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PB091-B-DRV January 12, 2002 1:2




University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, Alabama


In recent years, biomedical diagnostics research has led tothe development of simple, less invasive, and more accu-rate evaluative techniques. Much of this is due to biosensortechnology, which has played an important role in materialimprovements used to sense, carry signals, and respondto signals. Biosensor devices can measure micromolar oreven smaller quantities of biological substances, includingchlorides, glucose, lactose, and urea. Pietro (1) definesbiosensors as “any discrete sensing device that relies ona biologically derived component as an integral part ofits detection mechanism,” although sensors that are usedto monitor biological conditions are usually also included.Medical applications abound, ranging from diagnostic testsfor home testing to in vivo monitoring of vital conditionsand using feedback to control drug delivery or send am-plified signals of a change in patient health. Smart mate-rials are frequently combined with biological componentsto create systems that respond to environmental condi-tions, such as temperature, pH, concentration of particularanalytes, or even light. These smart materials are typi-cally polymeric, and most have the common characteristicthat changing environmental condition cause a thermody-namic change between hydrophilic and hydrophobic states,as detailed later. pH paper strips may be one of the sim-plest sensing devices; they relay a physiological conditionthrough a colorimetric response, and because they are aform of dry chemistry, they simplify detection and diag-nostics, which is especially important for home diagnostickits.

This article presents the use of intelligent polymers insensing systems, that range from traditional biosensors toadvanced self-responsive systems. This review of biomed-ical diagnostics using smart polymers examines some ofthe medical applications for intelligent polymers usedin electrode-based systems and in bioconjugate systems.

•• • •













Sensing Response Drug deliverySignaltransmission


··· ···

Figure 1. Steps involved in biomedical sensing using intelligent polymers. First, the substrate (S)diffuses to an enzyme immobilized in the polymeric device and reacts; the signal that a particularsubstrate is present is then transmitted to the surrounding polymer by diffusion of the products(P, H+) of the enzymatic reaction, such as hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions, in turn, ellicit aswelling response from a smart material, such as pH-sensitive poly(acrylic acid), which can thendeliver an embedded drug by diffusion.

Sensing devices are categorized by the mechanisms of sig-nal detection and response, and examples of systems thatmonitor analytes, such as glucose, are addressed. Addi-tional modes of response beyond the traditional electronicsignal as well as synthesis techniques and examples of me-dical diagnostics using smart polymers, will be discussed.

Smart materials sense their environment, judge themagnitude of changes, and respond to obtain the most ther-modynamically favorable state. This response can causechanges such as surface modification (from hydrophobicto hydrophilic or vice versa), swelling or shrinking ofgels, enzyme solubility (if covalently attached to a phase-separating polymer), and binding of polymer and proteins(especially in reversible ionic interactions) (2). These re-versible phenomena are useful for biosensors in protectingbiological materials, collecting and concentrating analytes,and responding to stimuli to transduce a signal or deliver adrug (3). Smart materials act as on/off switches and can bebarriers for an enzyme to protect it from the body’s immunesystem and from harmful solutes or pH conditions. Theability of polymers to phase separate can also aid in sepa-rating and preserving enzymes or antibodies to be reusedin future diagnostic tests.

The use of intelligent polymer systems in sensors pro-vides the possibilities of combining sensing, transductionof signals, and response in the same independent deviceand the possibility of controlling biological events based onthe signal by delivery of drugs or other means. These threebehaviors (sensing, transduction, and response) are char-acteristic of biosensors, although the traditional responseis often electronic (Fig. 1).

Sensing and response processes in smart materials arereversible, and after the hydrogen ions diffuse from thepolymer, it returns to its normal unswollen state, and drugrelease stops. This creates a positive feedback mechanismwhereby the device senses abnormal biological or biomed-ical events and treats the diseased state only when thetriggering molecule is present. An example of the struc-ture of a feedback drug delivery biosensor is shown inFig. 2, where a silicon chip is used as a platform for thebiosensor (4). This is similar to the current research of theNational Science Foundation’s “Lab on a Chip” technologyprogram, where chemical moieties are analyzed on a mole-cular scale. In the scheme shown, drug reservoirs are kept


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Poly(acrylic acid) molecular gate Drug reservoir

Gate: φ 150 × 400 µ m

Si water

5 mm

5 m


5 m

m Drug

Pyrex glass Pitch Chip

Figure 2. Model scheme for the structure of a sensor device [reprinted with permission from (4);copyright 1996 The Controlled Release Society, Inc.].

behind molecular gates made of pH-sensitive poly(acrylicacid) to yield a sensor that provides a drug delivery feed-back response to changing pH.

Traditional biosensors include electrochemical sensorsthat have been under development since the early 1970sand in which enzymes, antibodies, chemoreceptors, and cel-lular tissue are used as catalysts for reactions that createelectrical signals (5). An example of an electrochemicalsensor is shown in Fig. 3, where an enzyme is depositeddirectly onto a metal conducting electrode and a poly-mer or protein is used to immobilize the enzyme. This

Figure 3. SEM photograph (200x) of a portion of the workingelectrode that had glucose oxidase and albumin electrodepositedand cross-linked onto the exposed surface. The visible metal layersurrounding the layer of glucose oxidase and albumin is the con-ductor underlying the insulating layer [reprinted with permissionfrom (6); copyright 1994 American Chemical Society].

particular device was designed for subcutaneous implan-tation to monitor glucose concentrations in diabetic pa-tients (6). The magnitude of the sensor response is pro-portional to the analyte concentrations, but the responsealso depends on the diffusion of the analyte to the enzymeor receptor, the kinetics of the enzyme reaction, and thediffusion of reaction products (such as O2 or H2O2) to anelectrode. Biosensor technologies include biochemical sen-sors, enzymatic sensors, cellular sensors, sensors for redoxreactions, antigen/antibody interactions, and other mate-rials that provide recognition surfaces (7). They typicallyinclude a specific reaction site (sensor), a mode of trans-porting the signal (transducer), and a signal measurementor feedback mecanism (responder). These sensing materi-als can involve antibody/antigen (8) or enzyme/substrateinteractions, where the interaction is highly specific and asingular target analyte can be recognized (9). Organelles,whole cells, or tissue can also be used as the sensor (10).Spichiger-Keller (11) divides the types of sensors by therecognition processes used (Table 1). Biosensor devices areone class of intelligent materials, but they can also be com-bined with smart polymers (such as those sensitive to en-vironmental pH or temperature) to aid in signal collec-tion through specific interactions with the analyte, signaltransduction, or the response mechanism (as depicted inFig. 1).

Because of the complex nature of biosensors, it is impor-tant to understand the requirements of sensing in general,and then apply those guidelines to the additional require-ments needed to use the sensor in a biological environment.Complications can arise when multiple functional materi-als are combined into the sensor device. Several importantcharacteristics of biosensors ensure accurate, reproducible,and specific results. Diamond (12) summarized some of theimportant considerations in Table 2. Many of the charac-teristics, such as reproducibility of results, robustness, andproportional signal output, are common to process con-trol theory. In addition to the requirements of Table 2,materials (especially the surfaces exposed to biologicalenvironments) must be biocompatible, the device shouldbe as noninvasive as possible for medical applications,


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Table 1. Classification According to the Type of Recognition Processa

Chemical ReactionSensor Type Reacting Pairs Recognition Process

Chemical sensors in the Host–guest; ligand–analyte; Complexationstrict sense carrier–ion; association, addition,

ion, neutral species, typical equilibriumand gas sensors reactions

Oxide semiconductor Inorganic metal oxide; Absorption, reduction,sensors layer–reactive gases oxidation

Enzymatic sensors Active site–substrate– Metabolic turnover,cosubstrate mediated sensing typical steady state,reactions; active site–mediator-electrode Kinetic reactions

Immunochemical sensors Antibody (catalytic antibody)– Affinity, association,antigen; antibody–antigenicprotein–hapten Equilibrium reactions

Receptrodes, Receptor–substrate Association, affinity,living organs, bilayers metabolic turnoverhybrides as abzymes, etc.

a Reprinted with permission from Wiley-VCH and the author (11). Copyright 1998 Wiley-VCH.

Table 2. Ideal Characteristics of a Sensora

Characteristic Comments

Signal output should be proportional This is becoming less important becauseor bear a simple mathematical of on-device electronics andrelationship to the amount of the integration of complex signal processingspecies in the sample options to produce so-called smart sensors.

No hysteresis The sensor signal should return to baselineafter responding to the analyte.

Fast response times Slow response times arising from multiplesensing membranes or sluggish exchangekinetics can seriously limit the range ofpossible application and prevent use inreal-time monitoring situations.

Good signal-to-noise(S/N) The S/N ratio determines the limit ofcharacteristics detection; can be improved by using the

sensor in flow analysis ratherthan for steady-state measurements; S/Nratio can also be improved by filter orimpedance conversion circuitry builtinto the device(“smart” sensor).

Selective Without adequate selectivity, the user can notconfidently relate the signal obtained tothe target species concentration.

Sensitive Sensitivity is defined as the change in signalper unit change in concentration (i.e., theslope of the calibration curve); this determinesthe ability of the device to discriminateaccurately and precisely betweensmall differences in analyte concentration.

a (From (12) copyright C© 1998. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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and biosensors must have adequate lifetimes, especiallyif implanted. Immobilization is often necessary in enzy-matic or immunosensors, so that the active material can bekept near the electrode or other transduction and feedbackdevice.

The ideal biosensor characteristics listed in Table 2 pro-vide some of the driving forces for research in this field.Hysteresis limits the effective lifetime of a sensing device;because of repetitive cycling, the sensor’s response becomesless reproducible. Poshossian et al. (13) report a penicillinbiosensor based on a pH-sensitive gel that has a hystere-sis of less than 4 mV (less than 0.4% of the signal) anda usable lifetime of at least one year; perhaps more im-portantly, they demonstrated that by using an absorptivetechnique to immobilize penicillinase, the sensor could beregenerated by desorption and resorption of fresh enzyme.To achieve faster responses in immobilized enzyme-basedsystems, macroporous gels have been employed to reduceany potential hindrances due to diffusion (14). The limits ofsensitivity are also important in creating sensing devices.The minimum detection level has dropped as low as thenanomolar level (15), but the range of analyte concentra-tion across which the biosensor is useful must also matchthe system being monitored.

Although the functioning of a biosensor must be accu-rate and robust, the largest barrier to successful imple-mentation of a biomedical sensing device is ensuring thatit is readily usable and simple for patient compliance. Thedevelopment of assays that extract metabolites across theskin (16–18) or those that sample biological fluids that aremore readily collected, such as urine, sweat, or saliva (19),are examples.

Compared to all sensor markets, the medical and bio-logical fields have become leading drivers for new re-search in recent years and have great potential for improv-ing pharmaceutical processing, medical diagnostics, andpatient treatment (12). The driving forces for future de-velopment of biomedical sensing devices include improvingand diversifying recognition mechanisms, developing newmaterials for immobilization that meet the stringent re-quirements of biocompatibility, developing materials thatdo not use enzymes or biological components (using tech-niques such as enzyme mimics and molecular imprinting),improving the flexibility of design (especially through drychemistry and removing the requirement for electrolyticfluids in the sensor), discovery and development of newsensor molecules that are highly specific to diseased states,and improving signal processing and reproducibility (12).Many biosensors have a linear response to concentrationsacross only a narrow window, so one continuing focuswill be to develop sensors that are more robust and haveproportional responses across a wider range of analyteconcentrations.

A variety of biological components have been used insensing mechanisms for biosensors; the majority is basedon enzymes because enzymatic reactions are highly spe-cific, occur at low analyte concentrations, and can differ-entiate between enantiomers and compounds of similarstructures. Particular enzymes can also be selected to cat-alyze any of a range of medically significant biochemicalreactions. Because obtaining highly purified enzymes or

proteins is often expensive, McCormack et al. (9) suggestusing whole cells in the substrate recognition step. Cell-based sensors would be more adaptable and resilient com-pared to proteins or enzymes and may lead to biosensorproducts that have longer lifetimes; cells can carry outmore complex reactions by using multiple enzymes andmetabolic pathways to produce a product that signals a re-sponse from the biosensor. On the negative side, cell-basedbiosensors are much more complex, and the direct cause–effect (reactant–product) relationship of enzymatic reac-tions becomes more difficult to define. One example wherea cell-based sensor would be preferred is in monitoring theproducts of cell metabolism to determine the availability ofnutrient supply. If carbon or nitrogen sources are in shortsupply, secondary metabolites may be formed, which couldbe monitored; alternatively, if the oxygen supply is short,partial metabolites, such as lactates, may build up in thetissue near the biosensor. This would be potentially use-ful in monitoring cells used for tissue engineering or im-planted organs to verify that the region is becoming vas-cularized and not rejected by the host. It is also possibleto use multiple cells or even plant or mammalian tissuein combination with sensors to monitor the production ofhighly specific metabolites.


Biosensors have made it possible to reduce human healthcare costs by using available at-home test kits so that pa-tients can monitor their own glucose levels, pregnancy hor-mones, and cholesterol (20). Most of these kits can moni-tor easily collected biological specimens, such as saliva orurine, or require training the patient to collect blood sam-ples (for glucose monitoring). Several ex vivo diagnostictests, including glucose and cholesterol screenings, havebeen made possible through biosensors that incorporateenzyme assays into dry chemistry electrodes (21). In manyof these tests, polymers are included with the biologicalsensing component along with a simple readout, such asan indicating dye. Biosensors are used in many biologicalsystems, including control of reactions in biological reac-tors for producing pharmaceutical agents (22), measuringanalytes in biological samples, such as blood or urine (23),and monitoring health information in vivo (16).

As an example of biosensors used with smart mate-rials, Mizutani et al. (24) developed enzyme electrodesbased on oxidoreductase enzymes for monitoring lactatesand ethanol. Their device consisted of a stimuli-responsive“smart” polymer system of poly(L-lysine)/poly(4-styrene-sulfonate) to which enzymes are bound by ionic interac-tions with the polymers. The ionic polymer is involved inboth enzyme immobilization and in screening solutes suchas L-ascorbic acid and uric acid, which interfere with sig-nal transduction if they are near the electrode. Lactatelevels in sour milk and human serum were tested usingthe biosensor and were compared to conventional test kitmethods (Table 3). Results must compare favorably in ac-curacy and reproducibility to consider biosensor devicesfeasible.


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Table 3. Comparison of Results Obtained for L-LacticAcid in Human Sera and Sour Milk by Different Methodsa

L-Lactate Concentration (mM)Sample Proposed Method F-kit method

Serum 1 2.03 2.02Serum 2 1.44 1.36Serum 3 2.80 2.86Serum 4 1.75 1.67Sour milk 1 63.8 61.4Sour milk 2 74.6 73.0Sour milk 3 53.3 53.6Sour milk 4 87.7 86.1Sour milk 5 72.4 74.4

aReprinted with permission from. Copyright 1996 American ChemicalSociety.

Medical applications of biosensors cover a wide rangeof analytes (Table 4) and medical conditions (Table 5).Diabetes monitoring and treatment is the primary thrustof research and product development in current medicalsensing technology, but as the understanding of molecularbiochemistry advances, there are possibilities of develop-ing economically feasible sensors based any of these condi-tions and more.

Some of the enzymes of potential use in biomedicalsensors are listed in Table 6. Much of biosensor develop-ment has focused on oxidoreductases because changes inoxidized states of chemicals cause electron flow that can bedetected by using electrodes.

Biomaterials that respond to environmental changesand fractures to self-repair are considered smart materialsthat sense biological events and give feedback by releasinghealing chemicals. In these systems, the “sensing” is notas sophisticated as in traditional biosensors, but the useof self-repairing structures in biomaterials makes themable to sense stresses and cracks and respond in vivo with-out surgical procedures to replace or reset the implant.Dry (30) described techniques to improve biomaterial per-formance by using smart materials that self-heal uponmechanical erosion. This is particularly important in de-veloping load-bearing biomechanical materials for replac-ing bones and joints. Hastings (33) also cites the use ofsmart materials that self-repair upon shear and fracture orrelease drugs or hormones in conjunction with biomaterialimplants to reduce inflammatory response. These devicestypically use encapsulation to hold the active ingredient,and shear or pressure are used to break the capsule walland trigger release.

Another area where biosensing is done nontraditionallyis targeted drug delivery. Some of the same interactions, es-pecially using chemoreceptors, can be used to design drug

Table 4. Examples of Chemical Analytes Subjectto Biosensing

Lactate Pyruvate GlucoseFructose Galactose CO2O2 Ascorbic acid CholesterolUrea/uric acid

Table 5. Examples of Biomedical Applications ofSensing Materials

Diabetes monitoring and treatment (25)Detection of viruses/toxins (26, 27)Monitoring metabolic substrate use (biological oxygen

demand) (9)Monitoring metabolic products (such as lactates or partial

oxidation metabolites) (28)Determining the efficiency of dialysis and filtering (in organs

or ex vivo) (19)Biopharmaceutical production and testing (e.g., monitoring cell

activity in fermenters) (22, 29)Repair of fractured tissue or bone (30)Targeted drug delivery (such as cardiovascular or

gastrointestinal) (31, 32)

carrier surfaces so that a drug is delivered to a specific area.Yang and Robinson (34) used glycoproteins to bind drugdelivery vehicles to a selected site. These surface deriva-tives may be used to anchor controlled release devices orbiosensors to a particular type of cell in the body. Smartpolymers used in biosensors for drug delivery are detailedlater in this article.

Monitoring lactate and pyruvate levels by using abiosensor can indicate when secondary and partial oxi-dation products are formed in vivo and indicate whenthe supply of nutrients or oxygen to tissue is insuffi-cient (35). These enzymatic electrochemical sensors areused in extracorporeal evaluation of blood in patients whohave an artificial pancreases; and the lifetime of the sen-sor is 30 days/300 assays. The results from the biosensorcorrelated well with spectrophotometric analysis of bloodserum.

Many biomedical sensing devices have been proposedand constructed for monitoring blood glucose levels, andsome of these approaches are detailed later in this article.The reader is referred to Campanella and Tomassetti (36)for a review of biosensors for clinical and pharmaceuticalanalysis.


To date, most research on biosensors has focused on de-vices that consist of a metal layer to conduct electrons asthe signal, an enzyme or antibody to sense the presenceof a particular analyte, and a membrane to immobilizethe enzyme and also possibly aid in transducing the sig-nal to the electrode. A common approach used to designglucose sensors, as demonstrated by Johnson et al. (6), isbased on glucose oxidase, which is immobilized betweenan outer membrane permeable to glucose and oxygen anda platinum electrode to reduce the formed hydrogen per-oxide and transmit electronic signals (Fig. 4). The designof the membrane is crucial to operation because the poresize must allow rapid diffusion of glucose and oxygen andyet retain the enzyme.

Polymer gel coatings on electrodes serve multiple pur-poses. Polymer gels form semipermeable membranes to


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Table 6. Enzymes Used in Biosensors

Enzyme Medical Use

Lactate dehydrogenase Test for metabolic acidosisAlcohol dehydrogenase, alcohol oxidase Test for blood alcohol contentMonoamine oxidase Drug testing—amphetamines or cocaineGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Test for diabetesGlucose oxidase Test for high/low glucose concentration in bloodIsocitrate dehydrogenase Test for normal metabolism (citric acid cycle)Lactate oxidase, pyruvate oxidase Detect partial oxidation metabolism—sports medicineCatalase Used in conjunction with glucose oxidase to drive reaction toward

gluconic acid product by consuming hydrogen peroxideAscorbate oxidase Monitoring of vitamin levelsUrease Detoxification of bloodCholesterol oxidase Detect cholesterol levels

control substrate diffusion and immobilize an enzymenear an electrode. Because hydrophilic polymers, suchas poly(vinyl alcohol), poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid),and poly(ethylene glycol) have densities and compositionssimilar to those of natural tissue and interact minimallywith the immune system, they are used to make biosen-sor surfaces more biocompatible. The definition of biocom-patibility has been redefined in recent years from totallyinert when exposed to living tissue to actively integrat-ing with the biological components (37). Some of the im-portant characteristics of biocompatible materials includethromboresistance, infection resistance, and minimal ef-fects on blood flow and nutrient supply (38), but the physi-cal aspects of biocompatibility may change for the intendedapplication, so as to obtain the desired host–material in-teraction (39). The surface characteristics of implanted bio-materials are often modified to create interfaces that havelow platelet adhesion by derivatizing polymers with hep-arin or poly(ethylene glycol) (40,41). Interfacial propertiesare important for biocompatibility, but the polymer matrixcan also act as a signal mediator to transmit electrons fromthe reaction site to the electrode, especially if the polymeris doped with conducting materials (42,43). Electron trans-fer in many polymer systems is hindered by the insulatingnature of polymers, so several materials have been used todope or modify the electrical properties of polymers used inimmobilization. The use of naturally occurring redox chem-icals, such as FAD/FADH2 and NAD/NADH, has improvedsignal transduction and response time for some biosensors

Outer membrane

Glucose oxidase

Pt black electrode


Membrane ≈ 1000 × morepermeable to O2 thanglucose

Glucose + O2 H2O2 + G.A.


H2O2O2 + 2H+ + 2e−+0.6 V


Figure 4. Block schematic of a hydrogen peroxide-based elec-troenzymatic glucose sensor that has a differentially permeableouter membrane layer [reprinted with permission from (6); copy-right 1994 American Chemical Society].

(5). Good mediators should have reversible kinetics so thatthey are ready to transmit multiple signals; they should beindependent of environmental factors such as temperatureor pH, be stable, and be retained easily near the surfaceof the electrode. Some small molecules, such as quinone,methylene blue, thionine, and ferrocene, have been usedbecause they diffuse easily through porous polymers (5).These mediators have been successfully applied to suchcommercial products as home glucose meters. Usmani (44)and Chen et al. (45) used osmium-containing poly(4-vinylpyridine), ferrocene-modified polysiloxanes, quinones,and other organic salts to aid in signaling and chargetransport.

Polymers selected for use in biosensors must meet manyrequirements: they must not interfere with the chemistryof the reaction in the sensor and must also be neutral andstabilizing for biological components used in the sensor,such as enzymes (21). Many smart polymers are ionic toaccommodate pH-sensitive transitions, but ionic interac-tions between the polymer and biological substances maycause interference with or fouling of the sensor device(46,47). The method used for synthesis may also leaveresidual monomer, cross-linking agent, or solvent trappedwithin the polymer gel, which can be detrimental in sensi-tive measurements. So care must be taken to purify poly-mers used in biosensors or to select techniques that donot use any potentially harmful or interfering chemicals.Particle size and porosity must also be considered becausethe diffusion path and surface area exposed to a solutionbeing monitored may greatly affect the amplitude of theresponse.


Enzymes are often used in biomedical sensing devices tocatalyze reactions that are specific for certain substrates.The products formed by enzymes embedded in smart poly-mer networks in turn ellicit a response, such as swellingto release drugs for treatment, markers for detection, orphase separation to change the hydrophilic/hydrophobicbalance of the local environment. Oxidation–reductionenzymes lend themselves well to combination with pH-sensitive polymers because hydrogen ions can be used


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+ +


Synthesis of hydrogelswith or without

immobilized biomolecules










Figure 5. Synthesis of hydrogels with or without immobilizedbiomolecules [reprinted from (48); copyright 1987 with permissionfrom Elsevier Science].

or released as a result of enzymatic reactions. Hoffman (48)presents three possible methods of immobilizing an enzymein a hydrogel: equilibrium partitioning, cross-linking inthe presence of active agent, or derivatizing the enzymewith a reactive double bond to form covalent linkages thepolymer gels (Fig. 5).

Enzymes are typically large protein molecules that havemolecular weights in the tens to hundreds of thousandsand can be combined with polymer gels and networks bya number of methods. The methods described before byHoffman (48) can be used, as can other methods devel-oped recently (49–52). Plate, Valuev, and co-workers useda macromonomer reaction for incorporating enzymes intopolymer networks. These systems are formed by first form-ing a reactive derivative of the target enzyme by attachinga polymerizable double bond, such as an acrylate, to theenzyme by reacting it with acryloyl chloride (Fig. 6).



Enzyme active site

HCl +

Reactive for polymerization

H2C = CH − C = O

H2C = CH − C = O



Acryloyl chloride Hydrochloric acid ′′Enzyme macromonomer ′′

NH3 +

Lysine amino acid

Peptidebond Figure 6. Macromonomer procedure

for preparing derivatized enzymesthat have an active double bond forpolymerization.

Table 7. Physical and ChemicalMethods of Immobilization

Entrapment within a polymeric gelMicroencapsulation in a semiporous capsuleCross-linking the enzymeCovalent linkagesChemisorptionPhysical adsorption to polymer surfacesChemical binding using macromonomeric

techniques or pendent chain chemistry

Acryloyl chloride is particularly reactive to basic groups,such as amino organic groups found commonly in enzymeson the side groups of amino acids, such as lysine, histidine,and arginine. The reaction forms an acrylate linkagethrough one of these enzyme subgroups, which is reactiveto free radical polymerizations to form cross-linked gels.As long as the solutions used to form the macromonomersand polymer gels do not destroy the folded structure of theenzyme and the double bond reaction does not take place inthe enzyme active site, the result is a polymer that has anactive enzyme covalently attached and immobilized. Theactivity of the enzyme is typically reduced somewhat dur-ing the derivatization procedure, depending on the envi-ronmental pH and temperature, as well as the effect ofthe polymerization chemicals on the protein configuration.Because the active site of an enzyme is only a small por-tion of the protein’s molecular structure, attachment ofthe acrylate double bond within the active site occurs inonly a small fraction of enzyme molecules, although inhi-bition of enzyme kinetics may occur due to linkages any-where on the enzyme. The resulting systems synthesizedby the macromonomer technique include a biological chem-ical, such as an enzyme or protein, dispersed throughouta polymer network but chemically immobilized within themembrane.

In addition to the methods mentioned before, enzymesand antibodies (8) can be entrapped by physical or chemi-cal methods (Table 7). Immobilization normally uses poly-mers to restrict diffusion or to serve as matrices for ad-sorbing or binding enzymes. A variety of polymers, bothsynthetic and naturally occurring, have been used forchemical linkages to enzymes or in gelled forms to con-trol diffusion (Table 8). Some standard microencapsula-tion techniques that can be used for immobilization in-clude spray drying, rotary atomization, coextrusion, fluidbed coating, solvent evaporation, and emulsion and sus-pension polymerization (53).


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Table 8. Materials Used in ImmobilizingEnzymes and Biological Components a

Synthetic Polymers Natural Materials

Polyacrylamides AgarosePoly(maleic anhydrides) DextransPoly(meth)acrylic acids CelluloseAcrylates GlassPoly(vinyl alcohol) CollagenDacronTM AluminaNylon PolysaccharidesPolystyrenes Polypeptides

aCompiled from 23,54,55.

Immobilization provides several advantages to biosen-sors. Immobilization can improve enzyme stability and pre-serve its biological providing activity by a nondenaturingenvironment (55) and preventing the loss of enzyme to thesurrounding fluid; this allows using the device to multi-ple times. The polymer matrices used can be designed tocontrol the diffusion of the substrate to the enzyme, andconducting polymers can transduce redox charges from en-zyme active sites to electrode surfaces (19). Immobilizationis also used to protect enzymes from denaturing proteinsand helps avoid extreme pH and chemical microenviron-ments for the biomolecule (56). Enzyme stability is crucialfor commercial viability because destabilization can resultin false biosensor readings.

The sterility of medical devices is also of utmost impor-tance in developing biosensors. This issue can lead to se-lecting particular methods of immobilization even thoughthe activity of the enzyme and the structure of the mem-brane may not be ideal. Some alternatives to chemicalcross-linking of polymers include radiative cross-linking(57), thermal gelation, or the use of ionic polymers, suchas alginates, that do not require monomer or organic sol-vents. Preservation of the biological activity is paramountin ensuring the robustness of the biosensing device; or-ganic solvents, extreme pH or temperature, and radiationcan affect the structure and thus the activity of proteinsand enzymes.

Pazur et al. (58) and Gibson and Woodward (55) stud-ied the activity of alcohol oxidase stabilized by saccharidesand stored in dry form. The activity was monitored as afunction of time, and certain sugars, especially cellobiose,inositol, and trehalose, maintained the enzyme at high ac-tivity levels, and the resulting mixtures also demonstratedhigher activity in methanol oxidation (Fig. 7). Enzyme ac-tivity can be altered in many ways. The geometric struc-ture of the polypeptides that make up enzymes must bekept intact, so that the active site of the enzyme retains itsconfiguration. Enzymatic structure can be altered by pH,temperature, organic solvents, and shear stresses as wellas the presence of other chemicals in solution. These chem-icals can act as inhibitors or activators to alter the rates ofsubstrate/enzyme reaction. The reaction mechanisms areshown in Scheme 1.

E + S ↔ ES ↔ E + P (1)

E + I ↔ EI (2)

% A


ity r



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Days stored at 37 °C
















Figure 7. Alcohol oxidase stabilization by disaccharides. Sugarswere added to the enzyme at concentrations of 1–10% immedi-ately before drying. The solutions were dried in shallow dishes at30◦C under a vacuum and then harvested, ground to a powder,and stored in vials at 37◦C. Enzymatic activity was assayed withmethanol as a substrate using an oxygen electrode and a colori-metric assay [reprinted with permission from (55); copyright 1992American Chemical Society].

E + A ↔ EA (3)

EA + S ↔ EAS ↔ EA + P (4)

Scheme 1. Enzyme (E) reaction mechanisms for sub-strate (S) conversion involve the formation of an enzyme–substrate complex at the active site, which catalyzes theconversion of substrate(s) to product(s) (P). The presenceof an inhibitor (I) chemical can reduce reaction velocitiesbecause fewer enzymes are available for complexation withthe substrate. Alternatively, enzyme activators (A) help tostabilize the enzyme conformation and may make the ac-tive site more accessible to forming the substrate–enzymecomplex (EAS, when the enzyme is complexed with boththe activator and substrate).

Enzyme activity can also be reduced due to diffu-sional limitations imposed by the polymer network oninteractions between the enzyme and its substrate. TheDamkohler number, Da, as defined following, provides ameasure of the importance of diffusional resistance to nor-mal enzyme kinetic behavior:

Da = vmax(Des




In Eq. (1), vmax is the maximum reaction velocity forthe enzyme–substrate reaction, Des is the effective dif-fusion coefficient for diffusion of the substrate throughthe polymer membrane, taking tortuosity and porosityinto account; δ is the distance required for the solute todiffuse through the membrane; and s0 is the substrateconcentration in the bulk solution (59). For Da valuesgreater than 1, the enzyme–substrate reaction proceedsas usual, but for Da much less than 1, the matrix is a sig-nificant hindrance to substrate diffusion and lowers theobserved reaction rates.


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The recent research in smart polymers has led to in-triguing materials for applications ranging from sepa-rations and surface modifications to drug delivery andself-contained biomedical sensing devices. In addition tothe materials listed in Table 7, many researchers haveused smart polymers to immobilize enzymes. The devicesformed by this combination afford possibilities of protect-ing the enzyme from temperature or pH swings or actingas part of a biosensor response mechanism. Chen et al.(60) immobilized α-amylase by esterifying the side chainsof temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) andpoly(N-acryloxysuccinimide) gels to improve the thermalstability of the enzymes by preventing structural changesand exposure to solvent as the immobilized enzyme is ex-posed to high temperatures. There was no significant lossin enzymatic activity after immobilization when exposedto high temperatures because the temperature-sensitivephase separation of the polymer network shielded theamylase from solutions above the polymer lower criticalsolution temperature (LCST). Above this temperature (inaqueous solutions, at approximately 30◦C for polymersbased on N-isopropylacrylamide), the gel collapses, reduc-ing the amount of water surrounding the enzyme, and thepolymer collapses providing stabilization to the enzymestructure.

In addition to protecting enzymes from thermal de-naturation, thermally reversible gels can also be used tocontrol rates of reaction. For example, the temperature-dependence of α-chymotrypsin activity was affected bythe polymer behavior when immobilized by physical en-trapment in poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) gels (61). Figure 8 shows the effect of tem-perature on free enzymatic activity versus enzyme boundin the temperature-sensitive gel. The maximum reactionrate for the immobilized enzyme was observed below thegel’s LCST, at 30◦C, and decreasing activity observed athigher temperatures was attributed to the polymer which















e ac







10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Temperature (° C)

Free enzymeEG1EG2

Figure 8. The variation of relative activities of the free enzymeand enzyme–gel matrix vs. temperature [from (61); copyright C©1998; reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc].

caused a change in enzyme conformation and diffusion lim-itations on the substrate, which must pass through the col-lapsed porous structure.

Smart polymers have also been used to influence bind-ing and interactions between polymers and solutes, whichcan be controlled thermodynamically using pH, electricalcurrent, temperature, or solution ionic strength as modula-tors for reversible processes in separations (62). These ma-terials can be used to improve or modulate the sensitivityof biosensors by concentrating very low levels of analytesnear the electrode or sensing device to amplify the signal(63). Schild (64) and Ogata (65) used phase-separatingpolymers to collect a particular analyte (Figure 9), suchas immunoglobulin G (IgG). This method can aid in con-centrating the analyte for detection, such as in antigencapture fluorescence immunoassays (48), where IgG con-centrations can be correlated with fluorescent intensity.This method would be ideal for use in combination withoptical detectors. As shown in Fig. 9, antibodies bound orotherwise immobilized to temperature-sensitive polymerscan be designed to select and attract antigens.


In Table 1, biosensors are categorized by recognitionprocesses. They can also be classified by the responsemechanism used. Biosensor responses can be categorizedas chemical such as production of dissolved oxygen orhydrogen ions, electrical, optical (using fluorescent orcolored molecules), or mechanical (7). Colorimetric dyes,pH indicators, and bioluminescent molecules create opticalresponses that can be quantified spectrophotometrically;electrodes are used to deliver electronic signals that canbe interpreted by computerized or simplified controllers;and smart polymers can change shape to give an opticalresponse, swell, or shrink to control diffusion of a drugfor release (Table 9). Bioluminescent molecules, such asluciferin, can be used in sensors, where light is emittedthrough metabolic production of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), so they are often used to detect bacteria in food andpharmaceutical production (20,66). Bioluminescence canalso be used to monitor uptake of ATP due to the pres-ence of glucose in sufficient quantity to begin the glycolyticmetabolic pathway at the first reaction to convert glucoseto glucose-6-phosphate; this results in reduced lumines-cent intensity (20).

Intelligent materials are used in biosensors in threemain areas: signal detection, transmission of signal to ameasuring electrode or the response element, and control-ling the feedback response to the signal. Intelligent mate-rials are those that respond to changes in the neighboringenvironment, and the response can be of different types.Polymer swelling can lead to physical work, such as shut-ting off a valve or making contact between the sensor anda secondary component. Swelling is also used in controlleddrug delivery, whereby diffusion of embedded drugs con-trolled by the porosity of the cross-linked polymer carriercan be triggered by environmental changes that indicatethe need for therapeutic agents. The material may providea pathway for electron transport by using semiconducting


PB091-B-DRV January 12, 2002 1:2


Figure 9. Immounoassay scheme for PNI-PAAm [reprinted from (64); copyright 1992,with permission from Elsevier Science].

4. Centrifuge andremove supernatant

5. Add cold buffer

6. Repeat steps 3,4 and 5 forfurther removal of non-polymer bound species

7. Transfer to cuvette and measure signal

3. Heat T > LCST

2. Incubate

1. Reagent addition

1st Antibody Antigen

PNIPAAM2nd Antibody with label

polymers, such as polypyrrole (67), polyaniline, orpoly(vinyl pyridine) (68). Schuhmann (69) showed waysto improve electron transfer mediation in immobilized en-zyme systems by using polypyrrole or polyazulen to facili-tate electron hopping, similar to semiconductor materials,so that the signal could be transferred from the enzyme tothe electrode (Fig. 10). Many intelligent polymers behaveaccording to two-component thermodynamics and phasesseparate from a homogeneous solution as the polymerturns from a primarily hydrophilic to a hydrophobic entity.

The signal can be transduced by using amperometric orpotentiometric methods, field effect transistors, piezoelec-tricic crystals, thermistors or optoelectronic systems (10),or by using closed-loop systems within the device wherefeedback is sent by using a smart polymer. Amplification

Table 9. Smart Material Responses to Analyte Detection

Releasing drugs or chemicals by diffusion throughenlarging pores or squeezing out of shrinking pores

Acting as a mechanical valve by reversibly swellingReversible adhesionCompleting a circuit by changing electrical properties or shapeVisual response by changing from transparent

to opaque or changing shapeTrapping molecules to separate or concentrate

of the signal is important, especially when the targetmolecule is in very small concentrations. Skaife andAbbott (70) used liquid crystals to measure the bindingof IgG, where the concentration ranged from 1–100 nM.


Much of the recent literature on biomedical sensing hasfocused on methodologies for detecting glucose levels in di-abetic patients to sense the need for insulin release withoutrequiring self-diagnosis through needle sticks. Diabetes isa highly prevalent disease in the United States, and manyresearchers have been searching for methods of mimick-ing a naturally functioning pancreas through tissue en-gineering, encapsulating pancreatic islets of Langerhanscells, creating insulin pumps that use electronic glucosesensors, or developing responsive polymers to detect highglucose levels and deliver insulin. As of 1996, the bloodglucose monitoring market in the United States amountedto approximately $750 million per year and was growingat a rate of 10% per year (21). There is great potentialand motivation to study more convenient, reproducible,and cheaper methods of determining blood glucose, and be-cause of the recent intensity of research in this area, manynovel glucose monitors, such as the Glucoprocesseur(R)


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Redox polymer

Electron hopping

Polymer-bound redox mediator





Figure 10. Electron transfer in a redoxpolymer via electron hopping between adja-cent redox centers [reprinted with permissionfrom (69); copyright 1994 American ChemicalSociety].

marketed by Solea-Tacussel in France as early as 1988(10), Bayer’s Glucometer® DEX® Diabetes Care System,and Roche Diagnostics’ Accu-ChekTM line, have reachedconsumers.

Glucose sensors include a range of devices. Amperomet-ric biosensors use immobilized glucose oxidase, an enzymethat converts glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen per-oxide. Hydrogen peroxide is measured by electrodes andcan be correlated with the glucose levels, even at micromo-lar concentrations (6, 71–73). Subcutaneous insulin pumpsare either user-controlled or contain a glucose-sensing sys-tem that creates a closed-loop feedback insulin deliverysystem to provide a simplified method for monitoring andtreating hyperglycemia (21). Diabetic glucose is typicallymonitored by sampling a small quantity of blood and usinga chemical test kit; biosensors have been developed to ana-lyze samples extracted across the skin by electroporation oriontophoresis (16). Several methods using smart materialsfor insulin delivery incorporate glucose-sensitive enzymesor chemical linkages that are disrupted by glucose (74,75).

Martin et al. (76) studied ultrathin film composite glu-cose sensors based on a glucose-permeable membrane toimmobilize a solution of glucose oxidase, ferrocene as a me-diator, and amperometric electrodes. Transduction of sig-nals from the reaction is rapid because all diffusion is inthe aqueous phase. They found a linear relationship be-tween glucose concentration and current in the range of2–22 mM glucose (Fig. 11).

Schuhmann et al. (69) demonstrated that adding elec-tron transport functional groups to polymers (such asthe material shown in Fig. 10) using conducting polymers(β-amino(polypyrrole), poly(4-aminophenyl)azulen, or poly(N-(4-aminophenyl)-2,2’-dithienyl) pyrrole), the ampero-metric response to glucose could be modified (Fig. 12).The poly (N-(4-aminophenyl)-2,2’-dithienyl) pyrrole con-duction mediator showed the greatest proportional am-perage response to glucose, but the linear relationshipended around 5 mM glucose concentration. The othertwo mediator-conducting polymers provided nearly lin-ear current–concentration curves across the range from1–14 mM glucose. Fortier et al. (77) verified the same












ce c


nt (


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Glucose concentration (mM)

Figure 11. Calibration curve for the prototype ultrathin film com-posite glucose sensor. The regression coefficient for the linear re-gion (up to 22 mM) is 0.995 [reprinted with permission from (76);copyright 1994 American Chemical Society].









00 2 4 6

Glucose concentration (mM)

8 10 12 14

(III) (I)




tial c


nt (


Figure 12. Calibration graphs for glucose obtained from ampero-metric enzyme electrodes where glucose oxidase is covalentlybound to different conducting polymers. I. β-amino(polypyrrole);II. poly-(4-aminophenyl) azulen; III. poly[N-(4-aminophenyl)-2,2’-dithienyl]pyrrole [reprinted with permission from (69); copyright1994 American Chemical Society].


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general behavior of glucose oxidase electrodes, using acatalytic current from 0–200 microamps generated from0–20 mM glucose solutions. Sung et al. (78) also usedpolypyrrole composites with polyanionic–GOx conjugatesto improve electrical conduction within the hydrogel toachieve a correlation between glucose concentration andcurrent. These results may provide a rationale for selectingparticular components based on the glucose concentrationrange of interest.

These devices are designed for subcutaneous implan-tation, but biomedical diagnostic sensors can also be valu-able for use ex vivo or on the surface of the skin tomonitor] glucose levels. A unique use of biosensors in de-tecting glucose is a method developed by Berner et al. (16),where glucose can be monitored without sampling blood.Glucose is iontophoretically extracted across the skin, anoninvasive method that may be much more convenientfor diabetic patients. A smart material is used to senseglucose, using glucose oxidase to create hydrogen perox-ide, which is determined electrochemically by a platinumelectrode. Tierney et al. (15) developed a hydrogel coatingfor an electrode that incorporates glucose oxidase to makeit possible to sense glucose levels electro-osmotically ex-tracted from the skin as a diagnostic indicator for diabeticpatients. Micromolar concentrations of H2O2 can be cor-related with electrical signals of the order of several hun-dred nanoamps. The glucose sensors were also tested forresponse time to a small (2 nM) increase in glucose concen-tration (Fig. 13). The biosensor’s response was an increasein current of 1.5 µA in about 30 seconds. Tamada et al. (79)also used the transdermal extraction technique to monitorglucose concentrations in blood.

Intelligent polymers have been used in a number of in-sulin delivery systems. Podual et al. (75) offer a differentmethod for detecting glucose. Their method is based on glu-cose oxidase, as those mentioned before, to cause the reac-tion to produce gluconic acid, but the response is due to thelocalized increased concentration of acid (decreased pH)within the polymer membrane which causes pH-sensitivepolybasic hydrogels to swell and release embedded in-sulin. Catalase, a second enzyme in the gels developed byPodual et al., was used to help drive the reaction toward








00 200 400

Elapsed time (sec)600





Figure 13. Biosensor response to 2-nmol glucose spike [reprintedwith permission from (15); copyright 1998 The Controlled ReleaseSociety, Inc.].





q (g



n po









00 20 40 60

Time (h)

80 100 120

C=80 mg/dLC=200 mg/dLC=500 mg/dL

Figure 14. Weight swelling ratios of glucose-sensitive P(MAA-g-EG) hydrogels as a function of time in response to swelling inglucose solutions at 37◦C [reprinted with permission from (80);copyright 1997 American Chemical Society].

the formation of more gluconic acid by removing the hy-drogen peroxide produced. Hassan et al. (80) used gelsbased on this technique to demonstrate that pH-sensitivehydrogels that contain glucose oxidase incorporated byValuev’s macromonomer technique are responsive to glu-cose concentrations, swell rapidly as glucose is convertedto gluconic acid, and return to normal swelling states asthe hydrogen ions dissipate from the localized area withinthe gel (Fig. 14).

Another method for glucose-sensitive insulin releasewas proposed by Kim et al. (74) and Okano and Yoshida(81), where glycosylated insulin is attached to concavalinA and encapsulated in a semipermeable membrane that al-lows glucose to diffuse in. Concavalin A prefers to bind toglucose, and insulin is released in proportion to the glucosethat enters the capsule.

Okano (82) also demonstrated a concept using smartpolymers to sense the presence of glucose. Insulin is en-capsulated inside a composite polymer membrane that iscross-linked with boric acid (Fig. 15). Glucose disrupts theborate cross-links and opens small pores in the membrane,which allow the encapsulated insulin to diffuse throughthe network until the glucose level returns to normal. Thismethod may require some improvements to function in vivobecause the pH and the buffering effect of physiological flu-ids may disrupt the release mechanism.

Yuk et al. (83) showed that the pH- and temperature-responsive copolymers P(DMAEMA-co-EAAm) could bepressed into tablets that include glucose oxidase and in-sulin; an observed pulsatile release of insulin occurs, andrelease is turned on at glucose concentrations of 5.0 g/Land off when it dropped to 0.5 g/L (Fig. 16). This methodmakes it possible to combine sterilizable polymers andknown amounts of insulin and glucose oxidase without thecomplications of forming hydrogel systems, which gener-ally require a solvent. This method also may prevent degra-dation or inactivation of biological components, includingboth the enzyme and insulin, during the immobilizationstep.


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Polymer APolymer B

Polymer APolymer B


Figure 15. Concept of glucose-sensitive insulin release systemusing PVA/poly(NVP-co-PBA) complex system [reprinted withpermission from (82) Figure 16; copyright 1993 Springer-VerlagGmbH & Co. KG].

0 10 20

Time (hours)

30 40















se r





n = 3

Figure 16. Insulin release from the insulin-loaded matrix in re-sponse to alternating change of glucose concentration [reprintedwith permission from (83); copyright 1997 American ChemicalSociety].





i pa




9010−3 10−2 10−1

[Urea] /M


Figure 17. Urea-dependent changes in the cathodic peak currentof cyclic voltammograms [reprinted with permission from (88);copyright 1994 American Chemical Society].


There is tremendous potential for biosensors based on an-alytes besides glucose. In addition to the chemicals listedin Table 4, biosensors have been developed that respondto or measure pH, chloride levels, magnesium (18), biliru-bin, blood gases (84), triglycerides (21), creatinine, and var-ious saccharides (23,85). For example, Karube and Sode(85) used microbial detectors to determine fish freshnessby immobilizing CO2-using bacteria to measure metabolicrates in fish. They also developed microbial immobiliza-tion methods for determining creatinine levels in kid-ney dialysis and enzymatic immobilization methods to de-termine hypoxanthine concentrations. Maeda et al. (86)formed block copolymers of poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)with poly(L-glutamate) which respond to Ca2+ and ureaand produce smart materials that give a linear cur-rent response to urea concentration (Fig. 17), because thepoly(L-glutamate) changes conformation in response tohigh urea concentrations.

Sirkar and Pishko (87) showed that hydrogel biosensorscan detect galactose and lactose by incorporating their re-spective oxidases into polymer networks. Galactose sens-ing is useful in monitoring liver response to sepsis (88), andlactose monitoring can be used in sports medicine, myocar-dial infarction, and pulmonary edema to determine lack ofoxygen supply to tissue (89). Sirkar and Pishko’s biosensorsproduce a nanoamp range current proportional to galactoseconcentrations, but also noted that oxygen in the air sur-rounding the device reduces the response, due to enzymeinhibition by O2.


As shown in Fig. 1, the use of smart materials in con-junction with sensing devices makes it possible to havea closed-loop device that responds by pH-stimulated drug


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35 °C40 °C










00 2 4 6 8

Time (hr)

Figure 18. An “on-off” release profile of acetaminophen fromNiPAAm/AAc gel in response to a temperature change between35 and 40◦C [reprinted from (93); copyright 1997, with permis-sion from Elsevier Science].

delivery. Kaetsu et al. (4) immobilized acetylcholine es-terase and glucose oxidase in poly(acrylic acid) to achievea biosensor that has a pH-sensitive drug delivery feed-back mechanism, and they showed that the device candeliver drugs in response to elevated substrate concen-trations.

Ichikawa and Fukumori (90) developed temperature-sensitive networks that have small temperature-responsive beads made of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)dispersed in ethylcellulose that allow the pores to openas temperature increased for drug delivery. Drug deliverybased on pH- and temperature-responsive materials hasbeen extensively researched (64,91–95), and is reviewedelsewhere within this article. Using materials that actsimilarly to amperometric biosensors, Guiseppi-Elie et al.(96) showed that electroconductive gels synthesized frompolyaniline/polypyrrole could respond to an electric chargefor direct delivery of peptides. These drug delivery sys-tems do not respond directly to an increase in a particularmolecular concentration (except for [H+] in pH-responsivesystems), but they do sense changes in biological condi-tions that may occur naturally, such as pH-gradients inthe gastrointestinal tract, pH changes due to the coagu-lation cascade, or temperature changes in tissue which isnecrosed or nutrient-starved. Gutowska et al. (93) showedan on-off acetominophen delivery system as a function of

A Polymerize B CSurface extraction

Figure 20. Method of forming molecularly imprinted surfaces on polymers. (a) Target molecules(such as proteins or antibodies) are placed at the surface of a prepolymer solution. This solution isthen polymerized or cross-linked in the presence of the target molecule at the surface (b), creatinga geometry on the surface of the polymer which is complementary to the target molecule and canfit together like a jigsaw puzzle after surface extraction (c).



Figure 19. (a) A long bi-gel strip that has one PAAM side mod-ulated by NIPA gel. At room temperature, the bi-gel is straight.(b) When the sample temperature is raised to 39◦C, the gel be-comes a spiral [From (Vol); copyright 1997; reprinted by permis-sion of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.].

temperature for a gel made from N-isopropylacrylamideand acrylic acid (Fig. 18).

Targeted drug delivery devices also fit in the category ofmaterials for biomedical sensing because they are designedto detect cellular or other biological surfaces or chemicalsin the body to trigger release. Enteric delivery systems (97)are a well-used version of targeted systems. Other targetedsystems rely on surface modification, so that the carrierrecognizes the target tissue or biomolecules (98).

A unique response for diagnostic tests using biosensorsand smart polymers is the change of device shape observedwhen asymetrical gels are exposed to variations in temper-ature or pH. Zhang et al. (99) and Hu et al. (100) showedthat PNIPAAm asymmetrical gels bend due to differen-tial swelling capacities to change shape as temperaturechanges (Fig. 19). These gels have potential applicationsbased on visual observation of analyte level changes andalso on the possibility of controlling electrical conduction


PB091-B-DRV January 12, 2002 1:2



Binding bymolecular


∆ pH or Tempcauses gel to

release biomolecule


Figure 21. Mechanism of selective interaction between a molecularly imprinted polymer surfaceand biological molecules. The surface is designed to match the three-dimensional geometry ofproteins or other biomolecules and prevent interactions with nontarget molecules. If the imprintedpolymer is an environmentally sensitive material, a change in pH, temperature, or other conditionswill provide a transition mechanism to attract and release the target molecule.

by alternately completing and disconnecting molecularswitches if the asymmetric gels are formed from semicon-ducting polymers.


Molecular imprinting is a relatively new research areathat may have applications in biomedical sensing. Poly-mer templates are formed, as shown in Fig. 20, where animprint of the target molecule is placed on the surfaceof the polymer or gel to enhance interactions and bind-ing between the surfaces and mimick the complementarygeometries of enzymes and substrates. These materialscan easily be mass-produced and would be much cheaperthan their biosensor counterparts, which use enzymes orcells for detection. The combination of smart materials andmolecularly imprinted surfaces may make binding interac-tions reversible because the geometrically complementarysite will match only under specific physiological conditions(Fig. 21).

A recent example of the development of molecularlyimprinted polymers is reported by Sreenivasan (102),who created cholesterol-recognition sites in radiation-polymerized poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) which in-creased the affinity for molecular interactions betweenthe polymer and cholesterol, so that it was easier to de-tect very small quantities of “imprinted” analytes. Arnoldet al. (103) reported the use of molecularly imprintedpolymers in combination with fiber-optic luminescence tocreate highly sensitive chemical sensors. Several otherresearchers have reported methods of synthesizing im-printed devices (104) and advantages of this technique(105). This field shows much promise for making syntheticbiosensors that do not rely on often expensive enzymes ormicrobes for detection.


Based on rapid advances in thin film chemistry, design ofmicrochips, and tissue and cellular engineering, it is quiteforeseeable that biological sensors can be made more repro-ducibly to detect analytes and disease states using complexenzyme or cellular reactions. Intelligent polymers will beused in these devices in the feedback loop—either in con-ducting a signal or in responding to treat the abnormality

directly—through combination with drug reservoirs, forexample. Some of the challenges still lying ahead for thedeveloping materials for biomedical sensing include im-provements in biocompatibility, lifetime of the sensor, mini-mizing signal drift, maximizing sensitivity, developing thecapability to recalibrate sensors in vivo, and using materi-als that are sterile or sterilizable.


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