page layout & design: task 5

Post on 20-Jan-2017



Art & Photos



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Task 5: Image Capture & Processing

Hannah Woollaston

Images sourced from books:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: An advantage of sourcing images in this way is that they are normally of high quality because they have to aesthetically pleasing- whatever the subject as they are being published in a book. This makes the images available of a high quality. Also before the internet, getting images from books was one of the only ways people could access images to use.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: A disadvantage of sourcing images from books is that if you need to use them on a computer it can be quite difficult to access them as you have to take the time to scan them in, this makes using things like Google or a stock image easier which is why most people tend to source images in that way.

Images sourced from google images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: The benefit of sourcing images from Google images is that you have access to a lot of images, quickly and easily and you have a very high chance you will find what images you need because Google provides a lot of results for searches.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: Even though, Google provides a lot of results to searches and that is benefit to some extent, it means that it can be quite difficult to find an image that meets your requirements. Another disadvantage is there may be a risk of copyright which you may not realise at the time.

Images sourced from stock image library:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: The images are usually of a high quality and standard because their clients have to pay for the images which means they have to be good so people will continue to buy images from the site.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: A disadvantage of sourcing images in this way is that you have to pay for the rights to access and then use the image which can be costly depending on the subject. Another disadvantage is that stock images are often taken in studios with stark-white background, and although this looks professional it is not always the style of photography required for certain project.

Images sourced from copyright free site:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: an advantage of using a copyright free images is that, obviously, they are free and another advantage is that there are no restrictions on how and where the image can be used for example you can use the image as many times as needed and there is no fee to pay whereas on stock images, like I mentioned, you have to pay a fee according to how many times you plan on using the image and where you want to use it.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: a disadvantage of sourcing images from copyright free sights is that it can be quite difficult to find an image that fits the requirements you need, also as they are copyright free they may not be as high quality as you need because they are free anyway. Also, on some copyright free sights it can sometimes be hard to tell exactly what the rights are as sometimes they are free- but only for personal use which you might not notice unless you make a point of checking every image.

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: An advantage of sourcing images from your own collection is that you can create an image to meet the precise requirements of your project. Another advantage is that because they are your own images they are obviously free to you and you are free of any copyright charges for that reason too.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: a disadvantage of sourcing images in this way is that you may not be the best at photography or specifically the type of photography you need to create, this could make your images low quality. Another disadvantage would be that you may not have the correct kit needed, which could also lower the quality of the images you create or you may need to buy the kit you need which makes it expensive.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions: The advantage of being able to change the resolution is that you can change it to suit what the image will be used for. e.g. if the image is going to be used in print publications 300dpi would be more appropriate so the image looks good, whereas if the image is going to be used online 72dpi would be more suitable- using a lower resolution also means that it doesn’t make the website really slow but using 72dpi still ensures it looks good.

Disadvantages of different resolutions: A disadvantage of different resolutions would be that if a very high resolution is used it may slow down the website it is used on or it may be difficult to attach to an email because it takes up too much room etc. and it can become quite difficult to do anything with.

Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:

I decided to just make some simple and basic changes to my image, I cropped the image to get rid of some of the bottom half of it as I thought it was distracting and quite boring. I also altered the brightness/contrast of the image to make the colours more vibrant, so the image looks better. I also made some some small changes to the exposure of the image because I felt like part of the sky in the image was slightly overexposed so I I lowered it.

For the caption of the image I thought I would do something related to walking as this image was taken on a popular walking route and I think it fits the subject well, I made this by just using a plain back rectangle shape, turned the opacity down and then added some text on the top of this image.

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