sevens that is yet to be fulfilled, and

will be fulfilled after the rapture of the church, and

God once again turns His attention to His chosen


You will see at the beginning of this final week, peace

will be made between this prince or the Antichrist,

after three and half years this peace treaty will be

broken when the an image of the Antichrist will be set

up in the midst of the Jews rebuilt temple.

The Jews are demanded to worship Satan’s


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And at this moment their eyes will open to the


Now there is no temple in Israel right now, in fact the

Romans in AD 70 did such a good job of destroying the

temple, they have trouble locating where it should

stand today.

But know this, the Jews are ready to rebuild this

Temple, where the Antichrist will set up this

abomination of desolation.

Most of the artifacts are ready; I have seen many of

them with my own eyes when I was in Israel.

You can research all this preparation by the Jews from

the Temple Institute, everything is on their website


The Jews are primed for a peace treaty that would

allow their temple to be restored.

Remember when we are seeing the things that are to

take place in the Tribulation Period start to manifest

themselves; we know without a doubt that the rapture

of the Church is coming even sooner.

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Every generation of the Church Era should be ready for

this Great Snatching away.

I remember looking at these temple artifacts, and

thinking my eyes are witnessing prophecy come true,

we truly live in privileged times.

Prior to 1948 Bible commentators had trouble putting

all these things together, Israel did not even exist, how

could there ever be a temple for the abomination to be

set up in.

They spiritualized or allegorically taught this stuff,

because it was beyond them on how it could ever


But now, in our day, we are seeing everything is set.

This sign that the prophet Daniel warned of, is here

again given by Jesus as the wake-up call for the Jews.

When they see this take place, they are instructed to


Because a satanic fury will sweep across the world, and

many Jews will be massacred as they put their faith in

Jesus as their Messiah.

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Again, Jesus is speaking here to the Jews, if an atomic

bomb drops on LA, although many will flee into the

wilderness, even perhaps our hometown, Jesus is not

talking about us here.

There are very geographical and cultural things said

that give precision of this being fulfilled.

I do not spiritualize anything that Jesus says very


Look at verse 17, those who are on the housetops, this

is definitely a Middle Eastern reference.

The housetop in Israel corresponds to our front porch

or patio.

Jesus is speaking to an agrarian culture, and telling

them if they are working in the field, and they see this

sign in their rebuilt temple, they are not to take any

special precautions or to think of their possessions, but

they are instructed to flee.

Jesus warns of the trouble if this takes place on the

Sabbath, again very specific to the Jews.

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Even in Israel today it is tough to do anything on the

Sabbath; there are so many restrictions on moving

around cities and towns.

To flee for their lives might be very difficult to do if

they see the warning sign Jesus points to, as they are

signaled to flee.

We see Jesus’ care and concern as He looks forward to

this horrible time, and sees the weakest in society, and

their plight, the mothers and children trying to flee.

I imagine the pictures of the ghettos under Hitler’s

satanic oppression of the Jews.

And the mothers who were helpless to protect their

children from the evil that came upon them.

As horrible as the Nazi’s were, Jesus in verse 21 says

this time will be so deplorable and filled with such

hopelessness that there is nothing in recorded history

to even compare it too.

Jesus says in verse 22 that if those days were not

shortened, the extinction of mankind would be at


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We read in Revelation that during this time period in

the Tribulation one third of the earth’s population will

be destroyed and on another occasion one-fourth will

be wiped out.

The population of the whole world will be decimated

by war, famine, and even supernatural terrors.

There was a time when this scale of catastrophe

seemed to be allegorical or even exaggerated a bit.

Very good Bible commentators considered this all to

be symbolic in nature.

But now in recent history, man has created weapons

that can destroy the earth’s population many times


Some of the nuclear war heads today are over 3,000

times more powerful than the two dropped Hiroshima

and Nagasaki at the end of World War 2.

There is no problem imagining today this kind of

devastation unleashed on humanity.

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But Jesus says in verse 22 that God will not let

humanity commit suicide and He will shorten those

days to only a period of seven years.

Jesus again emphasizes in those days there will be false

christs and false prophets deceiving many.

In verse 25, He lovingly tells them and warns them of


He is instructing them to be wise and expect these

false representations of Himself.

There will be no mistaking Jesus’ return.

Look how clearly Jesus warns them…

23 "Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the

Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it. 24 For false christs

and false prophets will rise and show great signs and

wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See,

I have told you beforehand. 26 "Therefore if they say

to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out; or

'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe it.

Even today with this spirit of Antichrist at work among

our world, we see a fulfillment of this in our times.

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If anyone every tries to tell you they have found some

secret mystery, a hidden knowledge, and they have

found Jesus in some secret inner room.

Or if they draw you out to some special place that they

only are aware of.

Well, they are participating in the delusion of these

false prophets.

Jesus Himself says do not believe it.

Every time I hear one of these groups proclaim they

have found the secret date to Jesus’ coming, and they

are His chosen group that will partake in this secret

manifestation of the Messiah, my heart cringes.

Jesus Himself says there will be no mistaking His


It will not be undercover or in a secret place.

Their dates always pass, and they are left to give some

mystical explanation? Because no man can know that

hour, but God the Father alone!

It is a tactic of Satan in every age, including ours.

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In the Tribulation these deceptions will be magnified,

the false christ and the false prophet will be given

power to do the supernatural, and they will captivate

the world with their deception.

Jesus tells those who are in the Tribulation very plainly

what His return will look like, and what they can

anticipate, and hold onto as a hope through this

terrible time.

27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes

to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man

be. 28 For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles

will be gathered together.

He will come, and it will be unmistakable as lightening

flashing in the sky.

There will be no secret gathering; the Terror of His

Judgment will fall on His enemies as the whole world’s

eyes are on the coming King of King’s and Lord of


There will be a feast prepared, but not a celebratory

feast, but one that will be of terror and doom.

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Wherever the carcass is the eagles will be gathered


The Book of Revelation gives a vivid description of the

aftermath of Jesus’ return, where with the sword of

His mouth He destroys His enemies…

Rev 19:17-18 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun;

and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds

that fly in the midst of heaven, "Come and gather

together for the supper of the great God, 18 that you

may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the

flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those

who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and

slave, both small and great."

Jesus’ return will not be some hidden mystery; do not

be deceived by the false teachers of our days.

The Word of God tells us plainly what the return of

Christ will look like.

He will not come humbly or lowly riding on a donkey

the next time this earth beholds its rightful King.

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Jesus will come on a mighty War Stead, a White Horse,

and the full wrath of God will be poured out on those

who rejected the Gospel of Salvation offered to them.

You will find it interesting all through the Book of

Revelation that God, so gracious and so merciful is still

looking for repentance from humanity.

What Peter says of God is true in every age…

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His

promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering

toward us, not willing that any should perish but that

all should come to repentance.

And so this morning, we have really read a message for

a future time and a future people.

For those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus

Christ, we will not be here to witness these events


But the warnings to the Jews in Israel during the Great

Tribulation holds truths that transcend all the ages.

We are warned that deception is in this world, we

need to test and examine everything we are taught.

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Today almost all Christian Universities are liberal and

progressive in their agenda; the deception is stronger

today even among the church more than ever.

The stage is all being set for the revealing of the

Lawless one, the Antichrist, Satan’s final puppet and


Be on guard.

Now, we must recognize here this morning that this

Age we are all a part of is really the sweet spot in the

timeline of History.

We are living in a time after the Cross, the fulfilment of

all of God’s promises regarding salvation.

We live in a time when we simply just have to believe

on God’s Sacrificial Lamb, His Own Son dying for our


No longer are we required to slaughter an animal, we

come by faith, in this age we believe, and we hope and

look forward to the day Jesus brings us home.

The Age of Terror and Tribulation immediately follows

our Age of Grace.

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Why would you want to wait it out before you believe

on that wonderful Name of Jesus?

If you don’t know Jesus, I believe you are here for a

reason this morning, God is giving you an opportunity

to come to Him, and freely receive salvation, there is

no greater time to come to Jesus than today.

If you are here, and that is you, the Elders and I will be

available after service, come up and pray the prayer of


Everything that Jesus detailed in this sermon will come

true, every word.

Be spared from this time period.

If you have loved ones that are lost right now and you

desire to pray for their salvation please come forward

and pray that they see past the deception of this age.

We are here for any prayer needs you have this


The Birth Pains are getting more and more frequent;

let’s live everyday as though Jesus is coming back for

His church. Amen?

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