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Report to: Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee

Date: 21 January 2014

Report of: Executive Head of Commissioning

Ward Location:

Carshalton South and Clockhouse

Author(s) and Contact Phone Number(s):

Mohamad Kabash ext 6458

Area Served:

Carshalton Beeches

Chair of the Committee:

Councillor Hamish Pollock

Report title: Grosvenor Avenue – Proposed Traffic Calming

SummaryThe purpose of this report is to inform the Committee of the results of the formal statutory consultation on proposals to introduce a 20mph zone in Grosvenor Avenue between Park Lane and Glebe Road.


The recommendations for the Committee are to:

a) To Note the results of the formal statutory consultation.

b) To agree the scheme should progress to implementation without modifications, as advertised and as shown on Plan No. T30066 – 20.ZB.

Background Documents and Previous Decisions


Strategic Director

Date: 14 January 2014

1. Background

1.1 Residents have long been concerned with the speed of traffic in Grosvenor


1.2 The Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee on 12 February 2013 agreed in

principle to traffic calming measures in Grosvenor Avenue.

1.3 On 19 November 2013 the Local Committee agreed to formally consult

residents on a 20mph zone together with three speed tables and road markings

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as shown on plan No.T30066 – 20ZB (Appendix 2). The Committee also

agreed that residents be consulted on a ‘Do nothing’ option.

1.4 The Notice of proposals to introduce 20mph zone was published in the Sutton

Guardian and London Gazette on 12 December 2013 and circulated to the

Metropolitan Police Service and 24 other organisations. The closing date for the

return of comments, observations and objections was given as 9th January


1.5 In addition, a letter together with a plan showing details of the proposals and a

prepaid envelope inviting comments to the statutory consultation on the

proposals and the ‘Do Nothing’ option was delivered to 140 properties in

Grosvenor Avenue and Park Avenue as shown on the Appendix 1.

2. Results of the formal statutory consultation for a 20mph zone with three

speed tables

2.1 17 households have written in support of the scheme.

2.2 4 formal objections have been received to the proposals.

2.3 Objection 1 is an objection on the grounds the scheme misses the real and

present danger to pedestrians from road accidents caused by speeding traffic

at the junction of Glebe Road and Grosvenor Avenue. The resident is urging

the Council not to miss the opportunity to introduce measures at the junction to

assist pedestrians to cross, particularly school children and vulnerable road

users. Officers agree that pedestrians may find it difficult to cross the road at

the junction as it a wide junction. However, the scheme will more than likely

discourage motorists using Grosvenor Avenue as a cut through and therefore a

longer gap in the flow of traffic will be created for pedestrians to cross. In

addition the speed of traffic in the road will be reduced. This junction can be

investigated in the future.

2.4 Objection 2 is an objection on the grounds that the measures are costly and

would have a detrimental effect on the road that outweighs any benefits.

Officers believe the scheme is relatively inexpensive and it is fully paid by

Transport for London with benefits of reducing the speed and noise of speeding

traffic as well as minimising crashes and severity of accident injuries.

2.5 Objection 3 is an objection to the proposed calming measures on the grounds

that the measures will increase pollution in the road and increase the noise

levels but they support a 20mph speed limit without calming measures. The

tables will be constructed with a height of 75mm and a ramp of 1:20 to reduce

the risk of noise. The risk of pollution under the scheme will be less than the

current pollution generated by speeding traffic. The 20mph zone will not be

observed without some form of physical measures and this kind of ramp will

ensure partial speed reduction, which will significantly increasing the chances

of survival in an injury accident.

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2.6 Objection 4 is an objection on the grounds that wide drainage gullies will have

to be constructed to drain rain water. They also believe the proposed humps

will cause drivers to lose control if they break suddenly in adverse weather

conditions. Officers do not agree with the resident’s assessment as there are

many speed tables constructed on slopes in many roads in the borough without

having the problem described by the resident.

2.7 Officers regard these objections as non substantial objections and do not

present a reason not to recommend to the Committee to proceed with the

implementation of the proposed measures.

3. Do nothing option

3.1 The Committee also agreed to consult residents separately on a ‘Do nothing’

option. 39 households responded in favour of the ‘Do nothing’ option,

representing less than 30% of the 140 households who were consulted. The

Committee did not invite us to ask about how many residents supported the


3.2 Whilst not necessarily showing favour for the scheme this result serves to

indicate the majority of residents have no objection to the proposed 20mph

zone and the associated traffic calming. This was confirmed in the public

meeting with about 30 residents, where a third of them were not in favour of

measures in the road while two thirds were concerned about traffic speeding in

the road and wanting something to be done about it.

3.3 The Committee should note that the scheme is funded through the Transport

for London Local Implementation Plan programme. If the scheme is not

implemented by the end of March 2014, the allocated TfL budget will have to be

either returned to Transport for London or re-allocated to another scheme. At

this stage it would be difficult to pull other programmes forward.

4. Recommendations

The recommendations for the Committee are to:

a) To Note the results of the formal statutory consultation.

b) To agree the scheme should progress to implementation without modifications,

as advertised and as shown on Plan No. T30066 – 20.ZB.

5. Impacts and Implications:

5.1 Finance: The estimated cost of the scheme is £40,000. The funding was

agreed at the meeting on 19 November 2013 (Minute No. 1087/13).

5.2 Community: 20mph schemes have a variety of important benefits, which

include reducing road accidents, improving the quality of life within the

community and encouraging healthier and more sustainable transport modes

such as walking and cycling.

5.3 One Planet Living: 20mph speed limits encourage the use of sustainable

modes of transport such as walking and cycling and can make a very positive

contribution to improving health and tackling obesity. 20mph speed limits can

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result in a uniform steady speed, which can improve fuel consumption and

reduce noise and pollution.

5.4 Legal: There are no legal issues to be considered.

5.5 Equality Impact Assessment: The use of 20mph speed limits has a positive

impact on vulnerable people such as the elderly, as it will be easier and safer to

cross the road.

5.6 Consultation: A full consultation with residents has been carried out. .

5.7 Timetable for Implementation: The scheme can be implemented before the end

of March 2014.

6. Appendices

Appendix 1 - Statutory consultation documents

Appendix 2 - Plan No. T30066 – 20.ZB

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Environment & Neighbourhoods Directorate

Executive Head of Commissioning – Brendon Hills

My Ref: T30066/SL969 Direct Line: 020-8770- 6455

e-mail: Date 12 December 2013

All Residents/Occupiers of:

Grosvenor Avenue

Park Avenue

Dear Resident/Occupier


In response to previous consultations, the Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Area Committee at its meeting on 19 November considered the 3 options below for a 20 mph zone:

1. Do nothing.

2. A proposal to introduce a 20mph zone with 20mph road markings, and entry treatments in Grosvenor Avenue at its junction with Glebe Road and Park Avenue.

3. A proposal to introduce a 20mph zone with three speed tables one located at the junction of Grosvenor Avenue and Park Avenue, one outside Nos. 19 and 21 and one outside Nos. 101 and 103 Grosvenor Avenue.

The Committee agreed to proceed with the formal consultation on option 3 as detailed above and on

the attached plan, and at the same time consult on option 1 – do nothing option.

The Council is seeking your views on the proposed options 1 and 3; your ward councillors are also aware of these proposals.

A copy of the statutory Notice of Proposal in relation to option 3 can be viewed by visiting our web site under Reference No. SL969. Copies will also be displayed in the roads relevant to where the restrictions are being proposed.

If you wish to make any representations on these proposals please complete the attached

questionnaire by Thursday 9 January 2014; Alternatively you can email us at; and quote Reference No. SL969. Please note that you need to give your postal address for your views to be considered. All correspondence we receive will be acknowledged.

After 9 January 2014, any comments received will assessed by your ward Councillors and the Chair of the Local Committee to decide the next course of action.

Yours faithfully,

Caroline McGlynn

Business Support Manager

Highways, Transport and Smarter Travel

London Borough of Sutton

Please reply to:

London Borough

of Sutton Highways. Transport and Smarter Travel24 Denmark Road CARSHALTONSurrey SM5 2JG

Strategic Director Environment & NeighbourhoodsDirectorate –

Mary Morrissey

Chief Executive

Niall Bolger

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(a) Proposed 20mph Zone and Speed Tables Statutory Consultation Reference SL969

Please use the box provided below if you wish to make representation or object to the order (please state your reasons for objection).

(b) Do Nothing Option

If you believe there is no need for measures to calm the speed of traffic in Grosvenor

Avenue, please put a tick ( ) in the box provided below.

I Support the ‘Do nothing option’

Note: When completed, please fold this questionnaire as per the instructions on the back page and return to the Council by 9th January 2014 (no stamp required). Please note that you need to give your postal address for your views to be considered.




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