panels gone wild! the dos and donts of optimizing panel sessions randi mayes joy heath rush donna...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Panels Gone Wild! The DOs and DON’Ts of Optimizing Panel Sessions

Randi MayesJoy Heath RushDonna PayneMaureen BabcockKathrine Cain


• Panels Gone Wild! A Play in Two Acts

• Optimizing Panel Sessions: DOs and DON’Ts

• Session Planning

• Content Development

• Event Logistics

• Session Delivery

• Additional Resources

Panels Gone Wild!

Cast of Characters:

• Gay Goodnight, PGVP and Track Coordinator

• Mimi Mee, Panel Moderator

• Dr. Holly Decker, Member Panelist

• Serena Scape, Member Panelist

• Lucy Rhemes, Vendor Panelist

Panels Gone Wild!

Act I: The Free Ride

• When: June 15th (69 days before conference)

• Scene: Conference call between the PGVP and panelists

Panels Gone Wild! Act I

Panels Gone Wild!

Act II: The Wild Ride

• When: Conference 2009– Dreams Come True Track Day

• Scene: Session room with panel seated on stage in front of a packed audience

Panels Gone Wild! Act II

Dreams Come True Peer Group Presents:

Lucid Dreams: Build or Buy?

Panelists:• Mimi Mee, Moderator• Dr. Holly Decker• Serena Scape• Lucy Rhemes

Panels Gone Wild! Act II

Lucid Dreams: Build or Buy?

Panels Gone Wild! Act II

Lucid Dreams: Build or Buy?Plautus wrote his plays primarily for audiences who expected to be entertained (Slater 6), rather than for literary theorists and critics—so why consider his work through the lens of literary theory? More specifically, what is the relevance of literary theory to Plautus’ comedies The Brothers Menaechmus and The Haunted House? In this essay, I will briefly consider how two literary theorists, Northrop Frye and Mikhail Bakhtin, think about comedy; how applying their views to Plautus yields a doubling that recalls the comedic complications of Plautus’ same-named twins in The Brothers Menaechmus; and what this might tell us about the role of literary theory in relation to comedy.

Panels Gone Wild! Act II

Panels Gone Wild! Act II


• Panels Gone Wild! A Play in Two Acts

• Optimizing Panel Sessions: DOs and DON’Ts

• Session Planning

• Content Development

• Event Logistics

• Session Delivery

• Additional Resources

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Session Planning DON’Ts:

• Assume a “panel” is a free ride!

• Rely on a single call as your only planning effort

• Neglect to clarify roles and expectations

• Forget to follow-up with frequent communications

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Session Planning DOs:

• Commit to a communication plan with deliverables and due dates

• Clearly define the “no sales pitch” rule and consequences

• Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each team member

• Confirm that everyone on the team understands the session topic and learning objectives

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Content Development DON’Ts:

• Expect to “wing it” on session day

• Fail to collaborate as a team on the session content

• Forget to address the specific session topic and learning objectives directly

• Assume someone else will do the work for you

• Kill your audience with PowerPoint slides from

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Content Development DOs:

• Agree to a panel format that leverages the team’s strengths– Presentation Round Table – Moderated Case Study

• Communicate frequently within the team to ensure each contribution will complement the others

• Begin work on content as soon as possible to allow time for review and revisions

• Adhere to the communication plan with deliverables and due dates

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Event Logistics DON’Ts:

• Neglect to test equipment prior to the session including laptops, power supplies and network connections

• Fail to define a contingency plan in case of equipment or network connection failure

• Forget to confirm when and where the team will meet prior to the start of the session

• Assume everyone is comfortable working with microphones

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Event Logistics DOs:

• Meet as a team prior to the session day to tie up any final loose ends

• Attend the Speaker Event on Sunday

• Confirm who is responsible for providing a laptop AND power supply

• Review how to work with microphones to ensure the audience will be able to hear and all comments are captured on the session recording

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Session Delivery DON’Ts:

• High jack the session or monopolize the discussion

• Hide behind one-word responses or techno-jargon

• Shift into sales and marketing mode

• Chit chat with other panelists while ignoring the audience

Optimizing Panel Sessions

Session Delivery DOs:

• Arrive early and well-prepared

• Offer concise, insightful contributions to the discussion

• Engage with the audience by speaking clearly, maintaining eye contact and adjusting to their reactions

• Interact with fellow panelists by acknowledging their comments and adding your perspective

• Be respectful and exude ILTA professionalism


Additional Resources

• Speaker Management Checklist <click here>

– Tips from planning through developing and delivering a great session

• Panel Guidelines <click here>

– Explanation of what’s expected from each member of a great panel

• Panel Type Definition <click here>

– Definition of various types of panel formats

• All Things in Moderation Webinar <click here>

– 2008 Speaker Webinar with more tips and tricks for delivering a great session

• PowerPoint Train Wrecks from <click here>

– Nominees for “The Worst PPT Ever” collected by

Thank you.

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